Monday, February 21, 2011

'Deaths' after quake hits Christchurch in New Zealand

Because the bible predicts this events, we publish 4 hours ago a list of "you must have at home" 
3 hours after of our publish came the quake... 

Aftermath of the earthquake in Christchurch (22 February 2011)Residents said this earthquake felt much more powerful than last September's
Map of New Zealand

Multiple fatalities have been reported after a powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch on New Zealand's South Island, police say.
The powerful tremor, which struck at 1251 on Tuesday (2351 GMT on Monday) only 10km (6.2 miles) south-east of the city, caused widespread destruction.
Christchurch's mayor said there were "scenes of great confusion" as people gathered in the streets for safety.
The damage is said to be worse than after September's 7.1-magntiude quake.
Two people were seriously injured by the tremor, whose epicentre was further away and deeper. It caused an estimated $3bn in damage.
There have been several aftershocks since last September's quake, with a 4.9 magnitude tremor hitting just after Christmas.
'Very populated time'
TV pictures of the aftermath of Tuesday's earthquake showed several collapsed buildings in the centre of Christchurch.
People could be seen wandering the rubble-filled streets in distress.
The city has run out of ambulances, and private vehicles are being used to ferry the injured to triage centres. The city's main hospital has been evacuated.
Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker said he was on the top floor of the city council building when the quake hit, throwing him across the room.
"I got down onto the street and there were scenes of great confusion, a lot of very upset people. I know of people in our building who are injured and I've had some reports of serious injuries throughout the city."
"What I can see from where I am in the central city is that there are significant amounts of additional damage," he added.
Local police said there were reports of multiple fatalities, including that two buses had been crushed by falling debris. There were also reports of fires and of people being trapped in collapsed buildings, they added.
Radio New Zealand reported that its staff had to cling to their desks during the tremor, and that a church near its offices had collapsed.
Concrete in Victoria Square had risen at least a metre in some places and there are signs of liquefaction around the Avon river, it added.
Prime Minister John Key people were being told to get out of the city.
"The details we have are extremely sketchy," he said.
"The worrying fear, of course, is that this earthquake has taken place at a time when people were going about their business - it is a very populated time, with people at work, children at school. Sadly, I cannot rule out that there have been fatalities."
"But we are aware of significant damage to buildings that had people in them at the time," he added.

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