Monday, January 30, 2012

Strong earthquake hits Peru's central coastline

Peru's central coastline has been hit by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake, the US Geological Survey (USGS) says.

The tremor, with its epicentre some 15km (nine miles) south-east of the city of Ica, hit just after midnight (05:00 GMT) at a depth of 39km (24 miles), the USGS said.

The quake was felt in central and southern parts of the country.

The scale of the damage is not yet clear but Peruvian officials said some 60 people had been injured.

"The majority are suffering trauma and cuts," Fernando Leon Castaneda, manager of a local hospital, told Radio Programas del Peru (RPP).

None of the injuries were considered life-threatening, officials said.

Electricity supplies were knocked out in Ica but so far there are no reports of major damage.

The province of Ica was struck by a 7.9-magnitude undersea earthquake in 2007 that left thousands homeless.


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