Thursday, July 9, 2015

It's Not The Economy, Stupid - "The Central Planners Are In Control"

Image result for The Central Planners Are In Control
"China is not doing anything that the US has not already tried," exclaims Rick Santelli as he derides the 'entitlement' society has reached the investor class. Whether it's US, Japan, Europe, or China, "the idea of trying to prop up returns in the equity market - admitted or not - is going on," Santelli notes, asking - after forcing every mom and pop out of savings and into investment, "if it doesn't turn out well... do they have a moral obligation to help out?" Simply put, he rages - drawing the chart of the year - "the central planners are in control... and I don't suspect they will give up the reins any time soon."

Three minutes of reality check...
We are sure one day the world will realize the smoke and mirrors that have been promulgated as 'free markets' and 'free economies' has morphed into nothing more than an ongoing can-kicking exercise in futility as the endgame is self-evident - that which cannot go on forever, won't!

Credit to Zero Hedge

Every NFL Stadium Is a FEMA Camp In Hiding

The conditioning of the sheep.
The conditioning of the sheep.
You ever heard the old saying “My husband would live at the stadium if we could”? This is the lament of every football widow. However, the husband may soon get his wish and the wife may indeed become a widow in the true sense of the word.

The Tyranny That Is the NFL

The NFL season is just over two months away. The NFL’s actions in this past season dictates that all freedom-loving Americans will boycott this globalist serving organization. This article demonstrates how the NFL is an extension of the TSA, DHS and the globalist agenda in general.
The new NFL policies are something right out of the Pol Pot regime. In some stadiums, women cannot enter the same entrance as men and children. This is FEMA camp training. The American public is being conditioned to the fact that the state owns your bodies and your freedoms. Carefully examine the following sign.
This is one of the signs outside of Arrowhead Stadium, home of the Kansas City NFL team. Notice the segregation of single females. Can you think of a legitimate reason why stadium authorities would segregate fans.....? It is all part of the conditioning process.
At Arrowhead Stadium, home to the NFL Kansas City Chiefs, we see the segregation of women from other fans entering the stadium. Now, why would the officials at Arrowhead Stadium institute such a policy? Simple, they are conditioning the public to accept being separated from one another. What my insider sources tell me is that the future martial law detention camps will consist of men in one camp, women in another and children in a third camp.
In addition, the NFL is promoting various globalist agendas such as gun control, and they are doing so with our money. The NFL has come to represent a new era of in-your-face-tyranny. Soon, the following picture will be played out in American stadiums all across our country.

The NFL and Its Globalist Agenda

The NFL now represents the antithesis of everything that comprises the backbone of traditional American values. I love the game of football. Football was one of the sports that I grew up playing and I later coached the sport as a former head coach in the high school ranks prior to moving to coach college basketball. I thoroughly enjoyed the competition at every level both as a player and a coach. However, the NFL has taken all the fun out of the game, because the league spouts the mantra of the globalist forces which seekto enslave us.

Meet the NFL, the New TSA

The NFL is the current trend setter in the indoctrination of the American people into living under total martial law. The NFL is indeed the new TSA.
The National Football League has instituted new security rules at all stadiums which bans certain items. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: Purses larger than a clutch bag, coolers, briefcases, backpacks, fanny packs, cinch bags, seat cushions, luggage of any kind, computer bags and camera bags or any bag larger than the permissible size.” And, they have granted themselves the “right” to touch you anywhere, in their enhanced pat downs from the ankles and above. Welcome to the TSA’s Police State America, NFL style.

Don’t Try to Smuggle Your Constitution Inside of An NFL Stadium 

fema camp nfl perverted pat downs

FEMA Has No Shortage of New Places for Us to Take Up Residence

In September of 2011, Simon Properties, the largest owners of malls in North America inked a deal with DHS to allow their malls to be used as detention centers in times of “national emergency”. We are already seeing this handiwork in evidence!
From the air, the guard towers stick out like a sore thumb. The Twin Peaks Marana mall. The only thing missing is customers.
From the air, the guard towers stick out like a sore thumb. The Twin Peaks Marana mall. The only thing missing is customers.
Marana mall in the middle of nowhere next to railroad tracks all for your shopping convenience.
Marana mall in the middle of nowhere next to railroad tracks all for your shopping convenience.
And several of the schools even got into the act.
schools prison fema camp
DHS has followed suit with their plans to use sports facilities as detention centers (i.e. FEMA camps).

Every NFL Stadium Is a FEMA Camp In Hiding

In September of 2011, Simon Properties, the largest owners of malls in North America inked a deal with DHS to allow their malls to be used as detention centers in times of “national emergency”. DHS has followed suit with their plans to use sports facilities as detention centers (i.e. FEMA camps).
DHS and FEMA have even rehearsed for martial law detentions at various sports stadiums. The most well-known of these “rehearsed” events took place in Denver.
Operation Mountain Guardian was a disaster drill and a Continuity of Government exercise.
Operation Mountain Guardian was a disaster drill and a Continuity of Government exercise.
On September 23, 2011, the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA conducted a disaster drill in Denver, Colorado that they called Operation Mountain Guardian. The plan was all-inclusive and basically shut down the Denver metropolitan area including Denver International Airport, many malls, many schools and several other public venues including Sports Authority Field where the Denver Broncos play professional football. Why didn’t this event put people in the streets by the tens of thousands? To rub salt in the wound a similar drill was conducted at Giants Stadium in New York in the same year.
Here are children being separated from their parents as well as school authorities. FEMA has no right to abduct these children. Again, it is all part of the conditioning process.
Here are children being separated from their parents as well as school authorities. FEMA has no right to abduct these children. Again, it is all part of the conditioning process.
As a part of the drill, several bus loads of school children were taken to Sports Authority Field along with their teachers. Surrogate parents were hired by FEMA to attempt to pick up their children at the stadium. The training was apparently a desensitization exercise for security personnel designed to refuse demands to pick up their children from these “pretend” parents. The real parents of these children were not properly notified that their children would be transported to the stadium and would be a part of this disaster drill. As a parent, I would have a major problem with the non-notification of the relocation of children. I find this ironic, because before a school child is allowed to go on a field trip, their parents and teachers are required to fill out a multiple list of permission forms that must be signed by parent or guardian of the child. This is a sign of things to come courtesy of FEMA and DHS and they are using your children as leverage in order to gain your compliance.
As if this is not bad enough, the NFL and DHS have previously announced their Super Bowl security measures which began in 2012. These includethe Stasi policy at that  Super Bowl, in which thousands of stadium vendors were taught how to spot “potential terrorist activities” during a mandated TSA training program. Fans were also subjected to full body pat downs, a policy ordered by the DHS in 2011. Every fan who attends any future Super Bowl will not only have their genitals touched, but will also have their food ex-rayed along with their bodies. At this year’s Super Bowl, even a fan’s food will be X-rayed. This is insane!

The People React

In an Arizona Republic newspaper article (8/18/2013, B1, B6), people weighed in on the new NFL policies.
Sue Kish, 48, while attending an Arizona Cardinals game, found that she and her two daughters were told that their clear plastic container, designed to replace her banned purse, was too large and she would have to return her belongings to her car. Kish proceeded back to her car with her two daughters in tow. All three expressed frustration including her daughter, Natalie, as she asked if she had to “…put our tampons in a clear plastic bag? (Az Republic, B1).” Natalie gets it. Some people get it, but most Americans don’t, as they continue to tolerate the increasing level of tyranny in this country as evidenced by the following quote made by Heather Gunderson, an Arizona Cardinals season-ticket holder, who was quoted in the Arizona Republic about her response to the new invasive NFL security rules.

“It is kind of a nuisance…but I do understand the rule. It’s a whole new world, and you’ve got to follow the rules and regulations and be safe”.

"We are proud to be trading liberty for pseudo-security".
“We are proud to be trading liberty for pseudo-security”.

We shouldn't have napped through our history class.
We shouldn’t have napped through our history class.
Obviously, Ms. Gunderson never grasped the teachings of Ben Franklin and the folly of trading liberty for security in her high school history class. Henderson is correct about one thing: it is a whole new world, as in the New World Order. The Gunderson quote is typical of our citizen sheep and her views represents why I believe we are losing our country. We have largely lost the ability to think for ourselves. Most of our people fail to appreciate where America is heading. Clearly, our national tyranny meters are turned off. Oh, I know, we have to worry about the terrorists. Since the first casualty on the war on terror has been the Constitution, I think we have pretty much lost that war.
The people that acquiesce to this tyranny would likely tell you that America is the best nation in the world. If you are a sheep, you probably believe the old Bush propaganda when he said “they” hate us because of our freedoms. Really?
How many terrorists have these Stasi practices and tyrannical policies caught? That answer would be ZERO!

The NFL Is An Extension of the DHS and the NSA

The NFL has become your big brother.
In September of 2011, then Secretary of DHS, Janet Napolitano, announced new partnerships between the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) “If You See Something, Say Something” public awareness campaign and several sports organizations as well as various colleges and universities. Partnerships include National Football League (NFL) teams, Major League Baseball (MLB) teams, the U.S. Open Tennis Championships (USTA), Ohio State University and the University of Oklahoma. Recently, the National Hockey League and The National Basketball Association was added to the list. In addition, and just like Simon Properties, the largest owner of malls and strip malls in North America, who signed an agreement with DHS to all their facilities to double as FEMA detention camps, all major sports leagues and stadiums have done the the same
Let’s make no mistake about it, that this is a citizen spy program which is reminiscent of the same entity implemented by East German Stasi, resulting in the persecution of hundreds of thousands of East German citizens. Should it come as a surprise to anyone since former Stasi chief, Markus Wolf, was paid $5 million dollars to set up DHS?

NFL Uses Taxpayer Money to Promote Obamacare

Despite the fact that Obamacare is floundering, it has not stopped the administration and the NFL from shamelessly promoting the already failed healthcare system.
obamacare lines
The new symbol for gun confiscation.

In a “Sponsorship Agreement” between the Maryland Health Connection and the NFL football team, the Baltimore Ravens, the state of Maryland, with taxpayer money, previously paid the 2012 Super Bowl champs $130,000 to shamelessly promote Obamacare on television, radio, the team’s official website, in its newsletter and in social media.

The NFL Has Become the New Gun Confiscation Lobby

The new symbol for gun confiscation.Nice to know that the NFL, the UN, DHS and FEMA are on the same team when it comes to your gun rights.

Who will ever forget as sportscaster and pseudo-intellectual, Bob Costas, used a national football television audience to promote the anti-Second Amendment views of the NFL in reference to a gun control rant Costas made after former Kansas City Chiefs player, Jovan Belcher, was involved in a murder-suicide tragedy. Costas, during halftime of the Kansas City-Denver Broncos game, quoted Fox Sports columnist Jason Whitlock and said, “If Jovan Belcher didn’t possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today”.
It was disgraceful for Costas to use a tragedy on national TV to advance the NFL’s anti-gun agenda.


Please allow me to remind the readers that every genocide in the 20th century was preceded by gun confiscation (University of Hawaii).
As with most things in life, we have a choice. If we don’t care for Walmart’s overseas virtual slave labor practices, we simply don’t have to shop at Walmart. If you don’t seeing your family members “felt up” by the TSA, then don’t fly. If you don’t want to be the victim of the same tyranny, don’t attend or watch an NFL game. We have a choice. We could bring the globalist economy and their practices to their knees through non-participation.
The forces of the NWO are so omnipresent, so powerful that the general public is unable to gain any traction against this tyranny. However, this is a battle we can win. Nobody can force you to go to a NFL football game. Nobody can force you to purchase NFL products. This is what we should have done after the TSA began to sexually assault Americans, refuse to fly. If the American public stood down in the face of tyranny, the airlines and the NFL would go broke and their screams would have been heard all the way to the halls of Congress.
The $30 billion dollar industry known as the NFL will collapse. TV Revenues will plummet. Broadcasting would be imperiled by this one event.
The $30 billion dollar, tax exempt industry known as the NFL would collapse if we did not tolerate their tyranny by not attending. TV Revenues would plummet. Broadcasting would be imperiled by this one event. If you must watch football, attend a high school game.
The Acronym NFL Should Soon Come to Mean Not For Long
The only question remaining, what is Jade Helm’s role in all of this?
Credit to Common Sense

Strange Animal Behavior Around The World It Is A Sure Sign Of The End Times Rabbi Says

“Who teaches us [more] than the beasts of the earth, and Who makes us wiser than the birds of the skies?” (Job 25:11)

(Photo: Shiyam ElkCloner/ Wiki Commons)

All over the world, and especially in the US, unusual animal behaviors are causing some to ponder whether the world is witnessing a reprise of the Biblical Ten Plagues.

On Sakhalin Island in the far eastern side of Russia, remains of an unidentified sea creature, twice the size of a human, washed ashore a few days ago. The marine animal has a furry tail and a long, bird-like beak, but does not resemble any known creature.

Maine Police closed Wells Beach over the weekend after multiple witnesses spotted a six-foot long shark a mile off the coast. Shark sightings are uncommon in the summer months. Wells Police were quoted in the Boston Globe saying “These sightings are not infrequent; however, this sighting is abnormal given the time of year and proximity to the beach.”

Although the shark in Maine turned out to be a basking shark and not a Great White as was first feared, North Carolina is experiencing a rash of shark attacks. In mid-June, two teens were badly injured, including a 13 year-old girl who lost part of her arm. Four additional shark attacks occurred in North Carolina within a two week period.

A 20-foot long basking shark was caught in southwestern Australia last week. This species, the same one spotted in Maine, hasn’t been seen in the region in 80 years. The last one was caught in the 1930s.

In Southern California, masses of red tuna crabs washed ashore, carpeting the beaches with red. Each red tuna crab is no more than 3 inches long, but when their carcasses are piled on top of one another, they resemble a thick red carpet.

The Pacific Ocean is also the site of a huge and unprecedented toxic algae bloom that runs from Santa Barbara north to Alaska. In essence, a large portion of the Pacific Ocean is being engulfed by the growth of algae that produces domoic acid, which can poison humans.

All of these incidents have been reported in worldwide news in the past few weeks. Add to these the dramatic weather events of recent months and it is possible to conclude that, just as He did in the original Ten Plagues in Egypt, God is displaying His power over nature.

Rabbi Pinchas Winston, who writes extensively about the End of Days, teaches that everything that happened during the Exodus from Egypt will recur some form in the generation just before the Messiah is revealed. Winston told Breaking Israel News, “Many know that a comparison is made between the redemption from Egypt and the final one for which we now wait. However, few know just how comparable they are.”

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi, a mystical rabbi from Southern Israel who publishes a weekly column about world events that is distributed in synagogues throughout Israel, connects all these news stories to the coming Redemption.

He explains, “The changing weather, all of the conflict in the world and the forces of nature – it is all fear of God. It is not usual and not easy when the crowning of the King Messiah is near.”

10 Very Strange Things That Have Happened In Just The Past Few Weeks

Image result for storm coming
Have you noticed that events have begun to accelerate?  Over the past few weeks, things have officially started to get very weird.  Chinese stocks are crashing, the Greek debt crisis is spiraling out of control, the New York Stock Exchange was down for about four hours on Wednesday thanks to a “technical glitch”, and global politicians have been acting very strangely.  After several years of relative calm, could it be possible that the second half of 2015 will usher in a time of chaos and confusion on a worldwide scale?  Personally, I have never been more concerned about a period of time as I am about the last six months of 2015.  And if I am right, what we have seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg.  The following are 10 very strange things that have happened in just the past few weeks…
#1 On Wednesday, the New York Stock Exchange, United Airlines and the Wall Street Journal were all taken down by unexpected “technical glitches“.  Authorities are assuring us that hackers were not responsible for any of this.
#2 In China, a full-blown stock market crash is unfolding.  The Shanghai Composite Index has plummeted more than 30 percent in less than a month, and the Chinese version of the NASDAQ has dropped by more than 40 percent.  The amount of “paper wealth” that has been lost in China is 15 times greaterthan the GDP of Greece.
#3 Just the other day, hackers were able to hack into a German surface-to-air missile battery
Well, this is absolutely terrifying. According to The Local, hackers attacked a German Patriot surface-to-air missile battery, like the one shown above, stationed along the Turkish-Syria border. The cyber attack caused the battery to carryout “unexplained” orders.
It’s believed that cyber attackers managed to exploit the Patriot battery in two different ways. The first exploit was through the Sensor-Shooter-Interoperability, which controls interactions between the actual, physical missile launcher and its control system, while the other was on the guidance chip. These weaknesses could have allowed the hackers to steal data or, more worryingly, actually take control of the battery.
#4 Earlier this week, Barack Obama told reports that “we’re speeding up training of ISIL forces“…
#5 Just a few days ago, the U.S. Mint announced that they were sold out of American Eagle silver coins on the exact same day that the price of silver hit a new low for 2015.  How does that make any sense?
#6 On June 30th, an unexpected blood moon was seen over a significant portion of the United States.  This also happens to be the exact day when the Supreme Court gay marriage decision came out.  The following is an excerpt from a recent article by Caiden Cowger
On June 30, 2015, a surprise blood moon appeared in the sky, that was only seen in the United States.
According to the National Weather Service, large wildfires in Canada have been burning. Due to extremely high winds, smoke from these fires have traveled into the United States.
According to NBC-Chattanooga“the smoke should remain in the higher atmosphere and not affect air quality, it gives the moon and sun a rosy glow.
Here’s what causes the effect:
As light from the moon or sun enters the atmosphere it gets scattered by particles like water, aerosols, and in this case smoke. Green, blue, and purple colors are sent in all directions but colors with longer wavelengths like red, orange and yellow continue through the atmosphere and remain visible to the human eye.”
#7 Even though NASA recently stated that they know of “no asteroid or comet currently on a collision course with Earth” and that “no large object is likely to strike the Earth any time in the next several hundred years“,  NASA has teamed up with the National Nuclear Security Administration to try to figure out a way to use nuclear weapons to destroy asteroids that are threatening our planet.  If there is no threat, why spend so much time and energy on this?
#8 A couple of weeks ago, we learned that Barack Obama has issued 19 “secret directives“.  What is Obama planning, and why won’t he let the general public know about it?
#9 This week, Pope Francis called for the creation of “a new economic and ecological world order where the goods of the Earth are shared by everyone, not just exploited by the rich.”  So exactly what would such a “world order” look like?
#10 The Greek people just overwhelmingly voted to reject austerity, so EU officials have responded by giving the Greek government a one week deadline to come to an agreement that will include even more austerity for the Greek people.  If the Greek government does not submit, EU officials are threatening them with bankruptcy, the collapse of their banking system and expulsion from the euro.
Things promise to only get stranger from here.  One week from today, on July 15th, a massive military exercise known as “Jade Helm” begins.  More than 1,000 members of the U.S. military will be taking part in drills that will be conducted in the states of Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, California, Mississippi and Florida.
Then in September comes the end of the Shemitah year, the fourth blood moon of this tetrad, the launch of a radical new sustainable development agenda at the United Nations that is being endorsed by the Pope, and a vote on a UN Security Council resolution that would formally establish a Palestinian state.
And that is just the stuff that we know about.
So what do you think we should expect from the rest of this year?
Credit to End of the American Dream

European Stocks, Chinese Stocks And Commodities Are All Crashing – Are U.S. Stocks Next?

Image result for us stocks
A global stock market crash has begun.  European stocks are crashing, Chinese stocks are crashing, and commodities are crashing.  And guess what?  All of those things happened before U.S. stocks crashed in the fall of 2008 too.  In so many ways, it seems like we are watching a replay of the financial crisis of 2008, but this time around the world is in far worse shape financially.  Global debt levels are at an all-time high, the 75 trillion dollar global shadow banking system could implode at any time, and there are hundreds of trillions of dollars in derivatives that threaten to wipe out major banks all over the planet.  The last major worldwide financial crash was almost seven years ago, and very little has been done since that time to prepare for the next one.  If global markets do not calm down, we could see carnage in the months ahead that is absolutely unprecedented.
For months, European authorities have been promising us that a “Grexit” is already “priced in” to the markets and that any “contagion” from the Greek crisis will be “contained”.  Of course everyone knew that was just a smokescreen.  Just in the past couple of days since the Greek “no” vote, European stocks have already been crashing.  The following comes from Zero Hedge
Does this look contained to you?
Portugal, Spain, and Italy all collapsing…
European Stocks Crashing - Zero Hedge
As I mentioned at the top of this article, European stocks started crashing well before U.S. stocks started crashing during the last financial crisis.  If you doubt this, just look at this chart, and this chart and this chart.
Will the same thing happen again this time?
And just like I have warned repeatedly, European bond yields have started to soar.  When bond yields go up, bond prices go down, so many bond investors are losing a tremendous amount of money right now.  Here is more from Zero Hedge
Who’s next?
European bond risk is anything but “contained” as GGB 10Y Yields top 18%…
European Bond Yields - Zero Hedge
If there is not a last minute deal between Greece and her creditors, what we have witnessed so far in the bond markets will just be the tip of the iceberg.  In the months ahead, we could witness a bond crash unlike anything that we have ever seen in all of history.  Just consider what Egon von Greyerz recently told Eric King…
There is no liquidity in this market and this is where we will soon see a problem. We will see the bond market totally seizing up in the next few months. Eric, people simply don’t understand that this is a much bigger problem than Greece.
So we are talking about a worldwide problem, not just a Greek problem. The majority of the $100 trillion bond market is worthless, and of course a ticking time-bomb of over $1 quadrillion worth of derivatives is linked to that. This means that, sadly, we are heading into a major contagion that will lead to financial catastrophe for the world. This will also lead to an implosion of all bubble assets across the globe.
Hmm – there is that word “derivatives” again.
It is funny how that keeps popping up.
As things unravel over in Europe, a lot of desperate Europeans are feverishly purchasing physical gold.  The following comes from Bloomberg
European investors are increasing purchases of gold as Greece’s turmoil boosts the appeal for an alternative to the euro.
Demand from Greek customers for Sovereign gold coins was double the five-month average in June, the U.K. Royal Mint said in an e-mailed statement., an online retailer, said sales on Saturday and Sunday were the highest since Cyprus limited cash withdrawals in 2013, driven by a jump in German, French and Greek buyers.
Investors are searching for a safe haven after Greece imposed capital controls, closed banks and stopped selling gold coins to the public until at least July 6.
Meanwhile, Chinese stocks have continued to fall.  Overall, Chinese stocks have fallen 27 percent since the peak, and a whopping 3.2 trillion dollars of “paper wealth” has been wiped out in China in just the last three weeks.
At this point things are so bad that about one-fourth of all stocks in China have already suspended trading according to CNN
The turmoil in China’s stock market is so bad that some companies are calling it quits.
Over 700 Chinese companies have halted trading to “self preserve,” according to the state media. That means about a quarter of the companies listed on China’s two big exchanges — the Shanghai and Shenzhen — are no longer trading.
Desperate measures are being employed to try to stop the stock market crash in China.  For example, over the weekend an alliance of securities brokerages pledged to invest “at least 120 billion yuan” in order to stabilize stock prices
China’s top 21 securities brokerages said on Saturday they would collectively invest at least 120 billion yuan ($19.3 billion) to help stabilize the country’s stock markets after a slump of nearly 30 percent since mid-June. In addition, 57 Chinese mutual funds are reportedly investing 2.2 billion yuan in stock funds.
The Chinese central bank has gotten involved as well.  In fact, the People’s Bank of China has taken the dramatic step of actually directly loaning money to brokerages
In an extraordinary move, the People’s Bank of China has begun lending money to investors to buy shares in the flailing market. The Wall Street Journal reports this “liquidity assistance” will be provided to the regulator-owned China Securities Finance Corp, which will lend the money to brokerages, which will in turn lend to investors.
The dramatic intervention marks the first time funds from the central bank have been directed anywhere other than the banks, signalling serious concern from authorities about the crisis.
In addition, the Chinese government has taken the following steps to intervene…
-All short selling of stocks has been banned.
-China’s national social security fund has been banned from selling stocks, but they can continue to buy stocks.
-Local media has been banned from using the terms “equity disaster” and “rescue the market” in their news reports.
But despite everything that you just read, Chinese stocks have still been falling.
Meanwhile, global commodity prices are crashing.  Just check out this chart.  This is also something that happened before U.S. stocks crashed back in 2008.
Thankfully, U.S. stocks have not started crashing yet.  But it should be noted that the “smart money” in the United States has been selling stocks like crazy since the “no” vote in the Greek referendum.  And if the patterns that we witnessed seven years ago hold up, it is just a matter of time before we experience a stock market crash too.
Incredibly, there are a lot of people out there that very strongly believe that everything is going to be just fine.  They have tremendous faith in the central bankers and in our political leaders, and they are assuring all the rest of us that there is no possible way that the global financial system could be brought down again.
I truly wish that they were right.  If everything was going to be just fine, instead of writing about the coming economic collapse I could write about sports or do a blog dedicated to LOLcats.  But of course the truth is that the “hopetimists” are dead wrong.
A great shaking is coming to our world, and life as we know it is about to change in a major way.
Credit to Economic Collapse