Halloween Is The Biggest Day Of The Year For The Fastest Growing Religion In America

Halloween Pumpkin - Public DomainIf you are a witch, Halloween is not just another holiday.  For Wiccans, the festival known as “Samhain” is the time when the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest, and so communication with the other side is the easiest.  And as you will see below, it is also the time “when the god dies, to be reborn again on the Winter Solstice”.  Many Americans are still very unfamiliar with Wicca, but the truth is that it is rapidly growing in popularity.  In fact, it has been projected that Wicca will soon become the third largest “religion” in America after Christianity and Islam.  According to the American Religious Identification Survey, the number of self-identified Wiccans in the United States grew from 8,000 in 1990 to 134,000 in 2001 to 342,000 in 2008.  The New York Post recently ran an article which stated that some experts have estimated that the number of witches in the U.S. is doubling every 30 months, and that there may now be “8 million undeclared practitioners” of “the craft” in this country.
So needless to say, this is a group of people that is very much growing in numbers and in influence.  And of course not all of them believe the exact same things.  Among various Wiccan groups there is tremendous variation in doctrine and practice.
One common thread that you will find among many of them, however, is a disdain for “Halloween”.  They tend to consider most Halloween traditions to be distorted Christianized versions of ancient pagan practices, and most of them are not really too thrilled with the mixing of the two.
For most Wiccans, the proper name for the day is “Samhain”, and it is a celebration that they take very seriously.  The following comes from a piece that was authored by a self-described “modern-day pagan and real-life Wiccan“…
Today, the holiday is still celebrated in the non-standardized, revived witchcraft tradition known as Wicca, and in the even less standardized group known as neo-pagans. In these circles, Halloween is called Samhain (pronunciations vary; I go with Sah-wen). Its significance and celebrations are rooted in traditional, pre-Christian practice, though they are by no means exact replicas.
October 31st is the midway point between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice. As such it is considered the end of the harvest time, when everything has stopped growing and the earth goes back to sleep. On the Wiccan calendar, known as the “wheel of the year” it is also the day when the god dies, to be reborn again on the Winter Solstice. Samhain is therefore the day when the veil between the living and the dead is considered thinnest, and is a time to remember people in our lives who have passed away.
Here is more on what Wiccans believe about Samhain from wicca.com
Samhain, (pronounced SOW-in, SAH-vin, or SAM-hayne) means “End of Summer”, and is the third and final Harvest. The dark winter half of the year commences on this Sabbat.
It is generally celebrated on October 31st, but some traditions prefer November 1st. It is one of the two “spirit-nights” each year, the other being Beltane. It is a magical interval when the mundane laws of time and space are temporarily suspended, and the Thin Veil between the worlds is lifted. Communicating with ancestors and departed loved ones is easy at this time, for they journey through this world on their way to the Summerlands. It is a time to study the Dark Mysteries and honor the Dark Mother and the Dark Father, symbolized by the Crone and her aged Consort.
Originally the “Feast of the Dead” was celebrated in Celtic countries by leaving food offerings on altars and doorsteps for the “wandering dead”. Today a lot of practitioners still carry out that tradition. Single candles were lit and left in a window to help guide the spirits of ancestors and loved ones home. Extra chairs were set to the table and around the hearth for the unseen guest. Apples were buried along roadsides and paths for spirits who were lost or had no descendants to provide for them. Turnips were hollowed out and carved to look like protective spirits, for this was a night of magic and chaos. The Wee Folke became very active, pulling pranks on unsuspecting humans. Traveling after dark was was not advised. People dressed in white (like ghosts), wore disguises made of straw, or dressed as the opposite gender in order to fool the Nature spirits.
That all sounds very complicated.
So why has Wicca become so explosively popular in America and elsewhere around the world?
Well, there are certainly a lot of factors, but in the end a lot of them are very basic.  According to the New York Post, Wicca “is practiced by a growing number of lapsed Christians seeking easy gratification for life’s most pressing needs: sex, hot clothes, relief from rotten marriages.”
That is very sad for me, because as a dedicated Christian it pains me to hear that so many of my brothers and sisters are being pulled from the faith so easily.
But there are those that are going the other direction as well.  In fact, the Daily Mail recently profiled one such individual…
A ‘recovering’ witch who says she was deceived by the Wicca religion has revealed why she abandoned the dark arts and returned to Christianity after years of casting spells for her own good fortune.
Selah Ally Tower, who goes by her middle name, joined a coven in her home state of New Jersey after taking a correspondence course in witchcraft in 1989. However, after a decade of casting spells, reading tarot cards, wearing capes and flowing skirts, and enjoying an extramarital affair at the suggestion of her coven’s leaders, a pastor convinced the 58-year-old mother of three give up on witchcraft for good.
Tower has authored two books about her experiences.  One is entitled “Taken from the Night: A Witch’s Encounter with God“, and the other is entitled “From the Craft to Christ: The Allure of Witchcraft and the Church’s Response“.  Like many people, she was drawn to Wicca because she found that it could produce real results for real needs in her life.  Here is more from the Daily Mail
‘Casting spells, I saw results. Usually, it was like – maybe I needed money or I needed a car. I needed love in my life,’ she said of the allure of witchcraft. ‘It was very selfish. It was all about what I wanted. I was really satisfied with my life.’
When most people watch television or they go to the movies and they hear about “the power of magic”, it isn’t something that they take too seriously.
But for most Wiccans, magic is something that is very real and that has a tremendous amount of power.  The following is what Wikipedia has to say about Wiccans and magic…
Many Wiccans believe in magic, a manipulative force exercised through the practice of witchcraft or sorcery. Many Wiccans agree with the definition of magic offered by ceremonial magicians,[41] such as Aleister Crowley, who declared that magic was “the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will”, while another prominent ceremonial magician, MacGregor Mathersstated that it was “the science of the control of the secret forces of nature”.[41] Many Wiccans believe magic to be a law of nature, as yet misunderstood or disregarded by contemporary science,[41] and as such they do not view it as being supernatural, but a part of what Leo Martellocalls the “super powers that reside in the natural”.[42] Some Wiccans believe that magic is simply making full use of the five senses in order to achieve surprising results,[42] whilst other Wiccans do not claim to know how magic works, merely believing that it does because they have observed it to be so.[43] Some spell it “magick”, a variation coined by the influential occultist Aleister Crowley, though this spelling is more commonly associated with Crowley’s religion of Thelema than with Wicca.
During ritual practices, which are often staged in a sacred circle, Wiccans cast spells or “workings” intended to bring about real changes in the physical world. Common Wiccan spells include those used for healing, for protection, fertility, or to banish negative influences.[45] Many early Wiccans, such as Alex SandersSybil Leek and Doreen Valiente, referred to their own magic as “white magic“, which contrasted with “black magic“, which they associated with evil and Satanism. Sanders also used the similar terminology of “left hand path” to describe malevolent magic, and “right hand path” to describe magic performed with good intentions;[46] terminology that had originated with the occultist Helena Blavatsky in the 19th century. Some modern Wiccans however have stopped using the white-black magic and left-right hand path dichotomies, arguing for instance that the colour black should not necessarily have any associations with evil.[47]
But even for the vast majority of Americans that are not into Wicca, this time of the year has increasingly become known as a time to focus on “magic”, evil and horror.
For instance, one hot new trend is to photograph little children as they are dressed up to perfectly resemble characters from horror films, and another hot new trend is to hold something called “a blood rave”
Put on by BBQ Films and tied to the weekend-long ruckus that is NYC Comic Con, the Blood Rave featured a live action performance of scenes from the film, with ticket-buyers encouraged to dress the part of hemoglobin-craving vampires. Also adding to the ambiance was electronic music legends The Crystal Method, who headlined the evening.
But the star attractions were Blade… and all the (fake) blood. Just before midnight, a squadron of technicians suited up with body-mounted sprayers surrounded the crowd and, on cue, soaked the writhing masses with synthetic blood. No leather corset or bare tattooed back was spared as the ravers seethed with fanged glee beneath the crimson rain. For a few hours, it was truly weird and wonderful to see a sea of giddy daywalkers living out fantasy bloodlust.
Approximately 70 percent of all Americans will participate in Halloween festivities once again this year, and they will spend somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 billion dollars celebrating the holiday, and most will believe that it is just a bunch of innocent fun.
But the minority of Americans that take this holiday very, very seriously is growing, and that is not a good thing.
On page 96 of the Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey wrote the following…
“After one’s own birthday, the two major Satanic holidays are Walpurgisnacht (May 1st) and Halloween.”
Halloween is the biggest day of the year for Wiccans, white witches, black witches, Satanists, neo-pagans and occultists of all stripes.
When you participate in traditions and practices that are rooted in that world, you also risk opening up a door for supernatural forces that you do not understand and will not be able to control.
As a Christian, I do not want to have anything to do with Halloween, Samhain or whatever else they may want to call it.
So what about you?
What is your perspective on this holiday?
Credit to End of the American Dream


By Paul McGuire

The story of ancient Babylon and the Tower of Babel is an historical account of the world’s first one world government, one world economic system, and one world religion. Most people in our world who have been indoctrinated into what could be termed a “scientific materialist” worldview only believe in what they can perceive with their senses and they have no understanding about what happened on our Earth during pre-history. They reject the idea that the creator of ancient Babylon was an almost super-human leader named Nimrod who built the Tower of Babel using occult technology. This is why the literal translation of “Babylon” or the “Tower of Babel” means “gate of the gods.” The Tower of Babel was an interdimensional stargate which acted as a portal for interdimensonal beings to reach Earth. Ancient Babylon was a super-civilization built and ruled by a scientific elite.

The Biblical prophets and the Apostle John predicted that Babylon would be rebuilt in the last days. It is no accident that the master plan of the United Nations and things like Agenda 21 is to build a one-world government, one world religion, and one world economic system. Even the back of the U.S. dollar reveals this plan with both symbolism and words. On the left hand side of the U.S. dollar we see an Illuminati pyramid with the all-seeing eye of Lucifer towards the top and on the bottom the words Novus Ordo Seclorum, which means “New Order of the Ages” or “New World Order.” Sir Francis Bacon, in the mid-1600s, planned for America to be the head of the New World order and the New Atlantis. He was the head of a secret occult society called the Rosicrucians, who borrowed their teachings from ancient Babylon and were the forerunners of what is now known as the Illuminati. The term “Illuminati” comes from the words “Illumined Ones,” which refers to a scientific or occult elite who have received secret Luciferian knowledge. Just as ancient Babylon was built using occult technology and science, so the new Babylon rising all around us is being built with occult technology and science.

This occult knowledge, technology, science, and supernatural power that was employed in ancient Babylon has been passed on from civilization to civilization through secret societies. Many of these secret societies have changed their names, but they are the organizational structures for rebuilding Babylon. They include groups like Skull and Bones, Illuminati, O.T.O, Golden Dawn, Bohemian Grove, the Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and numerous others. These secret societies form a global network ruled by an elite, who are bringing in a New World Order and global government. One of the primary instruments for bringing this new global order is the United Nations and its Climate Change treaties like Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development. None of these terms like eco-friendly, Climate Change, Agenda 21, sustainable development, social justice, and similar phrases actually mean what they pretend to mean or what the masses of people think they mean. In the manner of George Orwell’s 1984, these are mind control words to conceal the true agenda and what is called “The Plan” of the United Nations, the secret societies, and the elite who control them. The entire “Climate Change” crisis is not real! It is a completely manufactured crisis with no valid scientific evidence that is designed as a pretense and a Trojan horse for a very dark agenda. There are a massive number of scientists and scientific studies, which disprove the thesis of manmade climate change theories involving CO2 emissions, but these scientists and their research are suppressed and censored by the media.

I remember many decades ago, when I was a fifteen-year-old radical activist living in Manhattan, being at one of the first Earth Day rallies with the leaders of the counter culture. I heard the top activists who had organized the whole “Anti-War Movement” during the Viet Nam War say “Now that the Viet Nam War is over, we are going to need something new to rally the people behind and organize a new movement. The new movement will be organized around an environmental crisis… global warming.” Mysterious secret funding, organization, and access to the media allowed them to promote this new cause. Back then organizing consisted of activist leaders appearing on national television programs, printed newsletters, underground newspapers, word of mouth, and demonstrations. Today organization and promotion of the global warming crisis, climate change crisis, Agenda 21, and sustainable development happens through television, films, social media, the Internet, cell phones, and other new technologies.

The elite, what Aldous Huxley called the “Scientific Elite,” use highly sophisticated technologies and scientific brainwashing, indoctrination, propaganda, persuasion, and even scientific mind control to create and change public opinion and perceptions. These technologies are combined using the mass media, music videos, social media, the Internet, subliminal messages, brainwaves, repetition, mass hypnosis, and drugs. In his 1970 book Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the world’s leading globalists and co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with Rockefeller, wrote about where society was quickly going: “Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing human behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control.”

Brzezinski wrote those words over 40 years ago; today we live in such a society. Many people are skeptical about the reality of such an elite. As such, in The Babylon Code we provide the history of the elite from ancient Babylon until today. One of the examples of the technology of influence would be the employment of highly sophisticated Silicon Valley computer companies and software manufacturers who have developed computer systems and programs to promote political candidates from both the Republican and Democratic parties. Eric Schmidt, who is worth over $10 billion, is a member of the secretive Bilderberg Group and the executive chairman of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, and has funded a new company called Groundwork. Groundwork is being used by Schmidt to enable Hillary Clinton to win the election. 

The Groundwork website features a grey on black triangle logo that looks something like an Illuminati symbol. Groundwork uses sophisticated computer systems that gather data on the election and create digital outreaches that allow candidates to find, win, and turn out critical voter blocs. Much of this technology was originally developed and used by President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign. During Obama’s 2012 campaign, sophisticated computer technology companies used analytics gathered from Facebook pages liked, volunteer contacts, social media, events attended, and money donated and they enabled the President to gain two percentage points of the campaign’s four percent margin of victory. The members of the Obama tech team like Eric Schmidt identified the 15 million undecided voters who could be swayed to Obama’s side. Clearly, there is nothing wrong or illegal about this, and any candidate who is smart enough to use advanced computer technology has the right to win in a competitive election. The point is that new computer technologies scientifically enhance the ability to reach specific groups of people and to persuade them.

Persuasion, brain washing and mind control are being used on a planetary level to persuade the masses that there is a climate change crisis that will require them to accept lower wages, population reduction, abortion, sterilization, and a lower standard of living with drastically reduced freedoms, all proposed by the UN’s Agenda 21. The masses are unable to look at this objectively or rationally and they are blinded to the fact that the wealth of the lower class and the middle class will be reduced to “save the planet.” And they cannot see the obvious: the elite, the one percent, will not have their wealth or freedoms lowered at all and they own 99% of the wealth. The masses, due to scientific mind control, are incapable of seeing what is obvious to anyone whose brain is still functioning at anywhere near full capacity!

This is rule by the elite, just like Plato’s description of Atlantis, which he said was ruled by 10 god kings, or philosopher kings. The same kind of occult elite, which Nimrod presided over in what was known as “Mystery Babylon,” still functions to this day. In the book The Babylon Code, my co-author Troy Anderson and I carefully document all this. Beginning in ancient Babylon a secret spiritual language was developed based on numbers, dates, words, music, astrological events, and symbols. This Babylonian spiritual language was passed on through secret societies to all the great civilizations up to the present. The Babylonian system is evident in what are called Illuminati music videos, occult symbolism in films, and corporate logos. At the deepest levels of “Mystery Babylon” are drugs, orgies, and rituals of sexual perversion and human sacrifice in certain circles. It is not an accident that the Nazi mind control experts and rocket scientist brought into the United States by Alan Dulles under a program called “Operation Paperclip” brought with them scientific mind control programs such as MK ULTRA and the programming of human beings starting in childhood for various purposes including creating “Manchurian Candidates” programmed to kill, along with male and female sex slaves used for compromising and controlling powerful people.

Military psychiatrists and scientists like Dr. Ewen Cameron, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Dr. Jose Delgado, Dr. Jolyon West, Dr. George Estabrooks, Dr. Timothy Leary, and Dr. John C. Lilly were involved in a variety of scientific mind control programs. The rebuilding of Babylon, which we expose in our book, involves indoctrination, mind control, propaganda, and persuasion. The one world government, one world economic system, and one world religion first implemented at the Tower of Babel is being rebuilt before our very eyes. But the Scientific, Technocratic, Luciferian Elite which controls this agenda is creating a counterfeit of the Kingdom of God. This will be a new world order without Jesus Christ and this is where all of this connects to Bible prophecy. In Revelation 13 we read about a one world government and economic system ruled by the Antichrist and a one world religion ruled by a False Prophet. The central feature of the one world religion and economic system is that people will be forced to accept a microchip implant called the “mark of the beast.” The essence of this is Satanic because in order to receive the “mark of the beast” you must renounce Jesus Christ as Lord.

The UN, Agenda 21, and many other globalist organizations have brainwashed the world into thinking they are benevolent. But, as you read the writings of those who control the spiritual agenda of the UN, you discover they are Satanic. The UN and the globalists are following “The Plan” outlined by the Russian occult teacher Madame Blavatsky, who wrote “Lucifer is the divine and terrestrial light, ‘The Holy Ghost’ and ‘Satan’ at one and at the same time…It now stand proven that Satan, or the Red Fiery Dragon… Lucifer, or ‘light-bearer,’ is in us: it is our mind- our tempter and Redeemer.” Blavatsky’s disciple Alice Bailey set up Lucifer Trust on the grounds of the United Nations to train and recruit world leaders into Satanism. Alice Bailey actually praised the dictators Napoleon, Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin, and Stalin as being divinely called by God to slaughter millions in order to bring in the new Luciferian age.

Given the fact that there are those at the very top of the UN and some of those behind Agenda 21 who believe these things, is it any wonder they have no moral conflict about lying to the masses and reducing the population of planet Earth “by any means necessary?” They have in their own writings proposed the use of food shortages, water shortages, plagues, endless wars, nuclear holocaust, sterilization, vaccines, and abortion as accepted means for radically reducing the world’s population from seven billion people to 500 million people.
Credit to Paul McGuire

North Korea claims to have ICBM

Image result for North Korea claims to have ICBM

North Korea for the first time publicly displayed the modified version of its KN-08 intercontinental ballistic missile during the military parade in Pyongyang on Oct. 10 to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the ruling Workers' Party, according to China's Global Times on Oct. 12.

The special design of the new KN-08's radome indicated that the missile is probably fitted with the multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle that would allow the KN-08 to carry more than one warhead.

However, Colonel Na Seung-yong, spokesperson for the South Korean defense ministry, said the North is unlikely to be able to mount a nuclear warhead to the KN-08 despite the limited progress it has achieved. Na said both South Korea and the United States are paying close attention to the development of the KN-08 to judge whether the missile can carry a nuclear payload. Until then, no conclusion can be made, Na said.

Credit to wantchinatimes.com
