Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Iran appoints first ambassador to Egypt in 30 years

Iran declines to confirm report that Ali Akbar Sibuyeh has been appointed ambassador; Iran-Egypt ties have been warming since Mubarak was toppled in popular uprising.

Iran has appointed an ambassador to Egypt for the first time in 30 years as diplomatic relations are re-established following the fall of President Hosni Mubarak, Iran's Press TV reported on Tuesday.

Ties between the countries -- among the largest and most influential in the Middle East -- were severed in 1980 following Iran's Islamic revolution and Egypt's recognition of Israel.

Cairo has long been an ally of the United States and Israel but since Mubarak was toppled by a popular uprising there have been signs of warming between mainly Sunni Muslim Egypt and predominantly Shi'ite Iran.

Press TV named Iran's ambassador as Ali Akbar Sibuyeh, a career diplomat who is the son of a senior cleric.

Iran declined to confirm the report.

"The news regarding the appointment of an ambassador is guesswork and is hasty," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said at his weekly news conference.

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