Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Vanity of Lucifer the Fallen

Satan's rebellion against Almighty God will be just as a brief moment in light of ETERNITY'S FORGIVENESS. It will be a vapor, a puff of smoke, the chief vanity of all vanities but his brief rebellion will have EVERLASTING consequences and damnation (Isa. 14:12-15, Rev. 20:10)

Lucifer, the Son of the Morning, the greatest creation of Almighty God, is the progenitor and father of vain imaginations, delusion, false reality, lies, slander, murder, deception and rebellion (John 8:44; Ezek. 28:12, 15).

Lucifer is also called the Father of Lies, an angel of light (deceiver),Satan (adversary), the Devil (slanderer), a devouring lion, the Great Dragon (a consuming dreadful violent monster), and that Old Serpent (cunning and crafty for evil designs) - John 8:44, 2 Cor. 11:14, 1 Peter 5:8, Rev. 12:9.

These various names for Lucifer describe his godless character and actions against Almighty God, his Creator, and against God's ETERNAL Person and RIGHTEOUSNESS.

These various names given to Lucifer describe his godless and lawless character and actions against Almighty God, his Creator, and against Almighty God's ETERNAL Person and His PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS. These descriptions are given for us ("sons of Adam") by the Holy Spirit to help us better understand who this Tyrant of Lawlessness truly is and to warn us of his horrific rage (John 8:44, Rev. 12:9).
In ETERNITY past Lucifer enjoyed a relationship to Almighty God. I truly believe there was a point in his existence where he loved and adored the Triune God with all his heart. He had the chief place as Protector of the Holiness of God(Ezek. 28:14), and he was the worship leader and choir director of all Heaven (Ezek. 28:13). Lucifer enjoyed all the heavenly blessings of his rank and position. However there came a time when Lucifer became very proud, arrogant, envious and bitter. In his foolish heart he sought the place of his ETERNAL Creator and Sovereign for himself, and and in a series of events he led a delusional rebellion against Almighty God in which he and his followers were cast out of the presence and holy habitation of Almighty God (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezek. 28:15-18; Jude 1:6; Rev. 12:4).
In his foolish heart he sought the place of his ETERNAL Creator and Sovereign for himself, and and in a series of events he led a delusional rebellion against Almighty God in which he and his followers were cast out of the presence and holy habitation of Almighty God.
Lucifer could have remained in his highly honored position indefinitely, enjoying the ETERNAL blessings and fellowship with His Creator. However, in his madness Lucifer chose rather to abandon the confines of absolute reality and perfection for a vain existence in the darkness of make-believe and delusion (John 8:44). In his vain attempt to exalt and preserve himself at all costs, he rejected and abandoned all that was real, becoming a murderer of souls, a tyrant of humanity, a despot to the fallen angelic host and a mastermind of slander, false truths and darkness. He designed and has mastered the slander tactic to deflect any righteous criticism and to distract attention away from his lawless activity and diabolical intentions. Lucifer is now known as the Prince of Darkness (error, delusion and vain imagination), for this is the godless darkened reality that he has chosen to adhere to (Isaiah 14:16-17; John 8:44; 1 John 3:8; Rev. 12:9).
In his vain attempt to exalt and preserve himself at all costs, he [Lucifer].... designed the slander tactic to deflect any righteous criticism and to distract attention from his lawless activity and diabolical intentions.
Lucifer is the adversary (Satan) against ALL reality, truth and ETERNAL absolutes, i.e., all that pertains to Almighty God. He is the slanderer (the Devil) against all those who stand in his way, especially those who trust and believe in Almighty God in Spirit and Truth, and so are His children and followers (John 8:44).
In the end Lucifer will be held fully accountable for his rebellion and ALL of its EXPONENTIAL consequences it has reaped upon the angelic world and Adam's race. He will be forced FOREVER to face the RIGHTEOUS REALITY of ETERNITY in Almighty God's ETERNAL prison, the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:10). Lucifer, who once stood before the RIGHTEOUS presence of Almighty God and led the worship of Holy, Holy, Holy Oh RIGHTEOUS Creator (Ezek. 28:13), will now FOREVER and EVER be tormented by this same RIGHTEOUSNESS, HOLINESS and PERFECTION as he is chained in ETERNAL REALITY and its tormenting RIGHTEOUS flame (Rev. 20:10).

Indeed Lucifer's mighty zeal, ambition, passion and existence is the very pinnacle of vanity and futility of an existence lived which excludes Divine REALITY and RIGHTEOUSNESS! May those who live outside of Christ take heed to this warning! Lucifer's fate is already decided but yours is not until you take your last breath and then it will be to late for you FOREVER and EVER.

My dear friend, if you know not the Savior of the world may you seek to do so! Your ETERNAL destiny depends on it!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
From The Ignorant Fishermen Blog