Former FBI: “Vast Majority” Of Mosques are Part of Jihad Network

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During Friday’s broadcast of Breitbart News Daily on Sirius XM Patriot Channel 125, former FBI counter-terrorism Special Agent John Guandolo claimed that most of the 2,200 Islamic organizations, centers and mosques in the United States are part of a much larger “Jihadi network”.

Oh the shock and surprise of that statement . . . not!

While it’s nice to know that somebody with experience in counter-terrorism shares that belief, he’s really just saying something people already know. During his interview, he connected the dots between the San Bernadino terrorists, the UC Merced stabber, the Chattanooga shooter and the Boston bombers, saying that they can all be traced back to Islamic Centers, where they were trained.

As it turns out the people who carried out these massacres all belonged to an Islamic Center in whatever city they were from. This goes along with reports earlier this month that mosques and Islamic Centers in the United States were stockpiling weapons.

But the government would never bother checking because it might offend somebody. And the people who are deciding what’s offensive to those who practice Islam are actually part of this jihadi network, as well, and they’re also working hand-in-hand with the Obama Administration, and have been a part of our government for much longer.

According to statistics there are over 2,200 Islamic centers and mosques in America, and over 75% of these are part of the Muslim Brotherhood network because they are owned by the North American Islamic Trust, which is a bank. Special Agent John Guandolo was tasked with training agents on how to deal with these jihadi networks.

He said “in 2006, I put together the first training program inside the government on the jihadi network in the United States… and was able to sneak a second one in in early 2007.”

Guandolo trained “quite a number of agents from a variety of agencies,” including the Department of Justice, before the government shut down the programs. He mentioned that the “most prominent Muslim Brotherhood Organizations like the Islamic Society of North America, Muslim Public Affairs Council, and the Hamas organization called the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) — complained to the White House about the training inside the government at the FBI.”

Guandolo said he “came to understand very deeply the massive jihadi network we have in the United States” and discovered that “the leaders of the Islamic organizations… were actually interfacing with government leaders and advising them with how to proceed in the war on terror, as it was called.”

Guandolo realized that “we were being advised by the enemy on how to investigate and deal with the enemy” and “and that’s why I started the training.”

He mentioned that in the U.S. v. Holy Land Foundation case in 2008, a 15-year FBI investigation that was revealed demonstrated “that the most prominent Islamic organizations in America and North America are a part of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the jihadi network here.”

Guandolo said that “internal documents entered into evidence say that the purpose of this network is to wage civilization jihad… until the entire world, and specifically the United States, is under Sharia law and the Islamic State is established here.”

He said that, for instance, the “Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)—the largest Muslim Brotherhood organization here— is a Hamas funding entity” and its leadership works with the Secretary of State and the National Security staff, the previous four Secretaries of State, and briefs the FBI and CIA. He mentioned that the previous president of ISNA Mohamed Magid works “very closely with the White House and sits on the Homeland Security Advisory Committee with a secret clearance.”

Guandolo emphasized that these Muslim leaders are the ones that are working with the FBI, Pentagon, Department of Homeland Security, National Security staffs.

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Taiwan bans GMOs from school lunches and mandates GMO labeling nationwide

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(NaturalNews) Even as the fascist, corrupt U.S. government and its regulators (FDA and USDA) actively conspire with the biotech industry to poison Americans with genetically modified foods, Taiwan has already passed and implemented a nationwide law to protect its citizens from GMOs.

Nearly a full year ago, Taiwan passed Food Act Amendments that achieve remarkable food safety milestones the U.S. government refuses to implement, placing Taiwan far ahead of the United States on food safety. These milestones include:

1) Requiring the mandatory labeling of GMOs on all food products that contain 3 percent or more GMOs. Foods that use no GMOs may be labeled "non-GMO" ... and many already are, causing their sales to skyrocket across Taiwan. Just last year, imports of non-GMO soybeans to Taiwan grew nearly 300% to 58,000 tons.

2) Limiting the use of food additives to just 799 compounds approved by the Taiwan FDA. The FDA of the United States, by comparison, allows tens of thousands of chemicals to be used as additives, even when they are well known to cause cancer.

3) All GMO ingredients are required to be registered with the Taiwan government, and food manufacturers that use GMOs are required to establish an origins tracking system to identify where those GMOs originated.

4) All the soy milk, tofu, miso and other soy-derived products sold everywhere across the country -- including at cafes and street food vendors -- must be clearly labeled as GMOs if they use genetically modified soy.

5) Food products made using genetically modified soy as a processing agent or blended ingredient must also label their final food products as GMO, even if the soybean oil is not, itself, the final product.

6) Fines for violating these food safety provisions have been set at NT$50 million.

USA food safety lags far behind the rest of the world
This shows yet again just how far behind the United States is on food safety compared to the rest of the world. Instead of promoting actual food safety, the FDA gives a free pass to GMOs, heavy metals, artificial additives and other toxic chemicals, focusing almost exclusively on bacteriological contamination issues such as e.coli and salmonella.

That's why the USA lags far behind the rest of the world on the banning of artificial additives and preservative chemicals, most of which have already been banned across the EU.

Credit to Natural News
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Sell everything! 2016 a 'cataclysmic year,' warns RBS

If you have any money left after seven years of the Obama administration spending spree, which has added in the range of $9 trillion to the U.S. public debt, you might want to hang on.


Because the forecasts are not looking rosy.

CNN reported that the Royal Bank of Scotland is warning that 2016 will be a “cataclysmic year” and investors should take immediate action.

Do not wait. Do not pass go, the bank warns.

“Sell everything except high quality bonds,” Andrew Roberts, told the news agency. “We think investors should be afraid.”

He pointed to the red flags for his bank – falling oil prices, an unstable China, shrinking world trade, rising debt, weak corporate loans and deflation.

In fact, in the American stock market alone, $1 trillion has vanished already in the first few days of January.

“To put that stunning figure in context,” wrote Matt Egan at CNN Money, “it’s like wiping out the combined value of the following tech giants: Google ($508 billion), Facebook ($281 billion), Intel ($154 billion), Netflix ($50 billion) and Yahoo ($29 billion).”

He continued, “No wonder there are lots of signs of rising fear on Wall Street. CNNMoney’s Fear & Greed Index is now flashing ‘extreme fear,’ a dramatic reversal from ‘neutral’ just two weeks ago.”

Roberts, of the Scottish bank, said the world is in a global recession, and this “terrible cocktail” means investors may hope to obtain a “return of capital, not return on capital.”

Just getting their investment back, the report suggested.

“RBS compares the market mood with that of 2008 before the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the start of the global financial crisis,” the report said.

The report pointed out that back in 2008, at least there was China to stimulate the world economy. But that’s not available now.

RBS “warns that without allowing a massive devaluation of its currency – around 20 percent – China can be of no help.”

The report said the China bank spent $500 billion to prop up its currency just last year.

That’s the same path that the U.S. took with its QE, quantitative easing, programs, courses that even one former Fed banking executive said went too far.

In short, “The Fed is a giant weapon that has no ammunition left,” he said.

He said a “correction” of 20 percent wouldn’t be surprising and most astute managers are “building cash positions,” he said.

Credit to WND

Jews Told Not To Wear The Kippa After Machete Attack At Marseille Synagogue

Last week, Cologne mayor Henriette Reker received a raucous tongue-lashing on social media after suggesting that it is German women’s collective responsibility to prevent sexual assaults by remaining an “arm’s length” away from would-be assailants.
Reker’s remarks came as the international media suddenly woke up to the string of sexual assaults that allegedly took place in Cologne’s city center during New Year’s Eve celebrations. The incidents purportedly involved gangs of “Arabs” harassing and groping German women during the festivities. 
Hundreds of such attacks were reported in Germany and elsewhere across the bloc and before you knew it, a scandal was born. Some say authorities have been reluctant to publicize the assaults for fear of triggering a dangerous backlash against the millions of refugees who have fled to Western Europe from the war-torn Mid-East. Indeed, it now appears Sweden knew that these types of attacks were taking place as far back as last summer but between the media and police, failed to publicize the “problem.”
Reker’s comments - combined with her contention that Germany needs to “explain to people from other cultures that the jolly and frisky attitude during Carnival is not a sign of sexual openness” - seemed to suggest she was at least partially blaming the victims for the attacks. Even is she wasn’t, the idea that it’s incumbent upon women to change their behavior rather than incumbent upon men not to assault them is patently absurd.
Well, German women aren’t the only ones who are being encouraged by officials to alter their “behavior” in order to avoid becoming victims because as AFP reported earlier today, Jews in Marseille are now being told not to wear the kippa in the streets.
That piece of advice comes from Zvi Ammar, the head of the Marseille Jews in the wake of an attack on a worshipper at the Marseille synagogue on Monday. 
For those who may have missed it, Binyamin Amsalem, a teacher, was minding his own business yesterday when a teenager waving a machete and allegedly shouting “Allahu Akbar” ran at him. Amsalem defended himself with a copy of the Torah he was carrying and sustained a “light” injury:
"Not wearing the kippa can save lives and nothing is more important," Zvi Ammar told La Provence daily. "It really hurts to reach that point but I don't want anyone to die in Marseille because they have a kippa on their head."
"France's Chief Rabbi Haim Korsia urged Jews in France to continue wearing the kippa and form a 'united front'", Reuters notes, adding that "Roger Cukierman, head of the French Jewish organization umbrella group, said not wearing the kippa in public was "a defeatist attitude".
So taking this together with Reker's advice for German women, we suppose the message here is that if you want to avoid being attacked in Europe it's your responsibility to stay a safe distance away from anyone who looks like they might be prepared to grope you or hack at you with a machete and try your best not to look outwardly religious. 

Or perhaps, just as Reker says Europe needs to "explain" to people from other cultures that sexual assault isn't acceptable, the bloc also needs to explain that axe murder is equally, if not more repugnant. 

Credit to Zero Hedge


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In a stunning move, China has suspended some banks from Foreign Exchange markets and ordered other banks to stop buying Dollars.

China's foreign exchange regulator has ordered banks in some of the country's major import and export centers to limit purchases of U.S. dollars this month, three people with direct knowledge said, in the latest attempt to stem capital outflows.

The move comes as China reported its biggest annual drop in foreign exchange reserves on record in 2015, while the central bank has allowed a sharp slide in the Yuan currency to multi-year lows, raising fears of more capital flight.

All banks in certain trading hubs, including Shenzhen, received the order recently, the people added. They declined to be identified because they are not allowed to speak to the media.

The total amount of U.S. dollars sold to clients in January for a bank in one of these hubs cannot exceed the amount sold in December, according to the people.

"They have asked us to limit our purchase amount and there are targets, but it mainly relates to institutions and enterprises, there is no change to the policy on individuals," said one person.

Officials at State Administration of Foreign Exchange did not immediately respond to comment.

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