Wednesday, January 19, 2011

US Prepared to Strike N. Korea If ICBM Threats Increase

The United States is reported to be bracing to strike North Korea if its long-range missile capabilities begin to pose too big a threat.
Appearing on the US public broadcaster PBS, General Walter Sharp, the commander of US forces in South Korea said while deterrence is the first and utmost priority against Pyeongyang's provocations, Washington will also be "prepared to respond" if deterrence fails to refrain the North.

Such remarks follow the US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates' forecast earlier in the week that North Korea will likely develop intercontinental ballistic missiles that can reach the US within the next five years.

The general went further to say that Washington and its allies could consider demolishing Pyeongyang's missile sites if circumstances forced them to do so.

The Kim Jong-il regime has already test-launched three intercontinental ballistic missiles, the last in April 2009, which traveled more than 3-thousand kilometers to land in the Pacific Ocean.
General Sharp, meanwhile, spoke negatively about the North's recent proposals for talks with Seoul, adding there is no evidence of the regime's sincerity towards the denuclearization process.

Meanwhile, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said North Korea will be among the key issues to be discussed between President Barack Obama and President Hu Jintao when the Chinese leader visits Washington next week.
Choi You-sun, Arirang News.

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