Monday, November 7, 2011

Wake up, Silvio! Your country's falling apart... Berlusconi takes a nap as world leaders try to save his economy

Nodding off: Silvio Berlusconi twice had to be woken up by officials during a key summit meeting to try and fix Italy's debt crisis

World leaders looked on in horror as Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi fell asleep while they discussed how to stop Italy becoming the next victim of the eurozone crisis.

During G20 summit talks in France, the 75-year-old twice had to be nudged by officials to wake him up.

Mr Berlusconi dozed off as leaders including Barack Obama, David Cameron, Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy urged the Italian leader to do more to save his country from bankruptcy.

Frustrated by his dithering, they humiliated Mr Berlusconi by effectively forcing him to allow International Monetary Fund inspectors to check Italy’s books to prevent it going the same way as Greece.

A diplomat at the talks said: ‘There is widespread concern that Mr Berlusconi is not in control of events in Italy. He fell asleep twice during the talks. It caused considerable alarm among his officials. They had to wake him up by giving him a nudge. Other leaders sitting around the table couldn’t help but notice.’

Mr Berlusconi later produced an angry outburst against the single currency, saying: ‘Italians have been impoverished since the introduction of the euro.’
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