Friday, March 4, 2011

Arkansas lates earthquake 4.7

The situation is getting downright crazy in Arkansas where hundreds of earthquakes have swarmed and rattled parts of the state.
The latest earthquake, a magnitude 4.7, at a very shallow depth of 3.8 km, would be making main-stream news if it had occurred in San Francisco or Los Angeles.
The region in Arkansas that has been affected by an ongoing earthquake swarm is between the towns of Greenbrier and Guy.
Most all of the earthquakes have been fairly minor, ranging from magnitude 3 or less, however the swarming activity has been ongoing for months, and has many alarmed partly because of the fact that the region is within the New Madrid fault zone, a region which caused the biggest earthquake in recorded history within North America.
The latest earthquake, a magnitude 4.7 will perhaps capture the attention of more outlets. There is definitely something going on here, and bears more investigation.
A previous MSB post, Arkansas Earthquake Swarms, New Madrid or Natural Gas, touches upon the possibility of the New Madrid fault zone as an underlying cause versus natural gas well drilling in the area.
When earthquakes rise to the magnitude of 4+, it will get your attention. This author knows, and has experienced several in that category or greater.
Given the fact that this earthquake, and perhaps more to come, are so shallow, will result in more ground shaking than deeper earthquakes. At this point in time, it would seem prudent for residents of the area to take action as typical Californian’s and look around your house for loose objects that may become airborne or topple over in a magnitude 5+ quake. Secure them or move them.
Move heavy objects, especially glass objects or wall hangings away from your bed. There are many more countless quake preventative measures to take around the home. The point is, this Arkansas situation is not slowing. Something is happening there…

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