North Korea Prepares to Launch More ‘Satellites’

Image result for North Korea  ‘Satellites’

North Korean officials are preparing more “satellite launches,” a move that while ostensibly scientific in nature could prove to have the dual purpose of advancing its ballistic missile technology.

The Rodong Sinmun newspaper reported the Hermit Kingdom will also place into orbit a “stationary satellite”—likely a reference to a geosynchronous satellite—as part of its five-year space development program, which it says will “improve its economy and people's livelihood.” Geosynchronous orbits are incredibly complex and difficult to maintain from a technological standpoint.

Such a move could result in the establishment of a FOBS, or fractional orbital bombardment system, which is specifically forbidden by international law and United Nations treaty. This type of “space platform” wouldn’t need to drop nuclear weapons upon a target to inflict massive destruction, and such an attack would be almost impossible to stop, even with the most advanced missile defense systems.

The newspaper also stated:

Some countries have manipulated U.N. sanctions resolutions against us and hindered the sovereign country's space development. It is not a tolerable act. It is a global trend that a country seeks the economic growth with the space program.

Several news outlets, including South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency, and the U.S. government-sponsored Voice of America, have reported Defense Department assessments that new construction has been underway at North Korea’s main test launch site. Two new buildings have been constructed about 20 miles from the Dongchang-ri launch site that could serve as a control center for these satellites.

It has been more than a month since North Korea has conducted either a missile or nuclear test, despite threats and signs it could do so at any moment.

Credit to Trunews

NATO May Retaliate if Turkey Buys Russian Missiles

Image result for S-400 surface-to-air missile system

Turkey has already agreed to purchase the S-400 surface-to-air missile system, but has not yet signed the contract with the Russian government to complete the transaction, however the head of NATO’s Military Committee is warning of “necessary consequences” if it follows through.

Gen. Petr Pavel said:

"The principal of sovereignty obviously exists in acquisition of defense equipment, but the same way that nations are sovereign in making their decision, they are also sovereign in facing the consequences of that decision."

Among those consequences could be excluding Turkey from the alliance’s integrated air-defense system, as well as other technical restrictions. The general said he felt it was “fair” for the member countries to have a full discussion of “concerns and potential difficulties.”

Turkey plays a vital role in the NATO development and sustainment of the F-35 Lightning II and the Joint Strike Fighter Program. Many experts have suggested the S-400 system could provide Russia with vital information about the fifth-generation stealth fighter that could impact the alliance’s future operations.

Pavel said his concerns with the potential purchase are “security” focused, saying that the S-400 system, even if it isn’t integrated with the NATO, it “creates challenges for allied assets potentially deployed onto the territory of that country.” The general said, in spite of the current flap over the missile issue, the alliance still considers Turkey to be a “valuable strategic ally.”

Credit to Trunews