Thursday, January 2, 2014

EU ends funding for Spanish banks

He must be joking!!!!
I left you with some images of Spain impressive success story!!!

The EU says Spain's banks are back on a "sound footing," but one in four Spanish people are still unemployed.

Klaus Regling, the director of the Luxembourg-based European Stability Mechanism (ESM), made the statement on Tuesday (31 December) to mark the expiry of Spain's EU credit line.

He described the rescue effort as "an impressive success story" and predicted the Spanish economy will "achieve stability and sustainable growth" in the near future.

He also praised the EU's austerity policy more broadly, saying: "The people’s readiness to accept temporary hardship for the sake of a sustainable recovery are exemplary … The Spanish success shows that our strategy of providing temporary loans against strong conditionality is working."

Spain will officially exit its bailout later this month, after Ireland quit its programme in December.

Unlike Cyprus, Greece, Ireland and Portugal, the Spanish rescue was limited to its banking sector instead of a full-blown state bailout.

It saw the ESM put up a €100 billion credit line in July 2012.

In the end, the ESM paid out €41.3 billion to a new Spanish body, the Fondo de Restructuracion Ordenado Bancaria (FROM), which channelled the loans, most of which mature in 2024 or 2025, to failing lenders.

Spain has said it will not seek any "follow-up assistance" after the bailout ends.

It is also selling off some of the renationalised banks which received ESM-FROM money.


US Government Orders 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide is this link to the Fukushima crisis?

Paul Joseph Watson

The Department of Health and Human Services has ordered 14 million doses of potassium iodide, the compound that protects the body from radioactive poisoning in the aftermath of severe nuclear accidents, to be delivered before the beginning of February.

Image: Potassium Iodide (YouTube).

According to a solicitation posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website, the DHHS asks contractors to supply, “potassium iodide tablet, 65mg, unit dose package of 20s; 700,000 packages (of 20s),” a total of 14 million tablets. The packages must be delivered on or before February 1, 2014.

Potassium iodide helps block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland and is used by victims of severe nuclear accidents or emergencies. Under current regulations, states with populations living within 10 miles of a nuclear plant are encouraged, but not required, to maintain a supply of potassium iodide.

A search of the FedBizOpps website returns no other results regarding the purchase of potassium iodide from any government agency, suggesting that the DHHS bulk buy of the tablets is unprecedented in recent times.

The ongoing crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant has prompted concerns that the purchase is connected to the threat posed by radioactive debris washing up on the shores of the west coast or the potential for another natural disaster occurring in Japan which could impact the U.S.

“Governments usually respond to disasters very similarly; first move is to avoid panic,” writes The West Wire. “The Japanese didn’t want to panic the world, or tarnish their honor and now, as a consequence of their reluctance, Japanese citizens and international aid personal find themselves in a horrible state of being.”

“Panic is usually avoided by keeping their citizens as blind to the truth as possible, until confrontation with the truth becomes inevitable. The crucial question at this juncture; “would our government be reluctant about warning us of potential disaster, in an attempt to avoid panic?” 14 million doses of Potassium Iodide say that might just be the case.”

Last month it was revealed that 71 U.S. sailors who helped during the initial Fukushima relief efforts are suing the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) after they returned with thyroid cancer, Leukemia, and brain tumors as a result of being exposed to radiation at 300 times the safe level.

TEPCO has repeatedly been caught lying in their efforts to downplay the scale of the disaster. In September it was confirmed that radiation readings around the power plant were 18 times higher than previously reported by TEPCO. After a tank leaked 300 tonnes of toxic water in August, groundwater radiation readings at the plant soared to 400,000 becquerels per litre, the highest reading since the nuclear accident occurred in March 2011.

Top scientists have warned that if another major earthquake hits Fukushima, which is almost inevitable, it would mean “bye bye Japan” and the complete evacuation of the west coast of North America.

Now that radioactive debris is hitting the West Coast of North America, numerous different animals and sea life are suffering from mysterious diseases, including 20 bald eagles that have died in Utah over the last few weeks alone.

Watch the video below in which Alex Jones highlights how the Fukushima nuclear crisis will impact Americans.

Credit to Infowars

Source of blue dye for garments makes comeback after 2,000 years

The mysterious source of an ancient blue dye used by the children of Israel on garments, at the command of God through Moses, has been found after 2,000 years.

An Israeli researcher says she has identified fabric that may contain a mysterious blue dye described in the Bible, one of the few remnants of the ancient color ever found.

Naama Sukenik of Israel’s Antiquities Authority said Tuesday that recent examination of a small woolen textile discovered in the 1950s found that the textile was colored with a dye from the Murex trunculus, a snail researchers believe was the source of the biblical blue or purple.

Researchers and rabbis have long searched for the enigmatic color, called tekhelet in Hebrew. The Bible commands Jews to wear a blue fringe on their garments, but the dye was lost after the dispersion of the Jews from the land in the first century.

Sukenik examined the textile for a doctorate at Bar-Ilan University and published the finding at a Jerusalem conference Monday.

The nearly 2,000-year old textile that appears to contain the biblical blue dye (Photo: AP/Clara Amit, Israel Antiquities Authority, HOPD

The biblical reference to the dye appears in Numbers 15:38-39: “Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue: And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the Lord, and do them ; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring.”

When Israel was scattered by Rome in the first century, the dyeing process used for millennia by the Hebrew people was lost along with the Jewish nation.

Now, 66 years after the rebirth of the Jewish state, researchers are closing in on what they believe to be the source – a mollusk that was over-harvested by Roman royalty, which adopted the color as its own. It became a crime for Jews to wear garments dyed with the color or made in Luz, the ancient Israeli city identified with the manufacture of the fabric.

The Talmud mentions two Jews captured by the Romans for the crime of having “items made in Luz,” the Israeli city identified with the manufacture of tekhelet. There were other rulings against the plebeian population wearing colors deemed royal, including bans by Roman rulers such as Julius Caesar.

The newly recovered biblical process of extracting the purplish blue dye from a Mediterranean mollusk is changing the way the commandment to wear tzitzit – the ritual fringes worn on the four-cornered prayer shawls – is being observed by some Modern Orthodox Jews.

Now, after 2,000 years, it is once again possible to include a blue (tekhelet) thread among one’s fringes, in accordance with God’s instructions to Moses.

Tekhelet was one of the few permanent dyes of the biblical era, made from a glandular secretion of the Murex snail called dibromoindirubin, which, after five to 10 minutes of exposure to air and sunlight, turns what’s called “biblical blue,” say Jewish scholars.

Despite rabbinical efforts to maintain use of tekhelet, by the end of the first millennium it was considered lost. Since then, observant Jews have worn white tzitzit.

The dye’s revival is due in part to the initiative of several young Orthodox professionals now living in Israel, mostly graduates of Yeshiva University’s science departments.

The blue used in the biblical garments also inspired the blue used in the modern Israeli flag.


Two Minute Prophetic Warning

by Hal Lindsey

Sand falls through the hourglass, chimes ring out, a clock ticks, and an alarm sounds. We end 2013 as we began it — in a mad dash down a broad and slippery road running from the height of human ideals to the depth of human depravity.

Biblically, "the last days" began on the day of Pentecost following the ascension of Jesus. On that occasion, Simon Peter stood and addressed Jews who were present in Jerusalem, but who represented far-flung lands and nationalities — a mini-United Nations. He said, "This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel," [Acts 2:16] then went on to quote the prophet.

In our time, we see the fulfillment of the prophets’ words for the last of the last days. Who will stand before this generation and proclaim, "This is that which was spoken by the prophets"?

Jesus taught that only God the Father knows the exact moment of His coming, but that we should watch for the signs of the times. We are not to set dates, but to watch for certain indicators. We will not know the day, but we will know the season of His return. Hebrews 10:25 speaks of us seeing the day of the Lord approach. The way we see that day approach is by seeing the gathering and increasing signs of His coming. In Matthew 24:33, Jesus speaks of those signs, and then says, "When you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors."

For 21st century football fans, the two-minute warning means a time to stop the game and show some ads on television. It’s a misnomer now to call it a "warning" because anyone in the stadium can look at the clock and know exactly how much time is left. In earlier days, one of the game officials kept the clock on the field. There might or might not have been a stadium clock, but if it was there, it was unofficial. It gave the fans and participants a general idea of the time remaining, but could be way off. So, with two minutes left, the officials stopped the game and notified both sides that there was only a little time left — what you’re going to do, you must do now.

In a long distance race, it’s called the "gun lap" or the "bell lap." With one lap to go, a race official fires a gun or rings a bell, indicating that the race is almost over. What you’re going to do, you must do now.

In the usual process of childbirth, no one knows the exact time of the child’s entry into the world. But as the day draws near, signs accumulate. The mother’s outward appearance reflects the child’s growth. She grows to a point that might have seemed impossible a few months before. Finally, labor begins. The mother’s contractions grow in frequency and in intensity until they are almost constant and usually more severe than first-time moms ever dreamed. Jesus said the signs of His coming would be like that.

We don’t know the day, but we have had the two minute warning; heard the gun and the bell. The birth pangs are extreme and almost non-stop. What we’re going to do, we must do now.

Who will stand before this generation and proclaim, "This is that which was spoken by the prophets"? You will and I will. But . . . what we’re going to do, we must do now.

Now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.

— Romans 13:11-12

CRedit To Hal Lindsey


By Paul McGuire

There is a convergence of economic, political, military, biological and environmental factors that are about to profoundly impact America and every other nation in our world. America has been uniquely blessed among the nations and therefore has a far higher level of accountability than other nations. America was formed by Pilgrims and Puritans who escaped religious persecution in Europe and entered into a covenant with God based on the covenant God made with the nation of Israel. The Pilgrims and Puritans fully understood that God was the Source of all of their blessings and that if they offended the Holy God they could expect to see His judgment. Therefore, when they experienced crop failures, bad weather, disease, or other calamities they would search their souls, repent, fast, and pray to God for forgiveness.

At the very beginning of America there were two different spiritual directions the nation could take, which would result in two different futures. First, there was the Biblical vision of America that was set forth by the Pilgrims and Puritans. Second, there was the secret occult plan for America developed by Sir Francis Bacon in the mid-1600s for America to be the head of the New World Order and the “New Atlantis.” As we enter the year 2014 we must clearly understand that as a people we are moving at lightning speed to the full realization of the secret occult plan for America which synchronizes with Bible prophecy.

Sir Francis Bacon was the head of the Rosicrucians, whose occult knowledge and science was passed on from the Tower of Babel and, before that, from the secret science and technology that originated in Atlantis. The scientific elite who rule America and the world through their puppet politicians view themselves as the god-kings of Atlantis, whom Plato referred to as the philosopher-kings in his “New Republic.” These ancient sciences and technologies were revived after the Flood, and when Nimrod built the Tower of Babel, which means the “gate of God,” a star gate, he unleashed the fires of this secret illumination, like the god Prometheus.

This ancient occult knowledge and the one world religious system and one world economic system that accompanies it is known in the Book of Revelation as “Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the Earth.” Revelation 17:5

It is important to understand that this ancient knowledge and technology began with the Elohim, or “Sons of God” descending upon Mount Hermon in Phoenicia and mating with human women, who gave birth to the Nephilim, or “Watchers.” In this process highly advanced knowledge, technology, and science was passed on to Mankind before the Flood, which enabled advanced civilizations like Atlantis, Thule, and Hyberborea to emerge. Then, after the Flood, beginning at the Tower of Babel, which was the post-Flood world’s first one world government, one world economic system and one world religion, “Mystery Babylon” was passed on through numerous secret occult societies and governments such as the Pharaoh god-king religion of Egypt, the ascended masters of Tibet, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Vril and Thule societies, Golden Dawn, OTO, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, and countless other groups.

Mankind is now going into a period where all forms of crisis are about to escalate and where quite possibly we have reached the point of no return, leading to the end of the world, at least the world as we know it. This “end of the world” scenario can potentially bring about three entirely different outcomes. Some of these outcomes are based on the Illuminati operating principle, “Order out of Chaos,” or the “New World Order out of Chaos.” First, the present chaos is a sign for some that we have entered what Aliester Crowley called the “New Aeon” or a new era for Mankind. Groups like the Illuminati anticipate a time of great planetary upheaval resulting in the killing off of billions of “useless eaters” before a New World Order is established.

This is very difficult for the average man to understand, as well as those in the managerial class of this New World Order who have only limited, compartmentalized information. However, it is simply Darwinian evolutionary theory at its purest form, which is the survival of the fittest, or might makes right. There are many scientists, thinkers, and politicians who fully understand this, but they simply are not saying it out in the open. Hitler’s Third Reich was built on the science of eugenics and the right of a “master race” to exterminate what they perceived to be lesser races. The science of eugenics has become Transhumanism.

The Bible does not promote a “master race” perspective, because all races were created by God for a purpose. The Biblical God is a God of love, as opposed to the brutally savage dog eat dog “god” of Social Darwinism. Those who believe in Eschatology or Bible prophecy believe that we are seeing the initial “Signs of the Times” that Jesus Christ predicted would occur before His return to Earth at the Battle of Armageddon, where a New Heaven and New Earth will be established. The Bible teaches that in the last days there will be a Tribulation Period, also known as the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble.” End of the world scenarios either from a Biblical perspective or an ecological perspective can cause enormous psychological stress and anxiety because both reveal Man’s limited control over his world and environment. No matter what your viewpoint is, if you are not prepared for it, the “birth pangs” of the new world that is to come can cause a form of ”Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder” and great fear and anxiety. Many people, deceived by the Illuminati, believe that a World State ruled by an elite could solve many of these problems. In contrast, the early Pilgrims and Puritans who settled in America believed that it was God who was their ultimate “source.” Many Christians today may not admit it openly, but they believe as the Communist Revolutionary Trotsky did that “The State is God.” That belief is idolatry and will lead to the worship of a man, the Antichrist, as “god.”
All of this has very practical applications for our nation and world. There are people in very high places who are in the process of bringing down the U.S. dollar and preparing to replace it with a new international currency of some form. When this happens Americans and others will be allowed to trade in their dollars and other currencies for the new global currency. Naturally they will receive a fraction of the value of their dollars in the trade. However, an international crisis will happen at some point before you are asked to trade in your dollars, and the average American will be thrilled with the opportunity not to lose everything. The second phase of setting up this one world economic system will be to convert this new international currency into a cashless system. Some kind of “Mark of the Beast” technology will be distributed in the form of a microchip implant. Whatever the technology of the chip, it will contain all your personal, medical, and financial records. You will not be able to buy or sell, participate in the economic system, receive medical care, or gain access to your Social Security, pensions, and retirement funds without having this chip.

At first, the chip may simply be made mandatory supposedly to prevent identity theft, or for national security reasons. But according to the Bible in Revelation Chapter 11 eventually you will not be able to receive this “Mark of the Beast” or have it activated unless you choose to reject Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and pledge to worship the Antichrist as God. Remember, if you look at your U.S. dollar it is filled with occult symbols such as the all-seeing eye of Lucifer and the words “”New World Order” in Latin. The U.S. dollar also has an occult pyramid on the back of it, along with an eagle that secretly represents the bird called the Phoenix.

The Book of Revelation also clearly states that if any person chooses to refuse to accept the Mark of the Beast they will be beheaded. Up until very recently that was a strange term, but now the term “beheaded” is well known because of the actions of radical Islamic extremists. There are many easier ways to put people to death, rather than by beheading, but that is method of choice under the “Beast System.”

Finally, the Book of Revelation issues a very strong warning to all those who would worship the First Beast or Antichrist as God and choose to receive this Mark of the Beast. The penalty for any person choosing to worship the Antichrist as God and receiving the Mark of the Beast is that they will be cast into the Lake of Fire forever along with Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. Once you accept the Mark of the Beast there is no going back. You are sentenced by God at the Great White Throne of Judgment into a cosmic prison called the Abyss, which is a place of eternal torment, described in the Book of Revelation.

On the other hand, all those who chose to accept God’s free offer of salvation in Jesus Christ will be given a brand new supernatural and glorified body. They will be welcomed into the New Earth, New Heaven, and New Jerusalem, which will be a place of unending adventure, discovery, and ecstasy.

The battle for the soul and heart of America is a microcosm of the great battle of the ages. If you have difficulty processing this information, I can personally empathize with you. No one including this author is asking you to suspend your intellect or reject your questions. However, as someone who once believed that all of this talk of a New Heaven and a New Earth was a tragic and delusional fantasy, let me offer one simple suggestion. Take ninety percent of religious talk, images, and ideas of contemporary Evangelical Christianity and hit the delete button in your brain and then use the “empty the garbage” app. I found it very helpful to take a great deal, not all, of the religious clichés, culture, and messages of Evangelical Christianity and simply nuke them in the microwave of my consciousness.

Once my mind was cleared of all the non-Biblical cultural baloney, I was able to really see what the Bible was talking about and its message became alive for me. Find a good version of the Bible, preferably the King James Version and just start reading books like Genesis, Matthew, Revelation, etc. Just read the Bible like it is!

Read the Bible as it is meant to be read, uncensored, unedited, raw and X-rated! Yes, despite what you have been told the Bible is an “adult and X-rated” book, but that makes a lot Christians uncomfortable. But then again Jesus Christ made the religious leaders of His time uncomfortable and they killed Him. If you really want to know what is soon going to happen to America and the world, read the Bible before they ban it, make it illegal, and censor it. Mark my words, the day is coming soon in America when you will be arrested and even killed for having a Bible, so read it while you can. The actual literal and inspired Word of God or the Bible is the new pornography in America. If you are an adult, you need to read it.

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Top 10 Concerns For 2014

Jon David Miller

There are many issues on the world's table that are of great concern. Life may change enough in the next year or so that everyone would be noticeably affected.

The 10 concerns presented here are priorities to consider for 2014, either because of being already in progress or imminent, or because, even if the event does not occur in 2014, it would be such a challenge if and when it occurs, that it is crucial to prepare for it now as well as possible.

Due to ignorance from the combination of mass drugging and mind control hypnosis with distraction and manipulation conducted by those wanting full control, as well as the normalcy bias, most of the population remains unaware of the urgency of these concerns.

To understand some of the issues it is important to realize that there has long been a controlling cabal running much of the world’s economic, political, military, social and media activities. Please read The New World Order Empire for a full description.

It is now time to awaken as many people as possible to the disturbing realities going on around us. The more people on board to prepare for protection or prevention the better.

We should be taking action now to make whatever arrangements are possible for protecting ourselves and our loved ones, and to prevent the further development of plans and policies that may be seriously harmful to us.

1 - Comet Ison
Comet Ison is not dead. It has already passed Earth on its way around the sun on November 28, and now has come back by us afterwards. NASA had initially said it had been diminished by the sun to become insignificant, but then it recovered and grew larger again.

Although not as dramatic in the sky as originally anticipated, Ison’s electromagnetic field could be having effects on the sun and Earth while in the neighborhood. Both are behaving strangely. (See next concern below.)

There is another major concern about meteors falling from the debris field traveling with Comet Ison. There have been numerous fireballs in the skies occurring in various areas of the planet.

From now through January, Earth is moving through the path Comet Ison followed on its way into the sun. The debris and dust still present are already increasing the meteor show. One or more small ones may have already hit the ground. The big concern is whether a meteor of substantial size will make it through to smack the planet.

2 - Earth Changes
As we have seen with the earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan and elsewhere, thousands of lives can be lost or disrupted with Earth change events.

The increased levels of earthquakes and volcanic activities, as well as the appearance of sinkholes and fireballs are of significant concern to scientists and others monitoring these developments. The Yellowstone super caldera is much larger than previously thought, and is it is becoming more active, as volcanoes are erupting worldwide.

Most of the world could be thrust into year-round winter with major emissions of volcanic ash dust. Crops would be very difficult to grow, and starvation and death could be a worldwide problem.

Lesser natural disasters, such as drought, fires, storms, winds, floods, snow, ice and extreme temperatures, have already caused great difficulties. These have also intensified in recent years and could become worse.

The sun is in a period that by routine should be a “solar maximum” with lots of activity and dramatic flares, but it has been surprisingly quiet until very recently. However, some of the Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) it has had during this otherwise subdued stretch, have been very powerful.

The sun’s poles shifting more slowy than usual for mid cycle, may have been influencing Earth. Volcanic and earthquake activities have intensified in recent years, with bizarre booms and other loud sounds arising around the Earth.

Meanwhile, Earth's poles have themselves been moving in recent years, possibly in preparation for a vastly more rare planetary polar shift.

Another Earth change theory is that our planet may be expanding again, as it has previously over the billions of years.

Several analysts warn of potential major geographic changes along the coast lines and up the Mississippi River valley and New Madrid Fault zone, where FEMA has held several disaster drills in recent years.

The earthquake and volcanic activity in the Canary Islands is of particular concern since it was discovered that a large underwater section of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on the island of La Palma is ready to slide dramatically into the ocean. This would likely set off a major tsunami that could devastate Atlantic coastlines, especially in North and South America. A recent quake and other signs of magma movement have raised the alert level.

It should be noted that many observers think that the HAARP installation in Alaska, derived from the technology breakthroughs of Nikola Tesla, can be used to manipulate and intensify weather, and a few believe that it or some other secret technology could also generate earthquakes and volcanoes on purpose.

3 - Public Poisons
The variety and pervasiveness of public poisons in our air, water, food and household items make it obvious that the poisoning is done on purpose.

Chemicals from farming and industry have polluted our soils, water and air since the mid 20th Century. Chemical additives, including preservatives, colors, flavors, fake vitamins and drugs are laced into many of the commercial food products, in addition to the chemical residues from agribusiness. Sugar and high fructose corn syrup as well as aspartame and other harmful sweeteners are in all too many of these products.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are a more recent addition to the mix of harmful ingredients. Worsening of digestive disorders is the usual first appearance of multiple GMO-related health problems.

Chlorine is a deadly poison that has been added to water to control bacteria since 1910. It has also caused heart disease, cancer and other illnesses in numerous people.

Fluoride was introduced in city water supplies in the 1950s purportedly to prevent dental cavities. It is actually a terrible poison that fosters apathy and causes cancer.

The medical division of the tyrannical conglomerate pushes vaccinations and numerous drugs for almost any condition they can name, undermining health and shortening lives.

For more than 15 years atmospheric aerosol geoengineering ("chemtrails") have been increasingly sprayed in our skies, while most people still cannot recognize it being done or understand how harmful it is to be breathing aluminum, barium, other particulate metals and biological nanobot dust.

Stemming from Nikola Tesla's work and experiments by secret programs going back to the Nazis in Germany, various chemicals and electromagnetic frequencies are used for brain wave interference and mind control. Cell phones and other wireless communication devices areharming users while monitoring them.

Population control and elimination of those weakened through poor nutrition, chemical toxins and harmful frequencies, is a policy of the power controllers. Their slow kill manipulation methods run in the background while war, plague and disaster eliminate larger numbers faster.

4 - Nuclear Radiation
We have been radiated from the Fukushima nuclear disaster since shortly after the initial meltdown, and the radiation continues to worsen. Miscarriages, abnormalities in newborns and cancers in both humans and animals, are among the negative health and environmental effects from this silent killer unfolding significantly in Japan and on the west coast of North America, and gradually creeping eastward.

If the Fukushima situation worsens or another nuke accident occurs, life in the Northern Hemisphere may not be possible any longer. Several aging nuclear plants in the U.S. are leaking, too. Nuclear plants are susceptible to natural disaster or to an enemy attack.

Rhetoric about the threat of nuclear war, reminiscent of the Cold War era, is being expressed again. Whether by missiles or strategically placed bombs, or by cyber-attack on nuclear plants, a nuclear event could be severely harmful.

Protect yourself by detoxifying and strengthening the immune system, while increasing the iodinein the thyroid gland and calcium in the bones.

5 - Power Outage
An Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) from a solar coronal mass ejection directed toward Earth, a strategically placed nuclear explosion high in the atmosphere or a blast from a possible secret high tech weapon, could knock out satellites, the electric grid and nearly all electronic equipment.

Most communications would end. The power could be out for much of the continent. Banks, ATM machines and retail stores would not function. Automobiles would not run, pumps would not pump, refrigeration systems would not cool and furnaces would not heat. Water would not be delivered to homes, and toilets would not refill for flushing.

A major cyber-attack might accomplish a similar power grid shutdown, but it would not last as long as an outage from grid transformers being fried by an excessive surge.

Janet Napolitano and a few other former and current government officials have warned that a power outage is a matter of not if, but when it occurs. Two drills have been held in just the last 6 weeks, practicing for a major power off emergency scenario. A number of companies were involved along with several federal agencies.

National Geographic recently aired a TV movie and presented a website depiction of a 10-day power out scenario that indicates how quickly it would be a problem. If it were to last for months or years, society would go through a major life changing disaster in which many people would likely die.

The warnings by officials, the media coverage, the large-scale drills, and the fact that legislation to strengthen the power grid has been shelved in the U.S. Senate for years, are all indicators that a power down is highly likely.

What if one were planned as a false flag game plan to transform the United States into a third world tyranny state with a massively reduced population?

6 - Economic Collapse
Nearly all of the alternative economic analysts are talking about economic collapse, while the government and banking officials and their controlled media continue pushing the hoax of recovery using falsified statistics.

We are already in a slow collapse, an ongoing depression, that could become "The Greater Depression."

The international banksters are at the heart of the The New World Order Empire that has been developed since these high-level criminals and their agents took over the apparatus of the government during and after the Civil War.

With the institution of the privately held Federal Reserve central bank 100 years ago in 1913, the control of our nation was turned over to a small cabal of powerful interests.

Through locking down the nation in debt, disengaging the currency from gold to be pure debt notes, expanding government size with excessive bureaucratic and military expenditures, manipulating markets and interest rates, and bailing out member banks to support them in their speculative profiteering, the banksters have brought the U.S. and most of the world to the brink of financial chaos and ruin.

This private agency of transnational bankers, is the largest holder of U.S. debt. The FED has been spending $85 billion per month in the latest round of "Quantitative Easing", pumping out several trillion dollars in the last five years as well as having lent additional money to European banks.

Now with the introduction of new bank regulatory measures and assuming that the banks are stable enough, the Fed has been raising interest rates from nearly zero, and announcing modest tapering of the routine Quantitative Easing bailout process. Experts warn that these financial changes may cause the stock market to drop, real estate sales to dry up and the already weak economy to slow further.

If the dollar loses its status as "petrodollar" and world reserve currency, as is currently underway with Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS) and other nations agreeing to skip the dollar in their trade activities, the collapse will accelerate.

With few substantial jobs available, and more people losing their jobs or being cut to part time, how can people deal with the expected inflation? What if government payment programs are reduced or eliminated?

7 - Pandemic
The idea of a pandemic has been publicized repeatedly by the medical bureaucracies and the media. The dual purpose of raising fear levels and driving people to get flu shots are part of a psy op campaign furthering the goals of population control and reduction.

Severe viruses and bacteria have been developed as bio-weapons. These could be used strategically for a military objective, such as massive disturbance and elimination of population, or imposition of marital law.

There is little doubt among experts that the H1N1 virus, as a marriage of swine, avian and human strains, has been created in a lab on purpose. The announced deadly new strain of E-Coli bacteria that killed people in Germany not long ago, has also been described by knowledgeable experts as an engineered bio-weapon.

Further, it has now been publicized that an H5N1 virus that will transmit from human to human has been developed in a lab. How long before that gets released into the population somehow? What will happen with the airborne H7N9 virusthat has reportedly appeared in China?

NOTE: Despite any warnings by authorities that a nasty virus is making the rounds, and any increased push for "immunizations", getting a "flu shot" is not a solution. In fact, in most cases, it is worse for you than the flu itself.

Meanwhile, MRSA and other antibiotic-resistant staphylococcus bacteria have been cropping up increasingly in hospitals, killing some and sickening others.

Learning to support good health and strengthen the immune system is crucial.

8 - War
The U.S. continues to be at war. Our troops have been fighting and suffering trauma, injury and death in Afghanistan for over a decade. Although we officially left Iraq after 8 years of war, there are still several thousand U.S. troops in Iraq. Now we are playing war games in other Middle East and African nations.

Where will full-scale war be conducted next? Syria? Israel? Iran? Korea? The U.S.? Somewhere soon we may have more troops at risk of life and limb.

The war machine marches on. War is BIG BUSINESS. The banksters and weapons purveyors have been profiting vastly from war for centuries. The banks usually lend their freely created debt trap funds to both sides of a conflict, favoring whichever one will produce the most value serving their long-term interests.

Defense contractors want their continuous flow of funds to be sustained and grow. Meanwhile, with their vast resources the agents of the financial-government-military-industrial complex have developed technologies far beyond the imagination of the public.

With the talk that nuclear weapons might be used somewhere soon. There is great concern about the enmity between certain nuclear nations, as well as the possibility of nukes in the hands of terrorists or rogue extremists.

The preparation for civil war in the United States is of great concern to those aware of it.

9 - Martial Law
It is expected that the President of the United States would declare martial law by "Executive Order" in the event of a possible breakdown in social order from natural disaster, civil disturbance, terrorist attack, pandemic, economic collapse, etc.

This may sound extreme, but the plans are already in place for deploying security forces into populated areas, which has been done in recent times after both the Katrina and Sandy hurricanes.

Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and FED Chairman, Ben Bernanke, warned U.S. legislators several years ago that martial law could result from possible civil unrest due to economic despair if the 2008-9 "Bailout" was not approved by Congress.

Using this threat to get Congress to approve the bailout revealed that martial law is considered an option in the policy tool bag for events other than natural disasters.

If government considers this an option, then plans for implementation of population control measures are already set. In fact, the further preparation in just the last couple of years for broad sweeping surveillance, unconstitutional detention of citizens, and violent measures of population management, have generated major concerns and warnings from alternative news reporters and commentators. These plans could be put in motion with just one trigger event, such as a disaster, a violent demonstration or an apparent terrorist attack.

The Federal Reserve Bank has been flooding the world economy with trillions of dollars created with no backing. Meanwhile, the oil industry bosses are planning to fulfill their intention to raise oil back to $150 per barrel, or $200 or more at some point.

Whether rampant inflation or a sudden collapse brings major economic chaos, or a disaster or power outage shakes things down, social unrest and clamp down are in the plans.

If martial law were implemented, many more liberties would be suspended. Citizens might be limited to going out only during certain hours, or generally restricted to their homes. Food, water, fuel and more could be rationed or even unavailable. "Dissidents" and the homeless may be taken off to detention camps.

FEMA, an agency of the Department of Homeland Security (which some are calling the "secret government"), has a number of such camps prepared and stocked around the U.S., with a regional administration structure already set up. Alarmingly, the barbed wire strands around the tops of the fences at some of the installations that have been observed by watchdogs are slanted inwards, as in a prison, to keep occupants inside!

Homeland Security and other government agencies have been ordering massive amounts of ammunition. Even with false flag terror events blamed on mind controlled patsies, guns have not been removed from the hands of the people as yet. An attempt to do this by force is not a more pleasant thought.

The bureaucracy has been encouraging citizens to spy on each other with video messages in Walmart and other locations, and forcing people through harmful X-ray machines or groping them in abusive searches at transportation centers. Highway checkpoints are also in the process of being set up.

In schools, children are being taught to report on the behavior of their parents and others, and introduced to practices of boycotting and social disruption. Further, there is a new policy under consideration whereby school administrators would monitor student conversations and even their communications on school buses and on the Internet outside of school hours.

Technologies that have been introduced and promoted for us to use, including computers, cell phones, bank cards, etc., are being used to monitor our communications, interests and whereabouts. Most of these are also harmful to health.

Further, surveillance cameras are cropping up everywhere, on streets, in buses, in public buildings, at businesses, along highways, etc., that can be used with facial recognition software to identify most of us, drawing on a data bank of photos derived from driver's license records, social networking sites, etc.

These and other more sophisticated technologies for identifying unusual behavior and monitoring, tracking and controlling us have been kept under wraps by the powers that be.

For the last two years, the National Defense Authorization Act passed by U.S. senators and congressmen and signed by the president has included the provision whereby U.S. citizens could be arrested in the U.S. and detained indefinitely without charges or trial, or even access to a lawyer. This and other policies indicate that the Constitution is being left in the dust of the worldwide march to corporate statist bureaucratic tyranny.

10 - Social Change
Through controlled news, mass distraction and hypnosis, preoccupying people with sports, media, celebs, hand-held techno devices, social networking, mental and emotional disturbances, illnesses, medical problems, drugs, insurance issues, debt, crime, games, politics, religion and other divide-and-conquer polarizations, people are little able to perceive and understand what is really going on in the world.

The hidden agenda of the United Nations Agenda 21 being adopted in jurisdictions around the world, is a restricted urban lifestyle for nearly everyone, under centralized control.

Starting with homeless people being moved to controlled camps, rural people would then be moved from areas designated for wild lands, and property ownership would be less accessible to private individuals.

Since most of the jobs have moved to foreign lands, only a limited number of workers are considered to be needed in the U.S. With rationing of food and water, limits on energy use, and restricted travel, most of one's time would be spent in their assigned small living unit. Those willing to be upgraded with technological implants may be afforded a better status.

In the Agenda 21 society, the corporate conglomerate of companies, banks, governments, bureaucracies and law enforcement would monitor and run the lives of the work force, after substantial reduction of the population to a manageable level by use of multiple "Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars", possibly including one or more of the disasters mentioned in this article.

Work Together

The first priority for those becoming aware is to prepare as well as possible. Forming a self-sustaining support community with nearby family, friends and neighbors is very important.

Those who are inclined must step up and learn more about what is happening. Organizing in-home gatherings and small meetings, those who are better informed can transmit the information to others until nearly everyone is engaged in making things better.

Credit to Activist Post

How Will The Economy Improve In 2014 If Almost Everyone Has Less Money To Spend?

Piggybank - Photo by Damian O'Sullivan

Is the U.S. consumer tapped out?  If so, how in the world will the U.S. economy possibly improve in 2014?  Most Americans know that the U.S. economy is heavily dependent on consumer spending.  If average Americans are not out there spending money, the economy tends not to do very well.  Unfortunately, retail sales during the holiday season appear to be quite disappointing and the middle class continues to deeply struggle.  And for a whole bunch of reasons things are likely going to be even tougher in 2014.  Families are going to have less money in their pockets to spend thanks to much higher health insurance premiums under Obamacare, a wide variety of tax increases, higher interest rates on debt, and cuts in government welfare programs.  The short-lived bubble of false prosperity that we have been enjoying for the last couple of years is rapidly coming to an end, and 2014 certainly promises to be a very "interesting year".
Obamacare Rate Shock
Most middle class families are just scraping by from month to month these days.
Unfortunately for them, millions of those families are now being hit with massive health insurance rate increases.
In a previous article, I discussed how one study found that health insurance premiums for men are going to go up by an average of 99 percent under Obamacare and health insurance premiums for women are going to go up by an average of 62 percent under Obamacare.
Most middle class families simply cannot afford that.
Earlier today, I got an email from a reader that was paying $478 a month for health insurance for his family but has now received a letter informing him that his rate is going up to $1,150 a month.
Millions of families are receiving letters just like that.  And to say that these rate increases are a "surprise" to most people would be a massive understatement.  Even people that work in the financial industryare shocked at how high these premiums are turning out to be...
"The real big surprise was how much out-of-pocket would be required for our family," said David Winebrenner, 46, a financial adviser in Lebanon, Ky., whose deductible topped $12,000 for a family of six for a silver plan he was considering. The monthly premium: $1,400.
Since Americans are going to have to pay much more for health insurance, that is going to remove a huge amount of discretionary spending from the economy, and that will not be good news for retailers.
Get Ready For Higher Taxes
When you raise taxes, you reduce the amount of money that people have in their pockets to spend.
Sadly, that is exactly what is happening.
Congress is allowing a whopping 55 tax breaks to expire at the end of this year, and when you add that to the 13 major tax increases that hit American families in 2013, it isn't a pretty picture.
This tax season, millions of families are going to find out that they have much higher tax bills than they had anticipated.
And all of this comes at a time when incomes in America have beensteadily declining.  In fact, real median household income has declined by a total of 8 percent since 2008.
If you are a worker, you might want to check out the chart that I have posted below to see where you stack up.  In America today, most workers are low income workers.  These numbers come from a recentHuffington Post article...
-If you make more than $10,000, you earn more than 24.2% of Americans, or 37 million people.
-If you make more than $15,000 (roughly the annual salary of a minimum-wage employee working 40 hours per week), you earn more than 32.2% of Americans.
-If you make more than $30,000, you earn more than 53.2% of Americans.
-If you make more than $50,000, you earn more than 73.4% of Americans.
-If you make more than $100,000, you earn more than 92.6% of Americans.
-You are officially in the top 1% of American wage earners if you earn more than $250,000.
-The 894 people that earn more than $20 millionmake more than 99.99989% of Americans, and are compensated a cumulative $37,009,979,568 per year.

It is important to keep in mind that those numbers are for the employment income of individuals not households.  Most households have more than one member working, so overall household incomes are significantly higher than these numbers.
Higher Interest Rates Mean Larger Debt Payments
On Tuesday, the yield on 10 year U.S. Treasuries rose to 3.03 percent.  I warned that this would happen once the taper started, and this is just the beginning.  Interest rates are likely to steadily rise throughout 2014.
The reason why the yield on 10 year U.S. Treasuries is such a critical number is because mortgage rates and thousands of other interest rates throughout our economy are heavily influenced by that number.
So big changes are on the way.  As a recent CNBC article declared, the era of low mortgage rates is officially over...
The days of the 3.5% 30-year fixed are over. Rates are already up well over a full percentage point from a year ago, and as the Federal Reserve begins its much anticipated exit from the bond-buying business, I believe rates will inevitably go higher.
Needless to say, this is going to deeply affect the real estate market.  AsMac Slavo recently noted, numbers are already starting to drop precipitously...
The National Association of Realtors reported that the month of September saw its single largest drop in signed home sales in 40 months. And that wasn’t just a one-off event. This month mortgage applications collapsed a shocking 66%, hitting a13-year low.
And U.S. consumers can expect interest rates on all kinds of loans to start rising.  That is going to mean higher debt payments, and therefore less money for consumers to spend into the economy.
Government Benefit Cuts
Well, if the middle class is going to have less money to spend, perhaps other Americans can pick up the slack.
Or maybe not.
You certainly can't expect the poor to stimulate the economy.  As I mentioned yesterday, it is being projected that up to 5 million unemployed Americans could lose their unemployment benefits by the end of 2014, and 47 million Americans recently had their food stamp benefits reduced.
So the poor will also have less money to spend in 2014.
The Wealthy Save The Day?
Perhaps the stock market will continue to soar in 2014 and the wealthy will spend so much that it will make up for all the rest of us.
You can believe that if you want, but the truth is that there are a whole host of signs that the days of this irrational stock market bubble are numbered.  The following is an excerpt from one of my recent articles entitled "The Stock Market Has Officially Entered Crazytown Territory"...
The median price-to-earnings ratio on the S&P 500 has reached an all-time record high, and margin debt at the New York Stock Exchange has reached a level that we have never seen before.  In other words, stocks are massively overpriced and people have been borrowing huge amounts of money to buy stocks.  These are behaviors that we also saw just before the last two stock market bubbles burst.
If the stock market bubble does burst, the wealthy will also have less money to spend into the economy in 2014.
For the moment, the stock market has been rallying.  This is typical for the month of December.  You see, the truth is that investors generally don't want to sell stocks in December because they want to put off paying taxes on the profits.
If stocks are sold before the end of the year, the profits go on the 2013 tax return.
If stocks are sold a few days from now, the profits go on the 2014 tax return.
It is only human nature to want to delay pain for as long as possible.
Expect to see some selling in January.  Many investors are very eager to start taking profits, but they wanted to wait until the holidays were over to do so.
So what do you think is coming up in 2014?  Please feel free to share what you think by posting a comment below...
Credit to Economic Collapse

Heatwave kills seven in Argentina

Teenagers cool down in a water fountain in Buenos Aires, 26/12/2013
The heat has been compounded by power cuts, which have prevented many people from using air conditioning.

In Santiago del Estero and other northern provinces temperatures have soared to over 45C (113F).

Meteorologists say it has been the worst heatwave in the region since records began in 1906.

The victims of the extreme weather lived in Santiago del Estero, located 1,100km (680 miles) north of Buenos Aires.

Hundreds of people in the province have required medical help and doctors have warned people to stay indoors during the hottest hours.

Tyres on fire
Argentina's ageing power grid has been struggling to keep up with increased demand for air-conditioning.

Ice cream parlours and other businesses have lost their stocks due to the power cuts

Authorities are blaming the energy shortages on the hot weather. But the opposition accuses the government of mismanaging the crisis.

Many people are protesting about the lack of services, says the BBC's Irene Caselli in Buenos Aires. Some parts of the city have been without power for two weeks.

Residents have set fire to rubbish bags and tyres on the roads, causing traffic jams as many left the capital for the new year festivities.
Credit to BBC