Thursday, November 17, 2011

YOU OWE 15 Trillion


Have you seen this lately? U.S. National Debt Clock

The U.S. has crossed the 15 Trillion dollar mark of national debt, not including social security, medicare, and prescription drug liabilities.


To bring that debt back to zero, not only would the U.S. have to balance the budget, but every tax paying citizen would have to pay $133,000.00 to the government to pay off the debt.

Yes, that’s right, YOU (and everyone else that pays taxes – EVERYONE) would have to pay $133-Grand to Uncle Sam.

How’s that sound to you?

While the attention is currently focused on Europe and the Eurozone’s financial woe’s, what about those of the United States of America? Oh, don’t you worry… as soon as the European financial troubles implode, the attention will turn quickly to the U.S., since the great debt bubble ‘balloon’ in Europe is actually part of the same balloon in the U.S., and there are many ‘pins’ ready to burst that balloon.

What’s a citizen to do?

Step one is to get angry about the situation.

Step two is to become vocal about the situation.

Step three is to vote all the ‘regulars’ out of office – regardless of the political party.

If that doesn’t work…

…get ready for social and financial chaos

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