Wednesday, March 23, 2011

NASA to Launch New Technology Today to Search for Parallel Universes

Humans Want to play God with creation and the genetic manipulation.
And now they want to reach the the spiritual world!!! 
The human ambition is insatiable and disrespectful.
Babel tower goes again, If they want to know how all was created read.... Genesis 1.1


The image at bottom of page shows the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-2  ("AMS-02") canister being rotated to the vertical position ready for the final lift to the launch pad, scheduled for today, Monday, the 21st of March. Sam Ting Principal Investigator for the experiment hopes that it will provide data that proves the existence of parallel universes that are composed of anti-matter --- discoveries could verify theories and answer basic questions regarding how the universe formed.

"The idea of multiple universes is more than a fantastic invention --- it appears naturally within several scientific theories, and deserves to be taken seriously" according to Aurelien Barrau, a French particle physicist at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).
According to Ting,  the experiment has already accrued data as it awaited its launch date. Scheduled to fly aboard the final flight of the space shuttle Endeavour, STS-134, AMS-02 will search through cosmic rays for exotic particles, anti-matter and dark matter. The experiment will be mounted to the outside of the International Space Station (ISS) and will require no spacewalks to attach.

While Ting has certain things that he hopes to discover, he believes that the most exciting questions are those that scientists don't even know to ask yet.

The particles that the 7.5 ton experiment is currently registering have had some of their qualities removed by the abrasive nature of Earth’s atmosphere. This problem will be solved after Feb. 26 when the AMS-02 is delivered to its new home on the space station’s S3 truss assembly. From its high vantage point it is hoped that the experiment will open new windows into particle physics and cause a revolution in our understanding of the universe.

Ting hopes that AMS-02 will provide data that proves the existence of parallel universes that are composed of anti-matter. It is also hoped that the experiment will also discover particles that contain magnetic and electric particles that are exactly the opposite of ordinary particles --- discoveries could verify theories and answer basic questions regarding how the universe formed such as that of Burt Ovrut, professor of theoretical high energy physics at the University of Pennsylvania and  pioneer of the use of M-theory to explain the Big bang without the presence of a singularity.

Ovrut and colleagues imagine two branes, universes like ours, separated by a tiny gap as tiny as 10-32 meters. There would be no communictaion between the two universes except for our parallel sister universe's gravitational pull, which could cross the tiny gap.

Orvut's theory could explain the effect of dark matter where areas of the universe are heavier than they should be, given everything that's present. With Ovrut's theory, the nagging problems surrounding the Big Bang (beginning from what, and caused how?) are replaced by an eternal cosmic cycle where dark energy is no longer a mysterious unknown quantity, but rather the very extra gravitational force that drives the universe to universe (brane-brane) interaction.

Up until AMS-02, mankind’s understanding of cosmic rays has been limited to measuring light gathered in telescopes such as the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). This experiment will be the first time that charged particles can be studied in the cold vacuum of space –-- away from the distorting influence of Earth’s turbulent atmosphere.

The AMS-02 P.I. is also hoping to find out what dark matter is made of. This material is believed to be the “glue” that holds the universe together. Mankind’s understanding of cosmic rays has been limited to measuring light gathered in telescopes such as the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). This experiment will be the first time that charged particles can be studied in the cold vacuum of space –-- away from the distorting influence of Earth’s opaque atmosphere.

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