Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bahrain declares martial law as violence escalates

Bahrain’s king declared martial law on Tuesday as his government struggled to quell an uprising by the island’s Shi’ite Muslim majority that has drawn in troops from fellow Sunni-ruled neighbor Saudi Arabia.

The three-month state of emergency will hand wholesale power to Bahrain’s security forces, which are dominated by the Sunni Muslim elite, stoking sectarian tensions in one of the Gulf’s most politically volatile nations.

Bahrain’s king declared martial law on Tuesday as his government struggled to quell an uprising by the island’s Shi’ite Muslim majority that has drawn in troops from fellow Sunni-ruled neighbor Saudi Arabia.

The three-month state of emergency will hand wholesale power to Bahrain’s security forces, which are dominated by the Sunni Muslim elite, stoking sectarian tensions in one of the Gulf’s most politically volatile nations.

he official urged the government to “uphold its commitment to the human rights standards it has set for itself,” and called on all parties to “exercise maximum restraint and refrain from violence... to support meaningful and peaceful dialogue.”

The US noted it was particularly concerned about attacks on civilians and humanitarian targets, including ambulances and hospitals, by the riot police.

Jerusalem Post


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