Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Greek government survives confidence vote

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The Greek government has won a critical vote of confidence in parliament as it struggles to win support for extra austerity measures and avoid a default.

Prime Minister George Papandreou's new cabinet was approved by 155 votes to 143, with two abstentions.

MPs will now be asked to approve 28bn euros (£25bn) of cuts, tax rises, fiscal reforms and privatisation plans.

Eurozone ministers say the legislation must be passed to receive a 12bn-euro loan Greece needs to pay its debts.

Earlier, thousands of people gathered outside the parliament building in Athens to protest against both the austerity measures and politicians in general. Many chanted: "Thieves! Thieves!"

"I believe we should go bankrupt and get it over with. These measures are slowly killing us," Efi Koloverou, a 22-year-old student, told the Reuters news agency. "We want competent people to take over."

Mr Papandreou reshuffled his cabinet and replaced his finance minister last week after weeks of demonstrations against his handling of the crisis.


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