Bible Codes Reveal 'Storm Stella' Divine Punishment for Trump Envoy's Abbas Meeting

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“And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will cause to rain upon him and upon his bands and upon the many peoples that are with him an overflowing shower and great hailstones fire and brimstone.” Ezekiel 38:22 (The Israel Bible™)

A noted Bible Codes expert has just discovered a clear message connecting the intense winter storm Stella with rumors that the American government will pressure Israel in negotiations with the Palestinians. The message appears in startling detail in the Book of Deuteronomy with an additional warning for the Jews.

In a new video released on Wednesday, Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson pointed out that the storm, which hit the northeastern coast of the United States with snow and flooding earlier this week, coincided with a meeting between Jason Greenblatt, US President Donald Trump’s special representative for international negotiations, and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

There have been rumors in the media that the US envoy offered to freeze the building of Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria in exchange for the Palestinians signing an agreement with Israel.
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According to the Bible Code found by Rabbi Matityahu, the storm came specifically at this time to warn the United States against moves which would harm Israel.

Utilizing a special Torah codes computer program, the rabbi found the words “Sufat Stella” (Storm Stella, in Hebrew) in the Book of Deuteronomy. Along with the name of the storm, the code revealed the current Hebrew year, 5777, as well as the name of this month, Adar, proving that the storm was predicted to hit the United States at this specific point in history.
Image result for Rabbi Glazerson

Rabbi Glazerson then found the Hebrew words for “punishment to the USA”. The words “God’s Messiah in the merit of repentance” also appeared in the same chapter using the same method. The word “threat” also appeared, while underneath, written explicitly and not in code, was “to God’s nation”. Under that verse were the words, “In order that they should learn to fear me and keep my commandments”.

After Hashem your God shall ye walk, and Him shall ye fear, and His commandments shall ye keep, and unto His voice shall ye hearken, and Him shall ye serve, and unto Him shall ye cleave. Deuteronomy 13:5

Rabbi Glazerson noted that moves to force Israel to accept concessions in negotiations with the Palestinians have been accompanied by natural disaster at least fourteen times in the past, including the destruction of President George Bush’s home by a hurricane after he asked Israel to relinquish land to the Palestinians in 1991 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005, which came two weeks after the destruction of Jewish communities in Gaza.

In addition to the clear warning to the United States, the rabbi notes that there is also a message to the Jews.

“God gave the land to Israel on the condition we keep his covenant, which includes the Torah commandments,” the rabbi said. “More and more, there are segments of Israel that are not keeping the commandments.”

“Even those who compare Trump to Cyrus, the non-Jewish king who helped the Jews return to Israel and build the Temple, have to remember that in the end, even Cyrus messed up,” the rabbi said.

Credit to Breaking Israel News

Will There Be ET Disclosure? The Pope, ET’s, the Brookings Report, Cydonia and Giza

The Deep State, Pizzagate, illegal wiretaps and alleged Russian hacking, my mind needs a rest. Each and every day for a year, I have championed the rise of Donald Trump and the potential demise of the globalist forces that have hijacked our government. However, for today, I turn my attention to a topic that holds a great deal of fascination to me and this topic can be encapsulated by one central question: Does mankind really know and understand their true history?
It could be the biggest history revisionist project of all time. Have the elite cut mankind off from their history? We know the globalists try and pervert religion and this is one of the reasons why the Christian Church is in such a mess today. Even the Pope has tried to pervert the message of Christ and the teachings of the Bible by comparing and claiming equivalance between Chistianity and Islam and this has given rise to the modern term “Chislam” which calls for the blending of Christianity and Islam. This is the biggest perversion of the Christian religion in history and the fact that the Pope is pushing the message is inexcusable.

The Pope and ET’s

There is a topic, however, that the Pope covers, that we may want to pay attention to. The current pope is no stranger to the topic of ET’s an has been very outspoken in his beliefs.
I have been noticing a trend in Hollywood movies with an extraterrestrial overtone (e.g. Independence Day, The Arrival, etc) and this tone is reaching a crescendo within the past several years. In a search for predictive programming trends, I have noticed a distinct pattern with regard various networks to play older movies that involve the people of the Earth versus some alien threat.
Christianity and Islam worship the same God.
Christianity and Islam worship the same God?
pope and etI have long thought that this Pope might be suffering from early onset dementia as he recently said he would baptize extraterrestrials as they would visit the Earth. This is the same Pope who has stated that Islam and Christianity are basically one and the same religion. This false doctrine sets the stage for the official state sponsored (United Nations) approved religion which we commonly call Gaia which is about as a pagan of a religion that there is.
Does the Pope know something that the rest of us do not? The Pope’s statements are stunning to say the least. However, there are strong links to the Brookings Report which became the mainstay of NASA’s charter.

The Brookings Report Becomes the Guiding Light for NASA

It is called the Brookings Report.  It was a study commissioned by the global elite, doen in Eishenhower’s authority, and it was created  to decide how the country should deal with disclosure should artifacts of ET technology, remnants of ET civilizations, or if we actually came face-to-face with ET’s of any kind.
The leaked Brookings Report said we should coverup contact, for if we did not, the entire fabric of civilization would fall apart. Religions would collapse and panic would ensue. The Brookings Report became a mainstay of NASA’s original operating charter.
cydonia-1The second part of Brookings stated that if we discovered that mankind had traveled to the stars before, that too should be covered-up. It is this second part of Brookings that interests me. If one believes that makind has risen up before, only to meet some calamity and was forced to start over, that would explain a lot of the anomalies that we see on the planet beginning with the pyramids at Giza. Due to geographic similarities and alignment with the Constellation of Orion, that whomever built the Giza Pyramids, also built the apparent structures on the Cydonia region of Mars.

cydonia-2Today, mankind does not have the capacity to build the pyramids with known technology. This fact coupled with the 45 and 90 degree angle structures captured from the Viking explorer of the Martian Cydonia region, produced photo images nearly identical to Giza’s pyramids with regard to lattitude, longitude and the fact that both sets of pyramids align with the Constellation Orion. These mysteries and much more are covered, along with photographic evidence in the following video. The Hopi legends as well as the India’s legends talk about the previous “worlds” on the planet, meaning the presence of an advanced civilization of humans that were nearly wiped out by something and were forced to start over, multiple times.
Disclosure is an open question. The Brookings Report woujld say disclosure will not happen.  Some I speak with like Steve Quayle believe that is going to happen.  I will interviewing Steve in the ner future on this topic.
Below is a cursory look at this topic complete with photographic comparisons. The link between Cydonia and Giza are undeniable.

 Credit to Common Sense

12 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve May Have Just Made The Biggest Economic Mistake Since The Last Financial Crisis

Wrong Way Signs - Public DomainHas the Federal Reserve gone completely insane?  On Wednesday, the Fed raised interest rates for the second time in three months, and it signaled that more rate hikes are coming in the months ahead.  When the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates, it becomes less expensive to borrow money and that tends to stimulate more economic activity.  But when the Federal Reserve raises rates , that makes it more expensive to borrow money and that tends to slow down economic activity.  So why in the world is the Fed raising rates when the U.S. economy is already showing signs of slowing down dramatically?  The following are 12 reasons why the Federal Reserve may have just made the biggest economic mistake since the last financial crisis…
#1 Just hours before the Fed announced this rate hike, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s projection for U.S. GDP growth in the first quarter fell to just 0.9 percent.  If that projection turns out to be accurate, this will be the weakest quarter of economic growth during which rates were hiked in 37 years.
#2 The flow of credit is more critical to our economy than ever before, and higher rates will mean higher interest payments on adjustable rate mortgages, auto loans and credit card debt.  Needless to say, this is going to slow the economy down substantially
The Federal Reserve decision Wednesday to lift its benchmark short-term interest rate by a quarter percentage point is likely to have a domino effect across the economy as it gradually pushes up rates for everything from mortgages and credit card rates to small business loans.
Consumers with credit card debt, adjustable-rate mortgages and home equity lines of credit are the most likely to be affected by a rate hike, says Greg McBride, chief analyst at He says it’s the cumulative effect that’s important, especially since the Fed already raised rates in December 2015 and December 2016.
#3 Speaking of auto loans, the number of people that are defaulting on them had already been rising even before this rate hike by the Fed…
The number of Americans who have stopped paying their car loans appears to be increasing — a development that has the potential to send ripple effects through the US economy.
Losses on subprime auto loans have spiked in the last few months, according to Steven Ricchiuto, Mizuho’s chief US economist. They jumped to 9.1% in January, up from 7.9% in January 2016.
“Recoveries on subprime auto loans also fell to just 34.8%, the worst performance in over seven years,” he said in a note.
#4 Higher rates will likely accelerate the ongoing “retail apocalypse“, and we just recently learned that department store sales are crashing “by the most on record“.
#5 We also recently learned that the number of “distressed retailers” in the United States is now at the highest level that we have seen since the last recession.
#6 We have just been through “the worst financial recovery in 65 years“, and now the Fed’s actions threaten to plunge us into a brand new crisis.
#7 U.S. consumers certainly aren’t thriving, and so an economic slowdown will hit many of them extremely hard.  In fact, about half of all Americans could not even write a $500 check for an unexpected emergency expense if they had to do so right now.
#8 The bond market is already crashing.  Most casual observers only watch stocks, but the truth is that a bond crash almost always comes before a stock market crash.  Bonds have been falling like a rock since Donald Trump’s election victory, and we are not too far away from a full-blown crisis.  If you follow my work on a regular basis you know this is a hot button issue for me, and if bonds continue to plummet I will be writing quite a bit about this in the weeks ahead.
#9 On top of everything else, we could soon be facing a new debt ceiling crisis.  The suspension of the debt ceiling has ended, and Donald Trump could have a very hard time finding the votes that he needs to raise it.  The following comes from Bloomberg
In particular, the markets seem to be ignoring two vital numbers, which together could have profound consequences for global markets: 218 and $189 billion. In order to raise or suspend the debt ceiling (which will technically be reinstated on March 16), 218 votes are needed in the House of Representatives. The Treasury’s cash balance will need to last until this happens, or the U.S. will default.
The opening cash balance this month was $189 billion, and Treasury is burning an average of $2 billion per day – with the ability to issue new debt. Net redemptions of existing debt not held by the government are running north of $100 billion a month. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has acknowledged the coming deadline, encouraging Congress last week to raise the limit immediately.
If something is not done soon, the federal government could be out of cash around the beginning of the summer, and this could create a political crisis of unprecedented proportions.
#10 And even if the debt ceiling is raised, that does not mean that everything is okay.  It is being reported that U.S. government revenues just experienced their largest decline since the last financial crisis.
#11 What do corporate insiders know that the rest of us do not?  Stock purchases by corporate insiders are at the lowest level that we have seen in three decades
It’s usually a good sign when the CEO of a major company is buying shares; s/he is an insider and knows what’s going on, so their confidence is a positive sign.
Well, according to public data filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, insider buying is at its LOWEST level in THREE DECADES.
In other words, the people at the top of the corporate food chain who have privileged information about their businesses are NOT buying.
#12 A survey that was just released found that corporate executives are extremely concerned that Donald Trump’s policies could trigger a trade war
As business leaders are nearly split over the effectiveness of Washington’s new leadership, they are in unison when it comes to fears over trade and immigration. Nearly all CFOs surveyed are concerned that the Trump administration’s policies could trigger a trade war between the United States and China.
A decline in global trade could deepen the economic downturns that are already going on all over the planet.  For example, Brazil is already experiencing “its longest and deepest recession in recorded history“, and right next door people are literally starving in Venezuela.
After everything that you just read, would you say that the economy is “doing well”?
Of course not.
But after raising rates on Wednesday, that is precisely what Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen told the press
“The simple message is — the economy is doing well.”Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said at a news conference. “The unemployment rate has moved way down and many more people are feeling more optimistic about their labor prospects.”
However, after she was challenged with some hard economic data by a reporter, Yellen seemed to change her tune somewhat
Well, look, our policy is not set in stone. It is data- dependent and we’re — we’re not locked into any particular policy path. Our — you know, as you said, the data have not notably strengthened. I — there’s noise always in the data from quarter to quarter. But we haven’t changed our view of the outlook. We think we’re on the same path, not — we haven’t boosted the outlook, projected faster growth. We think we’re moving along the same course we’ve been on, but it is one that involves gradual tightening in the labor market.
Just like in 2008, the Federal Reserve really doesn’t understand the economic environment.  At that time, Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke assured everyone that there was not going to be a recession, but when he made that statement a recession was actually already underway.
And as I have said before, I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if it is ultimately announced that GDP growth for the first quarter of 2017 was negative.
Whether it happens now or a bit later, the truth is that the U.S. economy is heading for a new recession, and the Federal Reserve has just given us a major shove in that direction.
Is the Fed really so clueless about the true state of the economy, or could it be possible that they are raising rates just to hurt Donald Trump?
I don’t know the answer to that question, but clearly something very strange is going on…

Credit to Economic Collapse

Many Young Adults Are Turning To Witchcraft

Witchcraft Witch - Public DomainYoung adults in America are far less likely to identify themselves as “Christians” than previous generations of Americans, but that does not mean that they have given up on searching for spiritual meaning in their lives. According to Wikipedia, one very popular form of witchcraft known as Wicca has been growing at a rate of more than 100 percent annually in recent years, and this has been happening at a time when Christianity has been in decline in the United States. Of course other pagan and occult groups have been exploding in popularity as well, and as you will see below, one of the primary reasons for this is because many young adults are seeking ways to rebel against their conservative Christian upbringings.
I have written much about how young adults in this country are far more politically liberal than their parents and grandparents, and this enormous cultural shift in values has a spiritual dimension to it as well.
A recent Barna Group study found that only 4 percent of Americans aged 18 to 29 have a Biblical worldview.
Only 4 percent.
The shocking truth is that the values of most Millennials much more easily fit into pagan spirituality than they do into most evangelical Christian churches.
If you want to sleep around with as many people as possible, that is okay in witchcraft. If you want to take drugs and get high every day, that is okay in witchcraft. If you want to be a radical pro-abortion feminist, that is okay in witchcraft. If you want to be a gay transsexual exhibitionist, that is okay in witchcraft.
Essentially, one of the great draws of witchcraft is that nobody holds you accountable for anything and you can do so many of the things that the Bible commands you not to do.
So for those that wish to rebel against their conservative Christian upbringings, getting involved in witchcraft can seem quite natural
Witchcraft in this context is a “counter spirituality to the religious conservatism that defined many [queer people’s] childhoods,” as game developer Aevee Bee puts it. The visual novel Bee co-created, We Know The Devil, explores what it means to embrace witchcraft through three queer teens who attend a Christian summer camp, where they spend a night in the woods awaiting the devil. “What [the protagonists] encounter in the woods they understand and perceive as the devil because that is what they have been taught to understand their desires, identity, and love as,” Bee says. By embracing the devil, the protagonists find liberation from their religious upbringings, just as someone might by realizing it’s acceptable to be queer.
Alex Mar is one prominent author that became deeply involved in the world of witchcraft, but she was not raised that way. In fact, Mar is very open about the fact that she was raised as a Christian
I was born and raised in New York City, but my roots are more exotic: between my Cuban Catholic mother and my Greek Orthodox father, family religion involved the lushest, most high-drama strains of Christianity. The elaborate clerical robes, the incense and tiers of prayer candles, the stories of the martyrs cut into stained glass, the barely decipherable chants – as a child, these were embedded in my brain. To this day, despite my liberal feminist politics, I still imagine the world as overseen by a handsome, bearded young white man.
She says that once she learned “to think for myself”, her liberal political views took her away from the church, and those same political views eventually sparked a curiosity about witchcraft
Once I was old enough to think for myself, I broke with the church on issues of sexuality, marriage, the right to choose and the concept of “sin”; I also couldn’t swallow the thin reasoning behind excluding women from the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox priesthoods. At the same time, however, I was haunted by the memory of high mass, the sense that there are mysteries in the universe. When I learned that there was a living, growing American witchcraft movement – one that is radically inclusive, that views women as equals to men, and in which God is just as likely to be female – I was instantly curious.
This is why what we feed our minds with is so vitally important.
Our public schools have become liberal indoctrination centers that are teaching our young people to adopt an anti-Christian way of viewing the world, and all of that propaganda is being backed up by the thousands upon thousands of anti-Christian entertainment that our young people are constantly consuming.
So it is actually not a surprise when many of our “Christian young people” end up like this guy
Dakota Hendrix, a non-binary trans witch based in New York—an identity Hendrix jokingly refers to as “goat femme,” describing their combination of body hair, a smoky eye, and talons for nails—says the practice of witchcraft is a way to take control in a world that can be both metaphysically and mortally threatening.
It’s a supernatural form of self-defense that Hendrix says includes amulets that fight off mis-gendering, rituals that provide protection when walking down the street, and paying honor to queer and trans ancestors who don’t have descendants of their own paying homage. Not to mention—since, Hendrix says, contemporary witchcraft is connected to social justice work—a hex or two on the NYPD for good measure.
But while the rituals are plentiful, the rules are not, and Hendrix says being a witch is all about choosing one’s own path: “Being a witch is being autonomous; that’s the whole point. That’s how we draw power. We are defying the patriarchy, we are defying the submissive norm.”
Allowing our children to immerse themselves in popular culture is doing far more harm than most of us originally realized.
Popular culture is trying to take the next generation away from Christianity, and it is imperative that we start to understand this. And actually, many of the “stars” that our young people idolize are actually into the occult themselves, and once in a while they even admit this openly
“I’m really a witch,” rapper Azealia Banks quipped last January, shortly before all hell broke loose on her Twitter account.
Banks is known for her online rants. She tends to share fairly dense ideas, spontaneously spun out in punchy lines liberally interspersed with curse words. I don’t know a person on this earth who can agree with every one of them, but her opinions are smarter than she usually gets credit for.
Still, even by Banks’s standards, the witch thing was weird. It came out in the middle of a run about black Americans and their relationship to Christianity:
I wonder if most of the black American Christians in the US know WHY they are Christian. I wonder if they even consider for a SECOND that before their ancestors came to the Americas that they may have believed in something ELSE.
As a Christian, it deeply alarms me that we are losing an entire generation of Americans.
If we keep doing the same things that we have been doing, we will continue to get similar results. That is one of the reasons why I laid out a recipe for spiritual renewal in my latest book entitled “The Rapture Verdict“, and my hope is that the church establishment will embrace what watchmen such as myself are saying instead of fighting it.
If we continue on with business as usual, the evangelical church in America will continue to shrink and multitudes of our young people will continue to seek out other outlets for their spirituality.
At the same time that interest in witchcraft is growing, interest in Satanism is skyrocketing as well. I recently wrote about how the Satanic Temple has experienced a huge surge in membership since Donald Trump’s election victory in November, and at Clemson University students are reportedly going to hold a “lamb sacrifice” and a “Bible burning” to celebrate the opening of a new campus chapel
The poster contains imagery associated with Satanism, like pentagrams and an illustration of the goat-headed Baphomet.
It goes on to state that a live lamb will be provided for sacrifice by “[their] friends” at the Clemson Collegiate Farm Bureau. A Bible-torching ceremony is listed as part of the proceedings, with a cash prize for the student who burns the most Bibles. Finally, attendees are invited partake in a pentagram completion event, where they will “help summon Baphomet to celebrate the new Clemson Chapel.”
There was a time when it would have been unthinkable to put up a poster like that in America, but unfortunately those days are long gone.
Christianity is on the decline in this nation, and witchcraft and Satanism are on the rise.
We desperately need a major spiritual renewal, so my hope is that the church in America will wake up soon.

Credit to End Of the America Dream