Sunday, October 29, 2017

Mysterious light column appears in the sky over Argentina

A woman from Feliciano, Argentina, witnessed a mysterious phenomenon in the sky on October 24, 2017.

During her daily walk across the San Jose Park, a bright light column suddenly appeared in front of her. Some sort of glowing portal to heaven.

Mysterious light column appears in the sky of Argentina on October 24 2017. via Realidad Regional

When the sky lit up, she first thought it was a lightning. But in the picture the woman found a light column. The pictures shown below show the mysterious light that leaves a column in the sky. Some sort of glowing portal to heaven.

Is it a portal opening in the sky over Argentina? via Realidad Regional

Baffled meteorologists believe this strange and rare natural phenomenon occurs when a cold front meets a warm front. These two fronts don’t mix because of the difference in temperature and density. When such masses of air collide together, extreme weather events can occur, including lightning and even tornadoes.

Or is it another baffling natural phenomenon? via Realidad Regional

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Visualizing $63 Trillion Of World Debt

If you add up all the money that national governments have borrowed, it tallies to a hefty $63 trillion.

Credit to Zero Hedge