Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sinister Site... Astana

Ezekiel 38:2 
Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, (5) Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: (6) Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.


Two key players in the Ezekiel war Russia and Persia. Today Persia is called Iran. Now there is a very close relationship between Russia and Iran as Russia has built the Iranian nuclear reactor and provides its military hardware. I believe this friendship will form the foundation for the coming Ezekiel war.

Right now Iran is preparing for war with Israel. It appears in the coming Obadiah war that Iran is going to suffer a military defeat but not total destruction as are other Islamic nations. Iran's long range ability to attack Israel is destroyed but its field army remain. This field army joins with Russia in the later massive attack against Israel.

Last week Russia and Iran met in Kazakhstan to form a security alliance against the West. Once again, this shows the closeness of these countries. What is very interesting is they met in the city of Astana which is the capital of Kazakhstan. This country was part of the former Soviet Union. It might be part of the attack on Israel!
I had no knowledge of Astana, but a viewer of the blog sent me information which was mind boggling! This is a brand new city built with oil money. It was built with an occult background! It is a New Age city in its design! The president of this country built this city to help all the religions of the world come together. It is right out of Revelation 17 where the world-wide religious whore of Babylon is found. This is where Russia, Iran and other countries just met!

I believe that during the coming Obadiah war that God is going to destroy Islam. There will be a revival for the LORD and also to the New Age. The New Age paganism will be the religion of the last days. It appears that Astana could play a major part in this paganism. Paganism might be the force behind Russia and Iran when they attack Israel and are subsequently destroyed in Ezekiel 38,39

Iran's president calls for post-Soviet security alliance to unite in alliance against West 06/15/11 "ASTANA, Kazakhstan - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Wednesday for a security alliance of several former Soviet nations and China to form a united front against the West. Ahmadinejad's address to fellow heads of state at the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Kazakhstan will likely deepen suspicions that the bloc is intended as a counterweight to the United States across the region."
The Pyramid Where World Religions Meet
Sinister Sites – Astana, Khazakh "Astana is the first capital being built in the 21st century and it perfectly represents  where the world is headed. It is truly one man’s vision: Nursultan Nazarbayev, the president of Kazakhstan. Backed by billions of petrodollars, the city is being built from scratch in a remote and deserted area of  the Asian steppes. The result is astonishing: a futuristic occult capital, embracing the New World Order while celebrating the most ancient religion known to man: Sun Worship. The city is still a huge construction site, but the buildings that are already completed already sum up Nazarbayev’s occult vision." 

The New Age Tower


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