Deutsche Bank CEO Warns Of "Fatal Consequences" For Savers

Image result for Deutsche Bank CEO Warns Of "Fatal Consequences" For Savers

Deutsche Bank's war of words with the ECB is not new: it was first unveiled in February when, as we wrote at the time "A Wounded Deutsche Bank Lashed Out At Central Bankers: Stop Easing, You Are Crushing Us." Europe's largest bank, with the massive derivatives book, then upped the ante several months later in June, when its chief economist Folkerts-Landau launched a shocking anti-ECB rant in which it warned of social unrest and another Great Depression.

Ironically, these infamous diatribes hurt more than helped: telegraphing to the market just how hurt DB was as a result of the ECB's monetary policy, the market punished its stock, which has been recently trading within spitting distance of all time lows, in effect making Deutsche Bank's life even harder as it now has to contend not only with its own internal profitability problems, but also has to maintain a market-facing facade that all is well. So far, it has not worked out very well, prompting numerous comparisons to another infamous bank.

So, in what may have been DB's loudest cry for help against the ECB's unwavering commitment to rock-bottom interest rates, the bank's CEO, John Cryan, warned in a guest commentary ahead of the Handelsblatt Banking Summit titled, appropriately enough "Banks in Upheaval", to be held in Frankfurt on August 31 and September 1, that “monetary policy is now running counter to the aims of strengthening the economy and making the European banking system safer."

Credit to Zero Hedge

LHC To Reveal Possible Parallel Universe

Image result for LHC To Reveal Possible Parallel Universe

Despite critics all over the world, earth has not yet been sucked into a black hole or another dimension for that matter. In reality the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN centre in Geneva, Switzerland has produced spectacular results instead.

First scientists proved the existence of the elusive Higgs boson ‘God particle’ and they’re seemingly well on the way to nailing ‘dark matter’ also. But all of it pales in comparison to next week’s experiment.

Fired up to its highest energy level possible, the LHC might possibly create even miniature black holes. If the parallel universe springs into existence it will not only be outside of our own, but it could also be filled with some of our gravity. This will surely lead to another red alert aboard the USS LHC Critics (may be even rightfully so).

However, if successful CERN’s LHC will not only remain intact, but will open up a new chapter in history, eventually rewriting physics and philosophy books altogether.

Mir Faizal, one of the three-strong team of physicists behind the experiment, summed it up recently, stating that:

“Just as many parallel sheets of paper, which are two dimensional objects [breadth and length] can exist in a third dimension [height], parallel universes can also exist in higher dimensions. We predict that gravity can leak into extra dimensions, and if it does, then miniature black holes can be produced at the LHC.

Normally, when people think of the multiverse, they think of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, where every possibility is actualized. This cannot be tested and so it is philosophy and not science. This is not what we mean by parallel universes. What we mean is real universes in extra dimensions. As gravity can flow out of our universe into the extra dimensions, such a model can be tested by the detection of mini black holes at the LHC.

We have calculated the energy at which we expect to detect these mini black holes in ‘gravity’s rainbow’ [a new scientific theory]. If we do detect mini black holes at this energy, then we will know that both gravity’s rainbow and extra dimensions are correct."

Just in case you’re interested: fired up, the LHC’s energy output is measured in Tera electron volts – a TeV is 1,000,000,000,000 (that’s one trillion) electron Volts. The LHC managed levels just below 5.3 TeV.

To quiet the mind’s of those fearing the mini black holes, according to all models, the energy level needed to produce one would need to be at least 9.5 TeV in six dimensions and 11.9 TeV in 10 dimensions, respectively.

Finally, for what it’s worth, a time machine seems relatively easy to power up in comparison, using some 1.21 Gigawatt, letting us go back in time and fix any mess.

Credit to

Is the Pope About to Make an ET Disclosure at World Religion Unification Conference?

Christianity and Islam worship the same God according to the false prophet, the Pope.
Christianity and Islam worship the same God according to the false prophet, the Pope.
There will soon be an ecumenical gathering between the three monotheist faiths. Thee event will take place from September 4-23, 2016. This monumental event will occur in the Old City of Jerusalem. This is not just a religious event as the event will also consist of musical artists, actors and media and other famous personalities from the four corners of the globe. I feel compelled to ask the question, “Will this also be a Bohemian Grove II”?
One thing that we can say for certain, is that the Pope is the central figure in this event and as we know from his past statements, he will not be representing Jesus at the conference. In fact, the Pope likens the spreading of the word of Jesus to a form of Jihadism.  Many Christians have already dubbed the Pope the new leader of Chislam, which is a made-up term to describe the blending of Islam and Christianity into one religion.

Catholoic Doctrine has Been Morphed Into the Perverted Practice Global Religious Unification

The leaders of the multi-religious, pagan event, have named this unholy gathering as “Mekudeshet”. They have announced plans to perform an 11 day consecration. This can only mean one thing. This is the beginning of the mandatory One World Religion. This is something that Francis has been working towards. However, this is not the only thing that the Pope, or more accurately, the anti-Pope has been pursuing over the last couple of years. He has seemingly been on a man crusade to promote belief in the notion of the existence of exterrestial life.

The Pope and ET’s

The current pope is no stranger to the topic of ET's an has been very outspoken in his beliefs.
The current pope is no stranger to the topic of ET’s an has been very outspoken in his beliefs.
I have been noticing a trend in Hollywood movies with an extraterrestrial overtone (e.g. Independence Day) and this tone is reaching a crescendo within the past month. In a search for predictive programming trends, I have noticed a distinct pattern with regard various networks to play older movies that involve the people of the Earth versus some alien threat.
Christianity and Islam worship the same God.
Christianity and Islam worship the same God.
pope and etI have long thought that this Pope might be suffering from early onset dementia as he recently said he would baptize extraterrestrials as they would visit the Earth. This is the same Pope who has stated that Islam and Christianity are basically one and the same religion. This false doctrine sets the stage for the official state sponsored (United Nations) approved religion which we commonly call Gaia which is about as a pagan of a religion that there is. In light of these facts, does anyone have any questions as to why I have great trepidation with regard to the upcoming religious unification conference?
Before I discuss Operation Blue Beam, it is important to note that the predictive programming for this event goes far beyond Hollywood as we are seeing predictive programming in many segments of our society.

Key General Predicts that Graduating Officers Will One Day Fight Aliens

The following video depicts General Mark A Milley, mentioning “little green men”, and he’s not joking” as being one of the potential adversaries in the lineup of enemies that a graduating class of military officers will one day have to fight.

Is ET Disclosure On the Table for This Conference?

Some people that I have spoken are fearful that Operation Blue Beam will be the end result from this conference. A Catholic Bishop, speaking on a condition of anonymity, reached out to me and referenced what I have written in the past regarding a false flag event that is referred to as Operation Blue Beam. He told me how close to the truth I have been in the past and that he wanted me to keep intense attention on this event. .
ET Fact or Operation Blue Beam?
ET Fact or Operation Blue Beam?
The Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement a new age religion, along with the roll out of a fake Antichrist at its head. Oh, I believe that we will see an Anti-Christ, but this will not be it. We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the New World Order is completely impossible. In the final stage of the plan, it will be made clear to the people that an alien invasion is imminent and the consolidation of government will be “needed” for mankind to survive. Operation Blue Beam then calls for a demonstration of ET power which can be faked through the use of holograms. But by then, resistance will be too late, because all opposition will have been eliminated.

Hillary Clinton and the UFO Question

Hillary Clinton was viewed at the Rockefeller Ranch holding a book by Paul Davies regarding the implications of extraterrestrial life.
Interestingly, Vince Foster, friend and advisor to President Clinton, was tasked with two missions upon Bill Clinton’s election. First, find out who killed JFK. Secondly, find out the truth behind the alien question. Foster, as all will recall, committed “suicide” under some very mysterious circumstances.

“President” Hillary Clinton would be ideal to usher in this new theology in response to a manufactured ET threat. The Clinton have been obsessed with the topic of ETs for a very long time.

Dr. Carol Rosin and Wernher Von Braun

Dr. Rosin recounts her four year association with Von Braun, and is she is quick to point out that he predicted that mankind would have a series of “boogey men” designed to manipulate mankind on the way to a New World Order.
First, Von Braun said we would fear the Russians followed by terrorists and then we would fear asteroids and then, finally, mankind would be manipulated into believing that the earth was going to be attacked by aliens. The end game from this reign of terror would be planetary unification.


When and if this plan materializes, don’t believe a single word of it, no matter how real ET seems to be. Why not? Because this event fits under the Biblical category of “Rumors of War”.
It is my sincere belief that we are not going to have to wiat very long for this false doctrine, from the false prophet to appear as we have already been pre-programmed for this event.
Here is a video which encapsulaate the attempt to unify all world religions.

Credit to Common Sense

EU FINANCIAL CHAOS: Portugal in desperate £3.8bn bid

Image result for portugal flag

The €5billion (£3.8bn) planned recapitalization of Caixa Geral de Depositos carefully side-steps European Commission new rules that mean state cash can't be used to shore up banks.

Under the plans, the government will put in money into the bank but it's hoped it will get more money back after Caixa will also issue out highly subordinated debt.

Portugal's financial minister Mario Centeno told CNBC: "This is another big step towards the stabilisation of the Portuguese financial system. This is a milestone in the process and we are looking for business plans.

"I think it will create necessary turnout not just in Caixa but also in the Portuguese financial system."

It comes as Portugal's economy is heavily weighed down by debt at GDP ratio of 129 per cent, and as it struggles to bring down its budget deficit.

Lisbon had been given deficit targets of 5.5 per cent of GDP in 2013, four per cent in 2014 and 2.5 per cent of GDP in 2015 - but recorded an actual deficit of 4.4 per cent last year.

Credit to The

Our planet will be hit by more than 100,000 earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater this year alone

Earth From Space 2017 - Public DomainDid you know that our planet will be hit by more than 100,000 earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater this year alone?  Earlier today, I came across a report that contained this amazing fact, but it was so incredible that I felt that I had to go and verify it myself.  So I went to the official USGS website, and I found out that this is actually true.  Overall, there are about half a million earthquakes around the globe each year, but it is only when a quake is of about magnitude 3.0 or greater that humans actually feel them.  As the very large earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar within the last 24 hours have demonstrated, the shaking of our planet is getting worse, and this is something that I have written about over and over again.  So why is this happening?  Why does the crust of our planet seemingly become more and more unstable with each passing year?
We need to start addressing those questions, because there aren’t too many things that can do more damage to a community than a major earthquake.  Very early Wednesday morning, a magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck central Italy.  It is being reported that it sounded “like a bomb” went off, and it looks like this is going to end up being the worst natural disaster to hit Italy in many years.
This earthquake rattled buildings in Rome, it could be felt in Naples to the south, and it is even being claimed that it could be felt all the way up in Bologna in the north.
The epicenter of the quake was a charming little Italian town known as Amatrice.  According to Mayor Sergio Pirozzi, “the town is no more” at this point.  You can see some amazing photographs of the destruction for yourself right here.  Homes, churches and businesses collapsed in heaps of rubble, and at this moment rescuers are engaged in a frantic race against time to pull survivors from the wreckage…
Rescue teams using bulldozers, and aided by townspeople with their bare hands, were still poring through the piles of rock, metal and wood late Wednesday looking for possible survivors. Police near the town of Ascoli said they could hear cries for help from under the rubble but lacked the heavy equipment to move the rocks, according the RAI radio.
“We need chain saws, shears to cut iron bars, and jacks to remove beams: everything, we need everything,” civil protection worker Andrea Gentili told the Associated Press.
So far, the death toll stands at 159 people, but that number is going to go way up as more bodies are discovered.  The following was reported by Reuters
One hotel that collapsed in the small town of Amatrice probably had about 70 guests, and only seven bodies had so far been recovered, said the mayor of the town that was one of the worst hit by the quake.
But as destructive as the Italian quake was, it wasn’t even the largest earthquake on the globe on Wednesday.  A huge magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Myanmar, but because that earthquake was much deeper it didn’t do the same level of damage as the quake in Italy did…
A powerful earthquake shook Myanmar on Wednesday, killing at least three people and damaging nearly a hundred ancient Buddhist pagodas in the former capital of Bagan, a major tourist site, officials said.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.8 quake was centered about 25 kilometers (15 miles) west of Chauk, a town south of Bagan. It was located fairly far below the Earth’s surface at a depth of about 84 kilometers (52 miles), it said.
Sadly, most Americans couldn’t care less about what goes on in places like Italy or Myanmar.  I know that may sound terrible, but it is true.
However, Americans should care, because this global rise in earthquake activity is affecting us as well.  In fact, the USGS now says that human activity may at least be partially to blame for the “dramatic increase in seismicity” that we have been witnessing in the United States in recent years…
On Monday, for the first time, the U.S. Geological Survey has released an analysis of the magnitude of “human-induced” earthquakes. That such a thing as human-induced earthquakescan exist is scary enough, but the “dramatic increase in seismicity” in places such as Oklahoma has forced the USGS to consider the threat more broadly.
“By including human-induced events, our assessment of earthquake hazards has significantly increased in parts of the U.S.,” said Mark Petersen, chief of the USGS National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project, in a statement. “This research also shows that much more of the nation faces a significant chance of having damaging earthquakes over the next year, whether natural or human-induced.”
And I wanted to note that there was a magnitude 3.9 earthquake in Colorado on Tuesday.  We have started to see sizable earthquakes in many portions of the country where they are not expected, and this is going to continue to get worse as the shaking of our planet intensifies.
There is one more thing that I wanted to share with you all today.  I don’t know if this is related to anything, but a blood red moon was photographed directly behind the new World Trade Center tower last night.  To some people this is just a meaningless coincidence, but there are others that consider it to be a very ominous sign.
This summer, things have been relatively calm and peaceful in America.  Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have dominated the headlines, but other than the election there really hasn’t been a major crisis that has grabbed the attention of the nation.
But of course all of that could change in a moment.  Despite all of our advanced technology, the truth is that we are still virtually defenseless against a major natural disaster.
Scientists tell us that it is inevitable that a great New Madrid earthquake will shake the center of the country.  They also tell us that it is inevitable that there will be a major earthquake in southern California, that volcanoes on the west coastwill erupt again, and that the Yellowstone supervolcano could wipe out much of the country in a single day.
As global seismic activity continues to rise, it is just a matter of time before a string of historic disasters hits this nation.
Unfortunately, I am convinced that this could happen a lot sooner than most people would dare to imagine.

Credit to Economic Collapse