Saturday, January 23, 2016

Shadows of Deception

Apollo 14, NASA Archives, AS14-68-9486

(Photo toward the LM from Station H. Shepard is to the left of the spacecraft with his back to us looking in the general direction of the LM and, beyond it, Old Nameless. As per request from Houston, he is aiming the TV camera at the MESA.)

It is difficult to sustain a deception that is dependent upon current technology to create an illusion. As years pass and technology advances, the ability of the average man to detect the deception increases. When the moon missions were displayed to the world in the years 1969-1972, television recording technology had not yet reached the consumer. The Sony Betamax tape system would not be released until 1975, and VHS would not reach consumers until 1976. Even then, it would take years for video recording technology to become commonplace in homes. The television viewer in the years of the Apollo missions had no way to capture a television broadcast and play it back for careful examination.

Similarly, still images which were displayed in the newspapers and magazines of the day provided only a limited means of scrutinizing the Apollo images. Newsprint is typically black and white and low definition. Magazines offer better image quality, but there is often doubt as to whether the magazine has altered an image in some manner, or whether it is a faithful reproduction of an original image. If someone detects an anomaly in a magazine image relating to the lunar landings, NASA can argue that the image had been altered by the periodical’s editors and is not authentic.

With the advent of the Internet, and the widespread dissemination of videos on tape, disk, or in electronic format such as digital downloads, people have available to them tools for examining the Apollo Program’s material which were unknown to a previous generation. Archives of NASA’s images are available on official government sites. They can be accessed by anyone with an Internet connection, and carefully scrutinized with powerful image editing software on home computers whose processing capabilities dwarf even the largest mainframe computers of the Apollo era. This has afforded numerous individuals an opportunity to discover the telltale signs of a deception.

One of many images which provide evidence of the moon photos having been staged is displayed at the top of this post. The image is from the Apollo 14 mission which launched on January 31, 1971. If a person had no suspicions about the government faking the moon landings, they might overlook the telltale signs of the shot having been staged on Earth. Mankind tends to overlook anomalies when they are not expected. The following image is taken from “The Moon Landing Hoax” website. See if you can spot the anomaly quicker than the author of that site did. (Note: If you don’t spot the error and are losing sleep over it, e-mail me and I will help you out.)

I am sure NASA in the 1960s and 1970s did not anticipate so many individuals scrutinizing their images on powerful home computers, searching for anomalies. They could hardly have anticipated how ubiquitous computer processors would become in succeeding decades, nor were they likely to have foreseen the development of the Internet. Many individuals who contend that NASA faked the moon landings have pointed out anomalies in the shadows of the images the government assures us were taken from the lunar surface. The astronauts of the Apollo missions took no auxiliary lighting with them to aid in their photography. Nor were any of their cameras equipped with flashes. Much evidence of multiple light sources, such as that which would be used in a staged environment on Earth, has been found by examining the Apollo images.

In our Solar system, we have one primary source of light. Whether we are standing on the surface of the Earth or the surface of the Moon, the Sun which is 93 million miles away causes shadows to manifest in consistent ways. If the ground is flat, or all objects casting a shadow are on the same plane, the shadows will appear parallel to one another.

If the ground is uneven, a person will observe shadows lying at diverse angles from one another and being disproportionate in size.

Look carefully at the image above. The angle of divergence of the shadows of these two toy astronauts is quite acute. This is because the contour of the ground is similarly extreme. If you look closely you will see that the shadows of the two astronauts are falling on opposite sides of a ridge. This is an extreme case, and causes the shadows to depart greatly from one another even when the Sun is the only source of light. There are very few images from the surface of the moon that contain such extremes. What I would emphasize is that shadows behave consistently. When the Sun is the only source of light we can determine the proper angle of any shadow if we examine the context of the image and the contour of the ground.

I want to focus in on one image at this time. It is the image at the head of this chapter. If you did not notice, the shadow from the Lunar Module and the shadows from the rocks in the foreground, are not parallel. They are not even close to parallel. They are falling in greatly divergent angles. Following is a cropped image of the same photo, showing a closer view of this anomaly.

Note that the rocks and the Lunar Module are lying on the same plane. There is a ridge in the background, but neither the Lunar Module, nor the rocks, are lying on the ridge. Consequently, their shadows should be pointing very nearly in the same direction. This is not the case, as the following image demonstrates.

These shadows are consistent with a lighting source placed in close proximity to the objects. It is not what we would expect from a single source of light many millions of miles away. By tracing the direction of the shadow lines back to the source of light, the viewer can ascertain the approximate position of the light, or lights, used to illuminate this scene.

There are numerous sites devoted to debunking the evidence presented by those who assert that the moon landings were faked. If we are to arrive at truth, we should not avoid the arguments of those who espouse other views, but we should test everything carefully. Some websites ascribe the shadow anomalies to the effect wide angle lenses have on the perspective of an image. Wide angle lenses cause the foreground to be enlarged and shadows tend to converge in the distance when the Sun is behind the photographer. Some examples of this phenomena are shared by those who seek to debunk the arguments of a moon hoax.

Converging Shadows Example 1

To be clear, this is not how things appear to the human eye. It is how the photos appear when taken with a wide angle lens. The human eye will perceive some convergence when looking at parallel lines which run into the distance. This is an effect of perspective. The eye perceives a certain vanishing point in the distance to which all objects seem to converge.

I learned about this in High School when I took drafting classes. We had to draw architectural images utilizing three point perspective. The angle between adjacent objects converging in the distance toward a central vanishing point is slight, no more than a few degrees. The angle can be exaggerated by using a camera with a wide angle lens, as in the image below.

Converging Shadows Example 2

However, this “convergence” effect due to perspective and use of a wide angle lens cannot explain the shadow angles in the Apollo photograph we have been examining. What we are seeing in this image taken from the lunar surface is the opposite effect. Rather than converging, the shadows are diverging from a central point of light.

The light source is located off the left side of the scene being shot. The length of the shadows of the “moon rocks” reveal that the light source is at a low elevation. (Note: I adjusted the brightness and contrast of the above image to reveal more detail.) Shadow anomalies can be found in the photos from all of the Apollo Missions. Consider the following image from Apollo 17.


Look at the shadows cast by all of the rocks which encircle the shadow of the astronaut. They clearly reveal that multiple lighting sources were used. Rocks on the right side of the astronaut’s silhouette are casting shadows to the left, while shadows on the left side of the astronaut are casting shadows to the right. Let me highlight just two of them for comparison.

One might get close to such a result if they were using a fisheye lens on a camera. A fisheye lens allows for extremely wide angle shots, while greatly skewing the angles of objects being photographed. However, NASA did not provide the Apollo astronauts with fisheye lenses. These shadows are only sufficiently explained by the use of multiple light sources. Professional photographers will commonly place a light source behind and to either side of the camera to illumine the subject. The image above conforms to this type of lighting set-up.

Following are a few more examples of Apollo images with shadow anomalies which point to multiple light sources having been used in a staged environment.

Apollo 14

Apollo 11, Buzz Aldrin

The photo above is notable because Buzz Aldrin is being lit by a spotlight while all of the terrain surrounding him is not illuminated. If this scene were lit by the Sun, all of the terrain would be equally lit. This is one of the most iconic images of Apollo 11 and it is an obvious fake. So much has been made about the lighting anomaly of this image, that NASA reissued a corrected photo to dispel the criticism. The reissued image has brightened all of the ground surrounding Aldrin. It makes the spotlight effect less obvious, yet there still remains a lighting hot spot surrounding the astronaut.

NASA now claims this brighter image is the original, but photographs published in a wide array of newspapers and magazines from 1969 show the darker spotlight image to be the original.

August 11, 1969 Special Edition of LIFE Magazine

This magazine released just weeks after the Apollo 11 mission is using the spotlight image, not the later corrected NASA image. This is made more evident as one examines a 2-page spread of this same image inside this special edition.

2-Page Spread, LIFE Magazine

Since the astronauts did not have flash photography, and took no lights with them to illuminate objects to be photographed, there is no way to explain the lighting of this image, other than it having been staged on Earth using artificial lighting. Many chapters could be devoted to the subject of lighting and shadow anomalies involving the Apollo missions. It is not my purpose to provide an exhaustive analysis. The reader is encouraged to do his or her own research. There is much good material available on this subject. One of the writings most focused (pun intended) on lighting and image anomalies is Dark Moon: Apollo and the Whistle Blowers by Mary Bennett and David Percy. Their book is 568 pages, and heavily illustrated. Their material has also been used in numerous videos on this subject.

What Happened on the Moon? - Analysis of Lunar Photography

I am not endorsing all of the opinions presented in this video. The value I perceive in the video is its careful and thoughtful evaluation of the lunar photographs.

Moving on to an associated subject, it has been mentioned previously that whenever it suited NASA to do so, they offered to the public degraded video and photos of the Apollo missions. There were times when the illusion could only be carried off by obscuring the details of images. This is a practice NASA continues to employ to this day.

Recently, some who seek to debunk the arguments of those who assert the Apollo missions were works of deception have pointed to more recent images made available by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter which was launched on June 18, 2009. This unmanned, robotic spacecraft is designed to map the temperature, radiation, and surface contour of the moon. It employs multiple cameras to create a 3 dimensional map of the moon. Some of the images released by NASA which were photographed by the LRO are amazing in their close-up detail of the lunar surface, demonstrating great clarity. On December 18, 2015, NASA released a composite image of the Moon and Earth taken from the LRO.

NASA provides the following information on how this photo was created.

Since the spacecraft, Earth, and moon are all in motion, we had to do some special processing to create an image that represents the view of the Earth and moon at one particular time. The final Earth image contains both WAC and NAC information. WAC provides the color, and the NAC provides high-resolution detail.

NASA used the LRO’s Wide Angle Camera to provide color, and the LRO’s two Narrow Angle Cameras to provide the high-resolution detail. There is a more thorough description of how the images were created here:

If you download the highest definition image of this Earthrise photo available from NASA, it is a whopping 302 MB, and the high-resolution detail is truly stunning. Following are two closeups I have created from this image. The white box is the area of the 2nd closeup.

Closeup 1

Closeup 2

I have zoomed in to just a small part of the lunar surface in this last image. The detail remains clear, with smooth edges to the craters and hills. There are additional images from the LRO which are quite amazing. Following is one that I deemed exceptional.

Tycho Central Peak Inside Crater

Note the little white box at the lower part of the image. I have zoomed in and cropped just that area. It appears in the image below.

Even the boulders which have fallen down the side of this slope appear in high definition. They are quite clear and sharp. You can view the original image at the following link.

All of the LRO images can be found at the NASA website for this project.

You would think with all of the high-resolution capability of the LRO that NASA would provide some very detailed images of the historic landing sites of the Apollo missions. In fact, NASA has made images available of the Apollo landing sites, but they lack the same detail and clarity of these other LRO images. Surely NASA knows there are millions of people who would like to see clear pictures of the Apollo Lunar Modules, Lunar Rovers, and other equipment left behind by the astronauts.

LRO Image of Apollo 14 Landing Site

LRO Image of Apollo 16 Landing Site

LRO Image of Apollo 17 Landing Site

These images of the Apollo mission landing sites look very different from other LRO photos NASA is supplying to the public. It seems that when it comes to providing proof of the Apollo missions, obscurity still serves its purpose. The LRO took these pictures from a height of about 30 miles above the lunar surface. Keep in mind that the Moon has no atmosphere to distort light. The U.S. government has spy satellites orbiting 200 miles above the Earth, peering through the thick atmosphere of our planet, and it is publicly stated that they can resolve objects as small as 5 or 6 inches. ( When men are engaged in deception, they must not only throw a spotlight on deeds that are mere illusion, they must also cast into shadows the evidence of their fakery.

Credit to Joseph Herrin

How Hitler Came To Power

Image result for hitler
Hitler came to power for a number of documented reasons, some of which are rational, others of which are emotional. Either way, the world continues to question how a vicious madman could rise to power in Germany during this time, most of all the German people who, to this day, will do almost anything to prevent another authoritarian movement.
Though I believe that is being used today against them as a bigger authoritarian movement gains hold (migrant fundamentalism), the German people seem to be either blind to a new definition of totalitarianism or are so terrified of it happening again in Germany that they are incapable of resisting it.
Following WWI, the following issues remained from the 1920s or were present at the time:
Long-term bitterness
Deep anger about the First World War and the Treaty of Versailles created an underlying bitterness to which Hitler’s viciousness and expansionism appealed, so they gave him support.
Today, we have deep-seated anger at a number of things: government over-reach, the broken rule of law, inequality, crony capitalism, lack of meaningful representation from elected officials, degenerated race relations… we all know the many things that have created the seething undercurrent in this country.
Ineffective Constitution
Weaknesses in the German Constitution crippled the government. In fact, there were many people in Germany who wanted a return to dictatorship. When the crisis came in 1929–1933 – there was no one who was prepared or able to fight to stop Hitler.
Here in the U.S., we have a growing number of people who promote / want socialism, or expect the government to take a more authoritarian approach. Our Constitution is in shambles after the actions of the past few Presidents, with many questioning whether it really stands for something any more. When the rule of law fails, that’s a sure sign that we are facing a constitutional crisis. We even have a governor (TX) calling for a Constitutional Convention to restore states’ rights… I’d say that fits, as well.
The financial support of wealthy businessmen gave Hitler the money to run his propaganda and election campaigns.
Banks, MIC companies, foreign governments, shadowy billionaires pulling strings, TPTB… always been this way, always will be, with very few exceptions throughout history.
Nazi propaganda persuaded the German masses to believe that the Jews were to blame and that Hitler was their last hope.
Plenty of this to go around on both sides… Muslims are the problem, illegal immigrants, black people / white people, China, you name it. There’s a LOT of finger-pointing and tribalism going on now, and one guy standing up and saying he’s going to fix everything.
Promises to fix everything
Hitler promised everybody something, so they supported him.
No one’s doing that just yet — promising something to everyone — but we’re not far off.Trump is saying things people want to hear, which is the power behind his meteoric rise. He’s claiming he’s going to get blacks voting for him, he’s going to get women voting for him… like most of the politicians we need to worry about the most, he’s broadening his appeal in order to achieve what he wants to do. But is it good for everyone? Will he really do it? Once someone like that is elected, they tend to do whatever they want, no matter what they’ve said in the past. Just look at our current fiasco-in-charge.
Attacks on other parties
The Stormtroopers attacked Jews and people who opposed Hitler. Many opponents kept quiet simply because they were scared of being murdered – and, if they were, the judges simply let the Stormtroopers go free.
We’re not here yet, though one could say the current Administration has this one nailed. The IRS is used to target opposition, the NSA can take down anyone they want to, police forces around the nation already act above the law and get away with it. It wouldn’t take much for a REAL authoritarian to take advantage of the stage that’s been set. Which is why it’s so important to get past the “it’s only against blacks / conservatives / immigrants” mentality. Remember the Hangman.
Personal Qualities
Hitler was a brilliant speaker, and his eyes had a peculiar power over people. He was a good organizer and politician. He was a driven, unstable man, who believed that he had been called by God to become dictator of Germany and rule the world. This kept him going when other people might have given up. His self-belief persuaded people to believe in him.
Driven, organized, belief that only he can fix things, grandiose statements of making the country “great” again… signs that we should tread very, very carefully.
Economic Depression
After the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the US called in its loans to Germany, and the German economy collapsed. The number of unemployed grew; people starved on the streets. In the crisis, people wanted someone to blame, and looked to extreme solutions – Hitler offered them both, and Nazi success in the elections grew.
We don’t have people literally starving, though more are below poverty level than when the War of Poverty started. Instead, we have people “starving” from societal, family and community breakdown. People want someone to blame and they’re looking for extreme solutions — Trump on one hand / Hillary or Sanders on the other. Either way, we lose.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” — Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905
Credit to Zero Hedge

"Our Europe Is Dying": German Youth Blast Merkel's "Multicultural Utopia"

Earlier this week, we documented the riots that took place in tiny Heesch where 1,000 Dutch protesters took to the streets to demonstrate their extreme displeasure at the town’s decision to settle some 500 refugees.
Just hours before the melee, far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders (who is set to go on trial in March for inciting racial hatred by promising to rid the Netherlands of “Moroccans”) released a new TV spot for his ascendant Freedom Party. In the clip, Wilders says male Mid-East refugees are “Islamic testosterone bombs” who should be locked away in asylum centers in order to “save the country’s women” from “sexual jihad.”
If you watched the clip, your first reaction was probably to laugh, but if you’re like us, that laughter quickly gave way to consternation because what the video clearly demonstrates is that not only is Europe succumbing to xenophobia, the bloc is increasingly receptive to messages that in any other context would likely be met with revulsion.
Of course you can’t exactly blame Europeans for their newfound tendency to lean right (so to speak). Between the Paris attacks and the wave of sexual assaults that took place across the bloc on New Year’s Eve, the EU electorate has come to associate refugees with violent crime. The bloc is in fact so frightened that pepper spray and gun sales are soaring as Europeans arm themselves against what they increasingly view as a hostile foreign invasion and an usurpation of Christian values.
All of this has served to boost the popularity of far-right groups like PEGIDA in Germany and the “Soldiers of Odin” in Finland, where vigilante justice has arrived in the form of roving patrols of young men donning black bomber jackets with Viking helmets stitched on the back.
It’s against this rather disturbing backdrop that we bring you the following video from the “Identitarian Movement” in Germany. As you’ll see, some German youths are prepared to stage an open revolt against policies and politicians they believe are “sacrificing German values and traditions.”

Credit to Zero Hedge