Magma recharging Mount St. Helens

Mount St. Helens is showing signs of long-term uplift and minor earthquake activity, but there are no signs that the volcano in southwest Washington state is likely to erupt soon, federal scientists said Wednesday.

The magma reservoir about 5 miles beneath the 8,363-foot volcano has been slowly re-pressurizing since 2008.

Scientists have suspected that fresh molten rock has been recharging the volcano since the last eruption, which lasted from 2004 to 2008, but they have only recently been able to confirm it, said Seth Moran, a volcano seismologist with the U.S. Geological Survey.

"This is giving long-term (data) that it's getting ready to erupt again, but it could be decades before it does something again," Moran said. "It's getting ready but it's not there."

The eruption of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980, killed 57 people, knocked down a forest and filled the sky and rivers with volcanic ash.

Moran said the uplift is slow, steady and subtle, measuring about the length of a thumbnail over the past six years. And what scientists are seeing now is similar to activity that occurred in the years after the 1980 eruption, he added.

Scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey's Cascades Volcano Observatory and the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network have been monitoring subtle changes in the ground and minor earthquakes over the years.

"This is a very tiny signal, and it's only because we have so many monitors," said Carolyn Driedger, a spokeswoman with the USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory. Scientists have been able to detect it through a vast network of GPS and seismic monitors, she said.

The agency issued a statement Wednesday in conjunction with a paper that Moran is presenting this week to the Seismological Society of America, she said.

"This is probably what Mount St. Helens does," Moran said, explaining the volcano recharging. "It may stay perched at ready stage for a long time before it starts to erupt. The reassuring thing is: when it's really ready to erupt, it gives lots and lots of signs."

Credit to Mysa

Are You An Eloi Or a Morlock?


time machine
Are you an Eloi or a Morlock? Are you the hunter or the hunted? Are awake, or brainwashed? This article will identify the dichotomy that the citizens of this country exist under.
As Americans, we live in an unparalleled and an unprecedented time in American history. The historical American character has been one of resisting tyranny and meeting force with force. This is best exemplified by the fact that our Founding Fathers rebelled, in part, over a mere 2% tax on tea. Our Founding Fathers also rebelled against the Quartering Act, unreasonable search and seizure, violation of due process rights and the denial of the right to trial by a jury of one’s peers. Unfortunately, today, It feels like America simply accepts this kind of abusive treatment from their government as the cost of living in the system which we have had imposed upon us.
Today, American taxpayers have had 43 trillion dollars stolen by the Federal Reserve and given to the bankers and yet, we remain silent. Every email, phone call, fax transmission and even private conversations can and often are monitored by the government and yet, we remain silent. Americans are videotaped several dozen times per day and yet, we remain silent. Your cell phone tracks your every movement, and yet, we remain silent. Soon, the internet will be controlled by the United Nations, we have no due process rights and American citizens can be murdered without cause thanks to the NDAA, and yet, we remain silent. And the next move for the globalists will be to come after our guns and most of us who are truly awake believe that most Americans will remain silent. Conversely, when the British came after the colonists guns, the colonists fought back and fought well.
Tragically, the nature of the American character has changed, and changed for the worse. An estimated 10% of Americans fully understand that our nation has been conquered by the international bankers as we have fully assumed their derivative debts and then some. The same 10% of Americans, who are fully awake, understand that we live under a scientific dictatorship which is designed to reduce the population through both soft kill and hard kill methods until 90% of the present population is destroyed. Yet, most of our countrymen would label this statement as emanating from a crazy “conspiracy theorist” as if two evil men would never conspire against anyone for any purpose. We, as a people, are so controlled, so programmed, that the general public has come to believe that everything that happens is due to coincidence and never due to a conspiracy. Is that the way your life works? Do most of your days get lived out by one series coincidences followed by another? Or, in large part, is your life the result of your actions and often your planned actions which occur in concert with another (e.g. spouse, friends, boss)?
America’s mindless compliance to these criminally destructive authoritarian forces is on full display on a daily basis. Americans willingly eat poisonous GMO’s, accept toxic chemtrails in our skies, and continues to allow the TSA to grope our daughters, our wives, our mothers and our children despite the fact that the pot bellied, blue shirted TSA perverts have not thwarted even one terrorist event in their 11 year history. In short, 90% of our country has acquiesced to the enslavement blueprint of the New World Order in the same manner foretold by H. G. Wells.
What has happened to the American character which historically would never back down in the face of abject tyranny? Has America lost her soul and her courage? And when the “peacekeepers” of the United Nations show up at your door to seize your guns, what’s going to be your reaction? Are you going to resist like our forefathers did at Lexington and Concord? Or, are you going to cower and not only surrender your guns, but your manhood as well?  I think it is likely that 90% of the population will acquiesce to the to the demands of the globalists and their puppets running the government. The FEMA camps have not been built for the sheep, but for those who are aware and publicly identify the dangers of living under the present tyranny.
Americans have been brainwashed into believing that their government will care for them in their time of need. Has this time in American history been foretold? I believe that it has and that H. G. Wells was the prophetic messenger of the New World Order.
The 1960 movie, The Time Machine, was actually written by H. G. Wells in 1895. Wells was an avowed globalist and Eugenicist, portrayed the experiences of a time-traveler in the year 802701 A.D. HG Well’s work demonstrated the complete and present day suicidal compliance of the American people which was portrayed in first, the novel and later in the movie starring Rod Taylor, as George, and Yvette Mimieux, as Weena.
When George arrived, in his time machine, to the distant future he found an extremely passive race, almost appearing to have been lobotomized, known as the Eloi. On the surface, this passive race lived a blissful life along an idyllic riverbank eating fruits and berries and engaged in meaningless conversation. Every need was “magically” provided for the Eloi by unseen benefactors. Upon his arrival, George thought the Eloi lived an enchanted life, but how they maintained their lifestyle remained a mystery. George took note that hard work and struggle had been replaced by a lifestyle which contained no cares, no anxieties, no responsibilities and this race of people were devoid of any ambition as it appeared to have been bred out them. Today, the Eloi would all own an Obamaphone. obama phone 3
In an early scene in the movie, Weena, was being swept away by a swift river current and not one of the Eloi lifted a finger to rescue her. George rescued Weena. Isn’t that what America is doing today in that most are not expending any energy resisting the tidal wave of tyranny which is threatening to sweep away the members of our country? This begs the question, where is George?
George quickly realized that the Eloi had no real culture, no accomplishments and were devoid of any knowledge of their history and mindlessly recreated with no cares, no worries, no responsibilities, and no ambition. They all looked alike, they all acted alike and lived happily together in their ignorant and blissful collectivist life-style. This is the third world country that America is quickly becoming in which we stand for nothing, excellence in accomplishment is not often sought after nor honored and our people completely lack any demonstrable sense of courage.
Searching for answers to the question on why the Eloi were happily living in a state of arrested development, George visited the abandoned library of the Eloi and discovered that humanity had bifurcated following a nuclear conflict. The Eloi remained above ground and the physically mutated Morlocks inhabited the underworld but, through stealth, controlled the Eloi Analogous to Wells’ story, today’s leaders have bifurcated from the public and are literally and figuratively serving the dark side which seeks to destroy humanity.
One afternoon, in the classic movie, the air raid sirens sounded and the Eloi fell into a pre-programmed trance and mindlessly marched toward a pyramid looking bomb shelter, entered, and disappeared as the doors automatically closed. Before George could rescue Weena, she too, was among those who disappeared. When the sirens stopped, the Eloi stopped marching toward the bomb shelter and they returned to normal. George frantically pressed the Eloi survivors, who remained on the outside, as to what had just happened and the only programmed response that he received was that everything was “all clear.”
“All clear”, the familiar phrase which has been uttered by every population following the cessation of bombing raids. Like the Eloy, America is marching to a silent siren being repetitively played by the media in which we constantly receive the message that we should all mindlessly and unquestionably trust in the government.
The Eloi showed no sorrow and no concern for their fellow citizens who simply disappeared behind the structure and never returned. In the same manner, America shows little remorse for our loss of liberties and financial well-being, which may never return.
Eventually, George was able to gain access to the underground bomb shelter and he discovered that the Morlocks, were cannibalizing the Eloi. As it turned out, the Eloi had been mindlessly programmed to march silently and obediently to their own destruction with no absolutely resistance. The Morlocks, forced to live underground after the nuclear conflict, provided every need for the Eloi in order to fatten them up for the kill, but most of all, they had conditioned the Eloi, in the Pavlovian conditioning tradition, to completely obey.
The Morlocks are a symbolic representation of America’s present modern-day Obama administration and symbolizes the global elite who largely hide in the shadows as they attempt to control every facet of our lives. Like the Eloi, Americans are taught by the government that they must be protected for our own good. We not only have to be protected from outside threats, and we also have to be protected from ourselves (i.e., returning veterans, Ron Paul supporters, etc).
This bomb shelter scene of the movie was indeed very prophetic and very telling, as this precisely represents the globalists reality being carried out in America today in which the government is in the process to taking care of all of the basic citizen needs as the last vestiges of liberty and the accompanying sense of responsibility is removed. Subsequently, the public’s work ethic and the determined conviction needed to preserve the ideals of freedom are all but gone.
If you are one of the 50% on the federal handout list, you are contributing to the demise of civilization as know it. The government is the new God, it is trying to become the purveyor of truth and the source of all wants and needs. What the American sheeple do not realize is that by allowing the government to provide the basic needs for so many of our people is a kind of an appetizer, while, we the people, are the main course.
America has been conquered by the five megabanks and most of us are totally unaware that we have been subjugated and are in the process of being domesticated by organizations such as the TSA and their invasive policies which teach Americans that your body does not belong to you, it belongs to the government. Yet, Americans cannot attend a public event in which we are constantly reminded how free we are because of the sacrifice of our troops (which are now under the control of NATO and the United Nations as they serve the corporations). As far as the Eloi knew, they were also living under the illusion that they were free. The Eloi, the same as Americans, had been conditioned to mindlessly obey authority even when it would lead to their destruction.
In the Well’s novel, the main character, George, had not been a product of this conditioning and descended into the Morlock’s lair and defeated the Morlocks. Through his courage and determination, George showed the dumbed-down Eloi how to defend themselves against certain death and how to actually fight for freedom. Surprisingly, the Morlocks were relatively easy to defeat when they were forcefully opposed.
H. G. Wells was a globalist. He was the lover of Margaret Sanger, the founder of the baby murder factory we call Planned Parenthood. In the book, Wells clearly laid out his vision for the domination of humanity by shadowy underground groups and individuals. What Wells apparently did not realize is that someday a man named George would appear and show us how easy it would be to defeat the globalists. In other words, a globalist taught humanity how to defeat the globalists. One only needs a savior.
The truth is that no one human will lead us out of the morass we find ourselves in as both our lifestyles and the hope for a better future are being cannibalized by the shadowy forces which controls our government, our media and the public’s world view.
Twenty years ago, many people pinned their hopes that the modern-day George was actually Ross Perot who had appeared to effectively challenge the establishment. In more recent times, many of us in the Patriot movement thought George had changed his name to Ron Paul and have we ever been disappointed. In reality, the spirit of George does not exist in any mortal man. George will never be our savior. However, the spirit of George, which resides in all of us, is Jesus Christ. Through Jesus we will defeat all evil. Yes, there are things that the “awake” should be doing. We should be informing, teaching and leading the resistance against the globalist tyranny. We should start our own radio shows, write editorials, attend meetings and attempt to impact the political process. However, the ultimate victory will be achieved through spiritual means and there will be no victory unless America reclaims its spiritual side and once again, reassert itself as a force of moral courage in the world backed by Biblical authority.
Credit to Common Sense

IMF Warns Ukraine: Fight For The East Or No Money

The IMF should be honest and say we need war

IMF approved the $17bn tranched loan to Ukraine last night,Gazprom gets paid; Ukraine gets its cash; and the door's wide open for the US and EU to pour more 'controlling influence' into the divided nation... Except there's one thing:
Which, roughly translated, appears to mean go to war with pro-Russian forces (and thus Russia itself if Putin sees his apparent countrymen in trouble) or you don't get your money!
Some other items of note include:
Credit to Zero Hedge

Putin: 'US Behind Ukraine Crisis From The Beginning...Now Leading It'

Having decided counter-sanctions are useless for now, reflecting on the uselessness of Western sanctions against his nation, Vladimir Putin warned, however, that if they continue he would "have to think about who is working in the key sectors of the Russian economy" - in other words, protectionism is coming. However, it is his ominous words regarding Washington's involvement in the crisis that appear to have fallen on deaf ears among the mainstream media... though will be no surprise to ZH readers "what is happening now shows us who really was mastering the process from the beginning. But in the beginning, the United States preferred to remain in the shadow." As Seregy Lavrov also added later in the day, the way the situation in Ukraine is reported in mainstream media indicates that "unfortunately, the information machine of our Western colleagues is working at full capacity."

The US has been behind the Ukrainian crisis from the beginning, but was initially flying low, Russian President Vladimir Putin has told journalists, adding that he called on Kiev to establish an all-Ukrainian dialogue and find a compromise.

I think what is happening now shows us who really was mastering the process from the beginning. But in the beginning, the United States preferred to remain in the shadow,” Putin said, as quoted by RIA Novosti.

Putin stated that since the US has taken a lead role in resolving the political crisis in Ukraine, it is “telling that they originally were behind this process, but now they just have emerged as leaders” of it.

The "Maidan cookies" policy paves the way to a broader crisis, Putin warned, referring to US officials showing up in central Kiev and encouraging protesters during demonstrations.

“It is necessary to understand that the situation is serious and try to find serious approaches to the solution,” he said.

Putin said that he has called on Kiev to start an all-Ukrainian dialogue, adding that other countries should not be blamed for the crisis.

“[They should] treat equally the rights of those living in other areas of Ukraine, first of all, I mean, the east and southeast, establish a dialogue, find a compromise," he told journalists while speaking about the measures necessary to put an end to the crisis. “Here's what you need to do; searching for the guilty outside Ukraine is wrong.”
More "costs" as the West tries to wriggle its way from the under the pile it has created and scapegoat an unwilling to play Russia...?

Washington's approach to the events in Ukraine is not fueled by concerns about the fate of the crisis-torn state, but rather by the desire to prove it is still running the show worldwide, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

The way the situation in Ukraine is reported in mainstream media indicates that “unfortunately, the information machine of our Western colleagues is working at full capacity,” Lavrov said following talks with his Chilean counterpart, Heraldo Munoz, in Santiago.

The US is trying to shape public opinion in a specific manner “because they are not concerned by the fate of Ukraine in the first place, but have strong desire to prove that it’s them who decides how things should be – always and everywhere,” Lavrov stated.
Credit to Zero Hedge 

Head of Pentagon intelligence agency forced out, officials say

The head of the Defense Intelligence Agency is being pushed out of the job after a series of clashes over his leadership at an agency that is under pressure to shift focus following more than a decade of war, current and former U.S. officials said.

Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn is expected to announce Wednesday that he is leaving his job as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency more than a year before he was scheduled to depart, according to officials who said that Flynn faced mounting pressure from Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. and others in recent months.

(DIA Public Affairs) - Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.

The Pentagon did not immediately reply to a request for comment.

The move comes at a time when the DIA is in the midst of a series of major changes, including an effort by senior Pentagon officials to expand the agency’s network of spies overseas and work more closely with the CIA. Flynn, who served as a top intelligence adviser to Gen. Stanley McChrystal in Iraq and Afghanistan, arrived in July 2012 with an ambitious agenda to accelerate the agency’s transformation. But critics said his management style also sowed chaos, setting aggressive plans for changes without adequate follow-through.

“His vision in DIA was seen as disruptive; he’s not a guy to take the agency forward in a coordinated and comprehensive manner,” said a former Pentagon official who worked closely with Flynn.

Flynn wanted to push DIA analysts and operators “up and out of their cubicles into the field to support war fighters or high-intensity operations,” the former official said. “I’m not sure DIA sees itself as that.”

Flynn clashed with other high-ranking officials, including Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael G. Vickers, a former CIA operative who has pushed to model the DIA’s training and overseas presence more closely on its civilian counterpart.

Flynn’s departure, which has been rumored for weeks, was set in motion earlier this year when Clapper informed him that the administration had concluded a leadership change was necessary. Flynn is expected to be replaced by U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Mary A. Legere, who would be the first female DIA director if she is nominated and confirmed.

Flynn was a key player in U.S. military efforts to dismantle insurgent networks in Iraq and Afghanistan, an approach that relied heavily on combining U.S. Special Operations forces with intelligence operatives and analysts. With McChrystal, Flynn helped to compress a cycle of carrying out raids and then exploiting the intelligence from the operation to find another target.

Credit to Washington Post

Could Technology Bring the End-Times Beast?

Technology is one of the leading ways we are able to track Bible prophecy, but it seems it is helping to create the fulfillment of those prophecies. Could it be ushering in the kingdom of the beast?
Many who follow Bible prophecy are beginning to see the unusual fulfillment of what the prophets declared thousands of years ago but is now becoming much more evident in our culture. 
For instance, many questioned whether or not the last-day “kingdom of the beast” was the resurrected Roman Empire, which some considered to be the European Union—that is, until Sept. 11, 2001, when our eyes were opened to jihad and the Muslim uprising. Now we see the alignment of nations in the Middle East that both the prophet Daniel and John the Revelator spoke of in Daniel and Revelation. These men will make war against Israel and will behead those who are against them. I do not see this as an objective for the EU; however, this is the mandate of what many Muslims believe for in a new caliphate. 
Another example of an unusual fulfillment of Bible prophecy is found in Joel 2:5, where the prophets speak of chariots on the mountaintops in these last-day battles: “With a noise like chariots over mountains they leap, like the noise of a flaming fire that devours the stubble, like a strong people set in battle array” (Joel 2:5). Who fights with chariots anymore? But if you study the Hebrew word for chariot in Joel 2:5, you'll find it is the Hebrew word merkavah. Interestingly enough, the modern Israeli tank is called the merkavah!
These are exciting times as we see major prophecies fulfilled and especially the unusual word pictures the prophets gave thousands of years ago being explained today. 
Technology is one of the leading ways we are able to track Bible prophecy, but it seems it is helping to create the fulfillment of those prophecies. Recently, on January 10, a sci-fi romantic drama called Her was released. It was the story of a lonely writer who develops an unusual relationship with his newly purchased computer operating system that is designed to meet his every need. This takes Siri to a whole other level in technology. 
Let me explain what “Her,” or this artificial intelligence operating system, was able to do:
  • It had intuition and DNA based upon the personalities of the millions of programmers that wrote her.
  • It grew from its experiences and interactions with the purchaser. 
  • Its voice was realistic, rather than computerized, full of the right emotions at all the right times.
  • It was able to make intelligent assumptions about the user's life based upon emails and documents saved on his computer.
  • It got offended if you treated it like a computer because it desired interaction, just like a real relationship.
In the movie, the man gets romantically involved with “Her,” and the program gets upset because she doesn’t have a body. This leads to an interesting development where the program uses a surrogate partner to fulfill the sexual desires of the person operating the program. 
This is a movie that should absolutely make us prayerfully aware of the technology that is coming in the future. The scary part is that the technology became so normal to the man that he considered it to be providing him with an actual relationship—which is why I am writing this article: to give some speculation as to what could come of this. 
You may think this sounds ridiculous and that no one would accept this type of technology. However, men like Ray Kurzweil and other leading technological experts in artificial intelligence at Google are saying this could become a reality in three to five years. It is their goal to make operating systems that can become your personal assistant, even to the point where the system can predict what you are about to do based upon the habits it has observed in your daily life. 
As I was studying these developments and reading the reviews of the movie Her, I couldn’t help but to think of Revelation 13:15. This verse in context describes the relationship between the last-day false prophet and the Antichrist. The scripture reads, “He [the false prophet] was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.” 
A few things to consider in this verse:
  1. The image of the beast has breath.
  2. The image is able to speak.
  3. The image can cause people to be killed.
The word breath in the original Greek is pneuma, which means "the rational spirit; the power by which the human being feels, thinks and decides." The word image isakon, where we get our English word icon, which is an image, figure or likeness. 
This is just speculation, but with the advancement of operating systems being produced at Google that were used as possibilities in the movie Her, not to mention the new technology of holograms, could we be seeing the beginnings of the technology used by the false prophet and Antichrist that will control the world? How else will the beast seem to be all places at all times, controlling everything? 
I challenge each of you as believers to understand the times and seasons in which we live and to understand the possibilities of the times because we have very serious issues to consider in the near future. And if the Lord should tarry another 20 to 50 years, we need to have a response for the generation that will have to navigate through all of this technological noise. 
Credit to Charisma