Monday, October 12, 2015

US Paradrops 50 Tons Of Ammo To Syrian Rebels

Image result for US Paradrops 50 Tons Of Ammo To Syrian Rebels
As we noted over the weekend, the US has now thrown in the towel on the ill-fated (and that’s putting it lightly) strategy of training Syrian fighters and sending them into battle only to be captured and killed by other Syrian fighters who the US also trained. 
The Pentagon’s effort to recruit 5,400 properly “vetted” anti-ISIS rebels by the end of the year ended in tears when the entire world laughed until it cried after word got out that only “four or five” of these fighters were actually still around. The rest are apparently either captured, killed, lost in the desert, or fighting for someone else. 
This has cost the US taxpayer somewhere in the neighborhood of $40 million over the last six months.
Because this latest program was such a public embarrassment, the Pentagon had to come up with a new idea to assist Syria’s “freedom fighters” now that they are fleeing under bombardment by the Russian air force only to be cut down by Hezbollah. 
The newest plan: helicopter ammo. No, really. The US has now resorted to dropping "tons" of ammo into the middle of nowhere and hoping the “right” people find it. 
No, really. 
Here’s CNN:
U.S. military cargo planes gave 50 tons of ammunition to rebel groups overnight in northern Syria, using an air drop of 112 pallets as the first step in the Obama Administration's urgent effort to find new ways to support those groups.

Details of the air mission over Syria were confirmed by a U.S. official not authorized to speak publicly because the details have not yet been formally announced.

C-17s, accompanied by fighter escort aircraft, dropped small arms ammunition and other items like hand grenades in Hasakah province in northern Syria to a coalition of rebels groups vetted by the US, known as the Syrian Arab Coalition.
And here's a bit more color from GOP mouthpiece Fox News:
The ammunition originally was intended for the U.S. military's "train and equip" mission, the official said. But that program was canceled last week. 

"So now we are more focused on the 'E' [equip] part of the T&E [train & equip]," said the official, who described equipping Syrian Arabs as the focus of the new strategy against ISIS. 

The Defense Department announced Friday that it was overhauling the mission to aid Syrian rebel fighters. After the program fell far short of its goals for recruiting and training Syrian fighters, the DOD said it would focus instead on providing "equipment packages and weapons to a select group of vetted leaders and their units so that over time they can make a concerted push into territory still controlled by ISIL." 

The shift also comes as Russia continues to launch airstrikes in Syria, causing tension with the U.S. amid suspicions Moscow is only trying to prop up Bashar Assad. 

Col. Steve Warren, spokesman for the U.S.-led anti-ISIS coalition, confirmed that coalition forces conducted the airdrop on Sunday. 

"The aircraft delivery includes small arms ammunition to resupply counter-ISIL ground forces so that they can continue operations against ISIL. All aircraft exited the drop area safely," he said in a statement. All pallets successfully were recovered by friendly forces, a U.S. official said.
Yes, “friendly forces.” 
Image result for US Paradrops 50 Tons Of Ammo To Syrian Rebels

Just let the hilarity of that sink in. 
The US just paradropped 50 tons of ammo on pallets into the most dangerous place on the face of the planet with no way of ensuring that it falls into the "right" hands (it goes without saying that the term "right" is meaningless there). Meanwhile, the Russians are dropping bombs on the same extremists who are set to receive the guns the US is dropping. 
Of course if it does somehow fall into the “wrong” hands, it wouldn’t be the first time (see Mosul and recall the $500 billion worth of weapons Washington “misplaced” in Yemen) and as we said a few days ago, this is at least great news for the military-industrial complex. It means more "terrorist attacks" on U.S. "friends and allies", and perhaps even on U.S. soil - all courtesy of the US government supplying the weapons - are imminent.
Credit to Zero Hedge

Experts Warn These 5 Things Will Follow the Collapse of the Dollar

tyranny ahead
It is easy to interpret the signals of our economy from afar when we see people driving cars everywhere and we tend to think that our economy is not that bad.
The fact remains that 40 years ago Americans owned those cars that we see them driving. Today, we are renting them as 40% of us are leasing our vehicles.
As we drive up and down our neighborhoods, we see people living in houses and we lie to ourselves as use this as a  false barometer to convince ourselves that everything is OK. However, many of these homes we see people living in, have lost all of their equity.
The logical answer to the question “When will we have a depression?”, should be answered by stating “We have an $19 trillion dollar annual deficit and that is the good news. We have $240 trillion dollars of debt from unfunded liabilities and we have a stunning $1.5 quadrillion dollar debt.
So, you better grab all the food, water, guns and ammunition that you can and run for the hills, if you are able”!  But as long we see people driving in cars and living in houses, most Americans are gong to deny the truth.
Yet, I feel compelled to speak the truth because I might be able to get one more person to take the steps necessary to help increase the odds of their survival in response to what is coming. History shows that one can count on six things occurring following the collapse of the dollar.

The Last Great American Garage Sale

On multiple occasions in this column, I have thoroughly documented the following facts which demonstrate that the banksters are stealing our assets in preparation for them to economically survive what is coming:
1. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that when you put money into the bank, you have transferred ownership of that money to the bank. This ruling represents government sponsored theft in the highest order, yet most of us are unaware that this happened.
2. The G20 nations declared the money in your bank account to not be money. Therefore, the FDIC insurance for your savings.
3. The MERS mortgage fraud is ongoing and homeowners are still having their homes stolen without legal justification.
4. The Federal Reserve, in 2012, began to print money to the tune of $40 billion dollars a month in order to purchase mortgage backed securities.
5. The banksters have practiced stealing the secured accounts of American in the MF Global (MFG) scandal, resulting in the loss of $6.3 billion dollars of secured investment funds. Nobody went to jail.
6. In April of 2013,  the banksters are manipulating the price of gold as evidenced by the actions of “Goldman Sachs who told their clients earlier that they recommend initiating a short COMEX gold position.” After investors were duped into panic selling, the banksters bought up massive sums of gold. The banksters were buying gold while getting out the American Stock Market and the megabanks. Why? Because the dollar is on the verge of collapse. This manipulation is continuing today. Gold and silver are being kept artificially low. NOW, is the time to buy!
7. The banksters have signaled that they were no longer attempting to gain control of any more gold as they began to repatriate gold with their rightful owners in Europe. This means that the crash could happen at any time.
The only thing left to do is for the banksters to steal your bank accounts. The correct “crisis” will bring about the collapse of the dollar now that the wealth transfer has largely been accomplished.

What America Will Look Like Following the Collapse of the Dollar-Five Things You Can Count On Happening

The aftermath of an economic collapse can take different forms, however, history demonstrates that there are some universal things you can count on:

1. Obamavilles

hooverville 2hooverville 1People will lose their jobs and ultimately will be evicted from their homes and America will see a dramatic spike in the rate of homelessness.
During the Great Depression (1929-1941),the growing number of homeless people in America began to live in communities with cardboard boxes as their only shelter. The communities took on the name “Hooverilles” in reference to the President that most Americans blamed for the Great Depression.
Today, as the economy collapses, a new homeless class will be created and they will come from the former middle class. A large number of Americans own property. This will shift to a large amount of properties will subsequently be owned by the few and America will witness the introduction of feudalism to our country. This is why the Federal reserve has been buying $40 billion dollars of mortgage backed securities every month.
Did you know that the New York City homeless shelters are filled with people that have full-time jobs? It has already started.

2. Dramatic Food Shortages


Because of “Just In Time” deliveries, the American food industry operates on quick and multiple deliveries and survives only as the result of the rapid payment of invoices. As the failing economy reaches to service industry, most of these business will fail in very large numbers. Who then, will be delivering the food? Only a fool is not storing food and water.

3. Food Riots

food riots 1food riots 2Because of the food shortages, riots and organized gang violence will occur. The military is trained to isolate these areas, but will not intervene. If you call 911, nobody will be answering. This will be the time that you wished you had listened to many in the alternative media because this is the time that America will begin to see a large loss of life.

4. Persecution of Christians

The persecutions of Christians is already taking place as record numbers of Christians are leaving the military because of overt discrimination. In the American military, Christians are being disciplined for sharing their faith. No other religion has such a prohibition.
When Pastor Walter Mansfield, one of the original Clergy Response Team member, told me in an interview that he would be forbidden to mention the words “Jesus” and the “Bible” while ministering in the camps.
 Germany is evicting Christians from their homes to make way for Muslim invaders. For example, the UK Telegraph is reporting that  51-year-old German Christian woman, one of many, is being evicted from her home of 16 years to make way for refugees, with shelters already full across the country. On September 1, 2015, she received a letter from her landlord and the local municipality, telling her the building was being turned into a refugee shelter and she had until May to leave. So much for the Syrian exodus being a spontaneous event. It was well planned. Many feel that Christians are being targeted in Germany for home evictions in favor of refugee shelters for Muslims in Germany. With the Refugee/Resettlement program in full swing in the United States, how long will it be until the same thing begins to happen here?

5. Martial Law Will Be Declared

(Editor’s note: War will comprise a 6th element that will accompany the coming events. Because of the enormity of the subject, this development will be covered separately).
DHS and the military has already practiced for this development. Travel will be limited and it will stopped all together in areas where the civil unrest is at its worst.
The  2012 and 2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), will allow government officials to “disappear” anyone they want to and for any reason, or no reason at all.  The NDAA suspends habeas corpus, provides for indefinite detention and this is done on the premise that certain kinds of Americans are threats (e.g. Second Amendment supporters, Bible-believing Christians). This is where the present harassment of Christians will turn into the outright persecution of Christians.
I think the public has a right to know how its government plans to handle future protests. Is America the new Venezuela, Egypt, or Ukraine?  A previously secret document which was leaked online; entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF).
H-42. Quick-reaction force teams should be established with a minimum response time. Because of the physical nature of riot control, individuals in riot control formations should not carry rifles. Nonlethal attachments should follow closely behind the riot control formation. Lethal coverage must be provided for this entire formation. (See FM 3-22.40.)
H-43. During a nonlethal engagement, the use of designated marksmen provides confidence and safety to those facing a riot. If a lethal threat is presented, the designated marksmen in overwatch positions (armed with appropriate sniper weapons mounted with high-powered scopes) can scan a crowd and identify agitators and riot leaders for apprehension and fire lethal rounds if warranted. Additionally, they are ideally suited for flank security and countersniper operations. (See FM 3-22.40.).
Travel restrictions will be a part of this process.
Travel restrictions will be a part of this process.

Government Control Over All Fuel and Transportation

These are some of the things that government can do to you courtesy of several executive orders.
Executive Order 10990
Allows the government to take control over all modes of transportation, highways, and seaports.
Executive Order 11003
Allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
Executive Order 11005
Allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities.
Executive Order 10997
Allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals.

Government Control Over All Food and Water

Executive Order 10998
Allows the government to take over all food resources and farms

The Ability to Enslave the American People

Executive Order 11000
Allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
Executive Order 11001
Allows the government to take over all health, education, and welfare functions.
Executive Order 11002
Designates the Postmaster General to operate national registration of all persons.
Executive Order 11004
Allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

Ability to Grant the President Total Dictatorial Control

Executive Order 11051
Specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
Executive Order 11310
Grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
Executive Order 11049
Assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
There are more examples, but I think you get the idea. Your government has practiced to subjugate and even murder you in times such as these.


Is there anything that can be done to stop the egregious violations of our civil liberties? The short answer is no! However, there are some things that can be done to mitigate the threat and to soften the landing following an economic collapse. These will be covered, in detail, in a future article.
 Credit to Common Sense

Why Are The IMF, The UN, The BIS And Citibank All Warning That An Economic Crisis Could Be Imminent?

Question Sign Red - Public DomainThe warnings are getting louder.  Is anybody listening?  For months, I have been documenting on my website how the global financial system is absolutely primed for a crisis, and now some of the most important financial institutions in the entire world are warning about the exact same thing.  For example, this week I was stunned to see that the Telegraph had published an article with the following ominous headline: “$3 trillion corporate credit crunch looms as debtors face day of reckoning, says IMF“.  And actually what we are heading for would more accurately be described as a “credit freeze” or a “credit panic”, but a “credit crunch” will definitely work for now.  The IMF is warning that the “dangerous over-leveraging” that we have been witnessing “threatens to unleash a wave of defaults” all across the globe…
Governments and central banks risk tipping the world into a fresh financial crisis, the International Monetary Fund has warned, as it called time on a corporate debt binge in the developing world.
Emerging market companies have “over-borrowed” by $3 trillion in the last decade, reflecting a quadrupling of private sector debt between 2004 and 2014, found the IMF’s Global Financial Stability Report.
This dangerous over-leveraging now threatens to unleash a wave of defaults that will imperil an already weak global economy, said stark findings from the IMF’s twice yearly report.
The IMF is actually telling the truth in this instance.  We are in the midst of the greatest debt bubble the world has ever seen, and it is a monumental threat to the global financial system.
But even though we know about this threat, that doesn’t mean that we can do anything about it at this point or stop what is about to happen.
The Bank of England, the UN and the Bank for International Settlements have all issued similar ominous warnings.  The following is an excerpt from a recent article in the Guardian
The IMF’s warning echoes a chorus of others. The Bank of England’s chief economist, Andy Haldane, has argued that the world is entering the latest episode of a “three-part crisis trilogy”Unctad, the UN’s trade and development arm, would like to see advanced economies boost public spending to offset the downturn in emerging economies. The Bank for International Settlements believes interest rates have been too low for too long, encouraging too much risk-taking in financial markets. All of them fear that the global financial system is primed for a crisis.
I particularly like Andy Haldane’s likening our current situation to a “three-part crisis trilogy”.  I think that is perfect.  And if you are familiar with movie trilogies, then you know that the last episode is usually the biggest and the baddest.
Citigroup economist Willem Buiter also believes that big trouble is on the horizon.  In fact, he is publicly warning of a “global recession” in 2016
Citigroup economist Willem Buiter looks at the world landscape and sees an economy performing substantially below potential output, which he uses as the general benchmark for the idea of a global recession. With that in mind, he said the chances of a global recession in 2016 are growing.
“We think that the evidence suggests that the global output gap is negative and that the global economy is currently growing at a rate below global potential growth. The (negative) output gap is therefore widening,” Buiter said in a note to clients. He added, “from an output gap that was probably quite close to zero fairly recently, continued sub-par global growth is likely to put the global economy back into recession, if indeed the world ever fully emerged of the recession caused by the global financial crisis.”
Usually when we are plunged into a new crisis there is some sort of “trigger event” that creates widespread panic.  Yesterday, I wrote about the ongoing problems at commodity giants such as Glencore, Trafigura and The Noble Group.  The collapse of any of them could potentially be a new “Lehman Brothers moment”.
But something else happened just yesterday that is also extremely concerning.  Just a couple of weeks ago, I warned that the biggest bank in Germany, Deutsche Bank, was on the verge of massive trouble.  Well, on Wednesday the bank announced a loss of more than 6 billion dollars for the third quarter of 2015
Deutsche Bank’s new boss John Cryan set about cleaning up Germany’s biggest bank on Thursday, revealing a record pre-tax loss of 6 billion euros ($6.7 billion) in the third quarter and warning investors of a possible dividend cut.
Write downs, impairments and litigation costs all contributed to the loss, the bank said.
Cryan became chief executive in July with a promise to cut costs. The Briton is accelerating plans to shed assets and exit countries to shrink the bank and is preparing to ax about 23,000 jobs, or a quarter of the bank’s staff, sources told Reuters last month.
Keep an eye on Germany – the problems there are just beginning.
Something else that I am closely watching is the fact that major exporting nations such as China that used to buy up lots of U.S. government debt are now dumping that debt at an unprecedented pace.  The following comes from Wolf Richter
Five large purchasers of US Treasuries – China, Russia, Norway, Brazil, and Taiwan – have changed their minds. They’re dumping Treasuries, each for their own reasons that are now coinciding. And at the fastest rate on record.
For the 12-month period ended July, sales of Treasuries by central banks around the world reached a net of $123 billion, “the biggest decline since data started to be collected in 1978,” the Wall Street Journal reported.
China, the largest foreign owner of Treasuries – its hoard peaking at $1.317 trillion in November 2013 – has been unloading with particular passion. By July, the latest data available from the US Treasury Department, China’s pile was down to $1.241 trillion.
Yes, I know, the stock market went up once again on Thursday, and all of the irrational optimists are once again telling us that everything is going to be just fine.
The truth, of course, is that everything is not going to be just fine.  Ever since I started the Economic Collapse Blog, I have never wavered in my belief that the greatest economic crisis that the United States has ever seen is coming, and I have written well over 1000 articles setting forth the case for the coming collapse in excruciating detail.  Nobody is going to be able to say that I didn’t try to warn them.
Those that have blind faith in Barack Obama, Wall Street, the Federal Reserve and the other major central banks around the planet will continue to mock the idea that a major collapse is coming for as long as they can.
But when the day of reckoning does arrive and crisis coming knocking at their doors, what will they do then?
Credit to Economic collapse

Fed Revises Total US Debt From 330% To 350% Of GDP, After "Discovering" Another $2.7 Trillion In Debt

Image result for poor uncle sam

Everyone has seen the chart of "Total Credit Market Instruments", which as of its most recent update on March 31, 2015, was just over $59 trillion, or 330% of US GDP.

For those who have not seen it, as well as for those who are familiar with this chart, take a long look, because this is the last update of this particular data series, pulled straight from the Fed's Z.1 Flow of Funds (section L.1), you will ever see.
So did the Fed spontaneously terminate the reporting of what until the second quarter's update of the Flow of Funds, was the most comprehensive official summary of Household, Financial, Corporate and Government debt in existence? And if so why? 
Many Fed watchers assumed that this is precisely what happened, and indeed, searching high and low for the infamous L.1 Section revealed nothing. 
We can only assume that the vocal outcry that emerged in the aftermath of the Fed's release of its Q2 Flow of Funds statement missing this most critical of data sets on September 18, was so loud that three weeks later, this past Friday on October 9, the Fed released an official follow up explanation what exactly happened.
Here is what happened to the missing so very critical data series, straight from the horse's mouth:
Q: In the September 18, 2015 release of the Z.1 Financial Accounts of the United States, some tables in the summary section on credit market instruments seem to have disappeared. What happened to these tables and where can I find the equivalent data series?

With the September 18, 2015 Z.1 release, the classic presentation of the instrument category "credit market instruments" has been discontinued and replaced with two new instrument categories, "debt securities" and "loans".  Reporting debt securities and loans separately brings the Financial Accounts more in line with the international standards for national accounts. The debt securities instrument includes open market paper, Treasury securities, agency- and GSE-backed securities, municipal securities, and corporate and foreign bonds. The new loans instrument includes depository loans not elsewhere classified, other loans and advances, mortgages, and consumer credit. Together, debt securities plus loans include all of the financial assets or liabilities previously included in credit market instruments. While the underlying instrument categories that make up the sum of debt securities and loans are the same as those in old "credit market instruments" concept, changes to a few of these categories make the new sum of debt securities and loans larger than in previous publications.  

This change has had three major impacts on the table structure of the publication: (1) summary tables focusing on "credit market instruments" have been eliminated; (2) remaining summary tables have been renumbered; and (3) new instrument tables for debt securities (tables F.208 and L.208) and loans (tables F.214 and L.214) have been created. 
That's the "what", as for the why, note what the Fed said above: "the new sum of debt securities and loans larger than in previous publications." Which means that not only did the Fed stop reporting a consolidated total debt series, it admits that the actual debt was higher. Some $2.7 trillion higher.

Credit to Zero Hedge

Red Alert! Intercepted “Jihadist Chatter” Suggests False Flag Terrorist Attack Upon Pantex (TX) Nuclear Facility

These are high resolution photos of the SAM missiles, that many say do not exist. These missiles are located 45 miles southeast of Lubbock, TX and were originally photographed by Texas resident, Travis Kuenstler. These photos will soon be back in the news at The Common Sense Show, as we have just learned that this represents World War III preparations and the countering of the ISIS threat on our southern border. Inside sources reveal that these types of weapons form a concentric zone of protection around the nuclear facility at Pantex.
These are high resolution photos of the SAM missiles, that many say do not exist. These missiles are located 45 miles southeast of Lubbock, TX and were originally photographed by Texas resident, Travis Kuenstler. These photos will soon be back in the news at The Common Sense Show, as we have just learned that this represents World War III preparations and the countering of the ISIS threat on our southern border. Inside sources reveal that these types of weapons form a concentric zone of protection around the nuclear facility at Pantex.

Last summer, I was contacted by a Texas Ranger who told me that the Rangers were highly concerned about ISIS incursions and he felt that the Pantex Nuclear facility was a likely target terrorists. Also, my millitary sources identified Pantex as a likely target as well.
My apprehension level increased significantly when I received an in intercepted communication written in a Middle Eastern language, known to a Iraqi veteran. The veteran, Doug Maxwell passed along the communication to me this morning. This information is less than 24 hours old.

Mr Hodges,
My name is Doug Maxwell, I live in Shamrock, Texas. 100 miles due east of Amarillo.
First off, I’m a veteran of 15 yrs. My last tour was in Iraq, Desert Storm. So what I’m going to tell you is not BS.
I’m a truck driver for a local fuel company here. We go to Amarillo and load our fuel and bring it back to our local gas stations and locals who order it. The facility in Amarillo is a loading and large tank facility on the north side of Amarillo, which the fuel is pipelined from the refinery at Sunray, Tx. and Borger, Tx. This supplies the whole Tx Panhandle and surrounding states, New Mexico and Oklahoma and parts of Kansas.
I’ve been reading your articles for along time and I pretty much agree with what you say.  One article tonight prompted me to email you, the Texas Ranger who sent you the email!
Well, I would like to pass on something that happened this morning when I was loading my fuel. (Especially to the Ranger that contacted you)
At 930 am this morning I pulled into the loading rack and hooked up and started loading. There are 4 lanes there and each has a small shack to enter your info into computer. As I was doing this I noticed a wire notepad laying on the counter to the side. It was opened up and there was some writing on this pad. Being curious I picked it up and read it. It was a Muslim writing. It was in Americ,  the language that is used in the Mideast. And it was being translated into English. Talking of the sanctity of Allah and about the prophet Mohamed. I was thinking this was some kind of a muslim prayer someone was writing down, or practicing.
In one of your articles you talk of Amarillo being a target because of Pantex. I agree. Pantex is only a few miles to the east of this facility. This loading facility would make a good distraction for someone wanting to do us harm.
This facility is supposed to be secure, video security 24\7 coded gates etc. But !!!!! Who’s to stop a driver of one of these companies from comitting jihad in this place???
You might try and get this info to that Ranger, I’m sure he might like to know that these guys are around Amarillo.
God Bless in all that you do.
Semper Fi !
Will Pantex, locacted near Lubbock, TX., be the next sight for a country changing false flag event?
Credit to Common Sense