Thursday, March 17, 2011

Isaiah 26:9

Here is John MC Ternan´s comentary on the world and Isaiah 26:9, it´s worth to read.

Isaiah 26:9 With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
The LORD'S judgments are now throughout the earth. It appears that Japan as we knew it is coming to an end. The earthquake and related events could send the Japanese economy into a meltdown. This in turn will affect the world's economy. The LORD is going to bring down the world's economy. There appears no way out of this for Japan. Japan is drowning in debt and this is going to swamp the nation. The debt is going to radically increase along with a severe drop in tax revenue. Japan is in deep trouble. 
As I watch events in Japan, it is difficult to figure out what is really happening. The Japanese government is playing down the fires at the nuclear reactors while events  on the ground are showing a different story. Radioactivity was detected 200 miles at sea and also near Tokyo! It is possible that large areas of Japan may become radioactive! Each day this goes on, the possibility of a tremendous disaster grows.
Radiation fears lead to nuke pill demand in Seattle 03/14/11 These pills have disappeared as the public has bought them up. This is coming for all goods including food. Please do not delay but move now to store some food and supplies as the Lord leads you. In a matter of two days, the stores could be cleaned out and then it is too late. Now is the time to act and protect yourself and others.
At the same time, the volatility in the Arab countries continues. Bahrain is becoming a flash point between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The turmoil is this country is coming from the Shiites who support Iran. Saudi Arabia is supporting the Sunni government! Any turmoil in the Persian Gulf could spike the price of oil and send the word economy into a meltdown.
Either Japan or the Middle East going critical could radically affect the world economy and start of world depression. The LORD is being more and more pressure in the world as it is heading toward the breaking point. God wants His people physically and spiritually ready. To be spiritually ready, it takes growing closer to the Lord Jesus everyday. It means to live with the Blessed Hope in your heart. It means to stand on His word no matter what price has to be paid.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.hostgator coupon 2011

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