Wednesday, March 30, 2011

UN chief: End occupation, divide Jerusalem

Ban ki:

Call you Mr. Would be to formal for someone like you!!!
How about given back Korea to Japan due the  1910  Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty. 
Do you think that would be sustainable???

But this is part of the chess board of the end times, everybody against Israel.

Here is the news:

In message delivered by his assistant at Uruguay conference Ban Ki-moon says occupation is morally and politically unsustainable and must therefore end. 'A way must be found for Jerusalem to emerge as a capital of two States,' he adds

WASHINGTON – United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon slammed Israel's policy and called for the division of Jerusalem on Tuesday. In a message delivered by his assistant at a UN regional meeting in Uruguay, Ban said: "The target date for completing the Palestinian Authority’s two-year State-building program is fast-approaching."

The occupation that started in 1967 is morally and politically unsustainable, and must end," he told the UN Latin American and Caribbean Meeting in Support of Israeli-Palestinian Peace.

"The Palestinians have a legitimate right to the establishment of an independent and viable State of their own. Israel has the right to live in peace and security within internationally recognized and secure borders."

The UN chief said that "a way must be found for Jerusalem to emerge as a capital of two States, Israel and Palestine, with arrangements for holy sites acceptable for all." He added that "there must be a just and agreed solution to the prolonged plight of the Palestinian refugees."

Ban harshly criticized Israel's actions including settlement construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, demolition of Palestinian homes and forced transfer of Palestinian residents. He added that all expressions of violence and the incitement or glorification of violent acts must stop.

He lauded the PA's efforts to establish viable State institutions and commended security forces' efforts to maintain security in areas under their control.

He called on Israel to take further steps to improve economic and security conditions by reducing obstacles to movement, halting military operations, and enabling PA to more West Bank areas.

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