Friday, April 17, 2015

Jerome Corsi Interviews Tom Horn Over Current Vatican Alignment Under U.N. Toward ‘World Governance’

Pope Francis and U.N. General-Secretary Ban Ki-moon

UNITED NATIONS – The U.N. general secretary’s appearance at an upcoming Vatican event promoting a worldwide movement to combat climate change coupled with a pontifical paper calling for the establishment of a global political, economic and financial authority cultivated by the U.N. has caught the attention of an author who believes the developments support predictions in his 2012 book.

The Vatican’s “Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity” conference April 28, which will feature U.N. General-Secretary Ban Ki-moon, aims “to elevate the debate on the moral dimensions of protecting the environment” and build “a global movement across all religions for sustainable development and climate change.”

Thomas Horn, co-author with Cris Putnam of “Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here,” notes the Vatican conference anticipates the encyclical on global warming and the environment by Pope Francis, currently scheduled for June or July publication.

Horn sees the Vatican’s attempt to join forces with the United Nations on the issues of global warming and climate change as additional evidence the Vatican is following a blueprint “for structuring the world’s political and economic authorities into a centralized world government.”

He points out that Cardinal Peter Turkson, the head of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, helped write the first draft of the pope’s encyclical and also wrote a document in 2011 on behalf of the Vatican calling for establishing a global authority to eliminate economic inequalities and redistribute wealth.

Expected to attend the Vatican conference is U.S. economist Jeffrey Sachs, the head of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, and a special adviser to the U.N. chief on Millennium Development goals. Sachs also serves as the director of the U.N. Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

Horn told WND people “should sit up and take notice” of the U.N. event because of the Vatican’s Oct. 24, 2011, document authored by Turkson titled “Toward Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of a Global Public Authority.”

Horn said the paper “amounted to a call by the Vatican for a global political, environmental and financial authority to be established under the United Nations.”

In the document, Turkson acknowledged “a long road still needs to be travelled before arriving at the creation of a public Authority with universal jurisdiction,”

“It would seem logical for the reform process to proceed with the United Nations as its reference,” Turkson continued, “because of the worldwide scope of the U.N.’s responsibilities, its ability to bring together the nations of the world, and the diversity of its tasks and those of its specialized Agencies.”

Turkson described the Vatican’s view of what an ethically acceptable global economic development would look like.

“The fruit of such reforms ought to be a greater ability to adopt policies and choices that are binding because they are aimed at achieving the common good on the local, regional and world levels,” he wrote.

“Among the policies, those regarding global social justice seem most urgent: financial and monetary policies that will not damage the weakest countries; and policies aimed at achieving free and stable markets and a fair distribution of world wealth, which may also derive from unprecedented forms of global fiscal solidarity, which will be dealt with later.”

Global public authority

In their book “Petrus Romanus,” Horn and Putnam said the Vatican directive attempts to devise a “moral” mandate for establishing “a global public authority” and “a central world bank.”

Horn also drew attention to “Caritas in Veritate,” or “Charity in Truth,” the third and last encyclical published by Pope Benedict XVI before he abdicated the papacy, which advocates a “World Political Authority.”

One of the global authority’s aims, Benedict said, should be to “manage the global economy; to revive economies hit by the crisis; to avoid any deterioration of the present crisis and the greater imbalances that would result; to bring about integral and timely disarmament, food security and peace; to guarantee the protection of the environment and to regulate migration.”

Benedict said that in “the face of the unrelenting growth of global interdependence, there is a strongly felt need, even in the midst of a global recession, for a reform of the United Nations Organization, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth.”

In an email to WND, Horn affirmed the conclusions of Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid after the publication of “Caritas in Veritate” in 2009.

“Kincaid is right to be concerned why the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church, considered by Catholics the personal representative of Jesus Christ, has become an advocate for one of the most corrupt organizations on the face of the earth – the United Nations,” Horn said. “These developments have prophetic implications for Christians who fear that a global dictatorship will take power on earth in the ‘last days.’”

Credit to WND

Netanyahu Invokes Message of Prophet Isaiah to Issue Warning on Iran

Image result for Netanyahu Invokes Message of Prophet Isaiah to Issue Warning on Iran
Commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu invoked messages of the Holocaust and biblical prophecy as a warning directed towards the expansionist and violent actions of the Iranian regime.

“Seventy years ago, the bells of freedom rang in the free world. The horrific nightmare that had engulfed all humanity in the depths of blood had come to an end in Europe,” the prime minister said in an address at Yad Vashem on Thursday.

“Leaders of modern countries realized that it was a propitious time to establish a new world order based on defending liberty, eradicating evil and opposing oppression. They articulated the most important lesson of World War II: democracies must not turn a blind eye to the aspirations of tyrannous regimes to expand,” Netanyahu stated. “A conciliatory attitude toward these regimes only increases their tendency for aggression. And if this aggression is not stopped in time, humanity might find itself in a much bloodier battle.”

The prime minister pointed out that “ahead of World War II, the world attempted to appease the Nazis. They wanted quiet at any price, and the terrible price did come.”

With the murder of 6 million Jews and millions of others during the Holocaust, the prime minister said “the conclusion was clear: there is no room for weakness when facing tyrannous regimes who send their murderous tentacles in every direction. Only by standing firm and adhering to the values of liberty and tolerance can we ensure the future of mankind.”

As world leaders shout “Never Again!” and promise to “oppose evil things as soon as they begin,” Netanyahu called these announcement “meaningless” as the same pattern that emerged before the Holocaust are happening before our very eyes once again with Iran.

“Did the world really learn a lesson from the inconceivable universal and Jewish tragedy of last century?” Netanyahu asked. “I wish I could stand here and tell you that the answer to this was yes.”

Just as the Nazis sought to overtake Europe, Iran seeks to overtake and destroy the Middle East, including the annihilation of Israel, the prime minister said. Human civilizations is facing growing threats that, if not challenged with a strong response, will overtake humanity.

“Radical Islamic forces are flooding the Middle East, destroying remnants of the past, torturing the helpless, murdering innocents. They hope to establish caliphates, more than one, like in the Middle Ages. At the same time, the extremist regime in Iran is oppressing its people; it is rushing forward and submerging the Middle East in blood and suffering – in Yemen, in Syria, in Lebanon, in Iraq, in Gaza and across the border of the Golan,” Netanyahu explained.

“Just as the Nazis aspired to crush civilization and to establish a ‘master race’ to replace it in controlling the world while annihilating the Jewish people, so too does Iran strive to gain control over the region, from which it would spread further, with the explicit intent of obliterating the Jewish state.”

The prime minister laid out the two main ways Iran is seeking to expand its power in the Middle East and carry out its murderous intent towards the Jewish state.

“Iran is advancing in two directions: the first is developing the ability to arm itself with nuclear weapons and accumulate a stockpile of ballistic missiles; and the second – exporting the Khomeinist revolution to many countries by heavily using terrorism and taking over large parts of the Middle East.”

People stand still on Jaffa street in central Jerusalem as a two-minute siren is sounded across Israel to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day on April 16, 2015. (Photo: Yonatan Snidel/ Flash90)

Netanyahu slammed world leaders for turning a blind eye to the true intentions of Iran as they desperately seek to make peace with the evil regime. “Everything it out in the open – it is all taking place in broad daylight, in front of cameras,” he noted. “And yet, the blindness is immense.”

Quoting the Prophet Isaiah, the prime minister evoked a message of warning from God “as the civilized world is lulled into a slumber on a bed of illusions.”

“‘For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples,’ said the Prophet Isaiah. The determination and lessons that were acquired in blood seventy years ago are now dissipating, and the darkness and fog of denying reality are taking their place,” Netanyahu warned.

Netanyahu vowed that, despite push-back from many Western countries, Israel “will not flinch” in identifying threats and protecting the future of the Jewish state and nation. “We will continue to insist on the truth, and we will do everything we can to open the eyes that have closed.”

“I do not want to mislead anyone. We have tests ahead of us. We are in the midst of a great battle against the languor, the weakness, the denial of reality – we will stand in full force,” he said.

“Seventy years ago we were a people of war refugees, powerless and voiceless. Today we express what we have to say, and we are determined to guarantee our existence and our future. It is our duty to fight those who wish to destroy us, not to bow down to them nor to downplay reality. We will not allow the State of Israel to be a passing episode in the history of our nation.”

With a message of hope, Netanyahu ended his speech by invoking the message of Isaiah 52:2, “Shake thyself from the dust; put on thy beautiful garments my people.”

“The nation of eternity has shaken itself from the dust, returned home, stood tall, established an outstanding country and an outstanding army, the Israel Defense Force, in which our brave and courageous sons and daughters serve,” he stated. “We will remember those who were murdered, we will guarantee life.”

Credit to

Under Jade Helm, Extracted American Resistance Leaders Will be Sent to Guantanamo

The purpose of this article is to reveal the end game of Jade Helm and expose the lies coming from President Obama when it comes to his announced intention to close the terrorist detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
For 10 days, I have been sitting on information that President Obama is going imprison key Patriot leaders at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. On April 14th, I received another confirmation from my most trusted source. In the past 10 days, I have been seeking to find circumstantial confirmation that my two sources are correct. This is what I have determined.

Changing the Mission at Guantanamo Bay

Despite assurances that Obama intends to close the terrorist prison facility at Guantanamo Bay, he does not. Although he is in the process of eventually releasing or transferring all terrorists from Guantanamo Bay, he plans to maintain the facility for future prisoners (i.e. the new terrorists) and this intention is likely tied to the Jade Helm drills.

Obama Wants To Close Guantanamo?

In 2014, President Obama announced that he was going to begin to either release terrorists, or have them transferred to other prisons. However, Obama’s plan to clear space at Guantanamo by releasing or transferring terrorists from the facility has met with stiff resistance from his own people.
Former Defense Secretary, Chuck Hagel, not the President, is given the final authority to transfer any of the 149 terror suspects being held at Guantanamo. Hagel’s former spokesmen formerly stated that they must carefully consider the risks before signing off on any releases and transfers.
Hagel dragged his feet when it came to the release of terrorists at Guantanamo. I strongly suspect that Hagel believed that Obama was going to replace “al-Qaeda prisoners” with American dissidents and he was not on board with this.
The slow pace of moving the facility at Guantanamo Bay was the result of a law that gave the Defense Secretary, not the commander in chief, the final authority regarding the disposition on the handling of these prisoners.
Chuck Hagel, to his credit, was clearly not going along with Obama’s plan to release known terrorists. And where is Hagel at today? He was fired by Obama and now we are just beginning to learn the truth behind the sacking of Hagel. Simply put, Chuck Hagel was fired as the Defense Secretary because he was not on board with transferring terrorists to American prisons, or worse yet, simply releasing some of the most dangerous terrorists on the planet and replacing them with American, “home-grown, domestic terrorists”.

The DNI Report Exposes Obama’s Guantanamo Agenda

The Director of National Intelligence released a report this week indicating that the United States has “confirmed” that 116 detainees, imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay have “transferred” out of the prison. According to DNI records most of these terrorists have subsequently reengaged in terrorist or insurgent activities. So why is President Obama engaged in such an insane act?
In light of the new DNI report, House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul criticized President Obama’s policy of releasing Guantanamo detainees. “At a time when Islamist extremists are surging worldwide, President Obama’s policy of releasing hardened terrorists from the Guantanamo Bay facility is replenishing their ranks,” said McCaul. “This administration must reassess its reckless detainee policies and stop freeing terrorists.”

Why Is Obama Clearing Space At Gitmo?

In January of this year, President Obama released five more terrorists from Guantánamo Bay, though you’d be hard-pressed to understand it from the New York Times headline: “US Moves Five Yemenis from Guantanamo.”  Moved? What kind of insane act and subsequent statement is that?  Where did they move to? The answer to that last question is that it really does not matter because what does matter, is that Obama is clearing space at Guantanamo for a new type of prisoner.

Stupidity, or An Overt Act of Treason?

The release of these terrorists has replenished the ranks of al-Qaeda and strengthened and emboldened ISIS as well. Please consider the fact that we now have it on good authority that ISIS is operating a base camp, in Mexico, just a few miles from American soil. The circumstances behind the existence of this camp bears some analysis.

ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, according to Judicial Watch sources that includes a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector. Yet, President Obama is completely ignoring this fact. This is a monumental national security issue and all we hear from the Obama administration are the proverbial crickets chirping. Meanwhile, he is releasing terrorists who are potentially strengthening this force accordingly to the DNI report. This is an undeniable case of treason. I will fully cover the implications of the existence of this ISIS base camp located just a few miles from the American border in a future article.

With regard to this issue, a very big question looms: Why is Obama releasing terrorists and these releases will only serve to strengthen the forces at this ISIS base camp?

As the facts begin to surface regarding the release of terrorists from Guantanamo, coupled with the coincidental timing of Jade Helm 15 drills in conjunction with the discovery of this ISIS base camp only a few miles from American soil, it is becoming more likely that these three events are connected and will culminate in a false flag event designed to bring about martial law under the auspices of Jade Helm.

A false flag event would give the Jade Helm forces the pretext to take the drill live and extract dissidents and impose martial law.

Obama Has No Intention of Closing Guantanamo

I received a pair of emails over the past few days which stated that Army Reservists from South Dakota were being deployed in the first week of May to Guantanamo for non-specific training. Guantanamo is a single use facility as they are specifically in the prison business. Further investigation into the claim that reservists are being trained in Guantanamo type of duties, in ever-greater numbers, can be validated.  
I have a friend whose son is in the Army Reserves.  He and his unit are being deployed to Guantanamo Bay sometime this summer.  It is my understanding this unit is military police/security type unit. Do you think this has anything to do with Jade Helm?
Thanks for your great reporting and hard work to inform the masses! God Bless!
Hi Dave,
My brother is being deployed to Guantanamo in May. He is in the Army Reserves out of South Dakota. He is being trained on internment policies and procedures. I thought Obama said he was closing Guantanamo? What is going on? Is this where they are going to take Americans who are kidnapped during Jade Helm? My brother does not like this drill and is dreading going to Guantanamo.
Please write back with opinion-     thanks, I read your articles everyday.
Best wishes,
The Army Times announced a month ago that the Reservists from New York will also be training at Guantanamo. Further, forces from the U.S. Southern Command are training at the same facility. In fact, there are multiple Reserves that are training at Guantanamo. Why are so many Reservists training at Gitmo over the next couple of months since Obama is seriously reducing the number of actual terrorists are being held at the facility and Obama’s ultimate goal is to close Guantanamo? It is clear that Obama never intends to close the facility, he only plans to change the type of prisoners he houses there.

No Shortage of FEMA Camps

As I have previously reported, there are approximately 800 FEMA camps. Adding to this number are all sports arenas and stadiums and malls that have a signed agreement qith DHS to allow their facilities to be used to house Americans in case of a national “emergency”.
Yesterday, Walmart began closing several stores. Many suspect that Walmart is the latest that will allow DHS to commandeer its stores in times of emergency. After all, Walmart has been in bed with DHS since the Napolitano “See something, say something” campaign of five years ago.
Different kinds of detention camps allow for the classifcation and resettlement (re: FM 3-39.40) activities associated with any roundup of American citizens.
It is obvious that any leadership from any form of resistance would need to be segregated from the rank and file dissidents in order to limit their influence. Nowhere, do we read a description about where the resistance leadership will be detained, until now.

What About the Future of Guantanamo?

Al-Qaeda can stand down, America has a new breed of terrorist and its ranks are growing with each passing day.
This new breed of terrorist is referred to in DHS documents, as “home-grown, domestic terrorists”. The presence of these newly classified terrorists was first made known by the DHS report which has come to be referred to as the MIAC Report. And just who are these new terrorists? According to the report, they Bible-believing Christians, Second Amendment supporters, Constitutionalists, former supporters of Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr, the so-called patriot movement and other political activist organizations opposed to the North American Union and the New World Order are the “new terrorists”. In other words, average Americans have been declared to be the new enemies of the state. Both Jade Helm and the MIAC Report are overt acts of war being committed by the government against its people.


It is clear, that when it comes to the detention facility at Guantanamo, Obama is simply going to replace one set of prisoners (i.e. terrorists) with another (i.e. American citizens). The Reservists are preparing to accept future prisoners at Guantanamo which will include the leaders of the present resistance movement. In order to accomplish this goal, al-Qaeda must be relocated to prisons inside of the United States and this is exactly what is happening.
For now, this is a just a drill. However, many believe that a false flag event is what will be needed to make Jade Helm go live. Having an ISIS base camp a few miles from the American border, as well as the failed state of the economy, are among the possibilities that could certainly provide the impetus for a false flag event and subsequently, Jade Helm could go live.

Credit to Common Sense

Signs That 'The Elites' Are Feverishly Preparing For Something Big

Resultado de imagen para new world order

What in the world are the elite up to?  In recent days, we have learned that the New York Fed is moving a lot of operations to Chicago because of concerns about what a “natural disaster” could do, the federal government is buying 62 million rounds of ammunition commonly used in AR-15 semi-automatic rifles for “training” purposes, and NORAD is moving back into Cheyenne Mountain because it is “EMP-hardened”.  In addition, government authorities have scheduled a whole host of unusual “training exercises” all over the nation.  So are the elite doing all of this in order to prepare for something really BIG, or should we just chalk up all of this strange activity to rampant government paranoia?
First, let’s talk about what the New York Fed has been doing.  What kind of natural disaster would be bad enough to completely shut down the operations of the New York Federal Reserve Bank?  It would have to be something very unusual, and apparently the New York Fed is very concerned that such an event could happen.  According toReuters, the New York Fed has been transferring personnel to Chicago and building up its satellite office there just in case a “natural disaster” makes it impossible for normal operations to continue in New York…
The New York branch of the U.S. Federal Reserve, wary that a natural disaster or other eventuality could shut down its market operations as it approaches an interest rate hike, has added staff and bulked up its satellite office in Chicago.

Some market technicians have transferred from New York and others were hired at the office housed in the Chicago Fed, according to several people familiar with the build-out that began about two years ago, after Hurricane Sandy struck Manhattan.

Officials believe the Chicago staffers can now handle all of the market operations that are done daily out of the New York Fed, which is the U.S. central bank’s main conduit to Wall Street.
This seems very odd.
In all of U.S. history, there has never been a natural disaster in New York City that would have been bad enough to totally shut down the operations of the New York Fed for an extended period of time.
So why are they so concerned?
Well, I can think of one event that could cause such a disruption…
An east coast tsunami.
This is something that I wrote about in this article.  But other than that, it is hard to imagine a natural disaster which could shut down the New York Fed for an extended period of time.
Another very odd thing that we learned about this week is an absolutely massive purchase by the government of ammunition that is commonly used in AR-15 semi-automatic rifles.  The following comes from an article by Paul Joseph Watson
The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase over 62 million rounds of ammo typically used in AR-15 semi-automatic rifles, just weeks after the ATF was forced to back down on a ban on M855 bullets.

posting on this week reveals that the DHS is looking to contract with a company to provide 12.6 million rounds of .223 Remington ammunition per year for a period of five years – totaling 62.5 million bullets.

The solicitation explains that the purchase is intended, “to achieve price savings over the current .223 Rem duty ammunition.” The bullets will be used by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents nationwide for “training” purposes.
Why in the world would U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents nationwide need such a massive amount of ammunition for “training” purposes?
That seems very odd.
Something else that seems very strange is the fact that NORAD is moving back into Cheyenne mountain after all these years…
It shut down nearly ten years ago as the threat from Russia seemed to subside, but this week the Pentagon announced that Cheyenne Mountain will once again be home to the most advanced tracking and communications equipment in the United States military.

The shift to the Cheyenne Mountain base in Colorado is designed to safeguard the command’s sensitive sensors and servers from a potential electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, military officers said.

The Pentagon last week announced a $700 million contract with Raytheon Corporation to oversee the work for North American Aerospace Command (NORAD) and US Northern Command.

Admiral William Gortney, head of NORAD and Northern Command, said that ‘because of the very nature of the way that Cheyenne Mountain’s built, it’s EMP-hardened.’
So the U.S. military is concerned about an EMP attack all of a sudden?
Spending 700 million dollars to move back inside a mountain just because it is “EMP-hardened” is a pretty big deal.
Do they know something that we don’t?
On top of everything else, we have been seeing lots of strange “training exercises” being scheduled all over the nation recently.
For example, the following is from a news story about one being held in Iowa
This week you may notice extra emergency vehicles and public safety officers running around in tactical gear, Hazmat suits, and bomb suits. It’s a part of a statewide drill Des Moines is hosting Tuesday and Wednesday to prepare emergency personnel for dealing with weapons of mass destruction.

Brian O’Keefe with the Des Moines Fire Department said emergency officials in Iowa need to be prepared for anything.

“You know we’re number one seed producer with corn and soy, chicken embryo development, middle of the country heartland. So I’m sure all states access it. But we’re a target like any other large community,” said O’Keefe.
And here is an excerpt form a news story about an exercise known as “Northern Exposure” that is being held in Michigan
The National Guard event is called Northern Exposure, which is taking place across Michigan during the month of June, he said. According to the Michigan National Guard website, Northern Exposure is “a major exercise in Michigan where the military provides defense support to civilian authorities.”
In addition, the U.S. military will be conducting some “unusual” training activity out in Arizona and California
If you see some unusual helicopters overhead in the next couple of days, there’s nothing to worry about.

The I Marine Expeditionary Force G-7 will be conducting a Realistic Military Training this week, using the Prescott Municipal Airfield as a helicopter refueling point in order to facilitate a Long Range Raid at Camp Navajo, Arizona.

This Certification Exercise (CERTEX) is directed to be conducted from April 8-21, 2015 at various training locations throughout California and Arizona. The training at Prescott will take place on April 15, 16.
All of this is in addition to the exercise that people have really been buzzing about.  It is called “Jade Helm”, and in this particular “unconventional warfare exercise”, the states of Texas and Utah will be designated as “hostile territory”
“Jade Helm is a challenging eight-week joint military and Interagency (IA) Unconventional Warfare (UW) exercise conducted throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado,” according to an unclassified military document announcing the training drill, which runs from July 15 through September 15.

Multiple branches of the US military, including Green Berets, Navy Seals, and the 82nd Airborne Division, will participate in the 8-week long exercise, which may result in “increased aircraft in the area at night.”

Troops will be tasked with honing advanced skills in “large areas of undeveloped land with low population densities,” and will work alongside “civilians to gain their trust and an understanding of the issues.”

The exercise, in which some participants will be “wearing civilian clothes and driving civilian vehicles,” lists Texas and Utah as “hostile” territory.
Should we be alarmed by these exercises?
Some people sure think so.
Another thing that has people scratching their heads are the weirdclosures of Wal-Mart stores all over the nation for supposed “plumbing problems”…
Not just one, but five Walmart stores across the U.S. are closing their doors due to plumbing problems that, in some cases, will take four to six months to repair.

Those closing include locations in Livingston and Midland, Texas; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and near Los Angeles.

For the Brandon Walmart, I talked to Hillsborough County and Walmart to get answers about why these plumbing repairs will take so long and whether the issues are connected, but local customers are already skeptical.

“Why is it just plumbing problems? It’s gonna take them six months to fix up the store?” asked customer John Mambrl.
Yes, is it really going to take them six months to fix the toilets?
Either someone at Wal-Mart is extremely incompetent, or there is something fishy going on here.
In the end, perhaps there is nothing to any of this.
Perhaps all of these examples are just unrelated coincidences.
But then again, perhaps not.
Credit to Zero Hedge