Monday, December 9, 2013

1 In 4 Europeans At Risk Of Poverty

As bonds and stocks soar, and Europe's leaders continue to proclaim victory, despite Draghi's downbeat jawboning as EUR surges to growth-crushing levels, it is well known that the employment situation remains abysmal in the real economy. 
However, what is worse that the red-flashing-headlines of record youth (and total) unemployment is, as Bloomberg's Niraj Shah notes, 125 million people in the EU were at risk of pverty or social exclusion. According to Eurostat, that is 24.8% of the population. Almost half of Bulgarians faced economic hardship and Greece had the highest poverty rate in the euro area at 34.6% (though if Stournaras was to be believed this weekend, their problems are solved).

Credit to Zero Hedge

The NFL’s Role In the Coming Martial Law

Whatever happened to just playing football? When I used to watch an NFL game on television, I only wanted to watch the game. I never appreciated listening to their liberal political agenda often being spewed out by their talking heads such as Bob Costas.

The NFL and Its Globalist Agenda

The NFL now represents the antithesis of everything that comprises the backbone of traditional American values. I love the game of football. Football was one of the sports that I grew up playing and I later coached the sport as a former head coach in the high school ranks prior to moving to coach college basketball. I thoroughly enjoyed the competition at every level both as a player and a coach. However, the NFL has taken all the fun out of the game, because the league spouts the mantra of the globalist forces which seekto enslave us.

The NFL Is An Extension of the TSA

The NFL pat downs.
Invasive  NFL security. What’s the difference?
 The NFL has decided it is not enough for Americans to be abused by the TSA at the airport, the NFL has become the newest version of the TSA.
TSA pat downs.
Invasive TSA  security.

TSA perverted pat down.
TSA perverted pat down.
This past November, as I have done so many times before, I was planning to drive my family from Arizona to San Diego to watch my favorite sports team, the Denver Broncos, play the San Diego Chargers. We were also going to turn the event into a mini-vacation.
NFL perverted pat down. What's the difference?
NFL perverted pat down. What’s the difference?
However, I discovered the NFL has become an extension of the TSA. Subsequently, the NFL has rolled out the new DHS ”anti-terrorism” security measures at all stadiums.
The Hodges family vacation plans were cancelled. In fact, I have attended my last NFL game under the new Sovietization of the National Football League.

The National Football League has instituted new security rules at all stadiums which bans certain items. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: purses larger than a clutch bag, coolers, briefcases, backpacks, fanny packs, cinch bags, seat cushions, luggage of any kind, computer bags and camera bags or any bag larger than the permissible size.” And, they have granted themselves the “right” to touch you anywhere, in their enhanced pat downs from the ankles and above. Welcome to Police State America, NFL style.

TSA perverted pat dow.
TSA perverted pat down.
What’s the difference?NFL perverted pat down. What's the difference?
NFL perverted pat down.

The People React

In an Arizona Republic newspaper article (8/18/2013, B1, B6), people weighed in on the new NFL policies.
Sue Kish, 48, while attending an Arizona Cardinals game, found that she and her two daughters were told that their clear plastic container, designed to replace her banned purse, was too large and she would have to return her belongings to her car. Kish proceeded back to her car with her two daughters in tow. All three expressed frustration including her daughter, Natalie, as she asked if she had to “…put our tampons in a clear plastic bag? (Az Republic, B1).” Natalie gets it. Some people get it, but most Americans don’t, as they continue to tolerate the increasing level of tyranny in this country as evidenced by the following quote made by Heather Gunderson, an Arizona Cardinals season-ticket holder, who was quoted in the Arizona Republic about her response to the new invasive NFL security rules.

“It is kind of a nuisance…but I do understand the rule. It’s a whole new world, and you’ve got to follow the rules and regulations and be safe”.

Obviously, Ms. Gunderson never grasped the teachings of Ben Franklin and the folly of trading liberty for security in her high school history class. Henderson is correct about one thing: it is a whole new world, as in the New World Order. The Gunderson quote is typical of our citizen sheep and her views represents why I believe we are losing our country. We have largely lost the ability to think for ourselves. Most of our people fail to appreciate where America is heading. Clearly, our national tyranny meters are turned off. Oh, I know, we have to worry about the terrorists. Since the first casualty on the war on terror has been the Constitution, I think we have pretty much lost that war.
The people that acquiesce to this tyranny would likely tell you that America is the best nation in the world. If you are a sheep, you probably believe the old Bush propaganda when he said “they” hate us because of our freedoms. Really?

The NFL Is An Extension of the DHS and the NSA

The NFL has become your big brother.
The NFL has become your big brother.
In September of 2011, then Secretary of DHS, Janet Napolitano, announced new partnerships between the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) “If You See Something, Say Something” public awareness campaign and several sports organizations as well as various colleges and universities. Partnerships include National Football League (NFL) teams, Major League Baseball (MLB) teams, the U.S. Open Tennis Championships (USTA), Ohio State University and the University of Oklahoma.
Let’s make no mistake about it, that this is a citizen spy program which is reminiscent of the same entity implemented by East German Stasi, resulting in the persecution of hundreds of thousands of East German citizens. Should it come as a surprise to anyone since former Stasi chief, Markus Wolf, was paid $5 million dollars to set up DHS?

NFL Uses Taxpayer Money to Promote Obamacare

Despite the fact that Obamacare is “dead on arrival”, it has not stopped the administration and the NFL from shamelessly promoting the already failed healthcare system.
The new symbol for gun confiscation.
Your tax dollars at work.

In a “Sponsorship Agreement” between the Maryland Health Connection and the NFL football team, the Baltimore Ravens, the state of Maryland, with taxpayer money, will pay the 2012 Super Bowl champs $130,000 to shamelessly promote Obamacare on television, radio, the team’s official website, in its newsletter and in social media.

The NFL Has Become the New Gun Confiscation Lobby

The new symbol for gun confiscation.
The new symbol for gun confiscation.
Nice to know that the NFL, the UN, DHS and FEMA are on the same team when it comes to your gun rights.
Nice to know that the NFL, the UN, DHS and FEMA are on the same team when it comes to your gun rights.
Who will ever forget as sportscaster and pseudo-intellectual, Bob Costas, used a national football television audience to promote the anti-Second Amendment views of the NFL in reference to a gun control rant Costas made after former Kansas City Chiefs player, Jovan Belcher, was involved in a murder-suicide tragedy. Costas, during halftime of the Kansas City-Denver Broncos game, quoted Fox Sports columnist Jason Whitlock and said, “If Jovan Belcher didn’t possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today”.
It was disgraceful for Costas to use a tragedy on national TV to advance the NFL’s anti-gun agenda.

Below is an excerpt from the published NFL advertising list of banned items.
 2013 NFL Season
5. Firearms, ammunition or other weapons; however, stores that sell firearms and ammunition (e.g., outdoor stores and camping stores) will be permitted, provided they sell other products and the ads do not mention firearms, ammunition or other weapon.
Subsequently, we have seen the NFL support the erosion of the Constitution, namely, the First , Second and Fourth Amendments to the Constitution and this is being done at a time when Obama is arming the al-Qaeda backed Syrian rebels. And let’s not forget that this same President was arming the Mexican drug cartels by shipping guns into Mexico under Fast and Furious.  

The NFL Promises to Participate in America’s Coming Dark Days

Seemingly, in the past few months, nearly every American community has been besieged with being the recipient of some form of martial law training in their community. Even our children are not immune to these practices. Every school requires bus evacuation drills from every campus in America. In Operation Mountain Guardian, the children are removed from their campus to a nearby stadium for martial law processing.

Every NFL Stadium Is a FEMA Camp Hiding In Plain Sight

At Giants Stadium, on March 24, 2011, DHS and local law enforcement conducted a “relocation” drill in which civilians were transported to the stadium.

FEMA and the NFL partnering for our safety.
FEMA and the NFL partnering for our safety.
What's the difference?
What’s the difference?
On September 23, 2011, children, without warning, were abducted from their Denver schools by FEMA and taken to the Colorado Sports Authority football stadium. At my son’s middle school, we cannot even have my son’s aunt pick him unless she is registered with the school and shows identification. Yet, FEMA can literally abduct children from their schools without parental permission or notification? This is outrageous!

The drill went so far as to hire mock parents, trying to simulate a reuniting between the abducted children and “their fictitious” parents (see the DHS recruitment letter written to the Denver Public Schools listed at the bottom of the page). The mock parent would beg DHS personnel to release their children. This was nothing but a desensitization exercise to get Federal personnel to become callous the pleas of would-be parents.  Let me take this opportunity to state that drills are done with the expectation that the drill will someday reflect the same circumstances in real life. This drill clearly showed the intent to separate parents and children in times of crisis. Carefully examine the following sign.
This is one of the signs outside of Arrowhead Stadium, home of the Kansas City NFL team. Notice the segregation of single females. Can you think of a legitimate reason why stadium authorities would segregate fans.....? It is all part of the conditioning process.
This is one of the signs outside of Arrowhead Stadium, home of the Kansas City NFL team. Notice the segregation of single females. Can you think of a legitimate reason why stadium authorities would segregate females…..?
At Arrowhead Stadium, home to the NFL Kansas City Chiefs, we see the segregation of women from other fans entering the stadium. Now, why would the officials at Arrowhead Stadium institute such a policy? Simple, they are conditioning the public to accept being separated from one another. What my insider sources tell me is that the future martial law detention camps will consist of men in one camp, women in another and children in a third camp.
FEMA/DHS tipped their hand at Operation Mountain Guardian when they snatched the kids from their elementary schools. I think it is highly likely that children will be taken while at school in order to lure their parents in to the public detention facilities. This also tells you that the coming false flag attacks will take place between noon to 2 pm (Eastern), 9 am to 11 am (Pacific) in order to have all of America’s public school students in school in order for DHS/FEMA to control them. The sigh at Arrowhead Stadium demonstrates clear intent that the NFL is working DHS in order to become martial law ready.This also signals that the NFL stadiums are going to be staging areas for martial law. Perceived trouble makers will be lured to their final destination of justice as they try and retrieve their children. I will elaborate more fully on this in the next part of this series.
Here are children being separated from their parents as well as school authorities. FEMA has no right to abduct these children. Again, it is all part of the conditioning process.
Here are children being separated from the authority of their parents as well as  the supervision of school officials. FEMA had no right to abduct these children. Again, it is all part of the conditioning process. According to the globalists, your children do not belong to you. Your body does not belong to you. Everything belongs to the state.

What Is the Motivation  Behind the NFL’s Actions?

Nobody is asking why the NFL would so willingly go along with this tyranny that is beginning to alienate the fan base of America’s most popular sport. The answer to this question is the same answer to the question as to why today’s pastors have compromised their message delivered from the pulpit.
Churches no longer take on issues like abortion, homosexuality and the war in Afghanistan from their pulpits on high. Pastor’s have willingly adopted the perverted interpretation of Romans 13 to get their flock to blindly follow the orders of a tyrannical government. Why would the pastors do this? The root of all evil is indeed money. As most churches declare themselves tax exempt under the provisions of 501 c 3, the IRS forbids the pastors to make political statements, or to allow a tax-exempt church to engage in political activity as a body. So, you might ask, what does this have to do with the globalization of the NFL? The NFL is granted the privilege of violate the anti-trust legislation this country. Both your pastors and the NFL have sold out their integrity for 30 pieces of silver.


There are a number of ways that people could react to this information. I do not believe that denial would be one of the expected responses as there is just too much proof that the NFL is no longer just in the entertainment business. The NFL is firmly in the grip of the globalists and subservient to their agenda. Mainstream America is enthralled with this entity that made over $9 billion dollars last year. However, the NFL does not represent the values of the American middle class once the game action leaves the field.
If Americans wanted to strike a blow at the globalists, boycotting the NFL would prove to be an ideal course of action. What message would that send to the globalists if the NFL were to go down in flames for supporting the New World Order agenda?
Simply put, do not buy NFL clothing and write to their corporate partners telling them that you are boycotting their products, as well, because they are affiliated with the NFL. The initials, NFL, should come to stand for Not For Long. We have the ability to win this one battle. We can destroy this globalist entity by simply withdrawing our support. And if that strategy were to work in collapsing this entity, imagine how empowered the people would become in taking on other globalist-controlled programs.
In the next part of the this series, I am going to reveal what insiders are saying about the detention centers and what will happen when the forced incarcerations begin. To view the next part in this series, log on here. Just one hint about the next article in this series, getting people herded into the stadiums, is only the beginning.


Letter to recruit mock parents to participate in Operation Mountain Guardian.

From DPS: Operation Mountain Guardian

SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 BY 
The Colorado North Central Region, Denver MMRS, Denver UASI, Denver Police Department and Denver Public Schools are looking for 30 parent volunteers to participate in the upcoming Operation Mountain Guardian (OMG) exercise on Friday, September 23, 2011. OMG is a fullscale, multi-jurisdictional exercise that will take place at several locations in the Denver metro area. The exercise will focus on the emergency response to multiple terrorism-based incidents and will include more than 80 law enforcement, fire, EMS, hospital, and emergency management agencies.
*DPS is in need of parent volunteers to report to Rita Bass Center at Denver Health, 190 West 6th Avenue (SE Corner of 6th Avenue and Bannock Street) at 8:00 a.m. on Sept. 23, 2011.
*Parents will be asked to test the medical information release and reunification processes in place across the city. The exercise should finish at Denver Health at approximately 11:30 a.m.
*Parents are also need to test the same systems at Sports Authority Field. Parents will need to report to the north entrance of the stadium at 12:00p.m. The exercise will finish at approximately 3:00 p.m.
Parking at both locations will be provided. Please note this is an exercise designed to test the metro areas response to a catastrophic incident. DPS will be evaluating our Emergency Preparedness procedures in our schools, Response, Evacuations, Reunification, and the procedures for response by DPS departments: Safety and Security, Communications, Transportation, Facilities, Enterprise Management, Risk Management and others as necessary.
If you are able to volunteer please contact Melissa Craven, Melissa_craven@dpsk12.orgor 720-424-2634. In your message please provide your name and contact information as well as which location you wish to volunteer. Site specific details will be sent prior to the exercise.
Denver Public Schools
 Credit to Common Sence

37 Reasons Why “The Economic Recovery Of 2013″ It´s Lie

"If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it."  Sadly, that appears to be the approach that the Obama administration and the mainstream media are taking with the U.S. economy.  
They seem to believe that if they just keep telling the American people over and over that things are getting better, eventually the American people will believe that it is actually true.  On Friday, it was announced that the unemployment rate had fallen to "7 percent", and the mainstream media responded with a mix of euphoria and jubilation.  For example, one USA Today article declared that "with today's jobs report, one really can say that our long national post-financial crisis nightmare is over."  
But is that actually the truth?  As you will see below, if you assume that the labor force participation rate in the U.S. is at the long-term average, the unemployment rate in the United States would actually be 11.5 percent instead of 7 percent.  There has been absolutely no employment recovery.  The percentage of Americans that are actually working has stayed between 58 and 59 percent for 51 months in a row.  But most Americans don't understand these things and they just take whatever the mainstream media tells them as the truth.
And of course the reality of the matter is that we should have seen some sort of an economic recovery by now.  Those running our system have literally been mortgaging the future in a desperate attempt to try to pump up our economic numbers.  The federal government has been on the greatest debt binge in U.S. history and the Federal Reserve has been printing money like crazed lunatics.  All of that "stimulus" should have had some positive short-term effects on the economy.
Sadly, all of those "emergency measures" do not appear to have done much at all.  The percentage of Americans that have a job has stayed remarkably flat since the end of 2009, median household income has fallen for five years in a row, and the rate of homeownership in the United States has fallen for eight years in a row.  Anyone that claims that the U.S. economy is experiencing a "recovery" is simply not telling the truth.  The following are 37 reasons why "the economic recovery of 2013" is a giant lie...
#1 The only reason that the official unemployment rate has been declining over the past couple of years is that the federal government has been pretending that millions upon millions of unemployed Americans no longer want a job and have "left the labor force".  As Zero Hedge recently demonstrated, if the labor force participation rate returned to the long-term average of 65.8 percent, the official unemployment rate in the United States would actually be 11.5 percentinstead of 7 percent.
#2 The percentage of Americans that are actually working is much lower than it used to be.  In November 2000, 64.3 percent of all working age Americans had a job.  When Barack Obama first entered the White House, 60.6 percent of all working age Americans had a job.  Today, only 58.6 percent of all working age Americans have a job.  In fact, as you can see from the chart posted below, there has been absolutely no "employment recovery" since the depths of the last recession...
Employment-Population Ratio 2013
#3 The employment-population ratio has now been under 59 percentfor 51 months in a row.
#4 There are 1,148,000 fewer Americans working today than there was in November 2006.  Meanwhile, our population has grown by more than 16 million people during that time frame.
#5 The "inactivity rate" for men in their prime working years (25 to 54) has just hit a brand new all-time record high.  Does this look like an "economic recovery" to you?...
Inactivity Rate Men
#6 The number of working age Americans without a job has increasedby a total of 27 million since the year 2000.
#7 In November 2007, there were 121.9 million full-time workers in the United States.  Today, there are only 116.9 million full-time workers in the United States.
#8 Middle-wage jobs accounted for 60 percent of the jobs lost during the last recession, but they have accounted for only 22 percent of the jobs created since then.
#9 Only about 47 percent of all adults in America have a full-time job at this point.
#10 The ratio of wages to corporate profits in the United States just hita brand new all-time low.
#11 It is hard to believe, but in America today one out of every ten jobs is now filled by a temp agency.
#12 Approximately one out of every four part-time workers in America is living below the poverty line.
#13 In this economic environment, there is intense competition even for the lowest paying jobs.  Wal-Mart recently opened up two new stores in Washington D.C., and more than 23,000 people applied for just 600 positions.  That means that only about 2.6 percent of the applicants were ultimately hired.  In comparison, Harvard offers admission to 6.1 percent of their applicants.
#14 According to the Social Security Administration, 40 percent of all U.S. workers make less than $20,000 a year.
#15 When Barack Obama took office, the average duration of unemployment in this country was 19.8 weeks.  Today, it is 37.2 weeks.
#16 According to the New York Times, long-term unemployment in America is up by 213 percent since 2007.
#17 Thanks to Obama administration policies which are systematically killing off small businesses in the United States, the percentage of self-employed Americans is at an all-time low today.
#18 According to economist Tim Kane, the following is how the number of startup jobs per 1000 Americans breaks down by presidential administration...
Bush Sr.: 11.3
Clinton: 11.2
Bush Jr.: 10.8
Obama: 7.8
#19 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, median household income in the United States has fallen for five years in a row.
#20 The rate of homeownership in the United States has fallen for eight years in a row.
#21 Back in 1999, 64.1 percent of all Americans were covered by employment-based health insurance.  Today, only 54.9 percent of all Americans are covered by employment-based health insurance, andthanks to Obamacare millions more Americans are now losing their health insurance plans.
#22 As 2003 began, the average price of a gallon of regular gasoline was about $1.30.  When Barack Obama took office, the average price of a gallon of regular gasoline was $1.85.  Today, it is $3.26.
#23 Total consumer credit has risen by a whopping 22 percent over the past three years.
#24 In 2008, the total amount of student loan debt in this country was sitting at about 440 billion dollars.  Today, it has shot up toapproximately a trillion dollars.
#25 Under Barack Obama, the velocity of money (a very important indicator of economic health) has plunged to a post-World War II low.
#26 Back in the year 2000, our trade deficit with China was 83 billion dollars.  In 2008, our trade deficit with China was 268 billion dollars.  Last year, it was 315 billion dollars.  That was the largest trade deficit that one nation has had with another nation in world history.
#27 The gap between the rich and the poor in the United States is at anall-time record high.
#28 Right now, 1.2 million students that attend public schools in the United States are homeless.  That is a brand new all-time record high, and that number has risen by 72 percent since the start of the last recession.
#29 When Barack Obama first entered the White House, there were about 32 million Americans on food stamps.  Today, there are more than 47 million Americans on food stamps.
#30 Right now, approximately one out of every five households in the United States is on food stamps.
#31 According to the Survey of Income and Program Participation conducted by the U.S. Census, well over 100 million Americans are enrolled in at least one welfare program run by the federal government.
#32 In 2000, the U.S. government spent 199 billion dollars on Medicaid.  In 2008, the U.S. government spent 338 billion dollars on Medicaid.  In 2012, the U.S. government spent 417 billion dollars on Medicaid, and now Obamacare is going to add tens of millions more Americans to the Medicaid rolls.
#33 In 2000, the U.S. government spent 219 billion dollars on Medicare.  In 2008, the U.S. government spent 462 billion dollars on Medicare.  In 2012, the U.S. government spent 560 billion dollars on Medicare, and that number is expected to absolutely skyrocket in the years ahead as the Baby Boomers retire.
#34 According to the most recent numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau, an all-time record high 49.2 percent of all Americans are receiving benefits from at least one government program.
#35 The U.S. government has spent an astounding 3.7 trillion dollarson welfare programs over the past five years.
#36 When Barack Obama was first elected, the U.S. debt to GDP ratio was under 70 percent.  Today, it is up to 101 percent.
#37 The U.S. national debt is on pace to more than double during the eight years of the Obama administration.  In other words, under Barack Obama the U.S. government will accumulate more debt than it did under all of the other presidents in U.S. history combined.
Fortunately, it appears that most Americans are not buying into the propaganda.  According to a new CNN survey, the percentage of Americans that believe that the economy is getting worse far exceeds the percentage of Americans that believe that the economy is improving...
Americans views on the state of the nation are turning increasingly sour, according to a new national poll.
And a CNN/ORC International survey released Friday also indicates that less than a quarter of the public says that economic conditions are improving, while nearly four in ten say the nation's economy is getting worse.

Forty-one percent of those questioned in the poll say things are going well in the country today, down nine percentage points from April, and the lowest that number has been in CNN polling since February 2012. Fifty-nine percent say things are going badly, up nine points from April.
So what do you think?
Do you believe that the U.S. economy is getting better or getting worse?  Please feel free to share what you think by posting a comment below...
Credit to Economic Collapse


The FBI can secretly activate a computer’s webcam to spy on an individual without turning on the indicator light, a former official revealed to the Washington Post in an article published Friday.

According to the Washington Post’s account of what Marcus Thomas — former assistant director of the FBI’s Operational Technology Division in Quantico — said, “The FBI has been able to covertly activate a computer’s camera — without triggering the light that lets users know it is recording — for several years, and has used that technique mainly in terrorism cases or the most serious criminal investigations.”

“Because of encryption and because targets are increasingly using mobile devices, law enforcement is realizing that more and more they’re going to have to be on the device — or in the cloud,” Thomas added, in reference to remote storage services. “There’s the realization out there that they’re going to have to use these types of tools more and more.”

TheBlaze has previously reported on hackers using remote access tools to activate an individual’s webcam and spy on them.

Credit to The Blaze

Researchers show possibility of cloning quantum information from the past

Popular television shows such as "Doctor Who" have brought the idea of time travel into the vernacular of popular culture. But problem of time travel is even more complicated than one might think. LSU's Mark Wilde has shown that it would theoretically be possible for time travelers to copy quantum data from the past.

It all started when David Deutsch, a pioneer of quantum computing and a physicist at Oxford, came up with a simplified model of time travel to deal with the paradoxes that would occur if one could travel back in time. For example, would it be possible to travel back in time to kill one's grandfather? In the Grandfather paradox, a time traveler faces the problem that if he kills his grandfather back in time, then he himself is never born, and consequently is unable to travel through time to kill his grandfather, and so on. Some theorists have used this paradox to argue that it is actually impossible to change the past.

"The question is, how would you have existed in the first place to go back in time and kill your grandfather?" said Mark Wilde, an LSU assistant professor with a joint appointment in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and with the Center for Computation and Technology, or CCT.

Deutsch solved the Grandfather paradox originally using a slight change to quantum theory, proposing that you could change the past as long as you did so in a self-consistent manner.

"Meaning that, if you kill your grandfather, you do it with only probability one-half," Wilde said. "Then, he's dead with probability one-half, and you are not born with probability one-half, but the opposite is a fair chance. You could have existed with probability one-half to go back and kill your grandfather."

But the Grandfather paradox is not the only complication with time travel. Another problem is the no-cloning theorem, or the no "subatomic Xerox-machine" theorem, known since 1982. This theorem, which is related to the fact that one cannot copy quantum data at will, is a consequence of Heisenberg's famous Uncertainty Principle, by which one can measure either the position of a particle or its momentum, but not both with unlimited accuracy. According to the Uncertainty Principle, it is thus impossible to have a subatomic Xerox-machine that would take one particle and spit out two particles with the same position and momentum – because then you would know too much about both particles at once.

"We can always look at a paper, and then copy the words on it. That's what we call copying classical data," Wilde said. "But you can't arbitrarily copy quantum data, unless it takes the special form of classical data. This no-cloning theorem is a fundamental part of quantum mechanics – it helps us reason how to process quantum data. If you can't copy data, then you have to think of everything in a very different way."

But what if a Deutschian closed timelike curve did allow for copying of quantum data to many different points in space? According to Wilde, Deutsch suggested in his late 20th century paper that it should be possible to violate the fundamental no-cloning theorem of quantum mechanics. Now, Wilde and collaborators at the University of Southern California and the Autonomous University of Barcelona have advanced Deutsch's 1991 work with a recent paper in Physical Review Letters. The new approach allows for a particle, or a time traveler, to make multiple loops back in time – something like Bruce Willis' travels in the Hollywood film "Looper."

"That is, at certain locations in spacetime, there are wormholes such that, if you jump in, you'll emerge at some point in the past," Wilde said. "To the best of our knowledge, these time loops are not ruled out by the laws of physics. But there are strange consequences for quantum information processing if their behavior is dictated by Deutsch's model."

A single looping path back in time, a time spiral of sorts, behaving according to Deutsch's model, for example, would have to allow for a particle entering the loop to remain the same each time it passed through a particular point in time. In other words, the particle would need to maintain self-consistency as it looped back in time.

"In some sense, this already allows for copying of the particle's data at many different points in space," Wilde said, "because you are sending the particle back many times. It's like you have multiple versions of the particle available at the same time. You can then attempt to read out more copies of the particle, but the thing is, if you try to do so as the particle loops back in time, then you change the past."

To be consistent with Deutsch's model, which holds that you can only change the past as long as you can do it in a self-consistent manner, Wilde and colleagues had to come up with a solution that would allow for a looping curve back in time, and copying of quantum data based on a time traveling particle, without disturbing the past.

"That was the major breakthrough, to figure out what could happen at the beginning of this time loop to enable us to effectively read out many copies of the data without disturbing the past," Wilde said. "It just worked."

However, there is still some controversy over interpretations of the new approach, Wilde said. In one instance, the new approach may actually point to problems in Deutsch's original closed timelike curve model.

"If quantum mechanics gets modified in such a way that we've never observed should happen, it may be evidence that we should question Deutsch's model," Wilde said. "We really believe that quantum mechanics is true, at this point. And most people believe in a principle called Unitarity in quantum mechanics. But with our new model, we've shown that you can essentially violate something that is a direct consequence of Unitarity. To me, this is an indication that something weird is going on with Deutsch's model. However, there might be some way of modifying the model in such a way that we don't violate the no-cloning theorem."

Other researchers argue that Wilde's approach wouldn't actually allow for copying quantum data from an unknown particle state entering the time loop because nature would already "know" what the particle looked like, as it had traveled back in time many times before.

But whether or not the no-cloning theorem can truly be violated as Wilde's new approach suggests, the consequences of being able to copy quantum data from the past are significant. Systems for secure Internet communications, for example, will likely soon rely on quantum security protocols that could be broken or "hacked" if Wilde's looping time travel methods were correct.

"If an adversary, if a malicious person, were to have access to these time loops, then they could break the security of quantum key distribution," Wilde said. "That's one way of interpreting it. But it's a very strong practical implication because the big push of quantum communication is this secure way of communicating. We believe that this is the strongest form of encryption that is out there because it's based on physical principles."

Today, when you log into your Gmail or Facebook, your password and information encryption is not based on physical principles of quantum mechanical security, but rather on the computational assumption that it is very difficult for "hackers" to factor mathematical products of prime numbers, for example. But physicists and computer scientists are working on securing critical and sensitive communications using the principles of quantum mechanics. Such encryption is believed to be unbreakable – that is, as long as hackers don't have access to Wilde's looping closed timelike curves.

"This ability to copy quantum information freely would turn quantum theory into an effectively classical theory in which, for example, classical data thought to be secured by quantum cryptography would no longer be safe," Wilde said. "It seems like there should be a revision to Deutsch's model which would simultaneously resolve the various time travel paradoxes but not lead to such striking consequences for quantum information processing. However, no one yet has offered a model that meets these two requirements. This is the subject of open research."

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Japan Press: "China-Japan War To Break Out In January"

Following China's unveiling of its air defense identification zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea, overlapping a large expanse of territory also claimed by Japan, the Japanese media has, as The Japan Times reports, had a dramatically visceral reaction on the various scenarios of a shooting war. From Sunday Mainichi's "Sino-Japanese war to break out in January," to Flash's "Simulated breakout of war over the Senkakus," the nationalism (that Kyle Bass so notably commented on) is rising. Which side, wonders Shukan Gendai ominously, will respond to a provocation by pulling the trigger? The game of chicken between two great superpowers is about to begin has begun.
Via The Japan Times,
Five out of nine weekly magazines that went on sale last Monday and Tuesday contained scenarios that raised the possibility of a shooting war.


First, let’s take Flash (Dec. 17), which ran a “Simulated breakout of war over the Senkakus,” with Mamoru Sato, a former Air Self-Defense Force general, providing editorial supervision. Flash’s scenario has the same tense tone as a Clancy novel, including dialog. On a day in August 2014, a radar operator instructs patrolling F-15J pilots to “scramble north” at an altitude of 65,000 feet to intercept a suspected intruder and proceeds from there.

Sunday Mainichi (Dec. 15) ran an article headlined “Sino-Japanese war to break out in January.” Political reporter Takao Toshikawa tells the magazine that the key to what happens next will depend on China’s economy.

“The economic situation in China is pretty rough right now, and from the start of next year it’s expected to worsen,” says Toshikawa. “The real-estate boom is headed for a total collapse and the economic disparities between the costal regions and the interior continue to widen. I see no signs that the party’s Central Committee is getting matters sorted out.”

An unnamed diplomatic source offered the prediction that the Chinese might very well set off an incident “accidentally on purpose”: “I worry about the possibility they might force down a civilian airliner and hold the passengers hostage,” he suggested.

In an article described as a “worst-case simulation,” author Osamu Eya expressed concerns in Shukan Asahi Geino (Dec. 12) that oil supertankers bound for Japan might be targeted.

“Japan depends on sea transport for oil and other material resources,” said Eya. “If China were to target them, nothing could be worse to contemplate.”

In an air battle over the Senkakus, the Geino article continues,superiority of radar communications would be a key factor in determining the outcome. Japanese forces have five fixed radar stations in Kyushu and four in Okinawa. China would certainly target these, which would mean surrounding communities would also be vulnerable.

One question that seems to be on almost everybody’s mind is, will the U.S. military become involved?

Shukan Gendai (Dec. 14) speculated that Chinese leader Xi Jinping might issue an order for a Japanese civilian airliner to be shot down. As a result of this, a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier would come to Japan’s aid and send up fighters to contend with the Chinese.

Unlike Japan, the U.S. military would immediately respond to a radar lock-on threat by shooting down the Chinese planes,” asserts military analyst Mitsuhiro Sera. “It would naturally regard an aircraft flying overhead as hostile. They would shoot at it even if that were to risk discrediting the Obama administration.”

“With the creation of Japan’s National Security Council on Dec. 4, Japan-U.S. solidarity meets a new era,” an unnamed diplomatic source told Shukan Gendai. “If a clash were to occur between the U.S. and China, it would be natural for the Self-Defense Forces to provide backup assistance. This was confirmed at the ‘two-plus-two’ meeting on Oct. 3.”

“China is bent on wresting the Senkakus away from Japan, and if Japan dispatches its Self-Defense Forces, China will respond with naval and air forces,” Saburo Takai predicts in Flash. “In the case of an incursion by irregular forces, that would make it more difficult for the U.S. to become involved. Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs would protest through diplomatic channels, but China would attempt to present its takeover as a fait accompli.

“China fears a direct military confrontation with the U.S.,”Takai adds. “A few days ago, two U.S. B-52s transited the ADIZ claimed by China, but the flights were not for any vague purpose. I suppose the Chinese tracked the flights on their radar, but the B-52s have electronic detection functions that can identify radar frequencies, wavelength and source of the signals. These flights are able to lay bare China’s air defense systems. It really hits home to the Chinese that they can’t project their military power.”

Which side, wonders Shukan Gendai, will respond to a provocation by pulling the trigger? The game of chicken between two great superpowers is about to begin.
Credit to Zero Hedge