Monday, August 29, 2011

Who Did The FED Gave Money To ?

This information was revealed through a victorious freedom of information act lawsuit against the Federal Reserve brought on by Bloomberg News, who described the $700 billion TARP as "a rounding error." The numbers are absolutely outrageous. Literally trillions of dollars, approaching GDP, has been "lent" out by a Federal Reserve with the legal duty of printing dollars and lending credit at virtually zero percent interest. I was sick of the FED before I knew what they were doing.Now that we know what they're doing for sure, lets DISBAND THE FED! The Fed isn't even run by the government. It's privately owned.Of the super big banks there is no such thing as a domestic bank or a foreign bank. Goldman Sachs is not an American bank, RBS is not a British bank and Credit Suisse is not a Swiss bank. These banks are CONTROLLED by a group that has no national obligations. The goal of the Federal Reserve, Congress and the President is to transfer money from the middle class to the top 1%. And the American people do nothing. They're going to wake up when bread is $20.00

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