Thursday, June 2, 2011

Russia asserts Iran's 'absolute' N-right

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov throws his weight behind Iran's nuclear activities, stressing that Iran has an "inalienable" right to develop its own peaceful nuclear program.

“Iran is a party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and has inalienable rights to develop nuclear energy under the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) control,” IRNA quoted Lavrov as saying at a meeting with Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon in the Russian capital, Moscow.

He stressed the importance of holding further negotiations with Tehran “to alleviate concerns about the nature of Iran's nuclear program.”

“This should be done only through negotiations,” Lavrov pointed out.

The top Russian diplomat also expressed Russia's readiness to contribute to this goal.

As permanent members of the UN Security Council, Russia and China have always supported Iran's right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

On Friday, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov played down new sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program, saying they would be inefficient.

"This method completely exhausted itself," he went on to say. "We are not ready to accept the logic."

Iran and the P5+1 -- Russia, China, Britain, France and the US -- plus Germany -- held two rounds of multifaceted talks in Geneva in December 2010 and in the Turkish city of Istanbul last January.

Iran says that as a member of the IAEA and a signatory to the NPT, it has a right to use the peaceful applications of nuclear energy for electricity generation and medical research.

The IAEA has conducted numerous inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities but has never found any evidence showing that Iran's civilian nuclear program has been diverted to nuclear weapons production

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