Thursday, August 4, 2011

American lake turns blood-red, sparking end-times wonder

The severe drought throughout most of Texas is taking a toll on ranchers, travelers, athletes, businesses and natural resources, including the OC Fisher Reservoir, which has dead fish floating on its little remaining water.

But what has caught the attention of many is the fact that the water has turned blood-red.

The development, coming amid the various turmoil around the globe and justas a comet has been reported to be racing toward Earth at the peak of God's holy days,has sparked talk of biblical prophecy even from distributors of scientific information such as Live Science.

There, a headline questioned, "End Times? Texas Lake Turns Blood-Red."

Pastor Paul Begley of the Community Gospel Baptist Church in Knox, Ind., said people should be taking note.

Read more:American lake turns blood-red, sparking end-times wonder

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