Tuesday, October 11, 2016

This is the News I was waiting for..If you are in the US better leave now

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Russian Government Officials Told To Immediately Bring Back Children Studying Abroad

In Europe, when it gets serious, you have to lie... at least if you are an unelected bureaucrat like Jean-Claude Juncker. In Russia, however, when it gets serious, attention immediately turns to the children.

Which is why we read a report in Russian website Znak published Tuesday, according to which Russian state officials and government workers were told to bring back their children studying abroad immediately, even if means cutting their education short and not waiting until the end of the school year, and re-enroll them in Russian schools, with some concern. The article adds that if the parents of these same officials also live abroad "for some reason", and have not lost their Russian citizenship, should also be returned to the motherland. Znak cited five administration officials as the source of the report.

The "recommendation" applies to all: from the administration staff, to regional administratiors, to lawmakers of all levels. Employees of public corporations are also subject to the ordinance. One of the sources said that anyone who fails to act, will find such non-compliance to be a "complicating factor in the furtherance of their public sector career." He added that he was aware of several such cases in recent months.

It appears that the underlying reason behind the command is that the Russian government is concerned about the optics of having children of the Russian political elite being educated abroad, while their parents appear on television talking about patriotism and being "surrounded by enemies."

While we doubt the impacted children will be happy by this development, some of the more patriotic locals, if unimpacted, are delighted. Such as Vitaly Ivanov, a political scientist who believes that the measure to return children of officials from studying abroad, is "long overdue." According Ivanoc, the education of children of the Russian elite abroad is subject to constant ridicule and derision against the ruling regime. "People note the hypocrisy of having a centralized state and cultivating patriotism and anti-Western sentiment, while children of government workers study abroad. You can not serve two gods, one must choose."

On the other hand, political analyst Stanislav Belkovsky quoted by Znak, believes that such decisions should be approached with more pragmatism. Such a recommendation is more likely to lead to an outflow of officials from the state, rather than allow the return of the children studying at elite foreign universities. He also warned of attempts to recreate an echo chamber such as that experienced after the failed July coup attempt on Turkey's President Erdogan.

But what he said next was more disturbing: "On the one hand, this is all part of a package of measures to prepare the elites for some 'big war' even if it is rather conditional, on the other hand - this is another blow to the unity of President Putin with his own elite" Belkovsky said. He adds that the Western sanctions launcedh in March 2014, had sought to drive a wedge between Putin and elites. In response, the Kremlin began to act precisely according to the logic of these sanctions. "But while a ban for having assets in the West is one thing, and understanable, when it comes to a ban for offshore health and education services, the blowback will be far greater, as it represents a far more important element of the establishment's life strategy."

Ultimately the motivation behind Putin's decision is unclear: whether it is to show Russia's high-ranking oligarchs who is boss, to boost a sense of patriotism among the nation by sending a symbolic message that the west is no longer a welcome destination for Russia's rich kids, or just a preemptive move of repatriating of any individuals affiliated with Russian politics for other unknown reasons; however it underscores the severity of the ongoing diplomatic crisis and just how significant the upcoming isolation between Russia and the West is likely to become in the coming months - unless of course tensions deescalate dramatically in the very near future - resulting in even greater collapse in global commerce and a further slowdown to world economic growth, which may ultimately lead to an armed conflict, whether regional or global, as the only possible outcome.

Credit to Zero Hedge

5 Biggest Temple Stories of Year Prove Third Temple is Closer Than Ever as Yom Kippur Approaches

“Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto Hashem.” Leviticus 23:27 (The Israel Bible™)

(Breaking Israel News)

While today, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, means long hours of intense prayer, the modern holiday service is really a stand-in for Biblical sacrifices performed by the High Priest as he entered the Holy of Holies in the Temple in order to beg forgiveness for the Jewish people. While the Temple was standing, thousands would gather to witness the holy offerings and pray for atonement. Though the Temple was not built this year, many significant events have brought us closer than ever before to its prophesied rebuilding, and all over the world, Jews are praying that this time next year, the Yom Kippur service will take place in the Third Temple!

1. Sanhedrin Appoints High Priest in Preparation for Third Temple

In preparation for the High Holidays, the nascent Sanhedrin selected Rabbi Meir Kahane in August to perform the function of the High Priest, should the need arise. Rabbi Kahane has led many reenactments of the Temple Service, and is prepared to perform the service. If a Yom Kippur service is performed on the Temple Mount this year, Rabbi Kahane will not be acting alone. The Temple Institute has initiated a registry of Kohanim (priests) and an institute to educate them, bringing us closer than ever to actualizing our 2,000-year-old dream.

2. Lost Stone From High Priest’s Prophetic Breastplate Thought Found After Incredible Journey

In a remarkable journey that took 1,100 years, a sardonyx was rediscovered in September that many experts believe is actually from the High Priest’s breastplate. The engraving of a Hebrew letter ‘bet’ floats below the surface and has baffled scientists, who have no idea how the engraving came to be. The stone was acquired in Jerusalem in 1189 by a French Templar Knight and was passed down from generation to generation. It has finally resurfaced, and a group of businessmen is working to bring it back home to Jerusalem.

3. Second Temple “Reappears” in the Western Wall Plaza [PHOTOS]

A new attraction at the Kotel Plaza has Temple-minded tourists going wild. A project from The Temple Mount Heritage Foundation and ArchTour opened September 19, recreating the Second Temple in a virtual reality 3-D experience. The virtual tour begins in the Old City marketplace, entering the Temple courtyard through the southern gate, and brings the visitor right into the Temple, where he witnesses the Temple service, up-close and firsthand.

4. Sanhedrin Revives 2,000-Year-Old Blessing for Counting of Jubilee Year

The nascent Sanhedrin jump-started the Torah commandment of counting the 50-year Jubilee cycle as Rosh Hashana went out last year. Not only did this give Jews an opportunity to perform an additional Torah mitzvah, but it officially marked the third arrival of the Jews in the Promised Land. The Sanhedrin counted the first year in a closed room with only a few people to witness it. This year, this special Torah commandment was performed by thousands of Jews, as they marked the second year of the 50-year cycle with its proper blessing, not heard for over 2,000 years.

5. For First Time EVER, Undeniable Evidence of Jewish Temple Discovered [PHOTOS]

A group of archaeologists and volunteers pieced together spectacular marble tiles from the Second Temple courtyard, giving incontrovertible proof that the Temple Mount was home to the Jewish Temples. The tiles were found in piles of refuse taken from the Temple Mount during illegal construction by the Waqf (Muslim Authority). A group of archaeologists and volunteers dedicated themselves to saving the irreplaceable artifacts endangered by the intentionally reckless actions of the Waqf. In September, they completed the painstaking process of piecing together the tile fragments. The result: a glimpse of the glory that once was the Temple.

Credit to breakingisraelnews.com
Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/77013/5-biggest-temple-stories-yom-kippur-approaches-prove-third-temple-closer-ever/#g0l8WQKVR96kHVda.99

Wheelchair-bound woman is gang-raped by six migrants at Swedish asylum

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A wheelchair-bound woman was gang-raped by up to six migrants at a Swedish asylum centre after asking if she could use their toilet, it has been reported.

The woman, in her 30s, was sharing a taxi home with a man after going in the medieval town of Visby on Sweden's Gotland island when she asked to stop off.

Her fellow passenger invited her inside before she was brutally set upon in the toilet, her lawyer said.

The assault sparked anger in the town and extra police were called to the island when an angry mob attacked the asylum centre with rocks.

The victim's lawyer Staffan Freriksson said the abuse started in the toilet and several other men joined in.

He added: 'Where they came from we don't know. This was going on for a couple of hours.

'She got paralysed in this situation and was not able to bring herself to resist physically, other than saying no.'

He said his client is unable to walk long distances and need a wheelchair. She was eventually able to escape the building.

Six men aged in their 20s were arrested in the days that followed they were later released.

Sweden's Expressen newspaper reported that the suspects were all asylum seekers and that the attack allegedly took place at asylum accommodation.

Credit to dailymail.co.uk

Furious Vladimir Putin CANCELS visit to Paris after Francois Hollande insists they discuss Russia's support of Syria's President Assad

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Vladimir Putin has pulled out of a visit to Paris next week to meet with Francois Hollande who insisted they discuss Russian support for Syria's President Assad.

The Kremlin confirmed this morning that Putin had cancelled the trip to the French capital where he was due to meet with Hollande.

The long-planned visit to Paris, which would have taken place next Wednesday, would have seen Putin inaugurate a new Russian Orthodox church near the Eiffel Tower as well as visit a Russian cultural centre and an exhibition

But it is thought that Hollande had told the Kremlin that the only event he wanted to attend with Putin during his visit would be a 'working meeting' on Syria.

The French president's office then said that Moscow 'let it be known that it wanted to postpone the trip.'

But the Kremlin hit back saying Putin is happy to go to France but only when the 'French president is ready.'

Credit to dailymail.co.uk


Putin Prepares 40 million people for Nuclear War

 In this installment of the AMTV Report with Christopher Greene, Christopher discusses some of the developments currently taking place in the world as well as those happening in our backyard.
Multiple reports have Vladimir Putin reportedly preparing Russian citizens for the possibility of a nuclear bombardment.
Russia is coordinating a massive evacuation drill for more than 40 million people in preparation for nuclear war.
Over 200,000 emergency services personnel and soldiers will use 50,000 pieces of equipment during the massive civil defense exercise.
As global tensions intensify, Russian state officials are preparing a terrified citizenry for a nuclear war – which Russia claims will be kicked off by the United States.

Credit to Common Sense

During The Coming Economic Crisis Two-Thirds Of The Country Will Be Out Of Cash Almost Immediately

money-one-dollar-bills-public-domainDid you know that almost 70 percent of the U.S. population is essentially living paycheck to paycheck?  As you will see below, a brand new survey has found that 69 percent of all Americans have less than $1,000 in savings.  Of course one of the primary reasons for this is that most of us are absolutely drowning in debt.  In fact, the total amount of household debt in the United States now exceeds 12 trillion dollars.  So many Americans are so busy just trying to pay off their existing debts that they can’t even think about saving anything for the future.  If economic conditions remain relatively stable, the fact that so many of us are living on the edge probably won’t kill us.  But the moment the economy plunges into another 2008-style crisis (or worse), we could be facing a situation where two-thirds of the country is in imminent danger of running out of cash.
If you are living paycheck to paycheck, you live under the constant threat of your life being totally turned upside down if that paycheck ever goes away.  During the last crisis, millions of Americans lost their jobs very rapidly, and because so many of them were living paycheck to paycheck all of a sudden large numbers of people couldn’t pay their mortgages.  As a result, multitudes of American families went through the extremely painful process of foreclosure.
Unfortunately, it appears that we have not learned anything from the last go around.  According to the brand new survey that I mentioned above, 69 percent of all Americans have less than $1,000 in savings…
Last year, GoBankingRates surveyed more than 5,000 Americans only to uncover that 62% of them had less than $1,000 in savings. Last month GoBankingRates again posed the question to Americans of how much they had in their savings account, only this time it asked 7,052 people. The result? Nearly seven in 10 Americans (69%) had less than $1,000 in their savings account.
Breaking the survey data down a bit further, we find that 34% of Americans don’t have a dime in their savings account, while another 35% have less than $1,000. Of the remaining survey-takers, 11% have between $1,000 and $4,999, 4% have between $5,000 and $9,999, and 15% have more than $10,000.
Perhaps the most alarming fact from this survey is that 62 percent of all Americans had less than $1,000 in savings last year.  So that means that this number has gotten 7 percent worse over the last 12 months.
How did that happen?  I thought the mainstream media was telling us that the economy was getting better…
Look, if you don’t have an emergency fund you are in danger of losing everything.  This is a point that I have been making over and over again for years, and in an article about this new survey USA Today made this point very strongly as well…
This data is particularly worrisome since the recommendation is for Americans to have six months in expenses saved in case of an emergency, such as a large medical expense, car repair bill, or losing your job. Without this emergency fund to fall back on, millions of Americans could be risking financial disaster.
As the publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog, people are constantly asking me what they should do to get prepared for what is coming.
The number one thing that I always suggest is to build up an emergency fund.
In a chaotic situation it is always hard to anticipate accurately what is going to happen, but without a doubt we are all going to need to continue to pay our bills and to buy things for our families during the next crisis.
Yes, someday the U.S. dollar will become rather worthless, but until that happens you are going to need to continue to put a roof over the heads of your family and to put food on the table.
And you are going to need money to do those things.
Some time ago, the Federal Reserve also found that a large percentage of Americans are living on the edge of financial disaster.  They discovered that 47 percent of all Americans could not even come up with $400 to pay for an unexpected emergency room visit without borrowing the money or selling something that they own.
If you can’t even come up with $400 you are really hurting, but that is the status of about half the country these days.
We are continually being told that the economy is strong, but that is simply not the truth.
In fact, it turns out that the period from 2005 to 2015 was the worst period for per capita real GDP growth in modern American history.  The following comes from Zero Hedge
  1. Growth was unusually strong in the 1960s and early 1970s. In every year from 1966 through 1973, per-capita income was up between 30 percent and 40 percent from a decade earlier. Thus, it’s not surprising that many Americans recall this as a great period for the nation’s economy.
  2. In every year from 1984 to 2007 — a period that economists call the Great Moderation, because of the way both growth and interest rates stabilized — per-person income was up between 20 percent and 30 percent from a decade earlier. That’s ample reason for Americans to view this as a good period for the economy.
  3. Cumulative per-person growth from 2005 to 2015 was lower than in any prior decade in the sample. That certainly helps explain why many Americans are unhappy with the nation’s recent economic performance.
And as I repeat over and over, Barack Obama is on track to be the one and only president in all of American history to never have a single year when the economy grew by at least 3 percent, and he has had eight years to try to accomplish that feat.
Why doesn’t Donald Trump ever bring up that amazing fact?  I would think that he could get a lot of mileage out of that number.
At this point, nobody can deny that the middle class is shrinking.  61 percent of all Americans lived in middle class households in 1971, but now the middle class makes up a minority of the population for the very first time in our history.
Back in 1970, the middle class brought home approximately 62 percent of all income, but today that figure has plummeted to just 43 percent.
Those that are still doing well often dismiss those that are struggling by barking out such phrases as “get a job”, but the truth is that getting a good job is not so easy these days.
The most recent statistics show that there are 7.9 million Americans that are considered to be officially unemployed.  When you add that number to the 94.1 million working age Americans that are considered to be “not in the labor force”, you get a grand total of 102 million working age Americans that do not have a job right now.
And just because you do have a job does not mean that everything is okay.  As I have discussed previously, 51 percent of all U.S. workers make less than $30,000 a year according to the Social Security Administration.
Everywhere you look things seem to be getting worse and not better.  Not too long ago I documented the explosion of tent cities all over the country as poverty continues to rise, and I discussed how one study found that some young women in our impoverished inner cities are so desperate that they are actually trading sex for food.
Sadly, it isn’t just a few hard cases that we are talking about.  Even in areas of the country that are supposed to be “doing well” we are seeing record-setting poverty numbers.  For example, it was recently reported that the number of New Yorkers sleeping in homeless shelters just set a brand new all-time high, and the number of New York families permanently living in homeless shelters is up 60 percent over the past five years.
If things are this bad during an “economic recovery”, what are they going to look like once the economy really starts imploding?
And considering the fact that almost 70 percent of the population has virtually no savings, could our nation handle an extended economic downturn that may be even worse than what we experienced in 2008 and 2009?
As a nation we truly are living on the edge, and it isn’t going to take very much at all to push us into oblivion.
Credit to Economic Collapse

Mikhail Gorbachev warns world is at 'dangerous point'

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Soaring tensions between the United States and Russia have brought the world to a “dangerous point,” Mikhail Gorbachev warned on Monday.

The former Soviet leader’s intervention came amid a collapse in East-West relations over the war in Syria that has seen the Kremlin openly threaten to shoot down Western aircraft, drawing comparisons with the worst crises of the Cold War.

"I think the world has reached a dangerous point," Mr Gorbachev, 85, told state news agency RIA Novosti.

"I don't want to give any concrete prescriptions but I do want to say that this needs to stop. We need to renew dialogue. Stopping it was the biggest mistake."

The United States suspended months of talks with Russia over Syria on October 3, accusing Russia of ripping up a ceasefire deal in order to launch a relentless aerial assault on rebel-held areas of Aleppo.

John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, called on Russia and the Syrian government to be investigated for war crimes over the Aleppo campaign, a call that was echoed by France’s foreign minister on Monday.

Russia in response has accused the US of “unfriendly” actions, and deployed nuclear-capable missiles to its Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad, and warned that it would shoot down Western aircraft if the US launched airstrikes against pro-government targets in Syria.

Vladimir Putin also pulled out of and arms-control agreement aimed at reprocessing weapons-grade plutonium and demanded the US roll back its military commitment to Nato members in eastern Europe, saying that expansion of the alliance had threatened Russian security.

Credit to The Telegraph.co.uk