50 Ways to prepare for survival

In the military soldiers are conditioned and trained beforehand and made to be as prepared as possible for the real hardships on and off the battlefield. The survivalist can to be more mentally and physically prepared for the falling apart of civilization that so many survivalists and the general public feels is inevitable.

Self reliance also has to do with being ready for the sudden loss of everything we all have become way too accustomed to. Experiencing a type of mock realism can get you more mentally prepared for when society starts to quickly disintegrate around you. The following 50 tips (suggestions) should help you, ‘the survivalist’ cope better when things do start to fall apart.

1. See what it is like to go without the utilities such as electricity by turning them off for at least a couple of hours.

2. Go at least 24 hours without electronic conveniences; no computer, no television, no cell phone, etc. This will be a wake up call for many.

3. The internet will not be there after many catastrophes, become use to receiving information from other sources such as books.

4. Spend some nights using only candles and or battery operated lights to illuminate the darkness.

5. Start storing rainwater and start watering your plants and garden with it.

6. Try cooking some of your meals using a solar oven, barbecue, fire pit, something not dependent on the electric or gas companies.

7. Flush the toilet for one day or more using only water you have previously stored, or use a portable toilet.

8. Instead of throwing away a piece of damaged clothing, try to repair it, sew it, then wear it again.

9. Take any household item and write down every creative way you can use it.

10. Find other means of some of your trash disposal, something else rather than the city or county trash pick up services.

11. Have a fake imaginary illness and fictionally treat that sickness with only what you have available to you in your home.

12. Gather your family and even your friends together that feel like you do, and see what it like for all of you to be confined to a smaller space.

13. Use ‘other” means of cooling or heating your home for a few days that is of course safe.

14. Actually walk or bicycle to run some of your errands other than using a motor vehicle.

15. Start spending some very quiet time alone. You may have to be alone after ‘it’ happens.

16. Try using alternative means of bathing occasionally, like using one of those solar showers, or heating water over a fire to be used to bathe with.

17. See what ingenious gadget made from junk you can think of to make hard times easier.

18. Try washing dishes and clothes on occasion without using the dishwasher or washing machine, dry clothes on a clothes line.

19. Experiment by trying to purify dirty polluted water, without drinking it, and see how clean you can get it.

20. Scavenger hunt. Take some time and collect everything, not hazardous, you find on the ground and ask yourself, what can I do and use what I have?

21. Take along a pad of paper and write down everything you see at a park or recreation area. Observation skills will help you stay alive better after chaos breaks loose.

22. Try to locate someplace off the beaten path using only a paper map, compass, or landmarks.

23. Spend some days outdoors when the weather is miserable (not dangerous), like raining all day long, you may have to live this way in the future.

24. See how fast you can get your essentials together and ready to leave.

25. Try omitting the “professional” weather forecasts and get one of the those pocket weather forecaster that goes by the clouds and wind direction and make your own weather forecasts.

26. If you plan to stay where you are, thoroughly become familiar with every street, landmark, trees, houses, etc. within 2 miles of your home, walk the area often.

27. For awhile see what it is like to have only enough water and food to sustain you, only rations for a day or two.

28. Safety test your physical limits by seeing how far you can walk with a backpack of supplies.

29. You could be confined to a small area around your home, write down everything outside within eyesight you may have to eat to survive.

30. Start saving up every spare part; screws, springs, nails, etc. and fix something only using what you have stored.

31. Get use to eating “safe” outdoor plants, berries, edibles and acquire a taste only for them. Outdoor food is there for the pickings, you just have to know where to look. Also take classes on identifying safe plants to eat.

32. Eat at least one or more meal each week made from food that has not been processed.

33. Attempt to get supplies for free. This is good for your scrounging skills.

34. Go to garage sales, flea markets and try to pay for things by trading rather than using money. Sharpening your barter skills.

35. Start a trading system with other survival minded people. These are wonderful ways to practice post apocalyptic commerce.

36. Without endangering your safety, learn the ways that local homeless people get by with what they have and can find.

37. Go to your local supermarket and make a mental map of the store and where you can go as quickly as possible to get what you need when panic buying starts.

38. Find places to rapidly hide your food and supplies that are not already hidden. Desperate people will expect you give them everything you have, or will just take it from you.

39. Put together a safe room and spend some serious time there, only coming out to go to the bathroom.

40. Drive, walk, travel beforehand all your planned “escape routes” and calculate times to reach each place.

41. Have supplies ready, such as plywood to board up windows, to secure yourself from intruders that will try to break in.

42. Establish, made a list of human leeches around you that will take and give nothing in return and regard them as threats to your survival supplies.

43. Those with small children and pets, train them to go to a safe area by command. Even most animals are smart enough to listen.

44. Federal, state, local danger drills are way too infrequent for your mind to take hold. Make your emergency drills a daily or 3 times a week event.

45. Depending on your location write down in great detail what you can expect in various disastrous situations. This helps to prepare dealing with worst case scenarios.

46. Practice staying calm and thinking straight, breathing exercises, anything to keep you as collected during emergency situations.

47. Spend some nights sleeping outside, this can be in your backyard, camping trips, whatever to prepare you for when you are stuck outside.

48. Instead of using electronic devices, made a habit of using a piece of paper and a pen or pencil to write down things that are important and not important.

49. To avoid total boredom with this does happen learn to play various card and classic board games, anything that can entertain you and your family and friends that does not plug in.

50. Become a master of learning human idiosyncrasies (mannerisms), facial expressions, movements. This is invaluable when dealing with irrational and probably unsafe people after a calamity occurs.

The truly “ready” survivalist should be training themselves to be prepared to undergo things that are going to be vastly different and very difficult to adjust to and handle. By using some or all of these 50 prep tips now and before the aftermath of “the nightmare” that is coming, you will be more adapt to handling it. Add your personal preparation exercises to the 50 to make you even more mega disaster ready.

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Netanyahu warns Egypt losing control of growing terror groups in Sinai

Netanyahu - AP - Jan 19, 2011

PM says Hamas and international terror groups are strengthening presence in Egypt and that the country's military government is having trouble 'realizing its sovereignty' in Sinai.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Monday that Egypt's new military government was having a "hard time" controlling the rise of international terror organizations in the Sinai Peninsula.

"Egypt is having a hard time realizing its sovereignty in Sinai," Netanyahu said during a meeting of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. "International terror organizations are stirring in Sinai and their presence is increasing due to Sinai's connection to Gaza."

Netanyahu also warned that Hamas is getting stronger and that Israel is concerned for its future in the region, in particular with its peace partners Egypt and Jordan.

"Hamas is strengthening in Egypt," Netanyahu said. "It transferred more of its activities to Egypt and less to Syria due to the turmoil there. The Muslim Brotherhood is also not an insignificant player in Egypt."

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Pump failure nearly brings No. 5 to a boil

The seawater pump in the cooling system for the Fukushima power plant's No. 5 reactor broke down Saturday evening, prompting repair crews to install a backup pump 15 hours later on Sunday afternoon, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said.

Tepco discovered the pump had stopped at 9 p.m. Saturday but didn't announce it to the public until Sunday morning.

The beleaguered utility said it notified the local and central governments of the situation on Saturday evening.

The seawater pump was set up after the reactor's original pumps were knocked out by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. It was part of the critical Residual Heat Removal System that was later used to safely ease the reactor into a cold shutdown on March 20.

Unlike reactors 1 through 4, No. 5 is less at risk of meltdown because it was not damaged by hydrogen blasts as some of the others were and because workers managed to restore external power to its cooling system.

The pump had been taking in seawater for the RHRS's heat exchanger, which uses it to cool down fresh water being used to regulate the temperature of the reactor and its spent fuel pool.

The cause of the pump's failure was not immediately known but was likely caused by seawater fouling some of its parts, Tepco spokesman Junichi Matsumoto told a news conference Sunday morning.

By noon Sunday, the core had reached a temperature of 93.6 degrees and the fuel pool had reached 46 degrees, compared with 68 degrees and 41 degrees, respectively, at 9 p.m. Saturday.

The backup pump kicked in at 12:31 p.m., bringing the core back down to 83 degrees by 1 p.m., a Tepco spokeswoman said by phone later Sunday.

The temperature of the core must stay below 100 degrees to maintain cold shutdown status. Anything above might cause the water to evaporate and expose the fuel rods.

Tepco began setting up the backup pump at 8 a.m. Sunday. Matsumoto said Tepco didn't start until morning because the temperatures of both facilities were rising slowly and an emergency water-injection system was available for unit 5.

"We judged that it's better to wait for the morning, rather than to start working while it's dark. We didn't think it would pose any immediate danger," Matsumoto said.

"Even if the temperature (of the core) reaches 100 degrees, the alternative water-injection system is available," he said.

Still, Matsumoto admitted that "it might have been better" to notify the media sooner about the pump's failure.

Tepco is under fire for failing to disclose information fully and quickly since the nuclear crisis began on March 11. The quake and tsunami severely damaged units 1, 2, 3 and 4 at Fukushima No. 1, but Nos. 5 and 6 were already shut for regular inspections at the time of the disaster.

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Millions face food poverty as northern Europe is hit by worst drought in 35 years

Farmer feeds his cattle hay

NARD Maquis's cattle would normally be grazing in the lush green pastures of the Limousin region in central France at this time of year. Instead, they are eating hay intended for the winter after months of drought that has turned the fields yellow.

He is wondering whether it might be better to sell his cows at a reduced price rather find himself without fodder by the end of the autumn. "I'm starting to sleep badly," he said.

Mr Maquis is not alone. With Northern Europe facing its worst drought since 1976, politicians in the West are expecting protests from farmers, consumer discontent and a strain on budgets.

Third World nations are braced for riots as Europe's heat wave creates a rise in food prices and drives millions deeper into poverty.

"We are in a situation of crisis and of crisis management," said Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, the French Ecology Minister.

Meteorologists say that Northern Europe has had 50 per cent less rain than normal over the past two months, while temperatures have been 4C higher than usual.

In France, water restrictions have been implemented across more than half of the country and the drought is already comparable to 1976, when a heat wave wrecked the annual harvest.

The difference, according to Michele Blanchard, an engineer in the climatology division of Meteo-France, the French weather office, is that "in 1976 the high temperatures came in June, not in April".

Germany has had twice as many hours of sunshine as it would normally expect in the spring. Some German regions have had just 5 per cent of their standard rainfall. "We desperately need rain," said Andrea Adams, spokeswoman for the Farmers' Association in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany.

She said that the wheat was yellow, the sugar beet had barely grown at all and the rye was "curling up and dying".

In the Limousin, Mr Maquis said that the corn to fatten his cattle in the winter should be 20cm high by now. "But it's just vegetating," he said, raising the prospect that he will have to buy in fodder. "But at the price we have to pay, it's not even worth trying. We may as well just shut up shop."

The Australian

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Celente predicts gold standard won't save US economy

Sometimes controversial trends analyzer Gerald Celente is forecasting that a return to the gold standard will not be enough to save the US economy from collapsing.

Celente is the publisher of Trends Journal and a consultant and adviser to many of America's top corporations. Celente has no ax to grind and calls himself a political atheist. An author, Celente appears regularly on many of the mainstream media's most watched news programs. He is prolific with his predictions on emerging trends concerning global finances and major historic turning points.

Recently he was asked his opinion on the idea of the US returning to the gold standard.

Although a solid core of gold bugs have advocated the US return to the gold standard for decades, many economists thought the idea radical and unworkable in the changing world economy. Now, however, more people and states are seriously considering the idea to stabilize the dollar and forestall a future currency crisis such as that experienced by the German Republic during the 1920s.

Recently, the state of Utah passed a law authorizing the minting of state gold and silver currency as a hedge against inflation and the weakening dollar.

People such as Steve Forbes have jumped on the gold bandwagon. Mr. Forbes said, "A return to the gold standard by the United States within the next five years now seems likely, since that move would help the nation solve a variety of economic, fiscal and monetary ills."

But Celente disagrees that returning to the gold standard will save the US economy. When asked if gold is a panacea for America's financial woes, Celente responded: "No, because the business of America is war…as opposed to the business of China is business. The United States has drained the Treasury before our eyes."


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Coming this summer.... $5 gas

Thought for fuel: Oil prices already are sky high for the Memorial Day holiday, but gas is expected to go even higher later in the summer, banks believe.

The forecast for the summer driving season: Hit the road early. Not to beat the traffic, but to beat the higher gas prices expected in mid-July.

Goldman Sachs' crystal ball is proclaiming that oil will soon soar to $135 a barrel, and likely have service stations jacking up fuel prices to $5 a gallon in New York just like the summer of 2008 that preceded the recession.

Indeed, analysts say Goldman and the other oil trading giant that also has the might to move prices, JPMorgan Chase, have already placed their energy bets for the summer. JPMorgan predicts oil hitting $130 a barrel in the coming weeks.

Despite all the turmoil in the Middle East associated with the Arab Spring rioting, oil has fallen to the $100 level, closing out May with a stunning 12 percent drop.

But before the storm, the calm. There appears to be a backlash by some oil-pit analysts.

"Whoever would buy into these rising prices is just paying homage (to Wall Street firms) and helping the speculative positions," said one oil trading source familiar with energy bets of Wall Street trading desks.

Gas prices, meanwhile, should benefit from the brief respite in oil prices.

"We should be seeing some big declines at the gas pumps after Memorial Day," said energy analyst Peter Beutel of Cameron Hanover.

"Wholesale prices have been dropping, and that could cause some serious revisions downward at the pumps," he said.

"The competition is fierce among the retailers, and whoever lowers his price first gets a big jump on everyone else and a lot of new business."

Pump prices have dropped about 10 cents a gallon this week, while wholesale prices at the Nymex have steadily skidded 50 cents a gallon in the past two weeks.

Those declines came despite upward pressure on wholesale prices here in the past two days due to speculation that Mississippi River flooding could disrupt Gulf Coast refineries.

At the start of the Memorial Day holiday, the national average for gas was $3.80 a gallon.

Tom Kloza, an analyst at Oil Price Information Services, expects gas to fall to between $3.50 and $3.60 between now and the July 4 holiday.
NY Post

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/the_living_easy_the_driving_is_hard_9mzb1aAfj4bpC8X63YYKhI#ixzz1NqK38TJQ

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Greek leaders fail to agree as IMF deadline looms

Greek leaders meeting in Athens have failed to agree on Prime Minister George Papandreou's new austerity plan.

Conservative leader Antonis Samaras rejected the measures, saying they would "flatten the Greek economy and destroy Greek society".

Mr Papandreou, a Socialist, had been trying to secure cross-party agreement for further cuts.

The chairman of the eurozone finance ministers has warned the IMF may not extend further bail-out payments.

Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker said IMF rules might stop it paying because Greece could not guarantee its solvency for the next year.

Mr Papandreou's government began a programme of privatisations on Thursday, but Mr Juncker has said the privatisation plan needs to be more ambitious.

A 12bn-euro ($17bn; £10bn) payment is due to be made to Greece on 29 June, 3.3bn euros of which should come from the IMF.

It is the fifth tranche of the 110bn-euro loan package from the EU and IMF and has not yet received final approval.

Mr Juncker said the IMF was assuming that if it decided not to make the payment, the EU would step in and make it instead, although he said that countries such as Germany, Finland and the Netherlands may oppose that.'Correct errors'

In an interview with the Aachener Zeitung newspaper, the President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, also urged Greece to ensure financial stability.

"Greece must implement the programme fully and rigorously; this is very important to correct the errors of the past," he is reported to have said.

Under the terms of the bail-out, Greece was supposed to go to the financial markets to borrow 24bn euros in 2012.

However, as Greece has missed its deficit reduction targets, the chances of it being able to borrow money commercially next year are very small.

The IMF would like the EU to agree to make up the shortfall if necessary through a second bail-out package, but that could be unpopular among northern European taxpayers.

An IMF spokeswoman confirmed that the Fund would be unable to lend more money to Greece unless it was sure that next year's financing gap would be filled.

"We never lend when we don't have an assurance that there will be no gap," said Caroline Atkinson at a briefing in Washington.

"That is how we maintain the safety of our members' money."

But a spokesman for Mr Juncker later said that if the EU and IMF inspectors currently in Athens could be convinced by new Greek austerity measures, there would be no problem with the next tranche of loans.



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Report: Iran sending forces to assist in Syria crackdowns

Iran sending members of elite Quds force as well as weapons, riot gear, sophisticated surveillance equipment to use against Syria government opposition.

U.S. officials said that Iran is assisting Syrian President Bashar Assad's violent crackdown on protesters, sending trainers and advisers to suppress opposition, according to a Washington Post report.

Iran has sent members of its elite Quds force, whom the United States has recently sanctioned in response to the 10 weeks of brutal Syrian government quashing of protests, to help the Syrian government, Iran's most important ally in the region.

Manpower is only one of the forms of assistance Iran has sent to Syria, the report said, with the Islamist government sending weapons, riot gear and sophisticated surveillance equipment that allows Syrian authorities to trace and find opposition members through Facebook and Twitter accounts.

The surveillance system has reportedly prompted the arrest of hundreds of Syrians in recent weeks, two U.S. officials and a diplomat from an allied nation told the Washington Post, all speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the information.


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