Tuesday, July 15, 2014

3D Tattoos Is Spreading Across North America Like Wildfire

Would you like to have a picture of a 3D demon exploding out of your chest? Would you like to make it look like an exquisite piece of art was carved out of your right leg? Would

you like to see the shock on people’s faces when they think that a real scorpion is sitting on your shoulder or a real snake is crawling down your back?

In recent years, more Americans have been getting tattoos than ever before, but now a new body art trend is spreading across America like wildfire. 3D tattoos can be far more realistic than conventional tattoos, and many are choosing them for their pure shock value.

But how will all of these young people feel about their weird tattoos a decade or two from now? And what does all of this bizarre body art say about our society?

Below are photos of 3D tattoos that I found on Facebook andPinterest. At first glance, it is hard to believe that some of these are actually tattoos…

What you see here are examples of what I thought that I could safely share.

There are a lot of other photos that were so demonic or so risque that I felt that I just couldn’t share them.

These 3D tattoos are part of a much larger trend known as “extreme body modification”. In this day and age, there seems to be a constant desire to “push the envelope” in the body art community. And what some people have chosen to do to themselves in the name of “art” is truly, truly bizarre. The following is a short excerpt from my previous article entitled “People Are Undergoing Extreme Body Modifications In Order To Look More Like The Devil?“…

When does body modification go too far? In recent years, the popularity of tattoos and body piercings has soared, but now there are thousands of people around the globe that are taking body modification to ridiculous extremes. For example, would you be willing to have your tongue split in two so that you could have a forked tongue? What about getting eyeball tattoos or having titanium horns implanted in your head?

To most people, doing such things would be unimaginable, but there is a growing subculture of individuals out there that truly seem to enjoy “pushing the envelope” and seeing what is possible. Some of them want to look like cats, some want to look like vampires, others want to look like aliens and some even want to look like the devil. Yes, you read that correctly. You are about to read about one man that is purposely modifying his body so that he will look as much like the devil as possible. In fact, he even plans to add a tail someday.

You can check out the rest of that article right here.

Credit to Rightsidenews.com


Our children will be going back to school anywhere from 3-6 weeks. Over that time span, I plan on publishing some helpful tips on protecting your child while in the care of others, namely the schools. Most schools do an excellent job watching out for the children under their care. However, there are some who have an agenda, and that agenda is not always in the best interest, safety and welfare of our children. Therefore, I am going to take these opportunities and share my concerns with you in the hope that you can benefit from what I have managed to learn.
In this article, we are going to look at a phenomenon which is forcing many unneeded medications down the throats of our children, and sometimes, with devastating consequences. The following paragraphs express my concerns over a variety of medications that our children are being forced to take.
The Ritalin Conspiracy
Let’s make up a brain disorder, which parallels normal restlessness of children and then transform a dangerous drug, methamphetamine, and get as many kids on the drug as possible. It is good work if you can find it and pharmaceutical companies like Merck and Eli Lilly are leading the way in medical fraud and in the name of record corporate profits
The use of Ritalin has become so rampant, that even the DEA has become alarmed by the tremendous increase in the  prescribing of these drugs in recent years. Since 1990, prescriptions for methylphenidate have increased by 500%, while prescriptions for amphetamine for the same purpose have increased 400%. The American Pediatric Association claims Ritalin is over prescribed by 600%.

For well over a decade, many scientists have speculated that ADD drugs are dangerous and can cause serious injury and death. Etta Brown, a licensed educational psychologist and author of Learning Disabilities: Understanding the Problem and Managing the Challenges explained in response to her study that drugs like Ritalin actually destroy the neural function in children’s brains. As a result, children who have undergone treatment with Ritalin will actually have a much more difficult time processing information and learning new things. This kind of defeats the purpose of getting children to sit still in school while placed in a zombified state.

Brown further reported that Ritalin is responsible for the development of a permanent tic in the face, neck, and head of many of the children who have taken or are taking it. Ironically, Ritalin is responsible for causing far more serious neurological damage than the problems it is alleged to treat. Meta analyses studies over the years have revealed that while drugs like Ritalin visibly place children into a trance like state, these drugs destroy the vulnerable, delicate and developing nervous systems which can and does permanently cripple their ability to function as normal human beings.

The Gardasil Conspiracy
In an era when Gardasil has resulted in needless tragedy for over 40,000 children who have been vaccinated by well intentioned doctors who are ignorant of the side effects, we are now witnessing states like California mandating the forced inoculation of young girls with Gardasil.

What the medical establishment is not telling you is that thousands of girls are having adverse reactions to the HPV Vaccines, some have even died -at last count, at least 103 lives have been lost to Gardasil. This is a brilliant strategy being invoked by California. Let’s kill the girls, thus preventing them from having sex, thus, preventing STD’s.

You remember MERCK don’t you?  They were the creator of the wonder death drug,  Vioxx. This is the same Merck, who only after intense pressure from the medical community and the media decided to pull the dangerous drug, Vioxx, from the market after an estimated 140,000 adverse reactions had already occurred. And the pulling of Vioxx occurred only after a safety trial was stopped because there was an undeniable and increased risk for serious cardiovascular dangers such as heart attacks and strokes from using the drug.

Merck has been no less reckless in their administration of Gardasil as they were with Vioxx. First and foremost, Merck and the Food and Drug Administration’s clinical trials have been called into question for blatant fraud committed during the required FDA testing period. Both the control group and the experimental group, in the clinical trials, were given the aluminum adjuvant contained in the Gardasil. Control group and experimental group comparisons are done to ensure public safety from adverse side effects as much as possible. In this case, it would have be standard practice to provide the control group with a saline solution instead of the aluminum adjuvant in order to determine the risk posed by the adjuvant given to the experimental group. In failing to follow these research norms, Merck and the FDA have endangered the public health.

These research protocols violate every known tenant to proper research; it represents an air of unprofessionalism, not to mention criminal fraud, which clearly demonstrates collusion to commit fraud against the general public on behalf of Merck as sponsored by the FDA. In fact, Judicial Watch was forced to file a lawsuit under the Public Records Act in order to obtain the obfuscated side effect results as the FDA tried to cover up their own complicity in this research fraud by refusing to release the relevant documents.

Gardasil is marketed as a vaccine that prevents cancer, but the drug has not been evaluated for the potential to cause cancer or genotoxicity. Gardasil is a prophylactic, preventative vaccine and is of absolutely no value in the treatment of a pre-existing HPV infection. It is neither a cancer vaccine nor a cure; yet, the public has been led to believe that this is the case. The New England Journal of Medicine found that there remains no conclusive proof that Gardasil altered the course of HPV-16 or HPV-18 infection for which the patient was symptomatic prior to the administration of the first dose. In other words, this is fraud in the first degree.
Gardasil is the most costly vaccine ever to be approved by the FDA. However, its long-term effectiveness is not known and several estimates state that Gardasil’s life as a vaccine could be only two to three years. This opens up the distinct possibility that a Gardasil vaccinated child will require several booster shots which will undoubtedly increase the bottom line for Merck, but the risk for side-effects among the vaccinated could increase exponentially with each successive vaccination.

The VAERS reports show that as many as eighteen people have died after receiving Gardasil. The VAERS reports document identifies 38 reports of Guillain-Barre Syndrome among juvenile females who previously received the Gardasil vaccine. Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a catastrophic illness that attacks the nervous system which can and often does result in paralysis. Ironically, Gardasil is being developed against only four types of HPV. However, there is over 100 strains of HPV, 30 of which are transmitted sexually. Just what could have Governor Brown and Atkins been thinking?

Do you not think that this is the first time that this kind of dangerous medical fraud has been and will be visited upon your children for profit and political career advancement?  Think again! The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that boys of the age of 11 to 12 years should be vaccinated with the vaccine against HPV with the Gardasil vaccination. Even my doctors are serving the Big Pharma agenda, as evidenced by the fact that my son’s former pediatrician relentlessly tried to give my then 11 year old son the Gardasil injection. When I presented the good doctor with some of the data contained in this report, he replied “your ideas are not contained within the mainstream of medicine.” Since when is scientific research required to reflect the mainstream of the Big Pharma agenda? The moral of this story is to fire your doctor and find a health care provider who is committed to the welfare of their patients.

A recent  investigation found the number of prescriptions for psychotropic drugs for US children more than doubled between 1995 and 2000 and it also revealed that foster children are prescribed such psychotropic drugs at a rate 12 times higher than other children on Medicaid.
Over one million American children now take antipsychotics each year, and tens of thousands of them are under the age of five. Across the United States, 7.5 % of children aged 6-17 take a prescribed psychotropic medication to over-diagnosed mental health difficulties.

Psychotropic Drugs, Children and Violent Enacting Behavior

Despite 22 international drug regulatory warnings on psychiatric drugs which have meticulously cited effects of mania, hostility, violence and even homicidal ideation, and dozens of high profile shootings tied to psychiatric drug use, there has yet to be a federal investigation on the link between psychiatric drugs and acts of senseless violence. At least 34 school shootings and/or school-related acts of violence have been committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs resulting in 166 wounded and 78 killed.

Brain Damage Resulting from the Use of Psychotropic Drugs

The clinical effect of chronic exposure to psychoactive substances, including psychiatric drugs, produces effects very similar to those of close-head injury due to traumatic brain injury (TBI) In laymen’s terms, psychotropic drugs, given to a developing brain, which occurs until about age 19, can permanently change the brain. If the structure of the brain is changed, the performance of the brain also changes.
The introduction of psychotropic drug use for children under 18  can impact memory, mood, cognitive functioning, imitate dementia, emulate Postconcussive Syndrome and it can even imitate the effects of Traumatic Brain Injury. These drugs are highly addictive and withdrawal can lead to violent enactive behavior and suicide. Generalized or global harm to the brain from any cause produces very similar mental effects. The brain and its associated mental processes respond in a very similar fashion to injuries from causes as diverse as electroshock. Children who take these drugs can emotionally present with wartime PTSD, lead to chronic abuse of alcohol and street drugs, lead to a long-term exposure to psychiatric polydrug treatment, and long-term exposure to particular classes of psychiatric drugs including stimulants, benzodiazepines, lithium and antipsychotic drugs.
The effects of these presenting conditions can prove devastating to those children who grow up and try and obtain health insurance.
References for the Scholarly Research Studies Presented In the Preceding Paragraphs
L. Zhou, K. Huang, A. Kecojevic, A. Welsh and V. Koliatsos, Evidence that serotonin reuptake modulators increase the density of serotonin in the forebrain, Journal afNeurochemistry 96 (2006), 396-406.
J C.M. Fisher, Neurological fragments. II. Remarks on anosognosia, confabulation. memory, and other topics; and an appendix on self-observation, Neurol39 (1989), 127-132.
 RJ. McClelland, G.w. Fenton and W. Rutherford, The postconcussional syndrome  revisited, J ofRoyal Soci Of Med 87 (1994),508-510.
You can see that based upon the dates of the research studies, we have known about these effects for some time and this knowledge has done nothing to dissuade the use of these dangerous drugs on the young.

Government and School Collusion

In April of 2002, by Executive Order, President George W. Bush convened a 22 member panel which sought to identify policies that could be implemented by all levels of government which would promote successful mental health treatment for all children and adults.In July of 2003, the NFC formally recommended that schools were in the best position to commence the screening of all Americans beginning with America’s students and school employees. The NFC implemented their recommendations, in November of 2004, with a $20 million dollar appropriation.

This led to the creation of a program called Teen Screen, which made its way into 43 states, until the public outcry arose the public demanded an end to the program which was beset by bribing kids to kids to take psychological exams at schools which produced and 80% false positive rate. The children would then be referred, often without parental notice to greedy psychiatrists who were all to willing to prescribing dangerous psychotropic drugs.

In 2009, I interviewed Theresa Rhoades on my talk show to discuss her lawsuit victory, on behalf of her daughter Chelsea, in a Teen Screen related matter. The Rhoades judgment did much to awaken the nation. As a result many protest groups formed in an effort to shut down Teen Screen.

A brief, but more detailed description of the Teen Screen Program can found here.

There has been a stunning development. Teen Screen, despite massive government funding from two administrations and the National Institute of Health, is shutting down operations. They have succumbed to the massive outcry against this evil being perpetrated against our children. Bowing to public pressure, Teen Screen closed its doors and the abuse has temporarily been mitigated. However, can this really be the end of the story? Do you not think that Big Pharma will not return with a suitcase of money for each school district to drug your children? Some school districts will say no to this abuse and shoddy science. Some will not. It is your job to make sure your child’s school acts responsibly.

It is up to each parent to realize that your children are not the property of Big Pharma, the schools or the government. It is your duty as their parent to say no to this abuse and not permit your child to become a victim and turn our children into docile and manageable children.

Credit to Common Sense 

Big Corporations Have An OVERWHELMING Amount Of Power Over Our Food Supply

10 Corporations Control What We Eat
From our fields to our forks, huge corporations have an overwhelming amount of power over our food supply every step of the way.  Right now there are more than 313 million people living in the United States, and the job of feeding all of those people is almost entirely in the hands of just a few dozen monolithic companies.  If you do not like how our food is produced or you don't believe that it is healthy enough, it isn't very hard to figure out who is to blame.  These mammoth corporations are not in business to look out for the best interests of the American people.  

Rather, the purpose of these corporations is to maximize wealth for their shareholders.  So the American people end up eating billions of pounds of extremely unhealthy food that is loaded with chemicals and additives each year, and we just keep getting sicker and sicker as a society.  But these big corporations are raking in big profits, so they don't really care.

If we did actually have a capitalist system in this country, we would have a high level of competition in the food industry.  But instead, the U.S. food industry has become increasingly concentrated with each passing year.  Just consider the following numbers about the U.S. agricultural sector...
The U.S. agricultural sector suffers from abnormally high levels of concentration. Most economic sectors have concentration ratios around 40%, meaning that the top four firms in the industry control 40% of the market. If the concentration ratio is above 40%, experts believe competition can be threatened and market abuses are more likely to occur: the higher the number, the bigger the threat.
The concentration ratios in the agricultural sector are shocking.
-Four companies own 83.5% of the beef market.
-The top four firms own 66% of the hog industry.
-The top four firms control 58.5% of the broiler chicken industry.
-In the seed industry, four companies control 50% of the proprietary seed market and 43% of the commercial seed market worldwide.
-When it comes to genetically engineered (GE) crops, just one company, Monsanto, boasts control of over 85% of U.S. corn acreage and 91% of U.S. soybean acreage.
When so much power is concentrated in so few hands, it creates some tremendous dangers.
And many of these giant corporations (such as Monsanto) are extremely ruthless.  Small farmers all over America are being wiped out and forced out of the business by the predatory business practices of these huge companies...
Because farmers rely on both buyers and sellers for their business, concentrated markets squeeze them at both ends. Sellers with high market power can inflate the prices of machinery, seeds, fertilizers and other goods that farmers need for their farms, while powerful buyers, such as processors, suppress the prices farmers are paid. The razor-thin profit margins on which farmers are forced to operate often push them to "get big or get out"—expanding into mega-operations or exiting the business altogether.
Of course the control that big corporations have over our food supply does not end at the farms.

The distribution of our food is also very highly concentrated.  The graphic shared below was created by Oxfam International, and it shows how just 10 gigantic corporations control almost everything that we buy at the grocery store...
10 Corporations Control What We Eat
And these food distributors are often not very good citizens either.
For example, it was recently reported that Nestle is running a massive bottled water operation on a drought-stricken Indian reservation in California...
Among the windmills and creosote bushes of San Gorgonio Pass, a nondescript beige building stands flanked by water tanks. A sign at the entrance displays the logo of Arrowhead 100% Mountain Spring Water, with water flowing from a snowy mountain. Semi-trucks rumble in and out through the gates, carrying load after load of bottled water.
The plant, located on the Morongo Band of Mission Indians’ reservation, has been drawing water from wells alongside a spring in Millard Canyon for more than a decade. But as California’s drought deepens, some people in the area question how much water the plant is bottling and whether it’s right to sell water for profit in a desert region where springs are rare and underground aquifers have been declining.
Nestle doesn't stop to ask whether it is right or wrong to bottle water in the middle of the worst drought in the recorded history of the state of California.
They have the legal right to do it and they are making large profits doing it, and so they are just going to keep on doing it.
Perhaps you are thinking that you can avoid all of these corporations by eating organic and by shopping at natural food stores.
Well, it isn't necessarily that easy.
According to author Wenonah Hauter, the "health food industry" is also extremely concentrated...
Over the past 20 years, Whole Foods Market has acquired its competition, including Wellspring Grocery, Bread of Life, Bread & Circus, Food for Thought, Fresh Fields, Wild Oats Markets and others. Today the chain dominates the market because it has no national competitor. Over the past five years its gross sales have increased by half (47 percent) to $11.7 billion, and its net profit quadrupled to $465.6 million. One of the ways it has achieved this profitability is by selling conventional foods under the false illusion that they are better than products sold at a regular grocery store. Consumers falsely conclude that these products have been screened and are better, and they are willing to pay a higher price.
The distribution of organic foods is also extremely concentrated. A little-known company, United Natural Foods, Inc. (UNFI) now controls the distribution of organic and natural products. Publically traded, the company has a contract with Whole Foods and it is the major source of these products for the remaining independent natural food stores. This relationship has resulted in increasingly high prices for these foods. Small manufacturers are dependent on contracts with UNFI to get their products to market and conversely, small retailers often have to pay a premium price for products because of their dependence on this major distributor. Over the past five years, UNFI's net sales increased by more than half (55.6 percent) $5.2. billion. Its net profit margin increased by 88 percent to $91 million.
Everywhere you look, the corporations are in control.
And this is especially true when you look at big food retailers such as Wal-Mart.
Right now, grocery sales account for about half of all business at Wal-Mart, and approximately one out of every three dollars spent on groceries in the United States is spent at Wal-Mart.

That is absolutely astounding, and it obviously gives Wal-Mart an immense amount of power.

In fact, if you can believe it, Wal-Mart actually purchases a billionpounds of beef every single year.

So the next time someone asks you where the beef is, you can tell them that it is at Wal-Mart.

On the restaurant side, the ten largest fast food corporations account for47 percent of all fast food sales, and the love affair that Americans have with fast food does not appear to be in danger of ending any time soon.

Personally, if you do not like how these corporate giants are behaving, you can always complain.

But you are just one person among 313 million, and most of these big corporations are not going to consider the ramblings of one person to be of any significance whatsoever.
Collectively, however, we have great power.  And the way that we are going to get these big corporations to change is by voting with our wallets.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans seem quite satisfied with the status quo.  So the population as a whole is likely going to continue to get sicker, fatter and less healthy with each passing year, and the big food corporations are going to keep becoming even more powerful.

Credit to Economic Collapse


The Awakened Ones, The Hidden Destiny Of America, And The Day After Tomorrow

There is a religious institution whose members are the most devout and serious of any faith on earth. Those who are a part of this institution unquestionably believe in a god that directs their activities, and they look to this deity with the ultimate hope of gaining his favor. They, unlike many of the people who ascribe to the popular religions of today, have no doubt that their god lives and interacts with them. They see the favor their god bestows upon them. The riches and power gained through their piety actively demonstrate the reality of their god’s existence.

This institution seeks the acquisition of wealth, the free pursuit of pleasure, and control over others. The precepts of this secretive religion are contra to that of the Judeo-Christian religion that values, above all, love for one’s fellow man. The followers of this belief consider the people outside of their group inferior creatures, unworthy of their god, but necessary for manipulation towards the completion of their final objective. Through devotion, submission to the will of their god, and dedication to his secretive plan, they believe that they will achieve immortality and live in a coming golden age when their god will appear on earth and rule them in a new paradise of his design.

The truth about their secret plan is hidden in plain sight all around us—as long as we know what we’re looking at. With the proper perspective, one reserved for those enlightened few who are worthy of the secrets, their god’s plan is revealed. This book offers that perspective. But unlocking this understanding requires a key. The key, in this case, is ancient mythology. In the same way the Rosetta stone unlocked Egyptian hieroglyphs, mythology unlocks the secrets of the ancient mystery religion that is practicing and planning for His arrival.

Classical mythology has simply been considered a collection of stories designed to illustrate the nature of man or explain the natural world in a fashion in which a less-technological society would, by attributing the power of nature to human-like gods. However, the gods of myth were not merely made-up characters; they did exist, although not in the sense one might expect.

Some believe they were beings from other worlds who visited the earth in the distant past. Others say they were angelic beings. Of course, this would mean that there is at least some truth in Christianity, since the God of the Christians is credited with creating angels. As it turns out, the secret religion may have the answer—an answer that has been kept hidden from the “unworthy” for thousands of years. Intriguingly, the answer begins to reveal itself in the place where the secret religion and Judeo-Christian beliefs have common ground: the place of beginning, the book of Genesis and the Garden of Eden.

Throughout this series—based on the upcoming book:FORBIDDEN SECRETS OF THE LABYRINTH: THE AWAKENED ONE, THE HIDDEN DESTINY OF AMERICA, AND THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW—an unparalleled clarity of meaning behind the secrets of the mystery religion is achieved. Meaning that has been purposefully obfuscated for millennia to keep the “unworthy” in ignorance is suddenly understood by those who are willing to read and see it for themselves. Vital concepts are illustrated in a clear fashion, each one building on the one before it, until a complete understanding of the whole is realized. Using this framework and through the unique lens provided in the proper sequence, the meaning of the stories of myth are finally understood.

This god who grants wealth and power in this life requires devotion, worship, and sacrifice from his devotees. To his followers, he promises a transformation of this world and a resurrection where they will be like him. To help his elect reach this goal, he has given them a symbol of his power and protection, an object that has been documented throughout history to wield enormous power.

Just as the Judeo Christian God gave his followers the Ark of the Covenant, which held great power, the god of the mystery religion has given his followers an objectwhose existence has been kept secret since the Middle Ages and whose power is beyond comprehension. To those who possess it, this object grants absolute hegemony as well as the ability to increase supremacy through war and conquest. Throughout history, when men failed in their discernment of its power, it was transferred to others more worthy. This object still exists and is in the possession of an elite group who will do anything to protect it. This book reveals its history, where it is hidden today, and the greatest secret of all—its ultimate purpose.

Some of the topics that will be encountered along the path of discovery include:

The meaning behind Greek architectural form, the pillars, and pediments in light of seldom understood insights provided by Plato.

An explanation of the path from the goddess represented and worshipped by the illuminated ones at Washington, DC, to their mythological roots beginning with the Garden of Eden.

The essence and function of currency in light of the Garden of Eden and the plan that the Nachash in human form, aka the Antichrist, has to replace the system in the near future.

Why the battle of Troy holds occult meaning important and related to the arcane power of the Washington Monument.

The establishment of the symbolic “pillars” at the separation of heaven and earth that occurred in the Garden of Eden.

The concept of a circuit-based alphabet and its relationship to the symbol for the One God.

The symbolic beginning of the false reunification of heaven and earth demonstrated by the destruction of the Twin Towers.

How the story of Samson is believed by the initiates to incorporate esoteric meaning of the mystery religion and prophesies of coming destruction.

The identification of the true object of worship practiced by modern Freemasonry—Athena to Mithras, to Attis and Cybele, Semiramis and Ninus, Neith and Ra, Isis and Osiris, and Eve and the Nachash.

The identification of the ultimate goal that has been looked forward to for thousands of years by the elite members of the mystery religion might come as a surprise to many. The truth might seem too fantastic to accept. But the fact that the common man will be made aware of this truth also points to the lateness of the hour. The final objective of the great work that was started by the ancient mystics will be accomplished. The true end however, won’t occur as they have been expecting.

Credit to Raidersnewsupdate.com

IDF resumes strikes in Gaza after Hamas rejects ceasefire, launches dozens of rockets

Netanyahu and Ya'alon authorize resumption of Operation Protective Edge after Israel briefly agreed to Egyptian ceasefire initiative; Gazans say they are receiving messages from IDF blaming Hamas for continued strikes.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon ordered a restart of the attacks on the Gaza Strip Tuesday afternoon after Israel's acceptance of anEgyptian-brokered ceasefire was met with a morning and afternoon of Hamas rockets fired at Israel.

Diplomatic officials said that the IDF actions, which came at 3:00 pm, six hours after Israel held its fire and responded positively to the Egyptian cease-fire proposal, were the result of Hamas and Islamic Jihad rejecting the cease fire.

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip claimed on Tuesday that they had been receiving text messages and pre-recorded phone calls from the IDF that blame Hamas for the renewal of Israeli strikes following Hamas's rejection of the ceasefire. IAF aircraft began striking targets on Tuesday afternoon following the decision. The IDF stated that it would strike all "elements that are behind terrorist attacks on Israel."

Netanyahu had earlier warned that Israel would widen its offensive in Gaza if the rocket attacks continued.

Credit to Jerusalem Post

Portugal Contagion Spreads

Despite reassurances from US asset-gatherers and TV 'personalities' that Portugal must be fixed (because US equities are up), it is anything but. Today's triple whammy from the 'recovered' Portugal starts withBanco Espirito Santo bonds and stocks hitting new record lows (down over 10% more on the day). The contagion has rippled across to Rioforte, which controls Grupo Espirito Santo's non-financial arm - and is likely to default on a EUR 847 million payment to Portugal Telecom. And just to add further salt to that wound, Portuguesebusiness lending in May collapsed at a record pace (down 8.23%). But apart from that, yeash Portugal is all fixed and their sovereign bonds are worth every penny...

Step 1 - Banco Espirito Santo bonds and stocks continue to collapse...

Step 2 - The Contagion spreads to the rest of Portugal...
  • Rioforte, which controls Grupo Espirito Santo’s non-financial arm, is likely to default on 847m-euro payment due to be made to PT today, Folha de S.Paulo reports, without saying where it got the information.
  • Payment is part of 897m-euro debt to PT
  • Negotiations are still underway
  • Rioforte has been trying to sell assets over last few days to enable it to make the payment
  • Co. has potential to raise 300m euros from sales of assets, including Tivoli hotel chain
  • Rioforte, PT seek solution to enable loan payment, without changing terms of merger w/Oi

Step 3 - Credit Creation is collapsing as business lending plunges by its most on record...

*  *  *
But apart from that Portugal is fixed
Credit to Zero Hedge