Thursday, October 22, 2015

Great Deception Begins This December As Network TV “Prepares The World” For Arrival Of Those Alien Evangelists With Leathery Wings

Arthur C. Clarke’s “Childhood’s End” Comes To TV December, 2015. So What? Read The Excerpt Below From “Exo-Vaticana” To Understand.
During his life, Sir Arthur C. Clarke (1917–2008) was a famous science-fiction author, inventor, futurist, and television commentator who, together with Robert A. Heinlein and Isaac Asimov, was considered to be one of the “Big Three” of science fiction. Clarke in particular had an uncanny knack at foreseeing the future. As an example, modern video games were unheard of in 1956 and virtual reality games had not even been imagined. That is, until Clarke wrote about them in The City and the Stars:
Of all the thousands of forms of recreation in the city, these were the most popular. When you entered a saga, you were not merely a passive observer.… You were an active participant and possessed—or seemed to possess—free will. The events and scenes which were the raw material of your adventures might have been prepared beforehand by forgotten artists, but there was enough flexibility to allow for wide variation. You could go into these phantom worlds with your friends, seeking the excitement that did not exist in Diaspar—and as long as the dream lasted there was no way in which it could be distinguished from reality.[i]
Or who could have believed in 1968 that the “newspad” technology set in 2001 would be realized nine years late as the iPad in 2010? Yet Clarke in his novel, 2001: A Space Odyssey, clearly described the technology:
When he tired of official reports and memoranda and minutes, he would plug his foolscap-sized Newspad into the ship’s information circuit and scan the latest reports from Earth. One by one he would conjure up the world’s major electronic papers; he knew the codes of the more important ones by heart, and had no need to consult the list on the back of his pad. Switching to the display unit’s short-term memory, he would hold the front page while he quickly searched the headlines and noted the items that interested him.[ii]
Unfortunately, that Clarke showed such remarkable prescience may hold important (and frightening) realities for our investigation, too. This is because in the sci-fi seer’s classic, Childhood’s End (1953) (get the pdf of Childhood’s End FREE with Exo-Vaticana, from which this excerpt is derived), giant silver spaceships appear in the future over every major city on Earth. After the dust settles, the peaceful yet mysterious “Overlords” inside them help form a world government, which ends all war and turns the planet into a utopia. Oddly, only a select few people get to see the Overlords, and their purpose for coming to Earth remains shrouded as they dodge questions for years, preferring to remain in their spacecraft, governing by proxy. Overlord Karellen, the “Supervisor for Earth,” (an alien god) speaks directly only to the UN Secretary-General. Karellen tells him that the Overlords will reveal themselves in fifty years, when humanity will have become used to (and dependent on) their presence. When the revealing finally takes place, at Karellen’s request, two children run into the ship as the crowd below finally gets a glimpse of what the aliens look like. Clarke writes:
There was no mistake. The leathery wings, the little horns, the barbed tail—all were there. The most terrible of all legends had come to life, out of the unknown past. Yet now it stood smiling, in ebon majesty, with the sunlight gleaming upon its tremendous body, and with a human child resting trustfully on either arm.[iii]
According to the narrative, the revelation that these beings—historically known as the devil and his angels—were in fact always our benefactors does not lead to chaos but rather to technological and spiritual utopia, quickly resulting in the dissolution of all previously existing religions. The world celebrates as people are described as having overcome their prejudices against the devilish sight of Karellen, or, as he had been known in the Bible, Satan.
Here was a revelation which no-one could doubt or deny: here, seen by some unknown magic of Overlord science, were the true beginnings of all the world’s great faiths. Most of them were noble and inspiring—but that was not enough. Within a few days, all mankind’s multitudinous messiahs had lost their divinity. Beneath the fierce and passionless light of truth, faiths that had sustained millions for twice a thousand years vanished like morning dew.[iv]
As the story continues, the children on Earth—set free from outdated Abrahamic religions such as Christianity—begin displaying powerful psychic abilities, foreshadowing their evolution into a cosmic consciousness, a transcendent form of life. Indeed, this is the end of the human species as it was known as everyone merges into a cosmic intelligence called the Overmind.
In “Childhood’s End” the world “learns” that the entity historically known as “Satan” is actually mankind’s savior, while Yahweh / Jehovah of the Bible is an evil, fictitious character.
Those familiar with eastern religions will recognize Clarke’s narrative as a clever ET version of pantheistic monism (the view that there is only one kind of ultimate substance). Overmind is quite similar to the Hindu concept of Brahman, and given that Atman is, simply stated, the concept of self, the Hindu doctrine “Atman is Brahman” is roughly equivalent to absorption into the Overmind. Similarly, Buddhism advocates the dissolution of the self into Nirvana. In fact, nearly all New Age, spiritualist, and occult traditions have comparable monistic dogma. Some shroud this doctrine of deceit in terms like “Christ Consciousness,” giving it a more appealing veneer, but Jacques Vallée recorded interesting examples of such twisted ET theology, replacing biblical prophecy with the Overmind. One contactee told Vallée:
I was told that I was to come out at this time with this information because mankind was going to go through the collective Christ experience of worshipping UFOs and receiving information. It would help mankind balance its political focus. You see the interesting thing, Jacques, is that we must emphasize the fact that we are receiving a new program! We do not have to go through the old programming of Armageddon. (emphasis added)[v]
That such New-Age babble as described above has been the doctrine of non-Christians this century is one thing, but in recent homilies, Pope Benedict XVI’s end-times views displayed a troubling and similar tome from the Vatican. This may not come as a surprise to those Catholics familiar with Father Malachi Martin’s warnings in his book, The Jesuits, which documented how priests like Pierre Teilhard de Chardin were deeply influencing the Church and its academia toward occultism this century. 
In our chapter on “Exotheology” (in Exo-Vaticana) we established Chardin’s belief in extraterrestrials and offered a brief discussion on his sorcerous Darwinian mysticism. But it was his connection with monistic occultism and what is called the “Omega Point” that takes us through the alien-deity rabbit hole. According to Chardin, in his The Future of Man(1950), the universe is currently evolving towards higher levels of material complexity and consciousness and ultimately will reach its goal, the Omega Point. Chardin postulated that this is the supreme aspiration of complexity and consciousness, an idea also roughly equivalent to the “Technological Singularity” as expressed in the writings of transhumanists like Ray Kurzweil. Indeed, one finds a remarkable coalescence of all non-Christian systems under the banner of Singularity, Monism, Omega Point, and Overmind. 
Yet, like the nebulous “Christ consciousness” advocated by occultists, Chardin’s writings are easily misunderstood because he not only created new vocabulary for his Darwinian religion, he also redefined biblical terminology to mean something alien to its original intent. For instance, when Chardin writes about “Christ,” he usually does not mean Jesus of Nazareth. Instead, he is describing the Ultra-Man, the all-encompassing end of evolution at the Omega Point. As an example, consider when Jesus said, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17). Chardin exegetes this as, “I have not come to destroy, but to fulfill Evolution.”[vi] To most Christians, this probably seems overtly heretical, but its infiltration into Roman Catholic thought and the dangerous alien-christ implications it brings with it has infiltrated the highest levels at Rome—including the papacy.
Unbeknownst to most Roman Catholics, Pope Benedict XVI is a Chardinian mystic of the highest order. The emeritus pope’s book, Credo for Today: What Christians Believe (2009), follows the lead of the Jesuit and states unequivocally that a belief in Creationism (the idea that life, the Earth, and the universe as we know it today did not “evolve” but rather were created by the God of the Bible) “contradicts the idea of evolution and [is] untenable today.”[vii] Following his rejection of Creationism and support of evolution, Pope Benedict XVI used the doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ to advance Chardin’s “Omega Point,” in which a “new kind” of God, man, and mind will emerge. From page 113 we read:
From this perspective the belief in the second coming of Jesus Christ and in the consummation of the world in that event could be explained as the conviction that our history is advancing to an “omega” point, at which it will become finally and unmistakably clear that the element of stability that seems to us to be the supporting ground of reality, so to speak, is not mere unconscious matter; that, on the contrary, the real, firm ground is mind. Mind holds being together, gives it reality, indeed is reality: it is not from below but from above that being receives its capacity to subsist. That there is such a thing as this process of ‘complexification’ of material being through spirit, and from the latter its concentration into a new kind of unity can already be seen in the remodeling of the world through technology.[viii]
The term “complexification’ was coined by Chardin (and the technological allusions it suggests is akin to transhumanism and Ray Kurzweil’s Singularity) and the pope’s complete devotion to this theology is again laid bare in his book, Principles of Catholic Theology (1987), which states:
The impetus given by Teilhard de Chardin exerted a wide influence. With daring vision it incorporated the historical movement of Christianity into the great cosmic process of evolution from Alpha to Omega: since the noogenesis, since the formation of consciousness in the event by which man became man, this process of evolution has continued to unfold as the building of the noosphere above the biosphere.[ix]
This “noosphere” is taken very seriously today in modernist Catholic theology, academia, and even science. It is explained in the scientific journal, Encyclopedia of Paleontology, this way:
Teilhard coined the concept of the “noosphere,” the new “thinking layer” or membrane on the Earth’s surface, superposed on the living layer (biosphere) and the lifeless layer of inorganic matter (lithosphere). Obeying the “law of complexification/conscience,” the entire universe undergoes a process of “convergent integration” and tends to a final state of concentration, the “point Omega” where the noosphere will be intensely unified and will have achieved a “hyperpersonal” organization. Teilhard equates this future hyperpersonal psychological organization with an emergent divinity [a future new form of God]. (emphasis added)[x]
The newly sanctioned doctrine of an approaching “emergent divinity” in place of the literal return of Jesus Christ isn’t even that much of a secret any longer among Catholic priests (though the cryptic Charindian lingo masks it from the uninitiated). For instance, in his July 24, 2009, homily in the Cathedral of Aosta while commenting on Romans 12:1–2, the pope said:
The role of the priesthood is to consecrate the world so that it may become a living host, a liturgy: so that the liturgy may not be something alongside the reality of the world, but that the world itself shall become a living host, a liturgy. This is also the great vision of Teilhard de Chardin: in the end we shall achieve a true cosmic liturgy, where the cosmos becomes a living host. (emphasis added)[xi]
This is overtly pantheistic and, of course, the text he was discussing (Romans 12) teaches the exact opposite: “Be not conformed to this world” (Romans 12:2a). While the pope thus aggressively promotes Chardin’s process of “noogenesis” in which the cosmos comes alive and everyone unifies as a “living host,” one can readily see that Brahman, Nirvana, Overmind, and Singularity are roughly equivalent to this monistic concept. Interestingly, noogenesis (Greek: νοῦς=mind; γένεσις=becoming) actually has two uses: one in Chardin’s Darwinian pantheism—and another, more telling rendering—within modern astrobiology.
In Cardin’s system, noogenesis is the fourth of five stages of evolution, representing the emergence and evolution of mind. This is the stage we are said to be in currently, and as noogenesis progresses, so does the formation of the noosphere, which is the collective sphere of human thought. In fact, many Chardinians believe that the World Wide Web is an infrastructure of noosphere, an idea intersecting well with transhumanist thought. Chardin wrote, “We have as yet no idea of the possible magnitude of ‘noospheric’ effects. We are confronted with human vibrations resounding by the million––a whole layer of consciousness exerting simultaneous pressure upon the future and the collected and hoarded produce of a million years of thought.”[xii]
However, this concept gets more translucent in astrobiology, where scientists have adopted noogenesis as the scientific term denoting the origin of technological civilizations capable of communicating with humans and traveling to Earth—in other words, the basis for extraterrestrial contact.[xiii] Consequently, among many if not most of Rome’s astronomers and theologians, there is the widespread belief that the arrival of “alien deities” will promote our long-sought spiritual noogenesis, and according to a leading social psychologist, the world’s masses are ready for such a visitation and will receive them (or him) as a messiah.[xiv] This is further reflected in a 2012 United Kingdom poll, which indicated that more people nowadays believe in extraterrestrials than in God.[xv] Consequently, whether or not it is the ultimate expression, the noogenic “strong delusion” is already here.
Pope aliens
While we aren’t suggesting a direct equivocation per se, the conceptual intersection between the two uses of noogenesis (the occultic and astrobiological) is thought provoking, especially in light of Clarke’s scenario in Childhood’s End, where noogenesis in the astrobiological application (the arrival of the alien Overlords) was the impetus for evolution toward the Overmind and dissolution of humanity. It seems Rome has connected these dots for us. In his sanctioned treatise, Kenneth J. Delano linked the concept of maximum consciousness and alien contact, truly noogenesis in both senses of the word:
For man to take his proper place as a citizen of the universe, he must transcend the narrow-mindedness of his earthly provincialism and be prepared to graciously accept the inhabitants of other worlds as equals or even superiors. At this point in human history, our expansion into space is the necessary means by which we are to develop our intellectual faculties to the utmost and, perhaps in cooperation with ETI, achieve the maximum consciousness of which St. Thomas Aquinas wrote in Summa Theologica:
This is the earthly goal of man: to evolve his intellectual powers to their fullest, to arrive at the maximum of consciousness, to open the eyes of his understanding upon all things so that upon the tablet of his soul the order of the whole universe and all its parts may be enrolled.[xvi]
Viewed through this lens, the Vatican’s promotion of Darwinism and astrobiology intrigues. Following Chardin and Delano, perhaps Benedict, the VORG astronomers, and theologians like Tanzella-Nitti, O’Mera, and Balducci pursued astrobiological noogenesis so that when Petrus Romanus assumed his reign as the final pope, they might usher in the Fifth Element of the Omega Point known as “Christogenesis.” (Authors note: one cannot help recall the movie The Fifth Element that involved a priesthood who protects a mysterious Fifth Element that turns out to be a messianic human who ultimately combines the power of the other four elements [noogenesis] to form a “divine light” that saves mankind.) In Chardin’s book, The Phenomenon of Man, the five elements of evolution are: 1) “geogenesis” (beginning of Earth); 2) “biogenesis” (beginning of life); 3) “anthropogenesis” (beginning of humanity); 4) noogenesis (evolutionary consolidation to maximum consciousness); leading to finally 5) “Christogenesis,” the creation of a “total Christ” at the Omega Point. 
With that in mind, be aware that astrobiology and transhumanist philosophy suggest this noogenesis is being driven by an external intelligence, whether it be respectively artificial or extraterrestrial, which leads these authors to conclude we are on the cusp of a noogenesis unlike the one Rome’s theologians may have anticipated. We would redefine the terms and instead suggest aggressive preparation for an Antichristogenesis––an Alien Serpent-Savior––the ultimate Darwinian Übermensch who may even bare leathery wings, little horns, and a barbed tail. But regardless how he appears, it is obvious to all now that the Vatican has cleverly prepared for his coming, perhaps even monitored his approach from atop Mt. Graham, using the LUCIFER device.
Oh, and the new Jesuit Pope Francis, like his Jesuit brother Chardin and emeritus Pope Benedict also believes a Childhood’s End scenario could be tomorrow’s reality. He’s ready to begin baptizing the Overlords into what would have to be a quickly formed Universal New Church following such an extraordinary moment, and he’s already saying he won’t be surprised if the aliens are “discovered.” Furthermore, if such disclosure is made, the Pope says his instruction to the new global church will be for “Christians” to believe in “whatever the scientists tell us.”
So… the world and Vatican sound ready to embrace Arthur C. Clark’s “great deception” anytime now. But what will YOUR response be if such an event takes place?
Credit to

America's New Debt Ceiling: $19,600,000,000,000

The Sky is the limit.......
Image result for debt rocket
Even as the bond market has been rather concerned about another possible debt ceiling showdown as we showed before, and which earlier today prompted the Treasury to announce the purposefully dramatic step of postponing the auction of 2 Year Notes next week, the reality is that one way or another, with an equity-driven wake up call for the GOP or without, the debt ceiling will be raised. 
The only question is how much. 
As a reminder, the reason why the total US debt held by the public hasn't budged from $18.1 trillion since March 16, 2015 is because that is when the last debt ceiling limit was hit. In the seven month since, the US Treasury has been cruising along on emergency cash measures, even as the total debt - if only for reporting purposes - has not budged (in reality it has grown by about half a trillion). 
It will budge very soon, because no matter what the outcome of the upcoming week of debt ceiling negotiations, one thing is certain: the US has to be able to borrow more in order to survive. 
And as The Hill reported, when one gets beyond the traditional posturing, the outcome will be the following:
The House is expected as early as Friday to vote on a conservative debt-limit proposal even though chances are slim that the plan can pass the Senate. 

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) told the GOP conference on Wednesday that he is expecting a vote on the Republican Study Committee (RSC) plan that would raise the debt limit to $19.6 trillion from $18.1 trillion and would run through March 2017.
Who will be the Republican to submit the unpopular measure? Most likely the outgoing speaker John Boehner, who will seal his tenure with this final act:  "With only two weeks to go, the pressure is on the House to pass a measure that raises the nation’s $18 trillion debt ceiling amid a search for the next Speaker."
Yes, the republicans will pretend to demand concessions, such as a balanced budet and other "sound money" conditions...
The proposal would require a House vote on a balanced-budget amendment by Dec. 31, would implement a short-term freeze on federal regulations through July 1, 2017, and would compel the House to remain in session without a break if spending bills aren't done by Sept. 1.
... but they won't get them because the corporations pulling the strings of every D.C. politicians are the biggest beneficiaries from US debt-funded largesse, especially if one throws in the occasional contained or not so contained war. 
This means another victory for the Demorats who have required a "clean" debt raise. This is precisely what they will get, and why it will have to take place under John Boehner as Paul Ryan would surely tarnish his reputation with the Freedom Caucus if his first act is one seen as submission to the left.
Which means that the only certain outcome from the melodramatic debt ceiling fight over the next several days, is the following: the US is about to have a brand spanking new debt ceiling, one that should last it until March of 2017: $19,600,000,000,000.
If the chart below looks increasingly exponential, that is not a coincidence.

Credit to Zero Hedge

Confessions of a Naval Intelligence Officer Regarding America’s Secret Space Program

sts 48
In Part One, I laid the groundwork for the fact that Operation Paper Clip.
Before going any further, I want to thank Steve Quayle and three readers for validating yesterday’s presentation of facts. Steve publicly noted that his deep cover military sources validate every word that I wrote. Further, I heard from three people who had family members who worked in very similar capacities as did my father. At some point, I would like to sponsor a teleconference with these people to compare notes. The family members of the men who worked in some capacity related to Operation Paper Clip sacrificed greatly. We had to do without our fathers, brothers and uncles. The stress that the government placed upon the families was enormous.
On another note, I have been talking with a couple of people about my intentions of beginning to release what I know regarding Operation Paper Clip. As my close friends in this business, Steve Quayle, James White, Doug Hagmann et al., will tell you, my website has been under attack during the past few weeks. People have been writing to Steve and to me stating that they are having trouble logging on to The Common Sense Show. Every day, the number of people that come to my site from Google has dropped from 8,000-9,000 hits per day has dropped to 500-2,000. The drop was instantaneous and corresponds with a conversation I had with a family member in which I told her it was time for me to tell what I know about my father’s work along with the geopolitical implications. We all know that Google is NSA and therefore, people like us, that love the Constitution and our country, should never use Google. Please allow me a small digression to promote the great work of Mike Adams.

Mike Adams, a True Visionary

I have known who Mike Adams was for a long time. However, it is only in the last year that I have really got to know Mike. We all know the great work he does in exposing medical industry fraud and corruption. We all know his broadcast talents as he served as Alex Jones’ guest host. However, Mike Adams is now outdoing himself. He is challenging the old guard as he has created his very own search engine, I would encourage all who are reading these words to use Mike’s search engine to search for information on the internet as opposed to Google, who is controlled by the very people who seek to spy on our every communication. If you love liberty, Google is not your friend.

A Secret Space Program

space shuttleIf you did not yet read Part One of this series, you will need to do so now. Otherwise, you will find yourself trying to interpret facts without the requisite contextual background.
In 1983, my father told me that he was convinced that NASA was a fraud used to secretly funnel money to the secret space program. He told me that the technology that he was reverse engineering was hundreds of years beyond anything NASA was working  and as he watched NASA unfold, the technological development of the agency, covering nearly three decades was stagnant and did not reflect the level of sophistication that he would have expected.

A Craft That Renders All Others Obsolete

The vertical lift-off craft that my father knew about, could achieve speeds of 15 to 20,000 MPH within a few seconds of take off. These crafts could make right angle turns on a dime in such a manner that the craft’s inhabitants should have been crushed by the “G forces”. However, he said that Germans possess the theoretical knowledge on what would become real world application of this technology. He also said that these craft would have the capacity to travel into the solar system and as long as there was planetary bodies, the craft would need no fuel as it used gravity to propel the craft. They mastered the re-entry problem be displacing time and space as the craft would enter the atmosphere, thus avoiding the massive heat of re-entry. My father said he was shocked and dismayed that John Glenn, the first astronaut to orbit the earth, almost died when Ground Control thought he is very primitive heat shield came lose and he would burn up. An interesting fact, and one that I did not fully understand until well after my father had passed had to do with how these craft navigate which is to use the gravitational meridians. To understand the technology, one have some working knowledge on hyper-dimensional physics.
You may ask, why build the F-35 with this kind of technology? Answer: The Military Industrial Complex will always seek to make money, even if the purpose is illegitimate.

Where is the Proof?

People might be wondering, where is the proof for the existence of a such a craft? I attended an invitation only meeting at the home of Bill Pawelec (see Steven Greer Disclosure Project). The meeting was held in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains, north of Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 1997. It was at this meeting, and 12 years after the passing of my father, that I witnessed the manifestation of his work in Operation Paper Clip.
Bill Pawelec played video clips that had been captured from the space shuttle automatic camera. What I saw at this meeting is why NASA no longer plays live feeds from space. I witnessed two craft firing on each other with what appeared to tracer, light-beam type of weapons. Those of you who are familiar with various STS missions, which have aired on network TV in UFO documentaries, will have a vague idea of what I was shown. I further saw a large pulse beam of light fired from South America and watched as it passed by the Space Shuttle’s camera. The year was 1997 and this the stuff of science fiction. And please remember, the Internet was just getting started and there was no YouTube.

There were a dozen participants in Bill’s conference. We all had our related stories to tell. It was there that I realized that all of use shared commonalities. We all had reasons to not speak publicly. As readers of Part One will recall, I could not go public because my mother was still receiving my father’s two government pensions and they would have been forfeited if I had gone public.

Massive Scientific Cover-Up

From that conference, I made some life-long friends that I am still in contact with today. I also came to realize from this group that the world is being massively lied to about the technology that exists. There is the Newtonian science that our children are taught and which underlies our primitive technology. And there is the hyper-dimensional physics technology that the elite control. It is the technology that the black-ops military space program utilizes to explore the solar system. No, you do not have to rub your eyes, I have spoken with men who have worked in this program. I know a man who was a conduit for my father’s work to the operation side of things in the black ops military space program.


In this part, I have covered that captured German scientists introduced the covert apparatuses of space command to technologies based on a science, that outside the followers of Tesla have never heard of (and we wonder why Tesla’s work is still classified by the Navy, more than 70 years following his death).
In the 1950’s and 1960’s, science bifurcated. The result was that we see a primitive NASA based upon the old paradigm of science including booster rockets and three dimensional physics. Behind the scenes, we have a space program based upon developments, arising from a brand of physics, that is reserved for the science fiction realm, yet, it is real. In short, you are paying for this technology and related applications, while deriving no benefit from the process.
In Part Three, I will cover the convergence of knowledge coming from former NSA operative, Vance Davis, ex-CIA contract agent, Bill Pawelec and my father. Former AC Griffith also plays a role in these revelations. If you wonder to what end these events are working towards, those questions will be answered in Part Three.
Credit to Common Sense

20 Reasons Why All The People That Quit Prepping After September Are Dead Wrong

Wrong Way - Public DomainMillions of Americans were gearing up for some huge event to happen in September, but the world didn’t end and now many of them have given up entirely on prepping.  Of course the truth is that some absolutely earth-shattering events did take place last month, but because September did not play out exactly as some were anticipating, a lot of people feel very let down.  My contacts in the emergency food industry tell me that sales have dropped off dramatically, and yesterday I was told by someone that I trust that the same is true for those that sell precious metals.  But this should not be happening.  What we witnessed in August and September was just the warm up act, and all of the numbers are absolutely screaming at us that we are right on track for a major global crisis.  In this article I am going to focus on economic and financial issues, but there are so many other things going on around the planet right now that threaten to throw our world into turmoil.  Anyone that thinks that it is safe to “relax” now is simply not paying attention.  The following are 20 reasons why all the people that quit prepping after September are dead wrong…
#1 U.S. exports are down 11 percent for the year so far.  The only other times they have fallen this dramatically since the turn of the century were during the last two recessions.
#2 Since March, the amount of stuff being shipped by truck, rail and air inside the United States has been falling every single month on a year over year basis.  This is a clear indication that economic activity is really slowing down.
#3 Wholesale sales in the U.S. have fallen to the lowest level since the last recession.
#4 The inventory to sales ratio has risen to the highest level since the last recession.  This means that there is a whole lot of unsold inventory that is just sitting around out there and not selling.
#5 Industrial production declined for five months in a row during the first half of 2015.  That is something that has never happened outside of a recession.
#6 Wal-Mart is projecting that its earnings may fall by as much as 12 percentduring the next fiscal year.
#7 Don’t expect U.S. consumers to rush in and save the day.  According to brand new numbers from the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year.
#8 And remember, there are 102.6 million working age Americans that do not even have a job of any kind.
#9 According to Challenger Gray, layoffs at major firms have risen to the highest level that we have witnessed since 2009.
#10 The number of job openings in the United States declined by 5.3 percentduring the month of August.  That was a huge plunge for just one month.
#11 According to British banking giant HSBC, the world is already in a “dollar recession“.  Global trade has fallen 8.4 percent so far this year, and global GDP expressed in U.S. dollars is down 3.4 percent.
#12 In September, Chinese exports were down 3.7 percent compared to one year ago, and Chinese imports were down a staggering 20.4 percent compared to a year ago.
#13 During the month of August, we witnessed the 8th largest single day stock market crash in U.S. history on a point basis and the 10th largest single day stock market crash in U.S. history on a point basis.  It was the first time ever that the Dow Jones Industrial Average declined by more than 500 points on two consecutive trading days.
#14 On August 24th, we also witnessed the greatest intraday stock market point swing of all time.  From the high point of the day to the low point of the day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 1,089 points before recovering.
#15 At one point in September, approximately 11 trillion dollars of stock market wealth had been wiped out around the globe.
#16 At one point in September, Chinese stocks were down about 40 percentfrom the peak of the market.
#17 At one point in September, German stocks were down about 25 percentfrom the peak of the market.
#18 Since the last financial crisis, the global economy has added another 50 trillion dollars to our colossal pile of debt.  That means we are far more vulnerable to a crisis than we were the last time around.
#19 The list of global financial giants that are rumored to be in very serious trouble includes Deutsche Bank (the biggest bank in Germany), UBS (the biggest bank in Switzerland) and three of the largest commodity trading firms on the entire planet: Glencore, Trafigura and the Noble Group.  The total collapse of any one of them would easily be another “Lehman Brothers moment” for the global financial system.
#20 Stocks are still in a massive bubble.  In fact, stocks in the U.S. are going to have to fall more than 30 percent from the current levels just to get back to what is considered “normal” or “average”.  The following is an extended excerpt from one of my previous articles
In recent years, stocks have soared to unbelievably unrealistic levels.  One of the most popular methods of measuring the true value of stocks is something called the cyclically-adjusted price to earnings ratio.  It was developed by economist Robert Shiller of Yale University, and it attempts to accurately show how much we are paying for stocks in relation to how much those corporations are actually earning.  When this number is very high, stocks are overvalued, and when this number is very low stocks are undervalued.
Earlier this year, CAPE hit a peak of about 27, and by the beginning of August it was still sitting up around 26.  The only times CAPE has been higher have been just before other stock market bubbles have burst…
CAPE - from Wikipedia
It would take a total drop of about 40 percent from the peak of the market just to get back to average.  So far the Dow has fallen about 10 percent or so, so it is going to take another 30 percent crash just to get to a point where stock prices are considered “normal” once again.
In this day and age, we are so impatient and our attention spans are pitifully small.  We live in a world of instant coffee, video on demand, and 48 hour news cycles.  Very few of us are willing to take a long term view of things because we have all become accustomed to “living in the now” and focusing on what is in front of us this very instant.
Yes, the headlines are not screaming about a “stock market crash” or an “economic depression” on this particular day in October.
But that doesn’t mean that we are out of the woods by any stretch of the imagination.
The biggest bank in the western world (HSBC) says that a global recession has now begun, and the pain that we have experienced so far is just the tip of the iceberg.
So please don’t think that it is time to relax.
The month of September was not “the end” of anything.
Rather, it was just the beginning…
Credit to Economic Collapse