Friday, March 23, 2012

For the elite of course...Mario Draghi says worst of euro crisis over

Ok everybody, you may go back to work.....Life is good now, right Mario?!!!!
Mr dragon you are the worst piece of crap I ever seen,  LIAR!!!!

Mario Draghi

European Central Bank President Mario Draghi has said the worst of the eurozone crisis is over.

In an interview with Germany's Bild newspaper, he said the situation in Europe was "stabilising".

Mr Draghi also said that some economic data, including inflation and budget deficits, showed that Europe was doing better than the United States.

But the latest surveys of purchasing managers, released on Thursday, suggest European economies could be flagging.

"The worst is over, but there are still risks. The situation is stabilising," the ECB chief said in his interview with Bild.

Mr Draghi is credited with having deflected a much more serious crisis by lending European banks large sums at very low interest rates.

It may be significant that he chose to speak to Bild, Germany's most popular newspaper. Mr Draghi, an Italian, has been portrayed in Germany as too loose with ECB money, in contrast to the more fiscally austere German way”

Over two rounds, one in December and one in February, the Long Term Refinancing Operation injected more than half a trillion euros of new funds into European banks, a measure Mr Draghi described as "powerful medicine".

"Last autumn, the situation was really critical. It could have come to a dangerous credit crunch for the banks.

"As a result, businesses could have gone bankrupt, because they would have been left high and dry. We had to prevent that."

But he cautioned that eurozone leaders still had work to do.

"Investor confidence is returning and the ECB hasn't had to buy government bonds as a support for weeks. The ball is in the governments' court. They must make the euro zone crisis-proof for the long-term."


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