Friday, December 12, 2014

India and Russia Deepen Energy and Defence Ties

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin got straight down to talks today on boosting nuclear and defence cooperation at a summit aimed at reviving an old friendship that has faded over the years. (As President Putin Arrives for 22-Hour Visit, PM Narendra Modi Tweets 'Our Friendship Has Not Changed ')

Putin's one-day visit to India, at which a raft of agreements were signed, comes at a time when Russia is at odds with the West over Ukraine, and its economy is stalling as oil prices tumble to their lowest in five years.

Here are some of the key announcements:


* Russia's state-owned Rosatom will supply 12 nuclear energy reactors to India over 20 years, under an agreement aimed at boosting nuclear energy ties between the two countries. (India Will Build At Least 10 More Nuclear Reactors With Russia's Help: PM Modi)

* India's Essar Group signed a deal with Russian oil producer Rosneft to import oil. (Essar Group, Rosneft to Sign 10-Year Oil Deal: Report)

* Russian bank VTB will open a $1 billion credit line to Essar Group, chief executive Andrei Kostin said. (Russian Bank VTB to Lend India's Essar $1 Billion)

* The Russian Direct Investment Fund will team up with an Indian infrastructure financing company, IDFC, to invest $1 billion in hydroelectric projects in Asia's third-largest economy.

* India's Tata Power signed a pact with the Russian Direct Investment Fund to increase energy investment between the two countries.


* Russia, which is India's top defence supplier, offers to manufacture an advanced helicopter inIndia. (Russia Remains Our Top Defence Partner, Says PM Modi After Meeting President Putin: 10 Updates)

Credit to

Florida City Council Meeting Opens with Invocation to Satan & Allah

As we said Satan & Allah are the same!!!

More and more we are seeing an opening in America to paganism, false religions and open Satanism. The strange invocation that came from the Lake Worth, Florida City Commission meeting on December 2 of this year exemplifies this, only it was apparently an anti-theist that gave the invocation.

Miami anti-theist Preston Smith stood and gave an utterly moronic invocation, if you can even call it that as several of the commissioners and the mayor got up and walked out before he gave the invocation.

Lake Worth Mayor Pam Triolo and three other commissioners exited the area, but later returned for the Pledge of Allegiance.

While I don't know Mr. Smith, with his first words he sounded incredibly effeminate. He believes that we "can create a better, more equal community without religious divisions."

Of course, we all know that is not what he wants. He simply wants people not to speak about God and morality. Though he mentions Satan, Allah, Buddha, Zeus, and even Jesus, it all comes down to the fact that he openly states that he wants people to "do good for goodness sake" and he doesn't want to hear about damnation or judgment.

The problem for Mr. Smith is that he has no authority outside of himself to determine what is good. Second, by his own logic, he has no means to impose his view of goodness upon anyone else.

He mocked true prayer by calling on the remaining members and others in attendance to "pray." In a similar manner to the RINOs in the House, who stood by reverently as an Islamic imam offered a "prayer" to Allah, these people stood by silently with heads bowed reverently as Smith demonstrated his foolishness.

"Mother Earth, we gather today in your redeeming and glorious presence to invoke your eternal guidance in the universe, the original creator of all things" Smith began.

With that statement, Smith is exercising a faith of something he cannot prove and therefore his anti-theism is really a religion that the apostle Paul speaks about in Romans 1, when he said that men worship and serve the Creation (Earth), but not the eternal God, who is blessed forever.

"May the efforts of this council blend the blessings of Allah with the all-knowing wisdom of Satan," he continued. "May Zeus, the great god of justice grant us strength tonight. Jesus might forgive our short comings while Buddha enlightens us through his divine affection."

He went on to praise Krishna and mockingly took the words from the apostle Paul in Romans 8:31 and applied them to Thor.

Finally, he thanked the atheists, agnostics and humanists (all anti-theists) for logic, reason and science, not knowing that Jesus is the logic (logos) and that there is no reason or true science apart from the Creator. He also threw in that these people allegedly count for 1 in 5 Americans, which has yet to be proven. It's similar to those claims about the sodomite community that have been refuted.

Mayor Triolo said, "I didn't leave because Mr. Smith is an atheist, I left because of his alleged tweet." Trilio believed that Smith would mock Scripture as he did in his Tweet, which he did as you can hear for yourself. His "prayer" was not only mockery, but blasphemy.

Triolo added, "Free speech works both ways. You can say what you want and I can choose to leave."

It really would be helpful if people actually learned what free speech is about and what it is not about, but the mayor is correct, just because someone wants to speak does not give them the right to make you hear what they are saying.

Commissioner Christopher McVoy, who stayed for Smith's speech, called the move by the other commissioners and the mayor "un-American."

"[Walking out was] very un-American, and a slap in the face to the principles people fought very hard to make sure we had those rights," said McVoy.

Perhaps Mr. McVoy should also read his history.

Each of the commissioners and the mayor was contacted by this writer and asked for comment, but as of the writing of this article, none have responded. Frankly, if any of them were Christians in the bunch, they should not have gotten up and walked out, but took the opportunity to refute Smith's ridiculous notions that he presented in his little fairy tale talk, which was neither logical nor reasoned nor scientific.

When a nation forgets God, God brings judgment upon that nation and we are seeing it before our eyes… blasphemers, idolaters, sodomites and other sins and crimes abound in our nation, and why? The Church has not been salt and light, but rather has pampered herself and whored herself out, despising the cross of Christ for the accolades of man. It's time the Church repented and stood against the gates of Hell and prevailed over them once again. Without such repentance, there is simply more judgment to look forward to.

Credit to


Your Survival Depends On Taking Your Money Out of the Bank

Now that you that you know that your bank account is no longer owned by you, your retirement, 401k, your home and even your freedom is at risk, it is time for you to salvage what you can and then put what’s left of your resources towards surviving what is coming. Literally, your life depends on whether you begin to take your assets out the bank and begin to purchase life sustaining supplies.This article will make more sense if you visit The Common Sense Show website and read the articles posted between November 16-20th.
The Petrodollar is on the verge of collapse. Some are forecasting that the run on the banks could begin at anytime between now and Thanksgiving. I do not make financial predictions and attach dates to the predictions, however, given the volatility of the present market, I feel strongly that one might want to error on this side of caution. 

The Death of the American Economy

There was an obscure story which ran three years ago which is receiving scant attention and yet, it is the banking story of the decade. It is the number one banking story in human history. It is the story which will destroy America’s banking accounts. It is the story that spells the beginning of the end of America’s financial empire. This is the end of the America’s financial empire and NOBODY is talking about it. What is that story? First, the prerequisite background. 

Our Crushing Debt

And this will be looked at as the good ole' days.
And this will be looked at as the good ole’ days.
Nearly every publication estimates the derivatives debt to be in the range of one quadrillion dollars to $1.5 quadrillion dollars. Conservative estimates tell us that this derivatives debt, that has been assumed by the governments of the world, is at least 16 times the entire value of the assets of Planet Earth. This generation cannot pay off this debt. Your children, grandchildren and even great-great-great-great-great grandchildren cannot pay off this debt. If the status quo were to remain in place this debt could not be paid off in the 25th century, the 30th century, nor the 50th century. My estimates place the interest on the debt to exceed the entire value of the world’s assets and the interest is increasing far faster than the governments of the world can service the debt. Who is the debt owed to? It is owed to the first movers, the owners of the central banking system. If you want an identifiable target, let’s call the debt owners of the planet the Bank of International Settlement (BIS) along with their henchmen at the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and their minions at the United Nations. The BIS is collapsing its own banking empire in order to usher in a New World Order which will be discussed later in the article. 
The world’s economy has been dealt a fatal blow from which it cannot recover. No amount of budget, belt tightening will ever change this fact. We could literally be taxed at a 100% rate and the derivatives debt and the interest on this debt will continue to increase faster than the nations can pay the debt down. 

Bank of America Case In Point

In an obscure, but well reported 2011 event, Bank of America announced it was shifting derivatives in its Merrill investment-banking unit to its depository arm, which has access to the Fed discount window and is protected by the FDIC. This was announced as a news blurb in the main stream media and was prominently reported in the Daily Bail.
This was the single biggest financial event in the history of America. It was bigger than the 1929 stock market crash and it was bigger than the beginning of the bail outs in 2008, but it did not received the banner headlines that it should have received. What does this mean? It means that the Bank of America’s European derivatives are now going to be “insured” by U.S. taxpayers and its two most important financial institutions, the Federal Reserve and the FDIC. What is even more distressing is that the Bank of America did not even seek or receive regulatory approval for this action. This action was simply acted upon on behalf of frightened counterparties. Under the Federal Bankruptcy Act of 2005, the counterparties derivatives debt receive “super priority” when it comes to the disbursement of FDIC insurance payments to failed banks. Where do the rest of us stand in terms of reimbursement for a failed bank? We are in last place. In short, when your bank fails, your money is gone. 
Just how serious is the derivatives debt for the Bank of America? The Daily Bail reported that this was a “direct transfer of risk to the taxpayer done by the bank without approval by regulators and without public input . . . “  The estimated total of derivatives debt tied around the neck of Bank of America is a little under $80 trillion dollars and is growing exponentially because of the interest payments. And yet, there is another shocker, JP Morgan Chase is receiving the same undue government benefit with $79 trillion of its  national derivatives debt guaranteed by the FDIC and Federal Reserve.What this means for you and me is that when Europe finally implodes and banks fail, U.S. taxpayers will hold the bag for trillions in insurance derivatives contracts, labeled as credit default swaps (CDS) which were sold by Bank of America and JP Morgan. This is when you will lose all control over your money and ultimately your life, if you are not prepared ahead of time. 

As Plain As the Nose on Your Face

When the derivatives debt reaches the point where it causes our debt load to be so great that we cannot even service the interest, all financial institutions will fail. All governments will go into default.  If the Federal Reserve engages in “print money out of thin air policy” to cover the insurmountable debt, as they did with the bailouts in 2008, the resulting hyperinflation will make the German Weimar Republic seem like a prosperous economy. And do you think your money is safe because of the FDIC? Let me repeat, the FDIC, by law, must first pay the derivatives counterparties. 
Since the derivatives debt exceed the world’s total wealth by a factor of at least 16, do you now understand how and why you are not getting your money back when EVERY bank fails in the near future?  
Just the debt insurance that Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase have obtained from the American people totals nearly $160 trillion dollars. Before you accuse me of being paranoid, first explain how that debt can be paid? IT cannot be paid back, ever! Why? Because the U.S. government only takes in about $2 trillion dollars per year. Since we no longer have any meaningful tariffs on foreign imports. Thanks to the free-trade agreements, the people of the United States have no way to pay back this money. However, the banksters are grasping for breath as they die on the vine. However, they will not go down without a fight. 
They are delaying the inevitable crash which will take them down with us. So, they are trying to keep their heads above water by stealing your bank accounts, your pensions and 401K’s. When your money is gone and your life is destroyed, the one solace we can take is that Wall Street will follow us right into the gates of hell as they will not survive either, and this is all by design. The purveyors of the central banking system are as evil as they come. They have set into motion the derivatives scheme so as to destroy all civilization so they can remake this planet in their own twisted image of their conceptualization of a Brave New World (order). 

Out of Chaos Comes the New World Order

apoclaypse now
I have said it before and it bears repeating: The Bank of International Settlement and its henchmen (i.e. World Bank, IMF) and the United Nations want to collapse the existing order on this planet. Their assault upon humanity has begun. They are beginning the demise with collapsing the world’s financial empire. When economies crumble, national governments will fail and then the people will soon come to understand the term, the New World Order.

Transhumanism Is the Final Goal

We are not talking about the creation of just an evil world government. We are talking about the creation of a planetary structure in which most will not survive (see the Georgia Guidestones) and those that do will live in a hellish and biologically transformed slave planet. Without going into great detail here, I would refer you back to the first 30 minutes of the movie, Man of Steel, where the ideals of Krypton will soon be visited upon the Earth in which the inhabitants of this planet will be bred for specific purposes. This new empire will be Satan’s empire and it will be based on their perverted notion of transhumanism. 
I highly recommend Steve Quayle's book, Xenogenesis, which details the intended end of humanity as we end of humanity as we know it.
I highly recommend Steve Quayle’s book, Xenogenesis, which details the intended end of humanity as we end of humanity as we know it.
Under the new transhumanism, you will be bred for servitude and your skill sets will be biologically programmed. In 1932, when Brave New World appeared, it was still science fiction. As my friends Steve Quayle and Patrick Wood can attest to, that day is here. As I write these words we are entering into a Brave New World.
In the meantime, get your money out of the bank while you will can and purchase essentials for your survival, and begin taking your money out today. Buy the essential supplies with your existing bank account aqnd only leave enough money in the bank to service your existing bills. That means on Monday, at work, tomorrow, you need to stop your automatic deposit on your check. If you delay, your ability to feed, water and protect yourself and your family will disappear as the banksters make off with all of it. 
You cannot stop what is coming, you can only prepare to try and survive for as long as you can.
Credit to Common Sense

Oil price slump to trigger new US debt default crisis as Opec waits

By design.....

Remember the global financial crisis, triggered six years ago when billions of dollars of dodgy loans - doled out by banks to subprime borrowers and then resold numerous times on international debt markets - began to unravel and default?

Stock markets plunged, banks collapsed and the entire global financial system teetered on the brink of catastrophe. Well a similarly chilling economic scenario could be set off by the current collapse in oil prices.

Based on recent stress tests of subprime borrowers in the energy sector in the US produced by Deutsche Bank, should the price of US crude fall by a further 20pc to $60 per barrel, it could result in up to a 30pc default rate among B and CCC rated high-yield US borrowers in the industry. West Texas Intermediate crude is currently trading at multi-year lows of around $75 per barrel, down from $107 per barrel in June.

“A shock of that magnitude could be sufficient to trigger a broader high-yield market default cycle, if materialised,” warn Deutsche strategists Oleg Melentyev and Daniel Sorid in their report.

Five years ago at the beginning of what has become known as the US shale oil revolution, drillers started to load up on debt to fund their operations and acquire new acreage as vast areas of North America started to open up for exploration.

In 2010, energy and materials companies made up just 18pc of the US high-yield index – which tracks sub-investment grade borrowers – but today they account for 29pc of the measure after drilling firms spent the past five years borrowing heavily to underwrite the operations. The result of this debt splurge has been a spectacular rise in US oil and gas output.

Latest estimates suggest that by the end of the decade the US will have outstripped even Saudi Arabia and Russia in terms of oil production. The development of new shale resources in North America and the opening up of fields in the Arctic seas off Alaska could see the country pumping 14.2m barrels per day (bpd) of oil and petroleum liquids by 2020, up from 7.5m bpd in 2013.

This rush to pump more oil in the US has created a dangerous debt bubble in a notoriously volatile segment of corporate credit markets, which could pose a wider systemic risk in the world’s biggest economy. By encouraging ever more drilling in pursuit of lower oil prices, the US Department of Energy has unleashed a potential economic monster and pitched these heavily debt-laden shale oil drilling companies into an impossible battle for market share against some of the world’s most powerful low-cost producers in the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec).

It’s a battle the US oil fracking companies won’t win.

The problem is that much of America’s shale oil is expensive to produce and the industry is comprised of numerous small companies who were forced to leverage their operations with debt to fund the high cost of drilling wells through a process known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. Should oil prices fall for a prolonged period of time many who have been forced to borrow at a higher rate could be forced out of business and ultimately default.

According to research from JP Morgan Asset Management, of the 12 largest shale oil basins in the US, 80pc are barely profitable, with prices of oil below $80 per barrel. More worrying is that these projections don’t include interest payments on debt made by shale producers.

“These guys have taken on a lot of debt to fuel their operations in the US,” said Alex Dryden, an analyst at JP Morgan Asset Management. “As the oil price has fallen we have started to see a sell-off in debt and equities in this energy space in the last few months.”

According to Mr Dryden, the market has become increasingly concerned about the risks of US shale drillers being caught up in an oil price war with members of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec). He argues this has already been reflected recently in the US high-yield index and the increasing cost of insuring US high-yield assets in the shale oil industry.

Rig counts also suggest that US drillers are beginning to feel the pinch.

According to Baker Hughes, the number of rigs targeting shale oil in the US fell to the lowest level since August this week. Drilling companies in the massive Eagle Ford shale area of Texas shut down rigs at the fastest rate.

Although senior policymakers within Opec, including Saudi Arabia’s oil minister, have rejected the claim that the group is willing to absorb lower oil prices for the foreseeable future in order to squeeze US producers and Russia to win back market share, many analysts remain suspicious of the reasons why it has not already decided to cut its production target below its current ceiling set at 30m bpd of crude.

I am also sceptical of Opec's unwillingness to act.

Credit to The Telegraph