Friday, February 11, 2011

Revolution in the Middle East and its connection to Revelation

In response to the recent wave of Arab revolts and current uprising in Egypt, Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in his February 4 Friday Prayer sermon in Tehran welcomed the "revolution and awakening" and interpreted in detail his ideological analysis and aspirations with regard to the "explosion of sacred anger" in the Middle East.

Khamenei, identifying himself as a 'brother in religion' to the Arab people, concluded that the recent wave of unrest shaking the nations was an "earthquake" triggered by the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and condemned the Mubarak regime for siding with the West; choosing to support the 'Zionists' rather than the Palestinians, pointing out that since Camp David a great divide was created between the Egyptian people and the government.

During Friday prayers the Ayatollah addressed the Egyptian protestors saying "the uprising of the Muslim Egyptian nation is an Islamic and freedom-seeking movement. I, in the name of the people and government of Iran, send salutations to you and pray to God for your complete victory. Of you and your uprising I am filled with pride."

Egypt’s main opposition party, the Muslim Brotherhood, rejected this claim of an Islamic revolution by the Ayatollah just hours after Khamenei’s remarks on Friday. Editor in chief Khaled Hamza of Ikhwanweb, the Muslim Brotherhood’s official English website, stated that the current uprising in Egypt is 'a revolution of the Egyptian people and is by no means linked to any Islamic tendencies, despite allegations nor can it be described as Islamic.'  Such confusion!

The Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian Regime share a common goal despite their differences, uniting them together with many of the Muslims who are protesting, and that is the hatred for the nation of Israel and for those who support them.

This revolt and 'resistance' against the existence of Israel is at the spiritual heart of the Middle East conflict - not the economy, which no doubt plays a role, but suggests a man-made fix could end the disputes. Rather, an entire ideological shift would need to occur to change the spiritual condition and ambition of Israel's neighbors. Thus, it is essentially a 'spiritual battle,' and the current situation threatens to disrupt more than the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, given that the Islamic agenda (see Article 27: Hamas Covenant) proceeds and war threats in the region become more than rumors: There are several prophesied events concerning Israel and the nations aligned against Zion:  Zechariah 12:1-3, Psalm 83, Isaiah 17:1Ezekiel 38-39Joel 3:2

Joel C. Rosenberg explained in his February 4 blog post:
If Egypt falls into the hands of the Radicals, this will be a disaster of historic proportions. Egypt and Iran would be the Twin Towers of the epicenter, two nations that have collapsed at the hands of the jihadists who are determined to rebuild the Islamic caliphate and usher in the End of Days, even if many in our foreign policy establishment don’t recognize this.
In many ways, Egypt and Iran could not be more different. Egypt is ethnically Arab and spiritually Sunni. Iran is ethnically Persian and spiritually Shia. Traditionally, Arabs and Persians have hated each other. So have Sunnis and Shias. But now they are coming together for two common objectives:
To surround Israel, destroy the Jews, and capture Jerusalem for Islam.
To surround the Arabian peninsula, destroy the "apostate" House of Saud regime, and capture control of Mecca and Medina
This is why the Iranian regime is so excited by what is happening in Egypt, and determined to help where and how they can.
A MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) dispatch dated October 6, 2010, a translation from Arabic to English of a  weekly sermon by Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Muhammad Badi', solidifies this common unifying factor between the Ayatollah's claim of Islamic Revolution and that of the Muslim Brotherhood and makes a bold statement of Islamic, anti-Zionist intentions outside of the mainstream media's attention:
"According to the Islamic shari'a that Allah [has bequeathed] to mankind, the status of the Muslims, compared to that of the infidel nations that arrogantly [disdain] his shari'a, is measured in a kind of scale, in which, when one side is in a state of superiority, the other is in a state of inferiority...

"Many Arab and Muslim regimes have not managed to build up their peoples, due to their weakness and their dependence [on the West], and in many cases they have begun to work against the interests of the [Muslim] nation... The lands of the Arabs and of Islam are now plagued with problems because [the Arabs] have lost their [strength of] will, leaving it to the Zionist enemies and their supporters. [The Arab and Muslim regimes] have forgotten, or are pretending to have forgotten, that the real enemy lying in wait for them is the Zionist entity. They are aiming their weapons against their own peoples, while avoiding any confrontation with these Zionists and achieving neither unity nor revival for their nations. Moreover, they are disregarding Allah's commandment to wage jihad for His sake with [their] money and [their] lives, so that Allah's word will reign supreme and the infidels' word will be inferior... "

It is important to note that many government officials in the allied international community act as though blinded by the Muslim Brotherhood's core intentions as though they can't read the writing on the wall, choosing to blur reality and portray the MB as a 'Moderate' regime. It reminds this writer how the International community stood by numbly while Hamas was voted in as a legitimate governing body - all the while Hamas boldly declaring in their charter their will to destroy Israel.
Here is the writing on the wall:
The Muslim Brotherhood’s stated mission is as follows:
Allah is its target, the Prophet is its model, the Koran its constitution: Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.
Does the Islamic agenda, with its will to destroy Israel at its core and pursuit of a world under sharia law,  play a role in the end times?
Absolutely. When the nation of Israel - Jerusalem becomes the focus of the world's attention and is surrounded by threats of war - and false peace (plans) and world dominion is lusted for by such an organization, the book of Revelation is worth the time and study.

Continue reading on Revolution in the Middle East and its connection to Revelation - Canada Canada Bible Prophecy |

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