Tuesday, January 31, 2017

UN Security Council to hold emergency meeting over Iran missile test

Image result for Iran missile test january 2017

The U.N. Security Council will hold an emergency meeting Tuesday, at the request of the United States, to discuss Iran’s latest ballistic missile test.

The U.S. Mission to the United Nations said Monday it wanted the U.N.’s most powerful body to talk about Sunday’s launch of a medium-range missile, which defies U.N. sanctions. 

Israeli U.N. Ambassador Danny Dannon called for the Security Council to “act immediately in response to these Iranian actions which endanger not only Israel, but the entire Middle East.”

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said earlier that he did not know the "exact nature" of the test and expected to have more information later.

Iran’s missile test, the first under Donald Trump’s presidency, occurred Sunday at a well-known test site outside Semnan, about 140 miles east of Tehran, Fox News was first to learn.

The Khorramshahr medium-range ballistic missile flew 600 miles before exploding, in a failed test of a reentry vehicle, officials said. Iran defense minister Brigadier Gen. Hossein Dehqan said in September that Iran would start production of the missile.

Credit to Foxnews.com

Is It Just A Coincidence That The Dow Has Hit 20,000 At The Same Time The National Debt Is Reaching $20 Trillion?

Dow Fueled By DebtThe Dow Jones Industrial Average provides us with some pretty strong evidence that our “stock market boom” has been fueled by debt.  On Wednesday, the Dow crossed the 20,000 mark for the first time ever, and this comes at a time when the U.S. national debt is right on the verge of hitting 20 trillion dollars.  Is this just a coincidence?  As you will see, there has been a very close correlation between the national debt and the Dow Jones Industrial Average for a very long time.
For example, when Ronald Reagan took office in 1991, the U.S. national debt had just hit 994 billion dollars and the Dow was sitting at 951.  And as you can see from this chart by Matterhorn.gold via David Stockman, roughly that same ratio has held true throughout subsequent presidential administrations…
Dow Fueled By Debt
During the Clinton years the Dow raced out ahead of the national debt, but an “adjustment” during the Bush years brought things back into line.
The cold hard truth is that we have been living way above our means for decades.  Our “prosperity” has been fueled by the greatest debt binge in the history of the world, and we are greatly fooling ourselves if we think otherwise.
We would never have gotten to 20,000 on the Dow if Barack Obama and Congress had not gotten us into an extra 9.3 trillion dollars of debt over the past eight years.
Unfortunately, most people do not understand this, and the mainstream media is treating “Dow 20,000″ as if it is some sort of great historical achievement
The average began tracking the most powerful corporate stocks in 1896, and has served as a broad measure of the market’s health through 22 presidents, 22 recessions, a Great Depression, at least two crashes and innumerable rallies, corrections, bull and bear markets. The blue chip reading finally cracked the 20,000 benchmark for the first time early Wednesday.
During the current bull market, the second longest in history, the Dow has more than tripled since March 2009.
Since Donald Trump’s surprise election victory, the Dow has now climbed by approximately 2150 points.
And it took just 64 calendar days for the Dow to go from 19,000 to 20,000.  That is an astounding pace, and financial markets around the rest of the planet are doing very well right now too.  In fact, global stocks rose to a 19 month high on Wednesday.
So where do we go from here?
Well, if Donald Trump wants to see Dow 30,000 during his presidency, then history tells us that he needs to take us to 30 trillion dollars in debt.
Of course that would be absolute insanity even if it was somehow possible.  Each additional dollar of debt destroys the future of our country just a little bit more, and at some point this colossal bubble is going to burst.
But you can’t tell most of the “financial experts” these things.  Most of them simply believe that the “market always goes higher over time”
The “market always goes higher over time,” Todd Morgan, chairman of Bel Air Investment Advisors. “The lesson here is that through wars, recessions, elections, impeachments, financial crises, and on and on, investing for the long term in high-quality stocks is the key to building wealth. … We are telling our clients that you can’t time the market. Think long term. Stay the course. We expect the market to see Dow 30,000 in my lifetime, and for my grandchildren to see Dow 50,000 in their lifetime.”
My hope is that the market will continue to go up.  But nobody can deny that valuations are already at absurdly high levels, and the only way that this party can keep going is to continue to fuel it with more and more debt.
But for the moment, there is a tremendous amount of optimism out there, and most experts expect the Dow to continue to set new highs.  In fact, CNBC says that whenever the Dow crosses a new threshold like this it usually means good things for investors…
CNBC looked at market data from the past 30 years and zeroed in on the times when the Dow has crossed levels like 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 … all the way up to the 19,000 level it hit in November. At those times, investors can typically expect traders to push it up even higher, according to data from Kensho. Not only does the Dow go up, but it outperforms the S&P 500 index along the way.
But as USA Today has explained, not all Americans are benefiting from this stock market rally…
The breakthrough came just four trading days into Trump’s presidency, a whirlwind in which the billionaire has reaffirmed his commitment to strengthen the U.S. economy and create more jobs and higher wages for workers. Still, nearly half of Americans have not benefited from the so-called “Trump Rally,” which has generated more than $2.2 trillion in paper gains for the Wilshire 5000 Total Stock Index since Election Day. The reason: only 52% of Americans polled by Gallup last April said they “have money invested in stocks” — the lowest stock ownership rate in the 19 years Gallup has tracked the data and down sharply from 65% in 2007 before the financial crisis.
Hopefully the good times will continue to roll for as long as possible.
But there is no possible way that they can keep going indefinitely.
For decades, our debt has been growing much faster than our GDP has.  By definition, this is an unsustainable situation.  At some point we will have accumulated so much debt that our financial system will no longer be able to hold up under the strain.
Many were convinced that we would reach that point before the U.S. national debt hit 20 trillion dollars, and yet here we are.
So how much higher can we go before the bubble bursts?
That is a very good question, and I don’t know if anyone has the right answer.
But for President Trump, this is going to present him with quite a dilemma.
Either he can keep the debt party going for as long as possible, or he can try to get us to take some tough financial medicine right now.
If an attempt is made to deal with our debt problems now, we will experience severe economic pain almost immediately.
But if the can keeps being kicked down the road, our long-term prognosis is just going to keep getting worse and worse.
And if we try to delay the inevitable indefinitely, at some point the laws of economics are going to make our hard choices for us.
So let us celebrate “Dow 20,000″, but let us also understand that it is far more likely that we will see “Dow 10,000″ again before we ever see “Dow 30,000″.

Credit to Economic Collapse

Friday, January 27, 2017

40 Men Control the Planet: It’s Trump and You vs. Everyone Else

President Trump has a nearly impossible job.  The Mexican President, Nieto, spit in Trump’s face yesterday.  Mexico says that they will refuse to negotiate with the Trump administration so long as they insist that Mexico will build the wall.
The simple thing to do seems to consist of canceling NAFTA. Mexico enjoys a $60 billion dollar trade surplus . They play home to millions of manufacturing jobs that used to go to Americans. Some economists will quietly say that this costs the United States almost a trillion dollars per year.  This means lower wages, higher taxes and a declining standard of living for America.
To add insult to injury, the tens of millions of illegal immigrants that have flooded into America sent home $25 billion to Mexican private interests in 2015. This money is not taxed. The labor represented by this amount, which does not account for the under-the-table money that is sent to Mexico, is only a drop in the bucket. Conservatively, and this is a gross under-representation of the actual money that America is bleeding. The labor represented in this amount is not taxed, none of this goes to unemploymetn compensation, workmen’s compensation, social security and medicare. This greatly increases the burden on American citizens to cover these needs.
Mexico will never build the wall unless this movement of money is controlled and taxed. However, Trump is taking on an entire global economic empire. If you wondered why the media vilifies Trump at every turn, their six owners of the entire media profit greatly from all free trade agreements. This is what Trump is trying to undo. However, what most Americans don’t realize is the entire American economy is controlled by a few men who controls goverment and virutally every major industry in America.
Below is just a partial snapshot of how monolithic the corporate interests that controls our daily lives have beccome. Until Trump was elected, nothing ever happened without their approval. They own it all, they control it all. Take a look.

Six Corporations Control Almost Everything You Hear, See, Read and Ultimately Think-The 6 Masters of the Media Own All of the Food, Auto, Big Pharma, Managed Health Care, Clothing, etc.
Image result for corporations owning the media
Related image

14 Corporations Controls Almost Everything You Drive

Image result for who owns the auto industry

Ten Corporations Controls Almost Everything You Eat

Image result for who owns the food industry

Please keep in mind that this is just the tip of the iceberg.  The entire American economy is owned by fewer than 40 men, except for the dwindling number of small businesss that were devastated by the Obama administration.
These corporate giants dominate every aspect of your life and they own the media that tells what to think and how to behave. They control the voting process that stole about 20% of the popular vote. Yet, they still could not defeat Donald Trump and the American people.
Donald Trump can shut down NAFTA and cause Mexico to lose $60 billion a year in lost revenue, courtesy of Americans, and they can be taxed on the $25 billion that leaves the country, in the form of wire transfers from America to Mexico. However, it is critical to remember, this is a drop in the bucket.
These corporations benefit from bringing in cheap labor because they cannot export every job out of America. This is why we have massive illegal immigration. Your wages are lower and your working conditions are poor because the corporations have you where they want you. Ironically, they will NEVER allow immigrants to become citizens because they don’t want to pay employement costs of medicare, social security, unemployment compensation and workmen’s comp.  The corporations are the biggest abuser of immigrants and yet, the media they control will never report this.
For Trump to be successful in negating free trade agreements, he needs our help. Congress must be made to feel the heat. Any Congressmen supporting the anti-Trump movement needs to be removed from office because they are costing you and your kids a decent wage and standard of living.
I have long advocated on shopping local, trading and bartering and removing your participation, as much as possible, from the corporate controlled economy. Eat out at Mel’s Diner and not Outback, for example. Go to Joe’s Hardware store and not Ace Hardware.
The American people are caught in a war. We face politicans who are bought and paid for by the very corporations that enslave us. We face a media that is relentless in their propaganda. And we have become conditioned to be apathetic and uninvolved.
Trump cannot do this alone.
Credit to Common Sense

Europe Proposes "Restrictions On Payments In Cash"

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Having discontinued its production of EUR500 banknotes, it appears Europe is charging towards the utopian dream of a cashless society. Just days after Davos' elites discussed why the world needs to "get rid of currency," the European Commission has introduced a proposal enforcing "restrictions on payments in cash."
With Rogoff, Stiglitz, Summers et al. all calling for the end of cash - because only terrorists and drug-dealers need cash (nothing at all to do with totalitarian control over a nation's wealth) - we are not surprised that this proposal from the European Commission (sanctuary of statism) would appear...
The Commission published on 2 February 2016 a Communication to the Council and the Parliament on an Action Plan to further step up the fight against the financing of terrorism (COM (2016) 50). The Action Plan builds on existing EU rules to adapt to new threats and aims at updating EU policies in line with international standards. In the context of the Commission's action to extent the scope of the Regulation on the controls of cash entering or leaving the Community, reference is made to the appropriateness to explore the relevance of potential upper limits to cash payments.
The Action Plan states that "Payments in cash are widely used in the financing of terrorist activities… In this context, the relevance of potential upper limits to cash payments could also be explored. Several Member States have in place prohibitions for cash payments above a specific threshold."
Cash has the important feature of offering anonymity to transactions. Such anonymity may be desired for legitimate reason (e.g. protection of privacy). But, such anonymity can also be misused for money laundering and terrorist financing purposes. The possibility to conduct large cash payments facilitates money laundering and terrorist financing activities because of the difficulty to control cash payment transactions.


Potential restrictions to cash payments would be a mean to fight criminal activities entailing large payment transactions in cash by organised criminal networks. Restricting large payments in cash, in addition to cash declarations and other AML obligations, would hamper the operation of terrorist networks, and other criminal activities, i.e. have a preventive effect. It would also facilitate further investigations to track financial transactions in the course of terrorist activities. Effective investigations are hindered as cash payments transactions are anonymous. Thus restrictions on cash payments would facilitate investigations. However, as cash transactions are moved to the financial system, it is essential that financial institutions have adequate controls and procedures in place that enable them to know the person with whom they are dealing. Adequate due diligence on new and existing customers is a key part of these controls in, line with the AMLD.

Terrorists use cash to sustain their illegal activities, not only for illegal transactions (e.g. the acquisition of explosives) but also for payments which are in appearance legal (e.g. transactions for accommodation or transport). While a restriction on payments in cash would certainly be ignored for transactions that are in any case already illegal, the restriction could create a significant hindrance to the conduct of transactions that are ancillary to terrorist activities.


Organised crime and terrorism financing rely on cash for payments for carrying out their illegal activities and benefitting from them. By restricting the possibilities to use cash, the proposal would contribute to disrupt the financing of terrorism, as the need to use non anonymous means of payment would either deter the activity or contribute to its easier detection and investigation. Any such proposal would also aim at harmonising restrictions across the Union, thus creating a level playing field for businesses and removing distortions of competition in the internal market. It would additionally foster the fight against money laundering, tax fraud and organised crime.
And then right at the end, they mention "fundamental rights"...
While being allowed to pay in cash does not constitute a fundamental right, the objective of the initiative, which is to prevent the anonymity that cash payments allow, might be viewed as an infringement of the right to privacy enshrined in Article 7 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. However, as complemented by article 52 of the Charter, limitations may be made subject to the principle of proportionality if they are necessary and genuinely meet objectives of general interest recognised by the Union or the need to protect the rights and freedoms of others. The objectives of potential restrictions to cash payments could fit such description. It should also be observed that national restrictions to cash payments were never successfully challenged based on an infringement to fundamental rights.
Full Proposal below...
* * *
Below are some recent thoughts on the matter from SovereignMan's Simon Black, who detailed previously that the war on cash is happening faster than we could have ever imagined, and predictably, is based on lies.

Credit to Zero Hedge

Gorbachev: 'It Looks As If The World Is Preparing for War'

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Some troubling observations from the last leader of the USSR, first posted in Time.

The world today is overwhelmed with problems. Policymakers seem to be confused and at a loss.

But no problem is more urgent today than the militarization of politics and the new arms race. Stopping and reversing this ruinous race must be our top priority.

The current situation is too dangerous.
More troops, tanks and armored personnel carriers are being brought to Europe. NATO and Russian forces and weapons that used to be deployed at a distance are now placed closer to each other, as if to shoot point-blank.

While state budgets are struggling to fund people’s essential social needs, military spending is growing. Money is easily found for sophisticated weapons whose destructive power is comparable to that of the weapons of mass destruction; for submarines whose single salvo is capable of devastating half a continent; for missile defense systems that undermine strategic stability.

Politicians and military leaders sound increasingly belligerent and defense doctrines more dangerous. Commentators and TV personalities are joining the bellicose chorus. It all looks as if the world is preparing for war.

It could have been different
In the second half of the 1980s, together with the U.S., we launched a process of reducing nuclear weapons and lowering the nuclear threat. By now, as Russia and the U.S. reported to the Non-proliferation Treaty Review Conference, 80% of the nuclear weapons accumulated during the years of the Cold War have been decommissioned and destroyed. No one’s security has been diminished, and the danger of nuclear war starting as a result of technical failure or accident has been reduced.

This was made possible, above all, by the awareness of the leaders of major nuclear powers that nuclear war is unacceptable.

In November 1985, at the first summit in Geneva, the leaders of the Soviet Union and the U.S. declared: Nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. Our two nations will not seek military superiority. This statement was met with a sigh of relief worldwide.

I recall a Politburo meeting in 1986 at which the defense doctrine was discussed. The proposed draft contained the following language: "Respond to attack with all available means." Members of the politburo objected to this formula. All agreed that nuclear weapons must serve only one purpose: preventing war. And the ultimate goal should be a world without nuclear weapons.

Breaking out of the vicious circle
Today, however, the nuclear threat once again seems real. Relations between the great powers have been going from bad to worse for several years now. The advocates for arms build-up and the military-industrial complex are rubbing their hands.

We must break out of this situation. We need to resume political dialogue aiming at joint decisions and joint action.

There is a view that the dialogue should focus on fighting terrorism. This is indeed an important, urgent task. But, as a core of a normal relationship and eventually partnership, it is not enough.

The focus should once again be on preventing war, phasing out the arms race, and reducing weapons arsenals. The goal should be to agree, not just on nuclear weapons levels and ceilings, but also on missile defense and strategic stability.

In modern world, wars must be outlawed, because none of the global problems we are facing can be resolved by war — not poverty, nor the environment, migration, population growth, or shortages of resources.

Take the first step
I urge the members of the U.N. Security Council — the body that bears primary responsibility for international peace and security — to take the first step. Specifically, I propose that a Security Council meeting at the level of heads of state adopt a resolution stating that nuclear war is unacceptable and must never be fought.

I think the initiative to adopt such a resolution should come from Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin — the Presidents of two nations that hold over 90% of the world’s nuclear arsenals and therefore bear a special responsibility.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said that one of the main freedoms is freedom from fear. Today, the burden of fear and the stress of bearing it is felt by millions of people, and the main reason for it is militarism, armed conflicts, the arms race, and the nuclear Sword of Damocles. Ridding the world of this fear means making people freer. This should become a common goal. Many other problems would then be easier to resolve.The time to decide and act is now.

Credit to Zero Hedge

Sweden: Two Afghan Muslim migrants revealed as those who streamed 3-hour rape on Facebook

Jihad Watch had this story on Monday. We reported that the Swedish publication NyheterIdag said that the attackers were “nysvenskar,” that is, “new Swedes,” which is the establishment media euphemism for Muslim migrants. Now the attackers have indeed been identified as Afghan migrants.

The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowancefor a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (33:59) The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified.

An update on this story. “Two Afghan migrants revealed as those arrested over horrific three-hour rape streamed on Facebook Live in Sweden,” by Patrick Knox, The Sun, January 26, 2017:

TWO migrants from Afghanistan have reportedly been arrested over the three-hour gang rape of a woman that was broadcast on Facebook Live.

The two men, aged 18 and 20, who are both from Afghanistan, were arrested in the city at the weekend after police were tipped off by social media users, it was reported by The Local newspaper.

The third man, a Swedish citizen aged 24 according to court documents seen by The Local, was detained on suspicion of failing to reveal rape which shocked the world after it appeared on Facebook live.

The three, who cannot be legally identified under Swedish law, have not been charged.

In Sweden a person suspected of a serious crime can be detained without being charged with the approval of a court.

But this is only if there is a risk they will flee the country.

According to the Local, the men deny the accusations.

“I have seen stronger evidence in my days,” the 24-year-old’s lawyer, AndreasWelin, told Sweden’s largest news agency TT after the pre-trial hearing.

The lawyer representing the 20-year-old, Christer Söderberg, says: “A woman is said to have been raped in an apartment. He is suspected of that.

“He denies any criminal offence, he has given in my opinion a perfectly coherent story about what happened.

“I cannot go into details, but he has told me in a way that is not contradicted by anything else.”

An online witness said the victim had her clothes pulled off by armed men and was sexually assaulted before cops arrived and turned off the camera.

The horrific assault took place in an apartment in Uppsala, Sweden.

Police rushed to the scene after they were tipped off by someone watching the live stream in horror.

Credit to usdefensewatch.com


Thursday, January 26, 2017

SAUDI ARABIA: Muslim woman beheaded in broad daylight as police look on

Very Graphic!!

In this graphic video taken near the city of Mecca, a woman is punished for allegedly having committed what her husband alleges is the murder of his 7-year-old daughter. (If she did it, it was probably to stop the husband from raping the child)

It is unknown whether or not she was afforded due process during her defense, but the Saudi justice system is typically discriminatory against female defendants.

Credit to Bare Naked Islam

U.S. Congress Proposes Withdrawal from the Criminal UN

As the video details below, there is a Congressional bill that seeks a withdrawal from the United Nations. The bill has many other UN related features that are noteworthy.

Credit to Common Sense

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Scientists Can't Explain Odd Behavior of Sharks Massing Off Israeli Coast, But Bible Can

“And it shall come to pass that fishers shall stand by it from En-gedi even unto En-eglaim; there shall be a place for the spreading of nets; their fish shall be after their kinds as the fish of the Great Sea exceeding many.” Ezekiel 47:10 (The Israel Bible™)
Dozens of sandbar and dusky sharks have appeared this week off the coast of the Israeli city of Hadera in a strange phenomenon that scientists are hard-pressed to explain – but the Bible may have an answer.
It is thought that the large group of sharks, called a frenzy, are attracted to the warm water output of the electric power plant in Hadera, but in a trend that experts do not fully understand, sharks are gathering in this spot in ever-increasing numbers each winter.
There many be another, simpler explanation: This could be the marine phenomenon described in Chapter 38 of Ezekiel that accompanies the war of Gog and Magog, ushering in Messiah.
Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Yisrael; so that the fishes of the sea and the fowls of the heaven and the beasts of the field and all creeping things that creep upon the ground and all the men that are upon the face of the earth shall shake at My presence. Ezekiel 38:20
The Tikunei Zohar (Tinyanya Tikkun 43), an esoteric book attributed to Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai in the first century, explains that this increase of fish signifies a specific stage of the Messianic process, in which the  the Messiah from the House of Joseph and the Messiah of the house of David, two separate stages, join together.

Sharks Mass on Israeli Coast

The Messiah from the house of Joseph is a practical building up of the land that precedes a miraculous period, Messiah from the House of David, which includes the building of the Temple. The period ushered in by the appearance of fish is described as a period of hamtakat hadinim (sweetening of the judgements), symbolized by the fish’s ability to make seawater palatable.
Fish play a prominent role in End-of-Days prophecy. Based on a prophecy in Zechariah, it is believed that in the days of the Messiah, a river will flow from Jerusalem down in two directions: eastward towards the Dead Sea and westward towards the Mediterranean. 
And it shall come to pass in that day that living waters shall go out from Yerushalayim: half of them toward the eastern sea and half of them toward the western sea; in summer and in winter shall it be.” Zechariah 14:8
In Ezekiel, it is stated that these Messianic waters will cause the Dead Sea to become teeming with fish. 
And it shall come to pass that every living creature wherewith it swarmeth whithersoever the rivers shall come shall live; and there shall be a very great multitude of fish.  Ezekiel 47:9
Last summer, Breaking Israel News reported on  the appearance of marine life in brackish water ponds on the shores of the Dead Sea, in visible fulfillment of that prophecy.
Scientists are on hand to study the sharks but still do not understand why they gather at Israel.
Adi Barash, PhD student and researcher in the School of Marine Sciences at the University of Haifa Leon Charney, explained the situation to NRG, a Hebrew language news service.
“The population of sharks worldwide has declined greatly, and this is especially true for most Mediterranean coastal sharks, which have disappeared altogether,” Barash said. “Such a phenomenon of warm water sharks gathering is unique, and there is no similar case of this happening anywhere in the world, but in recent years, we have seen this phenomenon repeating itself here every winter.”
Hadera is the site of Israel’s largest electric power plant, and expels warm water into the Mediterranean.
“We know they like being in the warm waters, but we don’t know exactly why,” Nature and Parks Authority marine ecologist Ruth Yahel told AFP news service.
“You can see they’re drawn to the warm water — they enter its stream and perform a Rondo-like dance, fly out with the stream, circle around and do it again,” she said.“They might do it because it’s fun, or pleasurable to be in the warm water.”
The Israeli Nature and Parks Authority (INPA) and the Israel Diving Authority issued warnings to bathers to avoid the area. The last reported shark attack on this part of the coast was in 1945 and the sharks are not considered aggressive unless provoked.
Credit to breakingisraelnews.com
Read more at https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/82567/scientists-cant-explain-odd-behavior-sharks-israeli-coast/#v7fL5mA3cE4DPLSX.99

The Cashless Society Is Almost Upon Us

There has been endless discussion over the last few years about how we’re heading toward a cashless society and what that will mean. But never has it been as close as it is now. Numerous countries across the globe have begun actively taking steps to limit the use of currency and are rapidly initiating controls on its use.
In conjunction with government policies, some banks are beginning to charge negative interest rates, actually charging customers for depositing their money. Others have begun refusing to allow that cash be stored in safe deposit boxes. Across the board, banking institutions and government are working hand-in-hand to shut down the use of cash.
There are a number of reasons given for this, from convenience to security, but the underlying motive really is control. Bible prophecy makes it clear that a large part of the 666 beast system will be controls on what anyone can buy and sell. With these moves to do away with cash, we’re taking a giant step toward that reality.
The articles below contain more than generic stories about how we’re becoming a cashless economy. They give examples from specific countries, and discuss some surprising steps which already have been taken, that most people aren’t aware of. This move is intimately connected with the “Mark of the Beast”, and for that reason, this is an area to watch closely.

Cashless Society

Cashless Society War Intensifies During Global Epocalypse  
This article addresses not just the crises that are driving the move toward cashless societies, but it discusses the move toward a single world currency, one of the hallmarks of the 666 beast system.
The world descended into an economic apocalypse that will transform the globe into a single cashless society. This bold prediction is based on trends in nations all over the earth as shown in the article below.
As we enter 2017, we are only beginning to see this Epocalypse form through the fog of war. The war I m talking about is the world war waged furiously by central banks against the Great Recession as the governments they supposedly serve fiddled while their capital burned.
The governments and banks of this world advanced rapidly toward forming cashless societies throughout 2015 and 2016. The citizens of some countries are already embracing the move. In other countries, like the US, citizens fear the loss of autonomy that would come from giving governments and their designated central bank’s absolute monetary control.
The Epocalypse that I am been describing in this series will overcome that resistance during 2017 and 2018 as it wrecks economic havoc to such a degree that cash holdouts will be ready for whatever holds the greatest promise of saving them from their collapsed monetary systems, fallen banks, deflated stocks and suffocating debt.
If this sounds like some wild conspiracy theory, consider the following: no less Sterling standard of global economics than The Economist predicted thirty years ago that by 2018 a global currency would rise like the phoenix out of the ashes of the world s fiat currencies:
Bank Of Ireland Bans “Small” Cash Withdrawals At Branches  
“As central planners the world over grapple with the effective “lower bound” that’s imposed by the existence of physical banknotes, there’s been no shortage of calls for a ban on cash. Put simply, if you eliminate physical currency, you also eliminate the idea of a floor for depo rates.
After all, if people can’t withdraw paper money and stash it under the mattress, then interest rates can be as negative as the government wants them to be in order to “encourage” consumption. If, for instance, you’re being charged 10% for saving your money, then by God you will probably spend that money rather than see the bank collect a double-digit fee just for holding on to your paycheck.
In the absence of physical cash, there’s no way for depositors to avoid that rather unpalatable outcome unless the public starts buying hard assets like commodities with their debit cards. “With today’s technical possibilities, coins and notes are in fact an anachronism,” Bofinger told Spiegel back in May.
Now, in what should be a wake up call to the world, Bank of Ireland has banned branch withdrawals of less than €700.  Seriously.
Tellers will still assist the “elderly” if they have trouble using automated methods of obtaining cash: Under new rules, designed to streamline in-branch services, Bank of Ireland said withdrawals of less than €700 will no longer be facilitated with the assistance of tellers. From mid-November, customers will have to use ATMs or mobile devices for small and modest-sized withdrawals.”  (Zero Hedge)
People really should avert their gaze from the modern survival thinking for just a bit and also look at how folks 150 years ago did it.
These guys were the last generation to practice basic things-for a living-that we call survival skills now.
Survival Things Our Great Grandfathers Did Or Built Around The House. Are you ready to turn back the clocks to the 1800s for up to three years.
When the economic system has fallen your survival will depend on this skills.
Where even banks won’t take cash anymore: Sweden could become first cashless society  
Sweden is the nation moving most quickly toward a complete rejection of cash.
Parishioners text tithes to their churches. Homeless street vendors carry mobile credit-card readers. Even the Abba Museum, despite being a shrine to the 1970s pop group that wrote “Money, Money,” considers cash so last-century that it does not accept bills and coins.
Few places are tilting toward a cashless future as quickly as Sweden, which has become hooked on the convenience of paying by app and plastic.
This tech-forward country, home to the music streaming service Spotify and the maker of the Candy Crush mobile games, has been lured by the innovations that make digital payments easier. It is also a practical matter, as many of the country’s banks no longer accept or dispense cash.
Cash Ban: Greeks Face “Permanent Cash Controls and Compulsory Use of Plastic Money”  
Greeks are not only suffering financially under the controls imposed by its leaders under economic crisis, but they are also losing their freedoms. The combination leads to an impoverished and enslaved population. Worse, this misery is likely to be exported to other countries, as the entire globe faces the prospect of another economic meltdown.
In a stunning move towards the elites’ endgame of ‘banning cash’, Greek authorities unveiled stricter capital controls for civil servants and pensioners this weekend. By drastically limiting cash withdrawals and forcing the more ‘controllable’ compulsory use of plastic money, Greek authorities hope to stop tax evasion through the use of ‘fake cash registers’.
A shock-measure: civil servants and pensioners will be subject to stricter capital controls than the rest of the Greeks. They will be able to withdraw only €150 per week – with the cash withdrawal cap being €420 per week – that is a total of €600 per month. The rest of their wage or pension they will have to spend by using debit or credit card.”
Once Cash Is Banned They Will Be Able To Force You To Buy Products: “Just Tax Their Excess Account Balance”  

“We’ve seen numerous reports of how banks are actively working with governments to restrict cash usage. JP Morgan Chase, one of the world’s largest banks, has advised their customers that storing cash in their safe deposit boxes is no longer allowed – for your safety, of course. The new policy sounds ridiculous but makes complete sense when you consider that you would then be left with no other choice than to hold your money exclusively in your bank account, where the bank will simply charge you for the privilege of depositing your funds in their fine financial institution.
In the event the President or other bureaucrat declares a financial crisis, the government can move with unprecedented speed to stabilize the system by simply compelling you to spend money to boost economic activity. And by “compelling” we mean forcing you through direct taxation and withdrawal of your funds.
The idea is that either you start spending your money like a good Patriotic American according to the rules and regulations, or the government would just take it from you and reappropriate it as they see fit.
But such a thing could never happen in America – that the government could force a private citizen to purchase a product or service, or face financial penalties and even jail time – right? To answer this question we direct you to the Patient Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare that the Republicans in Congress have already begun the legislative process of overhauling the law (although a final repeal bill is not likely to land on President Donald Trump’s desk for some weeks, even possibly months.)
Besides, you don’t own that money you’re depositing at the bank anyway, because once you deposit those funds, according to new banking rules, you become a creditor to your financial institution and they can pretty much do whatever they want with what was formerly your money.” (source)
War On Cash Escalates: China Readies Digital Currency, IMF Says “Extremely Beneficial”
From Zero Hedge :
“Remember when Bitcoin and its digital currency cohorts were slammed by authorities and written off by the elite as worthless? Well now, as the war on cash escalates, officials from The IMF to China are seeing the opportunity to control the world’s money through virtual (cash-less) currencies. Just as we warned most recently here, state wealth control is the goal and, as Bloomberg reports, The PBOC is targeting an early rollout of China’s own digital currency to “boost control of money” and none other than The IMF’s Christine Lagarde added that “virtual currencies are extremely beneficial.”
By way of background, as we explained previously, What exactly does a “war on cash” mean?
It means governments are limiting the use of cash and a variety of official-mouthpiece economists are calling for the outright abolition of cash. Authorities are both restricting the amount of cash that can be withdrawn from banks, and limiting what can be purchased with cash. These limits are broadly called “capital controls.”
Why are governments suddenly so keen to ban physical cash?
The answer appears to be that the banks and government authorities are anticipating bail-ins, steeply negative interest rates and hefty fees on cash, and they want to close any opening regular depositors might have to escape these forms of officially sanctioned theft. The escape mechanism from bail-ins and fees on cash deposits is physical cash, and hence the sudden flurry of calls to eliminate cash as a relic of a bygone age — that is, an age when commoners had some way to safeguard their money from bail-ins and bankers’ control.”
Apple boss: Next generation of children ‘will not know what money is’  
“The next generation of children born in Britain “will not know what money is”, the boss of Apple has predicted. Tim Cook, the chief executive of technology giant, forecast the death of cash by the time current university students have a family.
Cash is still used for more than half of payments by consumers, according to Payments UK, the industry body, but its popularity is falling as people switch to cards and smartphone apps such as Apple Pay and Google Wallet.
Answering questions from students at Trinity College Dublin, Mr Cook said: “Your kids will not know what money is.”
In an outspoken address, he also vowed to deepen his fight against the so-called snooper’s charter. Mr Cook reiterated comments made to The Telegraph this week, stating that his company was commitment to full protection of customer’s data from hackers.
“We plan to continue to encrypt end to end with no back door,” he said. “We will productively work with the governments to try to convince them that’s also in their best interests in the national security sense.” (Source)
Eventually we will end up bartering just like our forefathers and many of the greeks this days that have no other currency. On the bright side, barter has been a part of everyday life for our ancestors for a long time we will need to adapt just like they did.

Credit to survivaldan101.com