Sunday, June 28, 2015

I Live in Sodom and You Live in Gomorrah Because America Is Dead

sodom and gomorrah 1
The United States Supreme Court as well as the international bankers (e.g. Goldman Sachs, Bank of America), are the personification of the evil the Bible speaks about in Sodom and Gomorrah, and these servants of Satan have hijacked our Republic.  
Our Republic is ruled by men and women who serve the ideals and values of Satan. They will surely be destroyed by God’s judgment. In the interim, are you going to continue to let them take you with them?

America Is Plunging Into the Depths of Hell on Earth

The signs are everywhere, the global elite are preparing to initiate a series of false flag attacks, impose martial law under Jade Helm, collapse the economy, commence WW III and force Americans to become totally subservient and dependent upon the government, a government controlled by the will of Satan. 

The Ten Commandments Are the Foundation of Our Legal Code

10 commandmentsMany of us lament the fact that the Constitution is no longer revered and honored by our governmental leaders. They raise their right hands, pledge a solemn oath (“…So help me God.) to defend the Constitution and then subsequently spend their elected term dismantling the Constitution that they pledged to protect and defend from enemies both foreign and domestic. Why?
Every first year law student is taught that the Ten Commandments are the foundation for our legal system in America. It is not a coincidence that our Congress and our Supreme Court commence each session with a prayer, albeit the prayers offered today are perfunctory only.

The Gay Marriage Ruling

Isn’t it ironic that the Supreme Court says a prayer to the almighty God and the proceeds to play the role of activist in the name of Satan? For the record, I will state that I do not care what sexual perversion people commit with other consenting adults behind closed doors. I leave the judgment to God as I have enough to answer for in my own life. However, when our Supreme Court plays the role of “community activist”, oversteps its bounds and unconstitutionally rules that “gay marriage” is now forcibly legal in all 50 states, I have an issue with my Supreme Court.
Marriage is a power reserved for the states and in no way should the federal government have any jurisdiction, whatsoever!  I never thought I would see the day when the Supreme Court would degenerate to low level of President Obama’s community activism, Acorn style. But that day has arrived.

Gay Marriage and the Bible

In the interest of brevity, I will only provide a few references to God’s view of homosexuality from what the Bible says on the subject.
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” Leviticus 18:22
“There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a Sodomite of the sons of Israel.” Deuteronomy 23:17
“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.” Romans 1:26-27
Bing a homosexual does not preclude one from being a Christian. It should not preclude one from holding a job, owning a house and even voting. However, let’s not pretend that the behavior is pleasing to God anymore than idolatry, fornication and thievery. Further, this country is, or more accurately, was founded on Christian principles. Yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling serves to undermine our collective Christian heritage and the very tenets of our national traditions in the same vein as the legalization of abortion in which the dark forces of this nation have murdered over 60 million babies. And please spare me the it a woman’s choice nonsensical argument. A fetus is not part of a woman’s body, it is a separate and living human being. Please allow me to speak to the globalists in their own Agenda 21 language in which they have elevated all forms of life to a position of equality with humans in violation of the Bible. Attention globalists, we have the distinction of being the only species on the planet that murders it young in the womb.We are the only mammal that now practices homosexuality in the spirit of the “natural order” of things. stick that in your Agenda 21 cap.
Where we were once blessed by God, we are now we are seeing proof that we are presently cursed by our God. Maybe this is why I cannot find America in the Book of Revelations in the final days.

The Dissenting Supreme Court Justice Opinions

Justice Roberts’s dissenting argument centered around the need to preserve states’ rights over what he viewed as following the turn of public opinion. Roberts stated that by ruling in favor of gay marriage, “Five lawyers have closed the debate and enacted their own vision of marriage as a matter of constitutional law.”
Justice Scalia wrote that while he has no personal opinions on whether the law should allow same-sex marriage, he feels very strongly that it is not the place of the Supreme Court to decide. As he wrote “But the Court ends this debate, in an opinion lacking even a thin veneer of law.” Scalia also stated he wanted to write a separate dissent “to call attention to this Court’s threat to American democracy.”
Justice Thomas scathingly criticized the majority opinion as “at odds not only with the Constitution, but with the principles upon which our nation were built.” Thomas also stated that Justice Kennedy and the Court’s liberal wing are invoking a definition of “liberty” that the Constitution’s framers “would not have recognized, to the detriment of the liberty they sought to protect.” Thomas also stated that this ruling represented a perversion of the Constitution and its traditions.

The Real Reason Why the Constitution Must Be Destroyed

satan george bushIn short, the Constitution must be destroyed because it, in part, represents the values of Jesus Christ. The Satanists are roaming the halls of Congress and through the oval office and are actively and consciously dismantling the Christian religion in the United States. 
We have a Muslim occupying the White House. His occupation forces, the DHS, have declared that Christians who believe the Bible is the final word of God, are domestic terrorists as per the MIAC Report. Prayer is banned in our schools. Yet, lifestyle perversions which are offensive in the sight of God, are honored and given special status in our new laws. We live in a world which has been turned upside down.

god abandons americaWhat would make you turn your back on your children and abandon them and let them suffer the consequences of their bad decision making? Most of you cannot even imagine doing such a thing. Yet, our God is preparing to judge this nation in a way that we have never seen. How displeasing must our actions be in the eyes of God that he is about to visit the same fate of Sodom and Gomorrah upon the people of the United States?

History Is the Great Teacher

In Genesis 19, the Bible speaks to God’s judgment of the unholy, the perverts and the evil. 
goldman-sachs-stealingI believe that history is a great teacher and we can all benefit greatly from learning the lessons of history and the Bible is the greatest History book ever written. 
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah has special relevance to the time and place that we live in today. The bankers, which have hijacked our government through legalized bribery (i.e. the PACs), consists of people from such organizations as Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo Wachovia and HSBC banks. Goldman Sachs have collectively been convicted for things like child trafficking, running drugs, laundering drug money, stealing investors money, have foreknowledge and moving money as proof of foreknowledge to events like 9/11, the housing bubble, the Gulf Oil Explosion, etc.  Nobody ever goes to jail, they just pay a small fine, as part of the cost of doing business, and they continue spreading their poison among humanity. 
The aforementioned organizations are run by individuals who are pure evil. They use graft, corruption and murder to obtain their goals. They answer to no authority and their values represent the worst of what the Bible refers to as Satanic.
If Jesus were to walk the sidewalks of Wall Street, he would chase these Satanic money changers from their money temples as he did over 2,000 years ago. 

I Live in Sodom and You Live in Gomorrah

sodom and gomorrah 2Abraham asked if the Lord would spare the two decadent cities if fifty righteous people lived there. The Lord said yes. Boldly, Abraham kept bargaining down, until God agreed not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if even ten righteous people lived there. Then the Lord departed. Unable to find even 10 righteous men, the Lord subsequently rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah, destroying the buildings, the people, and all the vegetation in the plain. This is our future if we do not repent and rediscover our true Christian heritage. The wages of sin are death and destruction. Apparently, we have learned very little from the lessons of history.  
If the Lord were to visit Washington DC, he would find that there were not 50 righteous men, there were not 40 righteous men, not 30, not 20, not even 10 righteous men and just like Sodom and Gomorrah, we will surely be destroyed. Our government is the source of nearly every war on this planet which kills and maims untold numbers of innocent people including the very old and the very young. Our government is controlled by the minions of the NWO, many of which are empowered to serve Lucifer. Our government and our military no longer serve the people of this country. Prior to the 2008 first round of bailouts, former Goldman Sachs executive and the Secretary of the Treasury stated that if we did not bail out Wall Street, we would see tanks and troops in our streets in one of the most treasonous statements ever uttered by a government official. And before the Libyan invasion, the Congress was told that our military was now under the control of NATO and the UN and that they had no say in whether we go to war, or not. Our country and government have been totally hijacked and it is not just the bankster thugs who have stolen our most precious resources. The minions of the NWO are controlled by Satan. This is not hyperbole, please consider the following quote from an United Nations official:
“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.” 
David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

Obama is also cut from the same Satanic cloth as are most of our leaders. Obama may be more subtle than Spangler but the final goal for the President is one in the same. 
This is who and what we serve in government. Our entire society has been “paganized.” Your children have been taught to worship the earth in the pagan religion known as GAIA and bow before the Agenda 21 alter of sustainability. The entire ecology and climate change cult is controlled by Luciferians such as Spangler. “My people change because of a lack of knowledge.”

God Is Merciful

 I know that some of you are protesting my proclamation that most of America is decidedly sinful and as a result, are very decadent. Some of you are screaming profanities at the computer screen as you read these words and as you proclaim that you are not evil like the banker controlled politicians in government. Yes you are, or you would never tolerate leaders who have done things like murder over a million Iraqi’s who did nothing to us as America continues to add to our list of transgressions. 
The evil people who have hijacked our government are the shining reflection of what we all represent in our lives. They are us and we are them. If we were truly righteous, we would never have permitted the people into office that we have, and, yet, we have allowed them to stay there. We serve evil whether we realize it or not!
What most do not comprehend is that if, we the people, were to change we would see a corresponding change in our leaders. This is not a magic prescription, it is the way the universe works. There are physical laws and there are spiritual laws and just because the many may have not been taught the spiritual laws, it does not mean that they do not exist. The spiritual can supplement the physical. The physical can never supplement the spiritual. My son once asked me how he could avoid doing the evil things that he sees from some of our leaders. I told him to read the Bible and that will lead him to ask the right questions. I planted a seed which I hope will bear fruit in my son. Perhaps these words will plant a seed in America which will spread like virus among the people. Many in the Patriot movement claim they want to reclaim their freedom. Yet, they will not honor the source of all free will? That makes no sense. 
When one looks at the true nature of their soul, serving the evil that runs this country makes no sense. It may someday cost me my life, but I will never serve evil again, I just pray that God gives me the strength to live up to the courage of my convictions when my “Mark of the Beast” moment of decision comes. 


Somebody once asked me how would I know when the NWO crowd was going to make its move and push for a complete tyrannical takeover of the planet. I told them that when they begin to persecute Christians, we know the takeover is on the horizon. Why Christians, they asked? Because our beliefs are antithetical to the doctrine of the bankers running the government. That day is finally upon us as DHS has unmistakably declared war against Christians. No, you will not hear this in your churches today because there is a strong likelihood that your clergy are card carrying members of the Clergy Response Team who are pledged to make their flock fall into line in which they do not preach the word of God, but rather preach the word of government through a false interpretation of Romans 13. And who is government? Reread the preceding paragraphs and you will see that ultimately, many, if not most, of our clergy are now preaching the word of Satan. 
Make no mistake about it, the FEMA Camps were not built for the coming hordes of illegal aliens that FEMA claims they were built for. They were built for veterans, constitutionalists, Libertarians, but most of all, they were built for the Christians.
At the end of the day, all we can control is our commitment to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, I live in Sodom, while you live in Gomorrah because America is dead!

Credit to Common Sense