Monday, February 25, 2013

The World's Biggest Gold Storage Company Is Now Turning Away American Clients

ViaMat, a Swiss logistics company that has been safeguarding precious metals since 1945, is literally the gold standard in secure storage.

They have vaults from Switzerland to Hong Kong to Dubai, and they count among their clients some of the largest mining companies in the world. They know what they’re doing.

And now they’re dumping US citizens.

ViaMat does a great deal of business within the United States. As such, the company is heavily exposed to the insane US regulatory environment.

As an example, the 2010 Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act turned into more than 500 pages of regulation! The costs and risks associated with compliance simply became too much for ViaMat to bear.

This matter-of-fact letter from ViaMat management explains their decision:

“We are currently experiencing rapid and substantial changes in the general regulations within this business. The changes mainly relate to the tax structures and taxation systems of various countries. As a consequence of these changes VIA MAT INTERNATIONAL has taken the decision to stop offering this service at its vault [sic] outside of the US to private customers with potential US-tax liability.”

This is huge. I can’t possibly overstate the potential ramifications.

For one, the big gold depositories like Gold Money and Bullion Vault ALL use ViaMat as a primary secure storage provider. So it’s only a matter of time before ViaMat’s decision cascades across these other firms.

I have written extensively about this to subscribers of our premium service, Sovereign Man: Confidential; most gold storage firms are all essentially different varieties of the exact same product. They are retail marketing channels that ultimately use ViaMat to store their gold bars. If ViaMat has US exposure, THEY have US exposure. It’s the same risk.

Now, if you’re in the United States in particular, one of the most important (and cost effective) steps you can take in international diversification is to store precious metals overseas.

Read more:

PETRUS ROMANUS (Pt 13) The False Prophet And The Antichrist Are Here

Petrus Romanus, the Antichrist, and the Years 2012 & 2016

Contemporaneous to the arrival of the False Prophet (Petrus Romanus) is a prophecy from what is widely considered the most important work of Jewish Kabbalah, the Zohar, a collection of books written in medieval Aramaic over seven hundred years ago containing mystical commentary on the Pentateuch (five books of Moses, the Torah). In addition to interpreting Scripture, the “Vaera” section (volume 3, section 34) includes “The signs heralding Mashiach,” or “The coming of the Messiah.” The fascinating date for “his” appearance is set in the Zohar in late 2012! Given the rejection of Jesus by orthodox Jews as Messiah, Christians understand this “coming” would herald the unveiling of Antichrist in 2012.

J. R. Church of Prophecy in the News called our office a couple years back and led us through verses 476–483 of this part of the Zohar to point out what nobody in the 2012 research community had written before—that the time of Jacob’s trouble (the Great Tribulation, which some Catholic scholars say begins with the election of Petrus Romanus) will commence according to this ancient text in the year 2012 when the “kings of the earth” gather in Rome, possibly during a papal conclave, and are killed by fiery stones or missiles from the sky.

The prophecy in the Zohar, given by Jews hundreds of years separate from the divination of “the last pope,” is amazing when compared with the Catholic prediction. The final pope, “Peter the Roman,” whose reign ends in the destruction of Rome, will assume authority during a time of great tribulation, and then the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible and fearsome Judge will judge his people.” But Dr. Church pointed out how in the Jewish Zohar, this vision of the destruction of Rome is repeated, though one prophecy connects it to the coming of the False Prophet, and the other, the Antichrist:
This ancient rabbinical dissertation claims that Rome will be destroyed in the Jewish calendar year 5773, which, in our calendar begins with the new moon of September 2012 and concludes a year later:
“In the year seventy-three [2012/2013] the kings of the world will assemble in the great city of Rome, and the Holy One will shower on them fire and hail and meteoric stones until they are all destroyed, with the exception of those who will not yet have arrived there.”
Is he hinting at the destruction of Mystery Babylon? He notes that not all kings will be destroyed. Of those remaining, he says: “These will commence anew to make other wars. From that time the Messiah will begin to declare himself, and round him there will be gathered many nations and many hosts from the uttermost ends of the earth.”[i]

Thus the false messiah (antichrist) is predicted in a seven-hundred-year-old Jewish prophecy to appear in 2012. Similarly, the nine-hundred-year-old Prophecy of the Popes looks to be unfolding in parallel fashion to provide Petrus Romanus in 2012. To these, we could add numerous other strange attractors from throughout history that also assigned apocalyptic importance to the year 2012, including:
·         The Mayan calendar ends in 2012 with the return of their flying dragon god Kulkulkan.
·         The Aztec calendar ends in 2012 and their flying dragon god Quetzalcoatl returns.
·         The Cherokee Indian calendar ends in the year 2012 and their flying rattlesnake god returns. The “Cherokee Rattlesnake Prophecies,” also known as the “Chickamaugan Prophecy” or the “Cherokee Star Constellation Prophecies,” are part of a series of apocalyptic prophecies made by members of the Cherokee tribe during 1811–1812. Like the Maya, the Cherokee calendar ends mysteriously in the year 2012 when astronomical phenomena related to Jupiter, Venus, Orion, and Pleiades cause the “powers” of the star systems to “awaken.”
·          According to ancient Mayan inscriptions, in 2012, the Mayan underworld god Bolon Yokte Ku also returns.
·         The Hindu Kali Yuga calendar ends in the year 2012 at the conclusion of the age of “the male demon.”
·         According to the book, Apollyon Rising 2012, the prophecy of the Cumaean Sibyl on the Great Seal of the United States (novus ordo seclorum) points to the coming of the Antichrist in 2012. (more notes on this below)
·         Over two hundred sixty years ago, the leader of the first Great Awakening in America, Jonathan Edwards, tied the arrival of the Antichrist and Great Tribulation period to the timeframe 2012 and 2016.
·         One hundred thirty years after that, in 1878, Reverend William J. Reid did the same, writing in his “Lectures on the Revelation” concerning the papal system: “…we are prepared to answer the question, When will the Papal system come to an end? [It] will be destroyed in the year2012.”[ii]
·         Also of interest is the Web Bot Project, which was developed in the late 1990s for tracking and making stock market predictions. This technology crawls the Internet, much like a search engine does, searching for keywords and following “chatter” in order to tap into “the collective unconscious” of the global community for tipping points regarding past, current, and future buying patterns. In 2001, operators began noticing what looked like more than coincidences, and that the “bot” was taking on a mind of its own, accurately predicting more than just stock market predictions, including June of 2001 when the program predicted that a life-altering event would be felt worldwide and would take place within sixty to ninety days. On September 11, 2001, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center fell. The Web Bot also predicted the 2001 anthrax attack on Washington DC; the earthquake that produced the December 26, 2004, tsunami; Hurricane Katrina; and more. The Web Bot has now foretold global devastation for late December 2012.
·         In 2008, Henry Kissinger predicted the arrival of the New World Order in four years - 2012 (watch video below)
·         In 2012, the United States elects a President.
·         In 2012, the United Nations gets new leaders.
·         And in 2012, Petrus Romanus is set to materialize during a Final Conclave.

Recurrence Of 2012 And 2016: Prophetic Or Occult Significance?

Concerning early American writers like Jonathan Edwards andReverend William J. Reid holding a postmillennial view that the most likely time for the reign of Antichrist was 1260 years after AD 756 (the acceding of temporal power to the Pope), it seems judicious to observe that 1260 + 756 = 2016 and falls in range of 3.5 years from June of2012.

The book Apollyon Rising 2012 goes into much more detail concerning the occult significance of these dates than we will take time to do in this series, but the year-dates 2012 and 2016 reappear on numerous occasion in connection to a Masonic prophecy involving the coming of Hiram/Osiris/Apollo connected to the date 2016 and representing the “midst of the week” of the Great Tribulation period (see Daniel 9:27; Revelation 11–13) when Apollo (Antichrist) presents himself as God and sets up the “abomination” in the temple in Jerusalem. Under this scenario, the year 2012 represents the beginning of the Great Tribulation period, three and one-half years before mid-2016.
That the year 2012 might mark the beginning of the Great Tribulation not only could fit with Bible prophecy, as it is in the “midst of the week”—three and one-half years into the Great Tribulation period—when Antichrist enthrones himself as God in the temple, this would also conform well with the Masonic and Great Seal prophecies (see Apollyon Rising 2012) forecasting the return of the Great Architect and Hiram Abiff (Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod), who enters the finished temple as god, in this case, mid-2016, which is three and one-half years following 2012.

Also consider that June 21, 2016, is exactly three and one-half years after the Mayan ending-date of December 21, 2012, and June 21 marks the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere when a cusp line is created between Gemini and Cancer, signs that celebrated Freemason David Ovason referred to as having deep astrological significance to the founding and secret destiny of America.

It is also important to recognize that, based on Daniel chapter 9 and related texts, scholars believe a period of not more than seventy years (a biblical generation) will elapse between the reformation of Israel as a nation and the return of Jesus Christ. When seventy years is added to 1948—the year Israel was formally recognized as an independent nation by the United Nations—it brings us through the year 2018. Does this mean the year 2019—exactly seven years after 2012—would mark the year that Jesus Christ returns with the armies of heaven to establish His rule over earth?

Islamic scholars also view this time as prophetically important. The author of The Day of Wrath, Safar Ibn `Abd Al-Rahman Al-Hawali, writes at
When Daniel specified the period between its distress and relief, between the era of anguish and the era of blessing, he put it as forty-five years! We have already seen that he specified the time of the establishment of the abomination of desolation as the year 1967, which is what in fact occurred. Therefore, the beginning of the end will be 1967 + 45 = 2012.

Another remarkable connection between these dates is how the ancient Maya themselves recognized a direct link between the number thirteen and the years 1776 and 2012 in cycles and illustrations in a way that academic Richard N. Luxton found to be similar to prophecies of the “Christian Last Judgment.” He translated and annotated The Book of Chumayel: The Counsel Book of the Yucatec Maya 1539–1638, and noted on katun 13 Ahau:
The dates that accompany the illustrations approximate real counts. Katun 13 Ahau ended in 1539 and began in the Colonial Count in 1776.… The traditional theme of agreement as the end of the eastern katun cycle in 13 Ahau is intermingled here with elements of the Christian Last Judgment. Whether this paradigm was also intended for the end of the Long Count in 2012 is open to question.[iii]

Religious ceremonies and prophecies accompanied Mayan katuns, and Luxton’s connection to the “Christian Last Judgment” and the thirteen katuns (a katun is approximately 19.7 years) between 1776 and 2012 is drawn from the prophecies of the Mayan prophet Chilam Balam. Written down in about the year 1595, the oracular Chilam Balam, or “jaguar” shaman, said the end of this period would witness the judgment of God in the form of social collapse, epidemics, plagues, and famine. The same period would see the coming of two great prophets, one after the other, according to the Mayan prophecy. Is this the False Prophet (Petrus Romanus) paving the way for the Antichrist?
It is no coincidence that the start and ending dates of the final thirteen katuns of the Mesoamerican Mayan Long Count calendar are reflected in the thirteen steps of the pyramid on the United States’ Great Seal. That the steps of the pyramid were intended to convey units of time has been an open secret for many years. Though he was not sure what to make of it himself, Paul Foster Case wrote many years ago that:
Since the date, 1776, is placed on the bottom course of the pyramid, and since the number thirteen has been so important in the symbolism of the seal, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the thirteen courses of the pyramid may represent thirteen time periods.[iv]

John Kehne made an even more intriguing observation, directly coupling the Great Seal’s trestleboard date, 1776, and the Mayan ending date 2012:
This Seal shows a thirteen-step pyramid with 1776 in Roman numerals.… [The year] 1776 was not only the year that the Declaration of Independence was signed, but was also a special year in the Mayan calendar. Just as the last katun in the Great Cycle is “katun 2012,” the first katun in the cycle of thirteen was “katun 1776.” In fact, the katun ended thirty-three days before the signing. So 1776 is the bottom level of the pyramid, where the date is actually inscribed—the top of the pyramid is therefore 2012.[v] 
However, in order for the agents of these prophetic dates to materialize on time, certain wizardry and alchemical machines were required to invoke the coming of the destroyers. Were such put in place at the Vatican and in Washington DC in anticipation of Petrus Romanus and his Antichrist master? We pick it up there in the next entry.

Tom Horn

NATO Patriots to Cost Turkey $8.5 mln Annually

NATO Patriots to Cost Turkey $8.5 mln Annually
ANKARA, February 24 (RIA Novosti) – NATO’s patriot missile systems, requested by Turkey to protect it from a potential Syrian attack, are expected to cost Ankara 15 million liras ($8.5 million) annually, local media have reported citing the Turkish defense minister.

Ismet Yilmaz made the statement late on Saturday after he and his German and Dutch counterparts visited both the Dutch and German Patriot sites in Adana and Kahramanmaras near the border with Syria.

The visit comes after the final of six Patriot missile batteries deployed to Turkey was declared operational under NATO command and control on February 15.

Referring to the visit, Yilmaz said: “They asked us ‘What is the annual cost of this [system] for you?’ Of course, these Patriots have been deployed within the general principles of NATO. We said, ‘We reckon that its cost for us in a year will be 15 million liras,’” Yilmaz was quoted by Anatolia news agency as saying.

“They asked the same question to the Dutch minister. Dutch defense minister [Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert] said ‘For us, the cost will be 40 million euros ($53 million) in a year.’ The German minister [Thomas de Maiziere] said like this and he did the right thing; he used the expression, ‘There is no price for security,’” quoted Yilmaz as saying.

NATO agreed in December to station two units each from three NATO nations (Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States) at the request of another alliance member Turkey, after Syrian shelling along the border killed five Turkish civilians in October. Russia has repeatedly protested the move, warning it would mean the direct involvement of NATO forces in the Syrian conflict, further undermining the already unstable situation in the region.

Turkey maintains it needs the batteries to shore up security on its 900-kilometer (560 mile) border with Syria. Damascus is believed to have several hundred surface-to-surface missiles capable of carrying chemical or biological warheads.

Patriot is an air-defense missile system with the capability to intercept some ballistic missiles as well as cruise missiles and aircraft. It was first used operationally in the first Gulf War in 1991.

RIA Novosti

Republicans, Democrats brace for impact of March 1 cuts

With five days left before $85 billion is slashed from U.S. government budgets, governors and lawmakers from both parties said the White House and Congress should pull out the stops to avert indiscriminate cuts.

Republicans, who are seeking spending cuts, urged President Barack Obama to apply what's known as the "sequester" in a more careful way, rather than slashing budgets across the board.

The White House has issued dire warnings about the impact the cuts will have, including mass temporary layoffs or "furloughs" in the military, a slowdown in air traffic, and shutdowns for daycare programs and meat-processing plants.

"They've rolled out this great political theater about how cutting less than 3 percent of the federal budget is going to cause all these awful consequences," said Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, a Republican, on NBC's "Meet the Press."

"Here's his chance to say, 'Here's how we can do it better,'" Jindal said, suggesting Congress and the White House give departments the ability to cut spending on less essential services.

Congress returns on Monday after a week-long recess and unless lawmakers reach a deal with the White House to postpone the sequester cuts, they will take effect on March 1.

Obama has urged Congress to buy more time for a broad budget deal with a short-term measure that boosts revenues by ending some tax breaks for the wealthy.

Senate Democrats have put forward a plan that focuses on those tax loopholes. This week, Republicans are expected to propose alternatives.

"I think this notion of giving the President the discretion to make the spending cuts - I think that's a cop-out. So I will be urging my colleagues to have an alternative and for us to present one," said Senator Kelly Ayotte, a Republican from New Hampshire, on CBS's "Face the Nation."


Governors, in Washington this week for an annual meeting, are concerned about the impact of the cuts on jobs and the economy at the state level.

On average, government programs subject to the cuts provide 6.6 percent of states' revenues, according to Pew Center on the States.

Obama is slated to speak to the group at 7:10 p.m. EST (0010 GMT Monday) at a White House dinner on Sunday night.

An analysis by Wells Fargo Securities Economics Group last week found that under sequestration, states close to the nation's capital and in the South will be hardest hit.

White House officials have said the sequester law does not allow the administration to be flexible in applying the cuts.

"We don't have any ability with dumb cuts like this to figure out what the right thing to do is," Education Secretary Arne Duncan said on "Face the Nation."

"There are literally teachers now who are given pink slips, who are given notices that they can't come back this fall," Duncan said.


In recent weeks, the White House has staged a series of events to illustrate how the cuts will affect American jobs, and has focused on pinning the blame for the looming cuts on Congressional Republicans.

Republicans have fought back by saying the sequester mechanism - part of a 2011 law designed to force Congress to reach a deficit reduction deal - was Obama's idea.

On Sunday, the Washington Post's Bob Woodward waded into that fight, saying White House officials including Jack Lew - Obama's nominee for Treasury Secretary - proposed the sequester.

In an opinion piece, Woodward said Obama was "moving the goal posts" by insisting on new tax revenue as part of an alternative to the sequester cuts.

"His call for a balanced approach is reasonable, and he makes a strong case that those in the top income brackets could and should pay more. But that was not the deal he made" in 2011, said Woodward, who wrote a book about the deal called "The Price of Politics."

But an administration official said Obama had always said that he would push to replace the sequester cuts with a mix of spending cuts and tax revenue.

"The sequester was understood by all parties to be an enforcement mechanism that would be mutually odious enough to bring both parties back to the table to negotiate a 'Grand Bargain' with both entitlement savings and revenues to replace it," said the official, on condition of anonymity.


Rhetoric aside, there has been almost no negotiation between the White House and Congress on the March 1 cuts, although Obama phoned Republican leaders last week to discuss the issue.

"The president should be calling us over somewhere, Camp David, the White House, somewhere, and sitting down and trying to avert these cuts," said Republican Senator John McCain on CNN's "State of the Union."

Democratic Congressman Eliot Engel agreed that Congress should seek "smart" cuts, rather than across-the-board reductions.

"I think Congress should sit down and avoid the sequester," Engel said on ABC's "This Week."

"And if the sequester kicks in, for a week or so, we should then fix it so it doesn't become a permanent thing," Engel said.
