Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Kerry signs UN arms treaty, senators threaten to block it

Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday signed a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation, riling U.S. lawmakers who vow the Senate will not ratify the agreement.

As he signed the document, Kerry called the treaty a “significant step” in addressing illegal gun sales, while claiming it would also protect gun rights.

“This is about keeping weapons out of the hands of terrorists and rogue actors. This is about reducing the risk of international transfers of conventional arms that will be used to carry out the world’s worst crimes. 

This is about keeping Americans safe and keeping America strong,” he said. “This treaty will not diminish anyone’s freedom. In fact, the treaty recognizes the freedom of both individuals and states to obtain, possess, and use arms for legitimate purposes.”

Credit to Infowars

The Future of Mind Control Is Here


For the past eight years I have been involved in fighting against the implementation of Teen Screen. I have written numerous editorials, appeared on talk shows and have lobbied politicians to legislate against this insidious evil which seeks to mind control our children while fattening the coffers of Big Pharma, such as Eli Lilly.
A small victory has been won against the globalist agenda for mind control and eugenics through the defeat of a plot to medicate as many children as possible through a program called Teen Screen. The first part of this article reads like a recitation of evil followed by a victory speech. However, I believe that our celebration may be short lived. The last part of the article details what is following the demise of Teen Screen and it is worse.

From the Beginning

Through the former President, George Bush, and the current President, Barack Obama, the government had previously unleashed a modern day version of the mind control police in America by attacking the psychological well-being of
Veteran Brandon Raub being arrested for what he wrote on his FB page in which he questioned the findings of 9/11. The intent was to drug him until the Rutherford Institute stepped in.
Veteran Brandon Raub being arrested for what he wrote on his FB page in which he questioned the findings of 9/11. The intent was to drug him until the Rutherford Institute stepped in.
America’s school children through the greatly expanded program known as Teen Screen and the medicating of minds with psychotropics through a program being offered on many school campuses. Parallel programs exist through the Veterans Administration and are being used to attack veterans as America is also witnessing the same with the arresting of veterans, for espousing incorrect views and then medicating our ex-soldiers, such as was the case with Brandon Raub.
There is an ongoing battle for the psychological health and welfare of America’s children and eventually all Americans, under the New Freedoms Commission (NFC), as it is the eventual intent to screen and treat, with mind numbing drug, all Americans for mental illness by using criteria designed to elicit false positives. The relatively new mind control programs commenced in 2002 with the intent of compelling the mental health testing of all 52 million school children and the 6.5 million adults who walk through doors of every school in America on any given weekday. Acting under the authority of the NFC, all 50 states are mandated to implement compulsory mental health screening. The screening exams were scheduled  to be administered in kindergarten, fourth and ninth grade. The screening program required no parental notification and carries the force of law and this program continues unabated to this day. As is the case with vaccinations, the diagnosis and treatment, under the mind control policies of the Bush and Obama administrations were to become eventually be universal!
In April of 2002, by Executive Order, President George W. Bush convened a 22 member panel which sought to identify policies that could be implemented by all levels of government which would promote successful mental health treatment for all children and adults.
In July of 2003, the NFC formally recommended that schools were in the best position to commence thescreening of all Americans beginning with America’s students and school employees. The NFC implemented their recommendations, in November of 2004, with a $20 million dollar appropriation.
Not all Congressmen agreed with President Bush and his desire to screen the mental health of all American schoolchildren, especially without parental notification, including Congressman Ron Paul. Congressman Paul, R-Texas, is a medical doctor and a member of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). Congressman Paul cautions Americans that the most obvious beneficiary of this mental health screening legislation is none other than the omnipresent pharmaceutical industry. The AAPS was also on record as opposing the NFC legislation, which they say will result in mandatory psychological testing of all of America’s school children without parental consent as well placing coercive pressure on parents to needlessly medicate their children with dangerous psychotropic drugs. Congressman Ron Paul attempted to withhold funding for the mandatory mental health screenings as well as requiring parental consent prior to any screening through the introduction of an amendment to the Congressional NFC funding bill. Because of the intense lobbying efforts by Big Pharma, Paul’s proposed amendment was soundly defeated.

Teen Screen: The Epitome of Bad Science

The Teen Screen program was ripe with shoddy and fraudulent testing instruments. The testing instruments had an 83% false positive rate in terms of diagnosing depression. The program was also designed to fatten the pocketbooks of Big Pharma, as the only allowed prescribed medications were the ones on patent which drove the cost of medicating children up by as much 2,000%.
The net effect was that there was an extreme motive to over-diagnose various mental illnesses for reasons related to profit. To others, this was a matter of controlling our young children because psychotropically medicated children do not cause problems because they become so docile.

The Worm Turns

theresa and chelsea rhoadesIn 2009, I had Theresa Rhoades on my talk show to discuss her lawsuit victory, on behalf of her daughter Chelsea, in a Teen Screen related matter. The Rhoades judgment did much to awaken the nation. As a result many protest groups formed in an effort to shut down Teen Screen.
Massive protests have shut down Teen Screen.
Massive protests have shut down Teen Screen.
There has been a stunning development. Teen Screen, despite massive government funding from two administrations and the National Institute of Health, is shutting down operations. They have succumbed to the massive outcry against this evil being perpetrated against our children.
Today their is an announcement on Teen Screen’s website: “We are sorry to inform you that the TeenScreen National Center will be winding down its program at the end of this year. Accordingly, we will no longer train or register new programs. We will provide updates on the TeenScreen website for a limited time with respect to any other screening programs of which we become aware.”
The monster known as Teen Screen is dead. Before we pop the cork on the champagne, we need to be cognizant that this program was once one of the crown jewels of the government mind control programs designed to increase pharmaceutical profits, but most of all, turn our children in docile and manageable children.

Can We Really Believe That This is the End of the Story?

Teen Screen spent over $350 billion of taxpayer money to implement.  Does it seem likely that the purveyors of evil program are just going to walk away take their losses in stride? If one has been following various globalist programs for any length of time, we all realize that this program will come back, but just in a different form. And some of us think we know what form this type of mind control will return in.  The programs have shifted to our post-secondary institutions where parents cannot legally interfere with young adults involved in medicating and testing.

What Lies Ahead?

We have known for sometime that human behavior can be manipulated through the electromagnetic process (i.e. the work of Jose Delgado and the CIA at Stanford Research Institute in the 1960′s), and also human behavior can be altered and controlled through the electromagnetic process combined with chemical processes (i.e. MKULTRA experiments conducted at Stanford, University of Hawaii et al).
At this point, it is important to take a side turn and mention the fact that there are many alternative grids which exist and parallel the co-existence with the main power grid. Some of these parallel power grids include (HAARP, satellite communications, GWEN Towers, etc.). It previously been well-documented that these systems have been used for various forms of mind control experiments and projects.
On November 13th, DHS and FEMA, along with the participation of all 50 governors and over 150 corporations are participating in a simulated terror attack, called Grid Ex II, which presumably simulates taking down the main power grid through out North America. However, the alternative power grids will be presumably unaffected through the testing. Interestingly, there is an undeniable NWO connection to this drill. The document which gives the general overview of the drill is printed on a Security Prosperity Partnership(SPP) website. SPP administrates the implementation of the North American Union. I think there is no question that this drill is much bigger than a simple simulation drill.
I have written extensively on the fact that the manner in which the November 13th drill is being executed, it has all the hallmark characteristics of previous false flag events (9/11, 7/7 bombings, the Boston Marathon Bombing). Could the drill be a way to backdoor a mind control grid system being placed into our daily lives? This is the subject of further inquiry and the early returns on the intelligence does not discount this possibility. This scenario is quickly becoming very plausible.
To what purpose would this blackout drill turn into a false flag event? One possibility is that the taking down of the grid could be blamed on Syria and/or Iran and subsequently be used as a pretext for an attack upon these countries. This is certainly a legitimate goal. The other possibility is that the globalists seek to unify the grid with all of their post modern mind altering toys. And when one is familiar with such things as HAARP and the GWEN Towers, one has to wonder about the mind control potential of a new grid system which could be used to replace the old system. Before I take off my tin foil hat, please allow me to say that there is new information which indicates that some of the nation’s universities are being used to ferment mind control technology. Of course, this is nothing new, because the Stanford Research Institute was performing MKULTRA experiments in the 1960′s and the University of Hawaii was doing the same at the same time and members of Obama’s family participated. 
mind controlPresently, there are universities located at San Diego State University, Arizona State University and Western Kentucky University which are promoting the next generation of both increased electronic surveillance activities as well as mind control experiments. The clandestine activities of these universities, as I am discovering, is frightening. In some instances, at San Diego State University and Western Kentucky University, I am receiving reports in which the “black programs” of these institutions are targeting individuals and making their lives a living hell.
Over the next several weeks, as a lead up the Grid Ex II drill, Virginia Farver and I are collaborating with regard to investigating these universities in relation to the topic at hand. The first entry with regard to this topic has to do with certificates of study related to learning about the Department of Homeland Security. Yet, when one looks closer, these programs truly don’t exist. There are no courses listed, no instructors of record and phone calls of inquiry are met with denials. In a future article, I will detail how a specific professor at Western Kentucky University questioned the validity of this program and then she found herself the target of electronic harassment, in which the Bowling Green, KT. police have found merit to her complaints and she has been afforded extra protection. It is clear that these bogus programs serve the purpose of the shell corporation. It is becoming quite clear these programs are receiving taxpayer money and serve as a conduit to fund black operations projects with taxpayer money.
In the next installment in this series, Ms. Farver and I will be looking at the true nature of some of these programs as told to us by insiders. The technology we are going to be revealing is not the stuff of a futuristic science fiction novel. This technology is readily available right now and only needs a mass conduit of delivery to gain a major foothold.
Credit to The common Sense Show

China Beige Book Exposes Government Lies: "Conventional Wisdom Of Economic Expansion In China Seriously Flawed"

In the picture one of the several Chinese ghost cities

There are facts; then there are completely fabricated, made up numbers. And then there is Chinese "data." After having been exposed in the past several years countless times on these pages alone as being absolute manipulated propaganda hogwash, it is amazing that anyone, anywhere still believes anything to come out of the official Beijing mouthpiece, which merely adjusts a few variable cells in the big central planning goalseeking excel spreadsheet and reports the answer. 
Yet the recent myth of a China "rebound" is one of the factors why stocks recently hit fresh all time highs: forget all that stuff about a CNY1 trillion deleveraging (yes, China's credit bubble is still the biggest in the world) - all that matters is made up garbage. Well, it may be more difficult this time. 
As Bloomberg reports, a "Beige Book" survey of the Chinese economy conducted in late August showed that "China’s economy slowed this quarter as growth in manufacturing and transportation weakened in contrast with official signs of an expansion pickup, a private survey showed."Surprise: China was lying again.
For all those who had a deep-seated feeling all the data "confirming" a rebound in China since its near-death experience in June when the 25% shibor jump nearly destroyed its banking system, you were right: "The quarterly report, modeled on the U.S. Federal Reserve’s Beige Book business survey, diverges from government figures showing faster July and August gains in factory production that have spurred analysts from Citigroup Inc. to Deutsche Bank AG to upgrade expansion estimates. Nomura Holdings Inc. is among banks skeptical that any rebound will be sustained next year."
The report found that increases in business-investment and real estate revenue also slowed, while service industries picked up and employees became tougher to find, the survey from New York-based China Beige Book International said yesterday. The report is based on responses from 2,000 people from Aug. 12 to Sept. 4 as well as 32 in-depth interviews conducted later in September.
The punchline: results "show the conventional wisdom of a renewed, strong economic expansion in China to be seriously flawed," China Beige Book President Leland Miller and Craig Charney, research and polling director, said in a statement. The data "reveal weakening gains in profits, revenues, wages, employment and prices, all showing slipping growth on-quarter -- no disaster, but certainly not the powerful expansion suggested by the consensus narrative." 
Not only was there no rebound in the quarter but the economy was actually slowing down. From Bloomberg:
The report, like the Fed’s version, doesn’t give estimates of gross domestic product growth or other indicators beyond the survey results. The economy expanded 7.5 percent in the April-June period from a year earlier, slowing for a second quarter, according to China’s National Bureau of Statistics. The government has since introduced measures including faster railway spending and tax cuts to aid expansion.

The report, like the Fed’s version, doesn’t give estimates of gross domestic product growth or other indicators beyond the survey results. The economy expanded 7.5 percent in the April-June period from a year earlier, slowing for a second quarter, according to China’s National Bureau of Statistics. The government has since introduced measures including faster railway spending and tax cuts to aid expansion.

The latest survey said 47 percent of manufacturers reported revenue gains, down 6 percentage points from the second-quarter survey. Growth in export orders was “stable” for the U.S. and Europe and “off a bit” in Asia and developing nations outside of Asia.

In transportation, including shippers, 51 percent of respondents said revenue rose, down 18 percentage points. Fifty-three percent of a broader sample of businesses said investment rose, a 4-point decline. Service revenue rose for 57 percent of respondents, up 3 points.
All that said, we doubt anyone is surprised. After all it was none other than the current premier who admitted that all Chinese data is BS.
China’s statistics-bureau chief, Ma Jiantang, said earlier this month that the agency has “zero tolerance” for falsified data after it publicized cases of manipulated local numbers and the customs bureau cracked down on fraudulent export invoices. Li Keqiang, who became premier this year, said in 2007 that GDP figures were “man-made” and “for reference only,” according to a WikiLeaks cable.
So much for the great Chinese rebound, which as we explained two weeks ago is nothing but a reflection of the most recent surge in liquidity and leverage into the economy. Unsustainable surge, we should add, as the bubble just got even bigger.
Credit to Zero Hedge

Russia, France Develop New Infantry Fighting Vehicle

Russia, France Develop New Infantry Fighting Vehicle

MOSCOW, September 25 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s Uralvagonzavod and France’s Renault are jointly developing a new infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) with an increased firing range of up to 16 kilometers, the Russian company said Wednesday.

“We [Uralvagonzavod and Renault Trucks Defense] unveiled today a prototype of a future IFV,” Uralvagonzavod general director Oleg Sienko said at Russian Arms Expo-2013, which opened Wednesday in the Urals city of Nizhny Tagil.

“The French side provided us with the transmission, the engine, the concept and the fire control system,” he said.

According to Sienko, the new IFV will be highly competitive on global markets because it is equipped with a powerful 57-mm gun, instead of the 30-mm variant that is standard for current IFVs.

“With its maneuverability and fire power, we are certain that this product will be in high demand on the market,” Sienko said, adding that a joint Russian-French venture could be formed to set up localized production of the new IFV in Russia.

Renault, France’s second-biggest carmaker, has made the Russian market one of its priorities for international development. Russia is already Renault’s fourth-largest automobile market.

In 2014, the Renault-Nissan Alliance will get a majority stake in a joint venture with the Russian Technologies State Corporation, called Alliance Rostec Auto BV, which will control AvtoVAZ, leader of the Russian car market.

Credit to RIA Novosti

Thousands of dead fish in Guatemala

Miles de peces muertos fueron localizados en la bocabarra de Nueva ConcepciĆ³n.

On the morning of Monday September 23, thousands of fish were found dead off the coast of Guatemala along several kilometers.

According to the authorities is believed that the death was due to low water temperature.

Credit to Nunez Report

Biometrics on the path to an Unprecedented Public Integration

Security vs. Privacy: Experts believe the conflict can be resolved in a way that improves the world.

Biometrics is on the verge of becoming more pervasive than ever in everyday life, setting the stage for personal identifiers to take the place of other common security measures. The expansion mirrors increased usage in fields such as military operations, citizen enrollment and public safety.

Apple’s announcement that its upcoming iPhone 5s will include a fingerprint scan to validate users marks a huge leap forward in biometrics’ integration into society at large. Through this technology and those that will inevitably follow, large swaths of the population will become habituated to regular use of biometrics. “This is really a game changer for the industry,” Walter Hamilton, vice chairman of the International Biometrics & Identification Association, said. His remarks came during a panel presentation at the Biometric Consortium Conference held in Tampa, Florida, this week.

Success by Apple will result in a huge increase of fingerprint biometrics on smartphones and the sun will have set on passwords, at least in the smart mobile market, he added. Dr. Joseph Atick, chairman, Identity Council International, said during the same discussion that despite naysayers, he believes the 5s announcement will be remembered as a landmark event in biometrics. Any way people look at it, the technology marks a leap forward, even if adjustments to the technology become necessary, he explained.

Mobility is driving advancements in biometrics in other ways as well. Google is launching technology that will allow users to pause a video, click on an actor’s face and, through facial recognition, pull up information on that person. Banking institutions are using voice biometrics in apps to authenticate customers.

In other areas, biometrics use grows as well. Several financial institutions use voice biometrics in call centers to validate clients. In Europe, a hotel employs fingerprints instead of keys to open guest-room doors while another location allows shoppers to scan fingerprints connected to their credit cards to pay for items. Casinos have installed facial recognition programs to identify cheaters or other bad actors.

Atick identified four short-term trends he said personnel in the field should pay attention to as they make plans. Those trends are development as a new driver for adoption; Africa, the next frontier for the community; facial recognition, “It’s back in a big way,” Atick stated; and the rise of e-services.

With the advancements come concerns about privacy and regulation. Kelli Emerick, executive director, Secure ID Coalition, explained that policy makers need to know more about the benefits of biometrics so they can calm concerns of their constituents. The field helps keep people safe, secures their information against intrusion and reduces fraud when resources are implemented correctly. With budgets tight, the United States may be at a tipping point where the money biometrics can save by cutting down on fraud in programs outweighs previous doubts about its use. Emerick said policymakers will have to lead the way, but the biometrics community must advocate for itself.

Biometrics have helped law enforcement and customs officials catch more criminals and stop them from entering the country, proving the viability of the field. Christopher Miles, biometrics program manager within the Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency, said the community should do more to showcase its successes, building on the many positive results within the departments of Justice and Homeland Security. He also referenced military plans to expand biometrics activities to all areas where it operates. The long-term systems he referenced that brought about all the wins for the various government entities prove the need to keep supporting long-term research and development in the field, he concluded.

Credit to Signal On Line

US will use 'military force' to secure Middle East interests: Obama

UNITED NATIONS: US President Barack Obama warned Tuesday that the United States was ready to use military force to protect US and global interests in the Middle East and Africa.

"The United States is chastised for meddling in the region, and accused of having a hand in all manner of conspiracy," Obama told the UN General Assembly. But he warned there was no change in US policy in the Middle East and Africa and that Washington "is prepared to use all elements of our power, including military force, to secure these core interests in the region." (AFP)

Credit to The News

North Korea seen close to miniaturizing nuclear warhead

North Korea is close to developing a nuclear warhead small enough to be mounted on a long-range ballistic missile, a Chinese expert said in Seoul Wednesday.

Speaking at a forum hosted by the Asan Institute for Policy Studies in the South Korean capital, Li Bin, a professor at China's Tsinghua University, said North Korea during its last nuclear test in February could not complete the task of miniaturization of a nuclear warhead, the Yonhap News Agency reported.

However, he said, "if they have a chance for more nuclear tests, maybe one more, they would be able to have small and more reliable device for their missile," said Li, who is also a nuclear policy expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Li said during its first test in 2006, North Korea began with a small device with a small amount of explosives, but that was not so successful.

"Then they had to add more chemical explosives because the yield was not good enough. Eventually they got full yield (in the third test), but the device is not small enough," said the expert.

China has been pressing the United States, Russia, Japan and South Korea to restart the Six-Party talks designed to convince North Korea to end its nuclear weapons program. The North is the sixth member of the talks, which have stalled since 2008.

Lately, there have been reports indicating the North may be developing intercontinental ballistic missiles or ICBMs.

Li also said the North may have tested a plutonium-based nuclear weapon, instead of uranium-based one, because it is more difficult to miniaturize bombs using uranium, Yonhap reported.

Joshua Pollack, a nuclear expert at Science Applications International Corp., said the North may be internally producing components for gas centrifuge, used for uranium enrichment, Yonhap said.

Credit to UPI

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US default risk is real, Washington warns Wall Street

Money lenders trust America so implicitly that they generally dismiss the risk it won't pay its debts. But in the US capital, fears are growing that political dysfunction might trigger the unthinkable.

A few years ago one would have said, 'Don't be silly. Of course they will raise the debt ceiling.' But one can't say that any more.

Government veterans from both political parties are aghast that lawmakers openly speak of managing a default that could be triggered next month if they don't authorise more borrowing.

Another reason for concern is that the debate over the debt ceiling appears stuck on a Republican demand for big spending cuts in exchange for raising the $US16.7 trillion ($17.8 trillion) borrowing limit.

This could be too tall an order because Washington is already slashing spending on almost everything but the welfare state. To go further, Congress would likely have to make cuts in sacrosanct programs like pensions and healthcare for the elderly, something lawmakers appear loath to do.

"The ingredients to put together a deal are diminishing," said Tony Fratto of consultancy firm Hamilton Place Strategies, which advises investors on the workings of Washington. "Only the tough choices are there," said Fratto, who was a spokesman at the White House and Treasury during the Bush administration.

Most discussion in Congress in recent days hasn't even been focused on the debt ceiling. Rather, lawmakers are racing to approve legislation to keep most government offices running past this month when budgets are due to expire.

Now even the Treasury secretary, whose role usually includes telegraphing confidence to Wall Street, is expressing concern about the nation's ability to keep paying the bills.

"I am nervous by the desire to drive this to the last minute," Treasury Secretary Jack Lew told a business forum last week. Lew described himself as "anxious."

And well he should be, said Steve Bell, an analyst at the Bipartisan Policy Center, which estimates the government will begin defaulting on its obligations between October 18 and November 5.

Bell, a Republican and a former staff director at the Senate Budget Committee, said he hasn't worried this much about the prospect of default in his four decades in Washington.


A US default would rock Wall Street and quite possibly trigger another economic crisis in a nation still struggling to recover from the 2007-09 recession. Borrowing costs could spike across the economy.

The last debt ceiling showdown in 2011 pushed the nation to within days of missing payments and led ratings firm Standard and Poor's to strip Washington of its sterling credit rating. However, an impasse this time around isn't likely to affect the US sovereign rating, a Moody's analyst said, because the agency is focused on the long-term debt outlook.

In 2011, Congress and the White House averted crisis by agreeing to deep spending cuts that were enacted this year but which largely spared so-called entitlement programs like Social Security pensions and Medicare insurance.

With the least difficult cuts already made, it could be much harder to reach a new budget-tightening deal before the nation runs out of cash. The White House has pledged not to even engage Republicans in a debate over the limit on borrowing.

"I feel less comfortable now than I did even in 2011," Bell said.

Investors, however, still appear to be betting there is a smaller risk of default than the last time.

In the market for credit default swaps, which provide insurance against default, investors currently pay about $US28,000 to insure $US10 million in U.S. sovereign debt over the next five years. That's up from a week ago, but still well below the peak of about $US63,000 in July 2011.

On Tuesday, Lew said investor confidence that a debt limit deal will be struck is probably "greater than is should be," Bloomberg reported.

Some investors are beginning to reassess the risks.

"Since irreconcilable differences are hardening. There is an increased likelihood that Congress and the president will not agree to raise the debt ceiling before time runs out," Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, one of the world's largest hedge funds, wrote in a report.

Lew's expressed anxiety stands in contrast to the tone of his predecessor, Timothy Geithner, who steadfastly described default as "unthinkable" in 2011.

Now, many Republicans have supported a plan that would prioritise payments to creditors over other government obligations should the Treasury run out of money. The White House has said it would veto that plan.

Washington veterans say past generations of politicians would not even have entertained such a prospect so seriously.

That is allowing doubts to grow where investors previously had none. America is far from insolvent and, for generations, investors have bet there was no risk that America would fail to make good on its debts.

"The fact that it's uncertain is the new element and the scary part," said Alice Rivlin, a former head of the Congressional Budget Office and White House budget chief under President Bill Clinton.

She said she to has never seen the risk of default higher.

"A few years ago one would have said, 'Don't be silly. Of course they will raise the debt ceiling.' But one can't say that any more."

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Credit to The Sydney Morning Herald