Friday, March 24, 2017


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LAST YEAR, A RUSSIAN startup announced that it could scan the faces of people passing by Moscow’s thousands of CCTV cameras and pick out wanted criminals or missing persons. Unlike much face recognition technology — which runs stills from videos or photographs after the fact — NTechLab’s FindFace algorithm has achieved a feat that once only seemed possible in the science fictional universe of “Minority Report”: It can determine not just who someone is, but where they’ve been, where they’re going, and whether they have an outstanding warrant, immigration detainer, or unpaid traffic ticket.

For years, the development of real-time face recognition has been hampered by poor video resolution, the angles of bodies in motion, and limited computing power. But as systems begin to transcend these technical barriers, they are also outpacing the development of policies to constrain them. Civil liberties advocates fear that the rise of real-time face recognition alongside the growing number of police body cameras creates the conditions for a perfect storm of mass surveillance.

“The main concern is that we’re already pretty far along in terms of having this real-time technology, and we already have the cameras,” said Jake Laperruque, a fellow at the Constitution Project. “These cameras are small, hard to notice, and all over the place. That’s a pretty lethal combination for privacy unless we have reasonable rules on how they can be used together.”

This imminent reality has led several civil liberties groups to call on police departments and legislators to implement clear policies on camera footage retention, biometrics, and privacy. On Wednesday morning, the House Oversight Committee held a hearing on law enforcement’s use of facial recognition technology, where advocates emphasized the dangers of allowing advancements in real-time recognition to broaden surveillance powers. As Alvaro Bedoya, executive director of the Center on Privacy and Technology at Georgetown Law, told Congress, pairing the technology with body cameras, in particular, “will redefine the nature of public spaces.”

The integration of real-time face recognition with body-worn cameras is further along than lawmakers and citizens realize. A recent Justice Department-funded survey conducted by Johns Hopkins University found that at least nine out of 38 manufacturers of body cameras currently have facial recognition capacities or have built in an option for such technology to be used later.

A spokesperson for NTechLab, which has pilot projects in 20 countries including the United States, China, the United Kingdom, and Turkey, told The Intercept that its high-performing algorithm is already compatible with body cameras.
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At least five U.S. police departments, including those in Los Angeles and New York, have already purchased or looked into purchasing real-time face recognition for their CCTV cameras, according to a study of face recognition technology published by Bedoya and other researchers at Georgetown.

Civil liberties experts warn that just walking down the street in a major urban center could turn into an automatic law enforcement interaction. With the ability to glean information at a distance, officers would not need to justify a particular interaction or find probable cause for a search, stop, or frisk. Instead, everybody walking past a given officer on his patrol could be subject to a “perpetual line-up,” as the Georgetown study put it.

“Are you going to go to a gun rights rally or a protest against the president, for that matter, if the government can secretly scan your face and identify you?” Bedoya asked the House Committee in his testimony on Wednesday.

“It’s not hard to imagine the worst way this could play out today, with a digital version of a J. Edgar Hoover-style ‘enemies list,’” Laperruque said, of the use of a real-time watchlist. “Even if we don’t have [a list], the mere threat develops a chilling effect.”

The provisions for such a system are already in place. Other types of real-time searches of biometric databases — such as mobile fingerprinting and rapid DNA tests — are now part of law enforcement routines and face few legal challenges. FBI searches of state driver’s license databases using face recognition software are almost six times more common than federal court-ordered wiretaps, according to the Georgetown study.

The databases, too, have already been built. Georgetown researchers estimated that one in every two faces of adults in the United States — many of whom have never committed a crime — are captured in searchable federal, state, or local databases. The Department of Defense, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement are just a few of the federal agencies that can gain access to one or more state or local face recognition systems.

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DNA Discoveries That Are Making Supermen Possible

Human-Animal Chimeras A Reality, And Where A Woman Can Have Her Favorite Movie Star’s Child Simply By Collecting A Few Of His Skin Cells

Imagine a world where parents can give birth to superbabies with bones so strong they’re impervious to a surgical drill and a heart less prone to failure. A world where a child has DNA from three parents [or a human-animal mix]. 

A world where it’s possible for a woman to have her favorite movie star’s child simply by collecting a few of his skin cells. Genetic technology is making it all a reality, horrifying some and heartening others. Reproductive advances are arriving so rapidly, we’ve already entered the realm of science-fiction and are on the verge of making truly astounding leaps […] “Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ imagined a world of totalitarian population control; we should take the warning to heart,” the nonprofit Center for Genetics and Society tweeted in 2015 […] 

Many of these technologies are about a decade away, running the risk of their arrival without public debate or careful consideration. Gene editing using CRISPR, for example, is overseen by the FDA, but many embryo selection procedures are left up to the individual fertility clinics. 

One particular concern is that all this science is expensive, and could lead to a society even more unequal than it already is. It’s not hard to picture a world in which rich people give birth to engineered children who are smarter, prettier and more immune to disease than their poor counterparts — an advantage that would quickly compound with subsequent generations. (READ MORE)

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Image result for brussels Mayeur

In an admission that demonstrate the scale of the problem now posed in Europe by radical Islam, the Mayor of Brussels has admitted that all of the mosques controlled in the Belgian capital are controlled by Salafists, who believe in a radical interpretation of Islam.

Mayeur admits that: “Everyone knows that all mosques in Brussels are in the hands of Salafists,” adding that: “We need to change this, we need new mosques that follow our democratic rules and that are being controlled by the government.”

Salafism is a a form of religious fundamentalism, with supporters believing in a return to the ‘original ways’ of Islam. Followers believe in a unified Islamic state, sharia law and consider political involvement to be un-Islamic.

In recent years Salafists have attacked German police, targeted more moderate Muslims in Egypt and assaulted Christians leaving church, with Germany’s Vice-Chancellor calling for a ban on mosques controlled by Salafi Islamists.

Extremist Islam is taking a huge hold in swathes of Europe. Though some will continue to ignore the threat and play down the scale of it, there is no point hiding from the truth. Radical Islam is the biggest threat the West now faces.

Credit to Infowars

Steve Quayle on Rockefeller’s Death and the Impact on All of Humanity


This is one of the most telling interviews in the history of The Common Sense Show. I recently interviewed Steve Quayle on the significance of the death of one of the most evil men in world history, David Rockefeller. The revelations that Steve brought forth were earth-shattering.

Highlights From the Interview

There were over 50 highlights to this interview by my count. I condensed them into a representative and smaller grouping, called the Top Ten.
  1. Fulfillment of Orwell’s observations into the mainstream of our society
  2. Programmed by very sinister through the telepresence
  3. Rockefeller is on the record talking about the complete programming by the main stream media with very dire consequences
  4. Rockefeller personified the nature of evil
  5. Rockefeller’s evil spirits are seeking a new house, a new person(s) to possess in order to carry Satan’s work.
  6. We will be able to identify Rockefeller’s replacement(s). Watch who parrots his phrases.
  7. Identification of Satanic pre-death ceremonies to continue on his evil work. Again, watch for Rockefeller phraseology to identify his replacement(s) along with what is coming
  8. Steve is concerned about N. Korea attacking Japan with nuclear weapons
  9. Rockefeller’s death will likely speed up the progress of the Satanic New World Order’s subjugation of the planet
  10. Cannibalism is coming into the forefront in way that is very revealing, not to mention troubling

Interview Interference with Satanic Music and Backwards Masking

During the interview, I was in a hotel room in the afternoon and it was dead quiet and I was alone. We were plagued by some background noise. It was not on the live broadcast and Steve and I never heard the noise or we would have stopped the interview and called attention to it. A persistent noise sounded like backwards masking of the words.
You will also note that we hear Satanic background music throughout.  I don’t find this to be a distraction, but rather, a revelation of the importance of the interview itself.
The sins of the leaders are being revealed as the Bible promised, before the US is nuked by China and Russia. These are ominous words from Steve Quayle

The Interview

Credit to Common Sense 

Member Of Congress Warns Of A 1,000 Point Stock Market Crash If Obamacare Lite Does Not Pass

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Are we going to see a dramatic stock market plunge if the effort to get “Obamacare Lite” through the U.S. House of Representatives ultimately fails?  On Thursday, a vote on the Republican healthcare bill was postponed once it became clear that there would not be enough votes for it to pass.  House Republican leaders are still optimistic that there will still be a vote on Friday, but that is far from certain.  Many strong conservatives in the House are balking at supporting this bill because while it does eliminate a few of the most troublesome provisions of Obamacare, it keeps many of the elements of Obama’s signature healthcare law that have proven to be popular with the American people.  In other words, this bill is much more about “tweaking” Obamacare than “repealing” it.
This is the first major legislative test for President Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan, and so far they are failing.  House Republican leaders have gone into panic mode, because a “no” vote could have some very serious implications outside of Washington.  In fact, one member of Congress is warning that if this bill does not pass that we could see the Dow drop 1,000 points in a single day
It happened in real life on Sept. 29, 2008, when the House first voted on a Wall Street bailout intended to stem the financial crisis. In a swirl of uncertainty, Republican members stampeded to “no,” defeated the measure and watched the Dow tumble by more than 700 points. The same thing could happen on the GOP health bill, a veteran member told CNBC on Thursday — only bigger.
“If this goes down, we could take a 1,000-point market hit,” the member said. To be sure, traders and investors tell CNBC the market likely will go lower if there is no compromise Thursday, but the decline won’t likely come near a 1,000-point drop. That would represent a nearly 5 percent drop in the Dow, a bit less than the 7 percent decline when the index fell 777 points in September 2008.
And even if this bill does pass, we are probably headed for some sort of significant downturn anyway.  Sven Henrich has just told CNBC that he believes that “the market could see a 5 to 10 percent drop in the near term”…
The market has enjoyed a stellar bull run, but a correction is likely looming, according to Sven Henrich, also known as the “Northman Trader.”
A very long-term analysis of the S&P 500, in conjunction with a look at the CBOE Volatility Index, leads Henrich to believe the market could see a 5 to 10 percent drop in the near term.
But fixing our failing healthcare system is far more important than trying to prop up the financial markets, and so the strong conservatives in the House are quite right to stand by their principles.
Simply “tweaking” Obamacare is not going to fix anything, and it is extremely disappointing that President Trump and Paul Ryan are advocating such an approach.
Thankfully, there are a number of strong conservatives in Congress that are willing to take a stand for what is right even if it means standing up against their own party.  One of those principled conservatives is Senator Rand Paul, and he says that right now there are at least 35 Republican “no” votes in the House, and that would be enough to kill the bill…
I think there’s easily 35 no votes right now so unless something happens in the next 24 hours, I would predict they pull the bill and start over. I think if conservatives stick together, they will have earned a seat at the table where real negotiation to make this bill an acceptable bill will happen. But it’s interesting what conservatives are doing to change the debate. We went from keeping the Obamacare taxes for a year—hundreds of billions of dollars—but they’re coming towards us because we’re standing firm. So we have to stick together, and if we do stick together there will be a real negotiation on this. The main goal I have is not to pass something that does not fix the situation. If a year from now, insurance rates and premiums are still going through the roof and it’s now a Republican plan it will be a disservice to the president and all of us if we pass something that doesn’t work.
If this bill is ultimately defeated, I have an idea that might work.
Why don’t we get the government out of the healthcare business entirely?
Once upon a time when we actually let the free market determine the allocation of healthcare resources, we had the best healthcare system in the entire world.
But after decades of experimenting with socialist principles and adding mountains of rules, regulations and red tape to the system, we have a giant mess on our hands.
Either we need to go back to a true free market system, or we might as well go ahead and just socialize the entire thing.
Right now, hard working families have to pay for their own healthcare and also pay for the socialized healthcare that more than 125 million other Americans are receiving.
Yes, when you add up all of the Americans that are on Medicaid, CHIP, Medicare and other government programs, it comes to more than 125 million people.
So a lot of hard working families are scared to ever go to the hospital because their insurance deductibles are so high, and yet their taxes go to pay for all of the free healthcare that people on government assistance are receiving.
If the government is going to pay for the healthcare for nearly half the country, why should the rest of us have to pay for ours?
What we have now is such a ridiculous system, and what President Trump and Paul Ryan are proposing is not “free market” in any way, shape or form.
So I say let this horrible bill fail even if it means that financial markets will freak out for a little while.
Hopefully what transpires over the coming days will cause Republican leadership to go back to the drawing board, and a clean repeal of Obamacare would be a really good place to start.

Credit to Economic Collapse

No age discrimination: Muslim ‘migrants’ rape elderly German women, 90 and 79

Image result for Muslim ‘migrants’ rape elderly German women, 90

In Europe, no female of whatever age is safe from Muslim “migrants”:
Even really old women are not safe from being raped.
Here are two examples:
(1) On July 24, 2016, a 40-year-old “refugee from Eritrea” — code words for a North African Muslim “migrant” — raped a 79-year-old woman when she was visiting her sister’s grave in Ibbenbueren, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. A witness called the police after hearing the woman crying for help at around 6 a.m.
The victim was given medical treatment and released from hospital after two days.
The unnamed suspect, who has been in Germany since 2013 and was living in a hostel for asylum seekers, was charged with rape and put in police custody. If found guilty, he could face 15 years in prison. (Source: Daily Mail)
(2) On October 2, 2016 in Düsseldorf, a 19-year-0ld “Moroccan migrant” raped a 90-year-old woman in daylight. The woman had just left a church in the city center when her assailant pushed her into a narrow alley between two pubs, where he demanded money and then raped her.
The woman was treated for injuries in a hospital and released the next day.
The suspect was arrested a few weeks later, when DNA found at the crime scene Police matched the DNA taken from the “migrant” after he had been arrested for a theft in May 2016. (Source: UK Express)
On March 16, 2017, trial began in Düsseldorf for the 19-year-old suspect.
According to the prosecution, the 90-year-old victim had just lit a candle in the St. Lambertus Church when the young man confronted her and shouted “money, money!” But when the woman did not have any money with her, the 19-year-old dragged her into the courtyard where he pulled down her leggings and raped her, before strangling her and pulling at her hair. Then he went through her handbag, stealing her house key and writing down her address. There is no evidence that he later broke into her home.
The “Moroccan migrant” is facing up to 15 years in prison if found guilty of rape, bodily harm and theft. (Source: The Local)
A leaked internal “Casablanca Report” from Düsseldorf says there is a “child sex crisis in swimming pools”. Referring to the report, chief of the German police union Rainer Wendt said that Düsseldorf, like other German cities, has “around 2,244 North African migrant criminals”. Wendt said these migrant migrants are “laughing” at the German justice system as they are often allowed to go free after committing crimes: “They despise our country and laugh at our justice. If there is no pre-trial detention made, no imprisonment is imposed, and no deportations carried out then the police make multiple arrests and the perpetrators get away with it.” (Source: Breitbart)
The situation is so bad in Europe that 80% of Swedish police reportedly want to quit, while police have lost control of no-go zones in Germany and in the city of Marseilles in France where “excessive violence, riots, and rapes has made it the most dangerous city in Europe.” Marseilles has a 30-40% Muslim population.
Boys are not safe either from being sexually assaulted by Muslim “migrants” (see “Iraqi migrant rapes a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Vienna and tells police it was a ‘sexual emergency’“).
Nor are store mannequins and goats.
See also:

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