Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Guangdong Communist Party Issues New Restrictions Against Broadcasting in Cantonese

The new regulations take effect March 1, 2012, and seem to resume a plan that was issued--then abandoned--slightly more than a year ago. That proposal, focused on prime-time TV programming, sparked mass protests by Cantonese speakers which led to the plan's quiet retraction.

Yet the current regulation will go much farther, requiring specific permits for all media to broadcast in Cantonese. Some local media are expressing doubt that existing programs will be affected, while speculating that Party authorities' real goal is to supply an additional means of keeping track of and potentially shutting down new media organizations.

Some locals are already speaking out, as did one freelance writer in Guangdong who spoke with NTD.

[Tian Li, Freelance Writer]:
"We can speak Mandarin outside, but will certainly speak Cantonese locally.
Their requirements are against people 's will, and simply unpopular. They will collapse faster this way."


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