Saturday, February 28, 2015

China Just Sided With Russia Over The Ukraine Conflict

When it comes to the Ukraine proxy war, which started in earnest just about one year ago with the violent coup that overthrew then president Yanukovich and replaced him with a local pro-US oligarch, there has been no ambiguity who the key actors were: on the left, we had the west, personified by the US, the European Union, and NATO in general; while on the right we had Russia. In fact, if there was any confusion, it was about the role of that other "elephant in the room" - China.
To be sure, a question few asked throughout the Ukraine civil war is just whose side is China leaning toward. After all the precarious balance of power between NATO and Russia had resulted in a stalemate in which neither side has an obvious advantage (even as the Ukraine economy died, and its currency hyperinflated, waiting for a clear winner), and the explicit or implicit support of China to either camp would make all the difference in the world, not to mention the world's most formidable axis.
Today we finally got the answer, and the winner is... this guy:
Xinhua reported that late on Thursday Qu Xing, China's ambassador to Belgium, was quoted as blaming competition between Russia and the West for the Ukraine crisis, urging Western powers to "abandon the zero-sum mentality" with Russia.
Cited by Reuters, Xing said that Western powersshould take into consideration Russia's legitimate security concerns over Ukraine.
Reuters' assessment of Xing speech: "an unusually frank and open display of support for Moscow's position in the crisis."
At least it is not a warning to the US to back off or else. Yet.
Speaking in very clear and explicit language, something diplomats are not used to doing, the Chinese ambassador said the "nature and root cause" of the crisis was the "game" between Russia and Western powers, including the United States and the European Union.
He said external intervention by different powers accelerated the crisis and warned that Moscow would feel it was being treated unfairly if the West did not change its approach.

"The West should abandon the zero-sum mentality, and take the real security concerns of Russia into consideration," Qu was quoted as saying.

His comments were an unusually public show of understanding from China for the Russian position.China and Russia see eye-to-eye on many international diplomatic issues but Beijing has generally not been so willing to back Russia over Ukraine.
As noted above, China has long been very cautious not to be drawn into the struggle between Russia and the West over Ukraine's future, not wanting to alienate a key ally. And yet, something changed overnight, with this very clear language, warning some could say, that China will no longer tolerate Pax Americana, and even the mere assumption of a unipolar western world, let alone the reality.
Qu's comments take place just as talks between the United States and its European allies over harsher sanctions against Moscow.
On Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused Western powers of trying to dominate and impose their ideology on the rest of world. The United States and European delegations slammed Moscow for supporting rebels in eastern Ukraine.

Qu said Washington's involvement in Ukraine could "become a distraction in its foreign policy".
And then, Qu's slap in the face of Obama: "The United States is unwilling to see its presence in any part of the world being weakened, but the fact is its resources are limited, and it will be to some extent hard work to sustain its influence in external affairs."
Especially if and when China decides to send a few peacekeepers of its own into Ukraine. You know - just to make sure US influence in external affairs isn't "sustained" too much.

Credit to Zero Hedge

Friday, February 27, 2015

The Odds Of A War Between Israel And Iran Just Went Way Up

Image result for The Odds Of A War Between Israel And Iran Just Went Way Up
Uh oh – Iran just got caught with both hands in the cookie jar.  It turns out that even while Iran has been negotiating a “historic peace deal” with the western world, it has been secretly operating a huge underground nuclear enrichment site that it didn’t tell anyone about.  But this is what the Iranians always do.  
They lie, lie and then lie some more.  So how in the world can you make a deal with a government that absolutely refuses to tell the truth?  These revelations about a secret underground nuclear facility just outside Tehran come at a time when it looked like the Obama administration was about to cave in and give Iran just about everything that it wanted.  
The “deal” that Obama was going to give them would have allowed the Iranians to keep all of the nuclear infrastructure that they have already constructed and would also give them permission to start building nuclear weapons in about a decade.  It would be a monstrously bad deal for the western world, and the Iranians should have jumped at it.  But now these new revelations could throw a wrench into those negotiations.  
But much more importantly, knowledge of this secret nuclear facility has got to be extremely alarming to the Israelis.  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has always said that Israel will never, ever allow Iran to construct a nuclear weapon.  So what will happen if the Israelis determine that Iran is actually much closer to building a nuclear bomb that anyone originally suspected?  The truth is that the odds of a war between Israel and Iran just went way up thanks to these revelations, and that is not good news for any of us.
This new evidence of a secret nuclear facility that Iran had not told anyone about was revealed by the National Council of Resistance of Iran earlier this week
Despite Iran’s denials that it is on the path to a nuclear bomb, new evidence charges that the Islamic republic has an “underground top-secret site” that is enriching uranium intended for nuclear weapons that has been hidden from the West for years.
According to the Iranian opposition group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the complex, called Lavizan-3, is right outside Tehran, “buried deep underground in tunnels and underground facilities” with “radiation-proof doors” to prevent any leaks that could be detected by the United Nations International Energy Agency inspectors.
The revelations were unveiled during a Washington, D.C., news conference by the NCRI, which first exposed elements of Iran’s covert nuclear program in 2002.
The NCRI claims to have extensive knowledge of this complex, and it is even in possession of a photograph of a door that shields the facility from radiation which was smuggled out
The NCRI describes the underground complex as having an elevator that “descends several stories, deep underground, and opens into a 650-foot tunnel, which leads to four parallel halls. Because the ground is inclined, the halls are deeper underground,” by as much as 164 feet below the surface.
The NCRI also said it smuggled out a photograph showing a 1-foot thick lead-lined door that shields the complex from radiation, and that the secret rooms and hallways are insulated for sound and radiation leaks so that they would remain undetected.
“If the United States is serious about preventing the Iranian regime from obtaining nuclear weapons, it must make the continuation of talks conditional on the IAEA immediately inspecting Lavizan-3 site,” said Soona Samsami, the NCRI’s United States representative.
So will Iran immediately allow international inspectors to go take a look at the Lavizan-3 site?
Of course not.
As they usually do, the Iranians will probably deny that anything is going on there.
But we have reason to trust the NCRI.  They have a track record of being right on the money when it comes to the Iranian nuclear program…
NCRI has a track record of accurately disclosing secret Iranian uranium enrichment sites. In 2002, NCRI revealed Iran’s top secret uranium enrichment plant at Natanz, some 100 miles north of Isfahan, and a second top secret Iranian nuclear plant in Arak, approximately 150 miles south of Tehran, designed to produce heavy water for the production of plutonium for use in nuclear weapons.
Amazingly, there will be people that will read this article and leave comments defending Iran.
How in the world can you defend a regime that habitually lies and deceives the rest of the world?
If the Iranians had just been honest, they could have gotten an overwhelmingly lopsided deal from the Obama administration.  And if they had actually stuck to the deal, the Israelis probably would not have attacked them for at least a few years.
But now all bets are off.  At this point, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu believes that the Obama administration has totally given up on the goal of preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons.  Just check out comments that he made during a speech earlier this week
“I respect the White House and the President of the United States but on such a fateful matter, that can determine whether or not we survive, I must do everything to prevent such a great danger for Israel,” Netanyahu said in a speech.
He said world powers had pledged to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, adding that “from the agreement coming together it appears they have given up on this commitment“.
So if the Israelis believe that the diplomatic approach is dead, what does that leave?
War is coming, and it might be sooner than most of us think.
It is not likely that Israel will attack Iran before the Israeli elections.  But after the elections are over, anything can happen.
And there are already reports coming out of the Middle East that Saudi Arabia has offered to let Israel use Saudi airspace for an attack on Iran…
Saudi Arabia is prepared to let Israeli fighter jets use its airspace if it proves necessary to attack Iran’s nuclear program, an Israeli TV station reported Tuesday, highlighting growing ties in the shadow of Tehran’s nuclear drive.
Riyadh’s only condition is that Israel make some kind of progress in peace talks with the Palestinians, Channel 2 reported Tuesday, citing an unnamed senior European source.
The Saudi authorities are completely coordinated with Israel on all matters related to Iran,” the European official in Brussels said.
The Saudis hate Iran and do not want to see the Iranians get nuclear weapons either.  So an attack by Israel on Iran would serve their interests.
And if the Saudis can use this crisis to push for a Palestinian state, that is all the better as far as they are concerned.
But of course if a Palestinian state is established in the aftermath of a war between Israel and Iran, that will just set the stage for even more war.
We are entering a time of great geopolitical instability.  Wars and rumors of wars seem to be the order of the day.
And thanks to the duplicity of the Iranians, World War III could erupt in the Middle East at any time.
So would do you think of these developments?  Please feel free to share what you think by posting a comment below…
Credit to Economic Collapse

The Stage Is Set For The Syrian Invasion

Image result for The Syrian Invasion

One week ago, when reporting on the latest bizarre plan presented by the Pentagon, namely providing Syrian rebels (but only the moderate ones, not the jihadists like al Nusra, or, well, ISIS) with B-1B Bomber air support in their attacks on ISIS, when we wrote that this "means in the coming weeks and months look forward to a surge in false flag "attacks" blamed on the Assad regime, aiming to give Obama validation to expand the "War against ISIS" to include Syria's regime as well."
We didn't have long to wait: in an entirely unsourced Time article written today by Aryn Baker, the Middle East Bureau Chief, the stage for the second attempt at invading Assad regime is finally set. 
The article, titled "Why Bashar Assad Won’t Fight ISIS" is essentially an essay that, as the title suggests "proves" that the Syrian leader is, in fact, quite close with ISIS and derives strategis benefits from his relationship, which is why he won't attack them, and thus by implication is just as bad as ISIS and worthy of America's wrath. 
How does Baker build up her propaganda? First, she cits a "Sunni businessman who is close to the regime but wants to remain anonymous for fear of repercussions from both ISIS supporters and the regime" and who "trades goods all over the country so his drivers have regular interactions with ISIS supporters and members in Raqqa, the ISIS stronghold in Syria, and in ISIS-controlled areas like Dier-ezzor." According to this Syrian version of Amazon:
The regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad has long had a pragmatic approach to the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria. Even from the early days the regime purchased fuel from ISIS-controlled oil facilities, and it has maintained that relationship throughout the conflict. “Honestly speaking, the regime has always had dealings with ISIS, out of necessity.”
"Honestly speaking" of course being used quite loosely, considering that it is by now no secret that ISIS, in the words of General Wesley Clark, "got started through funding from our friends and allies", most notably Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and according to some even the CIA is involved so, no: honestly speaking, if anything, the Assad regime has been doing its best to stay away from ISIS, which at least on paper, was created as a result of extremist Al Nusra factions, who were fighting Assad in 2013, and were funded and weaponized by the US.
Of course, none of that is mentioned. What is, however, duly emphasized is the goalseeked conclusion that Assad and the Islamic State are like two peas in a pod:
Assad does not see ISIS as his primary problem, the businessman says. “The regime fears the Free Syrian Army and the Nusra Front, not ISIS. They [the FSA and Nusra] state their goal is to remove the President. But ISIS doesn’t say that. They have never directly threatened Damascus.” As the businessman notes, the strikes on ISIS targets are minimal. “If the regime were serious about getting rid of ISIS, they would have bombed Raqqa by now. Instead they bomb other cities, where the FSA is strong.” That said, the businessman does not believe that the regime has a formal relationship with ISIS, just a pragmatic one. “The more powerful ISIS grows, the more they are useful for the regime. They make America nervous, and the Americans in turn see the regime as a kind of bulwark against ISIS.”
Actually, the "Americans" see ISIS as the perfect false flag placeholder to build up yet another case about invading Damascus, after the humiliation of the bumbled attempt to use a doctored YouTube clip showing paid actors following what the CIA guaranteed was an Assad "chemical weapon" attack as a pretext to launch an invasion on Syria in the first attempt to topple Assad. It took an escalation that involved numerous Russian ships side by side with US cruisers in the Mediterranean before John Kerry realized that building Qatar's nat gas pipeline to Europe is not worth rising World War III over, and promptly backed off. 
This time, ISIS is the bait. 
Back to the Time article, where next we get the next "source" of information:
A senior Western diplomat who specializes in the Syrian civil war agrees that ISIS is seen as an asset by Assad. “They will do whatever it takes to devalue the opposition, even if it means strengthening ISIS. They know that if it comes to choosing between the black flag [of ISIS] and Damascus, the international community will choose Damascus.” And the strategy has worked extremely well. “The way it’s going now, it’s a matter of months, not even a year, that the moderate opposition is so weakened that it won’t be a factor anymore. So in just a few months from now the regime will be able to achieve its strategic goal of forcing the world to choose between Damascus and the black flags.”
Actually, according to that logic, the "international community" will choose both Damascus and the "black flags", in fact the community will be delighted to have the "flags" as a cover in an invasion, both air, sea and ground, toppling Assad and replacing him with yet another US-puppet regime (whose fate, following such sterling examples as Egypt, Libya and Iraq will be just spectacular), one which will be glad to accept Qatar and Syria hush money, while thousands of kilometers of pipes are laid under the territory in attempt to dethrone Gazprom as the provider of first and last resort to Europe... which as a reminder is what it is all about.
The anonymous "western diplomat" continues:
... by ignoring the conflict between the Syrian opposition and the Assad regime to focus purely on ISIS may solve problems in the short term, says the diplomat, “but there will be more problems to come. These are the ingredients for a further escalation of the conflict — alienating large parts of the Sunni population, so that they have no choice but to join ISIS. Not for ideological reasons, but because they will do whatever it takes to overthrow the regime in Damascus.” Not only that, it will widen the geographical boundaries of the conflict by making this a fight of all Sunnis. “It’s a clear recipe for further escalation well beyond the geographical boundaries of the current conflict.”
Which is why in order to prevent further escalation in the future, the US will be delighted to provide much more escalation right now. 
And here is the piece de resistance of the article that may as well have been written by a 6th grader who is about to flunk propaganda class:
Damascus believes that once it has neutralized most of the opposition, it can then defeat ISIS with ease. “ISIS alone, the regime can deal with them. What Assad wants is international recognition of his legitimacy as Syria’s President,” says the businessman. “When the war is over, he can easily handle ISIS with the help of Hizballah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.”
So let's get this straight:
  1. A "terrorist" group which was created and funded by US allies in the middle east (there are many) is fighting a war on behalf of a regime that the US and its allies in the middle east are desperately trying to topple; a "terrorist" group which until recently did not exist and which, inexplicably according to the author, Assad refuses to fight because.... unlike the US he has not seen the dreadful beheading movies which lead to so much daily water cooler talk across the US?
  2. Ths US now believes that "ISIS is seen as an asset by Assad" and that the moderate (this distinction is key: their flag has a pink skull and crossbones as opposed to the red one used by the "non-moderate") opposition which spawned ISIS in the power vacuum following the incomplete first US invasion of Syria in the symmer of 2013, is about to be destroyed by the same ISIS.
  3. Assad is confident he can "defeat ISIS with ease" once he has destroyed his so-called moderate enemies; the same ISIS which the US has been "fighting" now for half a year, and achieved absolutely nothing.
  4. We know all those due to an essay of amateur propaganda caliber, which derives its entire narrative and conclusions based on two anonymous sources.
At this point we probably speak for everyone when we say: just invade Syria already, and let's proceed to the inevitable, and quite understandable, Russian retaliation, because frankly this endless propaganda and false-flaggery is now as obvious and pathetic as the Greek default which is also about 5 years overdue.
* * * 
P.S. from Aryn Baker's LinkedIn profile:
  • Producing breaking news, features, analysis and investigative stories from the Middle East, Pakistan and Afghanistan for the world’s most influential English language weekly newsmagazine. 
  • Frequent reporting travel to countries affected by the changes of the Arab Spring, from Syria to Saudi, Yemen, Qatar, Bahrain, Egypt, and Libya, as well as continued reporting in Pakistan and Afghanistan, which I have been covering since 2003. 
  • Managing a widespread network of stringers, fixers and translators to enable thorough coverage of a rapidly changing region for both the magazine and the associated website. 
  • Maintaining contacts with diplomats, politicians, think tanks, influential actors, activists and intelligence sources in all regions in order to provide context and analysis for on-the-ground reporting. 
  • Working with world-renowned photojournalists on story development and logistics.
Among her previous articles one can find "The YouTube War"
Credit to Zero Hedge

The Plan to Implement Widespread Mind Control In America

mind control obey
When I wrote the following words almost three years ago, I was met with extreme derision and accusations of being a crazed lunatic with paranoid laced conspiracy theories. “Soon special interests, university think tanks, combined with key federal agencies, are conspiring to implement (not plan) complete control over the Internet”. Today, most people in the know are not laughing at this statement. In fact, after my recent interview with Doug Hagmann, in which Doug described how far the plans to eradicate free speech on the Internet have gone, many are very alarmed.  Here is the point, yesterday’s crazy conspiracy theory is today’s bona fide threat to personal freedom and well-being.
This is the first part of a multi-part series in which clear and convincing evidence will be offered which demonstrates that extreme mind control is being presently being used on targeted Americans for harassment and experimental purposes. However, as this series will demonstrate, this technology, which is not new, is in the process of being fully integrated in the police state surveillance grid and will soon target every individual on the planet.
The first part of this series will demonstrate that the technology is real, scientifically valid and certain entities have been working with this technology for over 50 years.

The Purpose of Mind Control

Initially, I believe that the two goals of mind control were (1) profit; and, (2) control of the flow of information similar to what we see in the corporate controlled media. However, I quickly realized that I had set my sights too low in assessing target goals for these nefarious groups who are in control of this rapidly expanding technology.
It is becoming increasingly clear that ultimate goal is the complete control of every individual through mind control. The power brokers of this planet are seeking to install a police state grid which is absolute in its ability to control all thought, all emotion and consequently, all behavior. The end result will be to remove all potential opposition (i.e. free will). The purveyors of this technology are the enemy of all humanity and it is clear that they view humanity as their adversary which needs to be controlled, used and then tossed aside like some piece of garbage.

The Introduction of Societal Mind Control Techniques Utilizes Law of Incrementalism

If the government was to announce, tomorrow, that we had a month to comply with mandatory chipping, we would witness widespread civil disobedience. The paradigm shift would be too great for the government and its managing special interests to manage. However, if humanity can be nudged, bumped, then pushed, then shoved in that direction, the goal is much more doable. I would suggest what is happening in England is a nudge and a bump in the direction of ordinary people accepting the their own future consisting of micro chipping for the purposes of mind control.
All dogs in England will, as of April 2016, have to be micro-chipped as part of a British government attempt to cut the number of strays and make pet owners more responsible for their animals. The British government also states that it will cut down on the number of dog attacks against children. It seems that all controversial government programs are implemented under the umbrella of “protecting the children”. Whenever we hear the phrase ,”protecting the children,” we should become very suspicious.
According to British government reports, eight children have been killed in dog attacks in the UK since 2005, many of which happened in the home. Subsequently, Fido must be chipped to make the children safer. I am not sure how chipping dogs will make a dog bite less as this massive chipping program is based upon a laughable premise. Are the Brits to expect that escaping detection and prosecution will lead the dogs to be less aggressive? This is ludicrous. How then will chipping dogs make children or anyone else more safe? The short answer is that it will not. This is part of a conditioning process in which the Brits and soon, the Americans, will come to accept the chip for themselves. Inch by inch, a paradigm shift is a cinch.
I predict that a related headline, in a few short years will read something like this: All humans in the United States will, as of April 2020, have to be micro-chipped as part of a federal government attempt to cut down on the number crimes, especially crimes against children, committed by a growing homeless population.

Your Body and Life Does Not Belong to You

tsa goosing grannyBefore a population will accept chipping and other forms of potential mind control, the people must be conditioned that their body belongs to the state.
Everyday, the federal government is going to extraordinary means to condition you to the fact that you do not own and control your body. You are the property of the powers that be. Nowhere, is this more apparent than what we see at the airport as the pot bellied perverts who fill the ranks of sexual molesters at the TSA, are busy sticking their hands down our pants, groping our daughters and wives breasts and even sticking unwashed hands in our body cavities. The TSA has not stopped one terrorist event, but that is not the goal.  You are the property of the elite and the government is reminding you of this every time you travel. The implementation of the TSA as an agency which routinely commits second degree sexual assault again the flying public coincides with the implementation of various electronic surveillance advances which have the potential to “mind control” and individual. And before you respond with “The TSA protects us from terrorist attacks”, let me remind you, again, that the TSA has prevented zero terror attacks since its inception.

DNA Provides An Avenue of Attack for Targeted Individuals

In the next part of this series, it will be revealed who having someone’s DNA sample for example can be used as a means for electronic harassment and mind control manipulation. In light of this, we all need to be asking why are our infants are having DNA extracted from them at birth?
The independent media has been reporting that our government will very soon be forcing all citizens to use a biometric ID to travel, to work and hold a job.  The biometric information required for this form of ID is enough information to allow for the targeting of individuals using electromagnetic frequencies. The trend curve is clear, we are being conditioned to accept micro chipping. Micro chipping will prove to be the electronic collar needed to control and individual.
Where is the proof?

The Dawn of Micro-Chipped Mind Control

The most important bullfight in history.
The most important bullfight in history.
In the 1960’s, Spanish neurologist, Jose Delgado was involved in a noteworthy bullfight. Without any real bullfighting training, he bravely stepped into the ring with a very dangerous and deadly bull. However, Delgado had a secret weapon.  He had previously implanted a radio-equipped electrode which was implanted into the bull’s limbic system (i.e. emotional center of the brain) which he called “stimoceivers.” Delgado subsequently demonstrated that he could manipulate an organism’s mind and body via remote control technology.  Thus, as the bull charged, an invasive electrical signal penetrated the bull’s limbic system and the bull calmly broke off the attack in mid-charge.
Delgado found that by stimulating different regions of the limbic system, which controls emotion, Delgado could also induce fear, rage and a variety of other emotions, that he was able to manipulate the type and intensity of emotional reactions. Thus, Delgado discovered the fine art of mind control.
Intrigued by his work, Delgado was invited to teach and be a guest lecturer at such prominent universities such as Harvard and Yale. However, in 1968, Delgado went to work at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and this is where much of his research trail grows cold. We now know that SRI was a CIA front and was connected to the MK Ultra experiments. In 1974, Delgado abruptly returned to Spain and later became an outspoken opponent of mind control and its potential for harm and misuse by totalitarian societies. Perhaps, he was not on board with the CIA and what they eventually had planned for the American people.
In cats, monkeys, bulls and even humans he repeatedly demonstrated that he could control emotion and ultimately behavior. . In one experiment, Delgado stimulated the temporal lobe of a 21-year-old epileptic woman while she was calmly playing a guitar; in response, she flew into a rage and smashed her guitar against a wall, narrowly missing a researcher’s head. Perhaps the most medically promising finding was that stimulation of a limbic region called the septum could trigger euphoria, strong enough in some cases to counteract depression and even physical pain.
Later Delgado was able to impact the hypothalamus of a cat and induce uncontrollable rage in the animal. Keep in mind that this technology is over 60 years old. One can only imagine how far this technology has come during that time.
Delgado’s famous bull fight and the angry cat are depicted in the following video.

The lesson is clear, embedded chips can turn normal people into crazed killers and it can take crazed killers and turn them into passive beings. Interestingly, the most famous graduate of the MK Ultra program was the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski.

The Mind Control Delivery System: Project HAARP

Many are predicting that biometrics will be required to access the Internet. The fact is that some what your biometric information because this is the first step in gaining control over your mind. The main threat to humanity lies in the fact that the technology exists to control all of human behavior at one time. A reasonable person would certainly ask “how is that possible?”  To answer that question, I refer the readers to Nick Begich’s website in which he details how mass electrical signals can beamed up from an array of antenna and bounced off the ionosphere in either a narrow beam covering a specific and defined geographic area, or it can be reflected back to earth in a broad beam application in which millions could be impacted by one electrical signal designed to change human behavior. We know this technology as Project HAARP.
United States Patent 5,159,703, Lowery, October 27, 1992, Silent Subliminal Presentation System, Inventors: Lowery, Oliver M. Appl. No. 458339 Filed December 28, 1989, discusses the microwave technology necessary for mind control. In this patent,  we witness the move from the mind control  of certain individuals who might have been programmed, which is frightening enough, to witnessing entire populations being controlled. The patent discusses the possibility of impacting millions at a time. The net effect of the technology is enhanced when there is a transducer in the body such as an embedded microchip.

Particularly revealing in the arena of mind control, is Dr. Begich’s work on voice to skull technology. In 1997, he displayed this technology for the European Parliament who promptly issued a ban on the use of the technology. Unfortunately, the technology has moved forward in recent years despite the ban.
Before you write to me and state that this could never happen, please spend 30 minutes on the Begich website, and analyze the validity of his observations. Begich has done a detailed analysis of the patents associated with HAARP, and very clear conclusions about the intent of these technologies can easily be made after examining the facts. Most awake people are aware that HAARP is a weather modification device. However, as a result of my research, I have come to the conclusion that HAARP’s biggest danger to humanity is the mind-control potential related to this technology. Sadly, Dr. Nick Begich has been warning us about this potential for 18 years and it is only now that significant numbers of researchers are starting to pay attention.

A Very Ominous Warning From the Inventor of Electromagnetic Mind Control

Jose Delgado, the reluctant pioneer of mind control technologies.
Jose Delgado, the reluctant pioneer of mind control technologies.
In his later years, and after working for the CIA for over 40 years in perfecting this technology, Dr. Delgado was very critical about the distinct lack of Bioethics and consumer protection with regard to these technologies. Until his death a few years ago, Delgado remained particularly critical of technologies which can change human nature. Delgado, stated the following:
“This technology has two sides, for good and for bad, and we should do what we can do to avoid the adverse consequences. We should try to prevent potentially destructive technologies from being abused by authoritarian governments to gain more power or by terrorists to wreak destruction. However, Delgado is a realist as he postulates “can you avoid knowledge? You cannot! Can you avoid technology? You cannot! Things are going to go ahead in spite of ethics, in spite of your personal ethics.”
The above quote from Delgado is a very ominous warning about how serious the subject of mind control is about to to become for every person. After researching Delgado’s past, it is clear that he felt the same about mind control as Einstein felt about the unveiling of nuclear weapons.


This article demonstrated that the right to control your individual body is under attack on a number of fronts. This article demonstrated that electromagnetic manipulation of the mind is over 50 years old. Further, it was established in this article that technologies such Project HAARP are very real threats to all people and some of the supporting governmental patents were presented as well.
The most surprising aspect of my research into this technology is not how far the technology has advanced, it centers around how easy it was to obtain information on the degree of sophistication of this technology.
As stunning as this technology appears to be, as printed in this article, what is written here is child’s play compared to what has been developed and is in the process of being integrated into the police state surveillance grid.  This will be the topic of the next part in this series.
Credit to Common Sense

ISIS now holds 262 Christians hostages in Syria

Image result for ISIS now holds 262 Christians hostages in Syria

ISIS has seized even more Assyrian Christian hostages after taking over nearly a dozen Assyrian villages in northeastern Syria in the past few days, an activist said Thursday.

The Sunni extremist group now holds 262 Assyrians captive, said Osama Edward, founder of the Assyrian Human Rights Network.

"ISIS is taking over more and more Assyrian towns," he said.

The number has climbed steadily, from an initial estimate of between 70 and 100 people seized on Monday to 150 as of Wednesday, with women, children and the elderly among them.

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights put the number of Assyrian hostages seized over three days at 220, in a statement released Thursday.

They were taken from 11 villages in the Tal Tamer area in al-Hasakah Province, the monitoring group said. Its information indicates that ISIS has taken them to the Mount Abdelaziz area, southwest of Tal Tamer.

Edward, who is based in Sweden but has family in the area attacked by the terror group, said Wednesday his information was coming from the Assyrian Human Rights Network's team on the ground.

Edward has said he fears the hostages may face the same fate as as Assyrians targeted in Iraq and the more than 20 members of Egypt's Coptic Christian minority slaughtered by ISIS in Libya last month.

Besides those captured by ISIS militants, thousands of families have been forced to flee their homes, he said.

After years caught up in the middle of a civil war, many of these Assyrians lack food, water, blankets and other basics.

Image result for ISIS now holds 262 Christians hostages in Syria

'Burning down churches'
Sharlet and Romel David, in Modesto, California, told CNN affiliate KCRA that 12 of their family members in Syria are believed to be among those kidnapped by ISIS early on Monday, and they fear for their safety.

"We pray, we pray all the time," said Romel.

"What we've heard is it was like a sea of black uniforms marching through all the villages, burning down the churches, desecrating the crosses and wreaking havoc."

Sharlet said her 59-year-old brother had left his job as a car salesman in Modesto two years ago for Syria, to try to bring his son and family back to the United States. Instead, they are thought to be among those held.

The Davids are not naming their relatives for fear it could put them in greater danger.

"I just want them to be safe," said Sharlet.

Credit to CNN

Austria passes controversial reforms to 1912 Islam law

Protesters held a demonstration against the new law outside the parliament building in Vienna on Tuesday

The Austrian parliament has passed controversial reforms to the country's century-old law on Islam.

The bill, which is partly aimed at tackling Islamist radicalism, gives Muslims more legal security but bans foreign funding for mosques and imams.

Austria's Integration Minister, Sebastian Kurz, defended the reforms but Muslim leaders say they fail to treat them equally.

The 1912 law made Islam an official religion in Austria.

It has been widely held up as a model for Europe in dealing with Islam.

The new measures, first proposed three years ago, include the protection of religious holidays and training for imams.

But Muslim groups say the ban on foreign funding is unfair as international support is still permitted for the Christian and Jewish faiths.

They say the legalisation reflects a widespread mistrust of Muslims and some are planning to contest it in the constitutional court.

Mr Kurz told the BBC the reforms were a "milestone" for Austria and aimed to stop certain Muslim countries using financial means to exert "political influence".

"What we want is to reduce the political influence and control from abroad and we want to give Islam the chance to develop freely within our society and in line with our common European values," he said.

Credit to BBC