2 Lawmakers Plan To Create ‘Christian Survivalist Centers’ In Rural Areas

A couple of lawmakers from South Carolina want to establish a network of self-sufficient communities in their state in preparation for “societal collapse”.  In the long-term, they hope to “train and equip one million neighborhood leaders” that will be able to establish “a fresh beginning for America” in the aftermath of the great crisis that is coming.  State Representatives Josiah Magnuson and Jonathon Hill are both relatively young, they were both home-schooled, and each of their fathers are pastors.  They are calling their dream the “Virtue Solution Project”, and they are examples of a new breed of American politician that recognizes that the system is failing and that we desperately need to return to the values that this nation was founded upon.
In the short-term, Magnuson and Hill hope that the centers that they are establishing will enable communities to be able to survive the extraordinary challenges that are rapidly approaching.  Like someone else you may know, Magnuson and Hill are warning of a great economic collapse, catastrophic natural disasters, geopolitical instability and a complete breakdown of society.  When these things begin to unfold, their hope is that people will reach out to their neighbors and will work together to survive.  The following comes from U.S. News & World Report
The centers will be there when the economy collapses, a natural disaster occurs, a foreign nation attacks, the federal debt dooms the country or an electromagnetic pulse wipes out the nation’s infrastructure. All are scenarios they have considered.
It’s also at these “micro hubs” that neighbors and fellow members of their “militia” will be able to learn about spiritual leadership, first aid, farming techniques, renewable energy sources, and setting up “perimeters” and other “tactical defense” strategies.
And of course Magnuson and Hill hope that their centers will have a strong spiritual dimension as well.  According to material that they have created, there will be “a special emphasis on repentance, spiritual awakening, and love for God and one’s neighbors”
Each center will be a warehouse and also a training venue. We will place a special emphasis on repentance, spiritual awakening, and love for God and one’s neighbors. At the philosophical core of this training, we will address the principles of government power, explaining that the river of government begins at the spring of individual virtue and flows downhill to family, church, community, county, state, and Federal levels. We will show that our future must rely on local self-sufficiency.
Magnuson and Hill have taken a lot of criticism for what they are trying to do, but at least they are taking action, which is much more than can be said for the majority of the “coach potato activists” that are out there these days.
When Noah was warned that a great flood was coming, he and his sons started building a boat the size of a World War II aircraft carrier even though nobody had ever seen a flood of that magnitude before.  It took them many, many years to complete the project, and the relentless mocking that they had to endure must have been very painful, but in the end they were the ones that survived.
And when Joseph learned that seven good years would be followed by seven years of famine, he didn’t sit back and party for the seven good years.  Instead, he instituted the greatest emergency food storage program that the world had ever seen during the seven good years, and by taking bold action he saved the entire nation of Egypt, the entire nation of Israel and the bloodline of the Messiah.
Radical faith almost always involves taking radical action, and this is something that I cover extensively in Get Prepared Now.  Sadly, there is so much complacency out there right now, but the truth is that this is the exact time when we should be prepping more than ever before because time is running out.
Of course there are many that do understand these things, and one of the ways this is manifesting itself is in a mass exodus out of the major cities.  In previous articles I have discussed the large numbers of people that are moving away from California and away from major cities in the upper Midwest, and earlier today I came across a Daily Mail story that talked about how nearly a million people have left New York over the last six years…
Almost 1 million people have fled the New York area in the last six years, the highest rate of any major metropolitan area in the country.
Between April 2010 and July 2016 a net total of 902,000 domestic migrants left the New York metropolitan area, census data shows.
That number was head and shoulders above Chicago, the second-biggest loser with 409,000 more people leaving than arriving in the same period.
If you feel called to move to a different area of the country, it will be far easier to do it now while things are still relatively stable.
Several months ago, I wrote about the multitudes of Americans that have felt led to relocate to the Great Northwest.  Whenever my wife and I encounter newcomers, we like to ask them why they decided to move.  In almost every instance, they tell us that they felt called to come to this part of the United States, and some of the stories that we have heard are quite extraordinary.
If you don’t want to get prepared for what is coming to America, that is fine, but at least don’t jump on everyone else that is trying to do something.  These days there are so many people that love to spend much of their time throwing filth at others, and that doesn’t accomplish anything.
So if you are completely convinced that the United States is moving into a new golden era of peace and prosperity even though everything around us is indicating otherwise, then just keep on doing what you have been doing.
But as for me and my house, we are going to heed the warnings, and like Magnuson and Hill we are going to do what we can to thrive during the incredibly challenging times that are coming.
Credit to End of the American Dream

Google, YouTube waging “demonetization” WAR on alternative media to bankrupt independent journalism

Image: Google, YouTube waging “demonetization” WAR on alternative media to bankrupt independent journalism
(Natural News) Independent media pioneer SGTReport.com is now the latest victim of the Google / YouTube “demonetization” censorship attack that’s explicitly targeting alternative media.
“You Tube is changing the rules of the game, it’s not longer a level playing field. Not only are they flagging more and more videos as ‘not advertiser friendly’, for the past few days they have turned off ALL of the advertising on my videos,” writes  SGT Report. “They want to kill my channel and they want me to go away. I need your help.”
SGT Report, along with many other independent media outlets, is now asking for Patreon donations as Google / YouTube demonetizes their videos, forcing them to look for alternative sources of operating revenue. But here’s the thing: SGT Report isn’t a Jiahid recruitment hub. They don’t promote terrorism. They simply have an independent point of view on politics and current events. For this reason alone, Google has demonetized them by labeling their videos “extreme.”

Google labels independent media “extremist” by conflating critical thinking with Jihadi terror

Under fire for making money off “extremist” videos featuring Jihadi terror tactics, Google has used the issue to deliberately conflate the term “extremist” to block revenues from videos that merely offer an independent point of view on current events.
In effect, Google has now decided that any website which supports President Trump is “extremist” and must be demonetized, censored or outright banned from its search results. To the Left-leaning tech giants, you see, any content that isn’t “progressive” is automatically considered “extremist,” even though advertisers who are horrified over Jihadi video content are often thrilled about supporting independent media.
This may explain why GoodGopher.com, the independent search engine that indexes independent media, is becoming increasingly popular. Good Gopher indexes thousands of “alternative media” websites while protecting the privacy of users with no search term tracking of users.

Leaders of independent media now being targeted by Google for censorship and demonetization

As part of an investigation into Google censorship, Natural News has spoken with several other independent media publishers and has confirmed they are all being targeted by Google / YouTube with demonetization censorship.
One independent publisher which did not want to be named — they are afraid Google will further punish them for speaking out against censorship — told Natural News their revenues have plummeted 80% since YouTube began its recent demonetization sweep.
All News Pipeline, a popular “current events analyst” site that warns readers about the coming financial collapse, details the war on the independent media in this article that decries the fake “fake news” label being used to silence independent journalism. ANP has also been targeted with censorship efforts from Google and YouTube, and the site relies on revenues from advertising storable food (Food For Liberty) and other preparedness items.
Another independent publisher and pioneer in citizen journalism, Truth Stream Media, is turning to Amazon affiliate links to help boost its revenues. Yet even this is nothing but a stopgap measure, as TSM’s founders fully realize that Amazon is owned and operated by globalist Jeff Bezos, whose products (Echo, Kindle, Alexa) surveil customers in their own homes. Bezos is also owner of the Washington Post, a fake news publisher that deliberately and repeatedly fabricates fake news to smear the Trump administration. TSM is no doubt seeking better revenue sources that don’t enrich globalist organizations like Amazon.
Natural News remains unaffected by the Google demonetization efforts, as we stopped publishing Adsense ads several years ago and never monetized YouTube videos. We also removed Google analytics code from our websites several years ago so that Google could not spy on our readers. A few weeks ago, Google blacklisted the entire Natural News website, removing 140,000+ pages from its index, based entirely on a fabricated technical excuse. After six days of punishment by Google, Natural News content was restored without explanation. This was clearly a “warning” from Google that if we don’t stop growing and reporting the truth, we will be silenced by any means necessary. (Google, Facebook, Twitter and Yahoo have all essentially declared a “war on truth” in order to silence voices they can’t control.) You can support Natural News, if you wish, by shopping for lab-verified organic superfood and household products at the Health Ranger Store.

Voice recognition technology turns spoken words into text that’s scanned for a list of “banned” keywords

To accomplish the demonetization effort, YouTube’s servers use voice recognition technology to scan the audio of each video, translating audio into text transcripts. That text is then algorithmically compared to a manually chosen list of keywords and phrases that Google’s Left-leaning “social justice engineers” have decided are “extreme.”
Instead of merely focusing on terror-related keywords like “Jihad” or “bomb-making,” Google has added keywords likely to flag independent, pro-America media outlets and Donald Trump supporters. Those keywords appear to include “patriot” or “storable food” or even “AR-15.” Other keywords are being flagged by the system in an effort to protect the monopoly profits of the pharmaceutical industry, which explains why terms such as “vaccines” and “mercury” are also being flagged by YouTube for demonetization censorship. (Yes, Google now censors discussions of science and medicine if the opinions of the scientists don’t conform to the corrupt medical establishment.)
No doubt, Google will soon add words related to “climate change denialism” to its list so that any person who speaks words critical of the climate change hoax will also be financially punished and run out of business. At the same time, words of intolerance and hatred toward white people are openly allowed. Words that call for violence against Donald Trump are richly rewarded, and attacks on Christian religion seem to be applauded by tech giants like Google and Facebook. The Left, you see, is writhing with hatred and intolerance toward anyone who doesn’t immediately agree with them. This is deemed “tolerance” by the intolerant Left.
As published on GovtSlaves.info, another independent media site likely to be targeted by Google, these censorship algorithms have brought an “Orwellian” brand of censorship and oppression to the web:
The chief executive of News Corp, parent company of The Sun and Times Newspapers, has warned that digital algorithms at Facebook and Google have “left us perched on the edge of the slippery slope of censorship”… Thomson said: “The word Orwellian is flagrantly used and abused. But when it comes to the all-powerful algorithms of Google, Amazon and Facebook, otherwise known as GAF, Orwellian is unused. The institutional neglect has now left us perched on the edge of the slippery slope of censorship.”

Google goes full Orwellian… “word crimes” will now bankrupt your online business if you dare speak the truth

The upshot of all this is that Google has gone full Orwellian and is using the crisis of Jihadi video revenues to unleash a punitive demonetization scheme that’s intended to bankrupt anti-establishment voices. Like all Left-leaning technology companies, Google hates Christians but celebrates Islam. Google despises Trump supporters but celebrates Hillary Clinton, one of the most corrupt criminal minds in the history of U.S. politics. Google loves transgenders but hates straight white people. The list goes on…
Now, Google is translating its twisted political biases into censorship algorithms in order to silence the voices it doesn’t like by denying them revenues. This is clearly deliberate and intended to exert a kind of Orwellian thought control over the entire population by forcing content creators to make a choice: You can either go along with the Google progressive delusions and be richly rewarded, or you can exercise independent views and be bankrupted.
Through this scheme, Google doesn’t even have to overtly block videos that espouse conservative or libertarian views… it can simply demonetize them and let the reality of revenue loss achieve censorship on its own. No one can produce content for free, after all. Sooner or later, you run out of money to fund yourself.
If Google gets it way, we are soon going to wake up and find ourselves living in a society where conformity is mandated, and non-conformity means financial devastation. Few publishers of original, independent-minded content can survive in an environment where the tech giants all conspire to silence the independent media through revenue demonetization. This only leads to a society rooted in conformist delusion, where obedience is demanded, independent thinking is punished, and free enterprise isn’t free unless you agree to censor your own thoughts, ideas and words to appease the totalitarian tech giants.
In effect, Google is now mandating what can only be called “Liberal Fundamentalism” or a sort of “Jihad of the Left.” In other words, Google is now becoming the very kind of extremist organization they claim to be censoring. They are at war with the truth, and they are happy to unleash any form of online weapon to achieve their fundamentalist goals of total liberal domination.
See The Civil War is Here by Daniel Greenfield for a more detailed analysis of this “Jihad of the Left” and why it’s such a danger to society.

Credit to Common Sense

Germany approves bill imposing massive fines for online “hate speech” and “fake news”

Image result for hate speech

“German Justice Minister Heiko Maas said that the companies offering such online platforms are responsible for removing hateful content. He said the new bill would not restrict the freedom of expression, but intervene only when criminal hatred or intentionally false news are posted.”

What is “criminal hatred”? Clearly what German authorities mean is not just incitement to violence, but opposition to their suicidal policies regarding Muslim migration: “the issue” of this online censorship “has come to the fore amid the recent influx of migrants to Germany, which has sparked a backlash among some Germans including a rise in online vitriol.” German authorities apparently define “vitriol” as including any opposition to the Muslim migrant influx, no matter how reasoned, and to their supine attitude regarding jihad terror: 

The government of Pakistan says that Facebook is doing its bidding and removing content that violates Sharia blasphemy laws.

The concept of “hate speech” is subjective. I don’t think that what I do constitutes “hate speech,” but Leftist and Muslim groups insist that it does, and they have all the power. “Hate speech” laws are tools in the hands of the powerful to silence the powerless and quell their dissent. But the increasingly authoritarian character of the political elites is in the final analysis a sign of their desperation. They didn’t see Brexit or Trump coming. They are rapidly moving to delegitimize and silence all those who dissent from their globalist internationalist agenda. But our numbers are growing. This ain’t over. And they will not succeed in silencing us.

“Germany approves bill curbing online hate crime, fake news,” by Kirsten Grieshaber, Associated Press, April 5, 2017:
Credit to jihadwatch.org