Sunday, January 15, 2017

Today 70 nations will meet and decide whether or not there will be a two-state solution.

Image result for israel divided flag
Today is the day when over 70 nations will meet and decide whether or not there will be a two-state solution. For those of you who have no idea of what I’m talking about, the two state solution seeks to divide present day Israel and give land to the so-called Palestinians, thus creating a two-state solution.
Israel 1967bordersMost likely the 70-plus-nations will state that Israel will have to go back to the pre-1967 war boundaries, which will give Jerusalem, Israel’s eternal capital over to the Palestinians. This is national suicide for Israel and, in my opinion, this is what the Arab/Moslems/Islamists want, a divided Israel. One that can not possibly be defended, as if Israel goes back to her 1967 borders she can easily be cut in two, as there is less than 10 miles of territory. Does anyone really believe in land-for-peace? Think about this, Israel gave back the Gaza Strip and now, Gaza is the home of HAMAS, who has one goal, the destruction of Israel.
As we discussed in Watchers 9: Days of Chaos, when I sat down with Dan Gordon, as the Israeli’s were leaving Gaza, the rocket and mortar fire began.
These 70 nations will ram-rod this farce of a peace process down the Israeli’s throats. For those of you who have any doubts about Pope Francis and where the Vatican stands, Francis endorsed Mahmoud Abbas’ government and gave the PA (Palestinian Authority) an embassy at the Vatican.
The Rabbi’s have a saying. When the whole world goes against Israel then Messiah will come.
As Christian, my belief is that He already came the first time, as there are numerous prophecies that were fulfilled at His first coming. (Just read Isaiah 53 and explain who Isaiah is talking about.)
However, it would appear that the whole world is against Israel and even the USA, under the Obama administration has abandoned her.
Trump is still a few days away from taking office and anything is possible.
Bill Salus and I discussed this last night in a phone conversation. We’re both on Prophetic pins-and-needles, as it were.
So as watchmen we stand our ground and watch. As of this post there is nothing in the news about the 70 nations gathered in Paris and the outcome of this meeting. I will give an update and commentary the moment I hear something.
Do any of us really think anything is different when it comes to what the Arabs/Moslems really think about Israel? Watch the video… Res ipsa loquitur

Credit to L.A. Marzulli