Monday, March 5, 2012

‘Do you belive him? Obama´s record on Israel

Just before the AIPAC conference begins in Washington, a pro-Israel, anti-Obama group called Emergency Committee for Israel is releasing a 30-minute movie called “Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel.”

The group run by executive directors Noah Pollak and Michael Goldfarb has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in their campaign ahead of the AIPAC Conference. There, Obama will have to defend his record in front of a voting bloc that is becoming less uniformly democrat, as The Hill writes:

“Republicans note that Obama has not yet traveled to Israel as a president, though he made a high-profile speech in Cairo in which he sought to reset relations with the Arab world following the Iraq war.

The uneasy personal relationship between Obama and Netanyahu is also a sore spot. The last time the two met, Obama clashed with Netanyahu on settlement building and was lectured by the Israeli prime minister in the Oval Office for suggesting the 1967 borders be the starting point for the Israeli-Palestinian negotiation.”

In one of ECI’s more notable posters, Obama is pictured next to the words, “He says a nuclear Iran is unacceptable. Do you believe him?” Below, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Ayatollah Khameni are shown performing the Nazi “heil” next to the words, “Do they?”

New Emergency Committee for Israel Poster Challenging Obama's Stance on Nuclear Iran (Photo: Foreign Policy)

ECI also intends to refute Obama’s claim that he has “[supported] Israel on every single problem they’ve had over the last few years” in the upcoming film. In the words of the organization’s executive director Noah Pollak, “Obama said today he doesn’t understand why there are questions about his record of support for Israel…We think this movie will set the record straight, and remind pro-Israel Americans of the facts of this administration’s failure to stand with Israel at some critical moments.”

Trailer for “Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel:”

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