Monday, January 23, 2012

Strange Sounds Map: World Wide Reports From You Tube

Reports of unidentified events presenting as loud, unusual sounds coming seemingly from the sky, or "everywhere", have been making their way into YouTube since the summer of 2011. This map reports locations of the events, and links to the applicable YouTube report. Location is noted to the best of my ability with the information provided by the original poster of the report. When a specific date of the event is not included in the report, the date of the posting is used. This page is a work in progress and currently has 100 reports noted on the map, from May 22, 2011 to today, January 21, 2012. A more detailed examination of the individual reports will be added to this page as information is catagorized and prepared for publication. This page is a work in progress. Updates will be made in as timely a manner as resources are available.
Here are links to a few examples of this strange occurance.
Strange Sounds Rays Baseball Game evening of Earthquake East Coast U.S. - St. Petersburg, FL - 8/23/2011
Video Strange Sounds In Conklin, Alberta, Canada - Jan 12th 2012
Video Strange sounds 1.15.2012 Manitoba Canada (the pas)
Video Strange sounds in the Ukraine - 8 - 9 , 2011
Video Sons estranhos em Santo AndrĂ©, SP Brasil - 1.18.2012 -
Video Strange noises in Belgium - 19 Jan 2012
Video This page is intended to record dates and locations of these mysterious events. No claims or speculations are being made as to the origin of these sounds.
Your guess is as good as mine.

The Big Wobble

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