Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ahmadinejad Stresses Iran, China's Role in Establishing New World Order

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a meeting with China's new ambassador to Tehran underlined the important role played by Tehran and Beijing in the establishment of a just and fair order in the world.

"Iran and China are two great countries which cradle human civilization and they can have a role in the establishment of a just and humane new world order," Ahmadinejad said here in Tehran on Tuesday.

"The order and the system dominating the world at present is worn-out and rotten and its unfair nature has been unveiled to all," he said, adding, "Under the present conditions, the world needs a humane and fair new order and Iran and China can have fruitful cooperation in the interest of humanity to define and establish this order."

Ahmadinejad also called for expansive cooperation with China in economic, cultural and political fields, which, he said, can lead to the faster, more complete and better establishment of a new world order.

The Iranian president had also earlier lashed out at the present world order for impeding progress and advancement of independent nations.

"The present world order is against the interests of the nations, and hinders progress of independent nations," Ahmadinejad said in a meeting with the visiting President of the National Assembly of Ecuador, Fernando Cordero, here in Tehran.

Ahmadinejad further underlined that the discriminatory order dominating the world at present should be replaced with a just and humanitarian one. 

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